AlternateSelection ago

Mother and sister are 100% eager to do just that.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

On behalf of Misogynist Inc I'd like to thank @BARBARA_ for her contributions, daft as they were, noting this is a free-speech message board, and encourage her to participate in future discussions on this important subject. She gave as good as she got.

Doglegwarrior ago

I am fine with women having exactly equal rights. I am not fine with shit like title 9 and the wnba where women are given welfare like incentives and told yep your just as good as men. I dont give a fuck if a woman is a firefighter but you dont lower standards you say this is the definition of a firefighter yiu have to pass this standard test for men or women and you dont lower it. same for millitary police what ever.

zxcvzxcv ago

This is why the Bible claims only 1 in a thousand men are worthy, but zero women are worthy.

1Smedleys_butler ago

Reminds me of when I said to my ex, "a government that can give you anything can take away everything", to which she incredulously replied, that's not true.

Had plenty of arguments like that. Convinced her on some things, but a total sucker for most bullshit. At least we had common ground on hating Muslims. I commend her on that

charliebrownau ago

Women are NEVER EVER held account for their own invidual choices and actions,

most under 50 refuse to

- self reflect

- self actualise

- admit they are wrong

No Goverment in the entire WORLD holds women accountable


Not Russia

Not EU

Nor AU+NZ+UK+CA+USA or South korea/Japan

Women get double standards, lower punishment and PUSSY PASS via DUTHAL Model added by jewish "" feminism" in the 60-70s

If your willing to admit and come to the realisation that TAXIATION is


Wealth redistrubtion

and state force theif

Its also done via Marriage "Divorce", Alimony and child "support"

Child support is state forced welfare funded by MALES

Women typically get everything on a fucking platter and constant leg over and are never fucking happy

If you want to discover the truth about female NATURE thats built into ALL females at the genetic level, check out MGTOW online via Bitchute/forums/etc

Global ZIonist LEFT have used WOMEN as tools for the white race destruction, just as the jews have used


low iq people

braiwashed wankers

and the "education" univiersities and Media Mainsteam

Most ethnic Nationalists be it left wing national socialists or right wing ethnic nationalists

are willing to deal with mens issues raised by MRA and MGTOW communities/males

they typically use the same tatics that normies, blue pills, trad cucks , christians and women use

- Shaming

- Emotional abuse

- Your not a man if you dont do X

you just need to "MAN UP"

Yet these same things are never held to the same standard for women

GameBOB64 ago

Your preaching to the choir.

BJW0414 ago

overall, women aren't causing the problems. the problems are being caused by billionaire psychopath zionists.

but, i agree that many women will trade their freedom - and mens' - for perceived security. and it's even worse when women sell-out for their "career". the worst are women in politics and media. they have no soul.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Trade freedom fo security. FTFY

SearchVoatBot ago

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ManchesterT ago

Passing the 19th amendment was the biggest mistake in US history. No one considered the fact that it could never be reversed because with the lifespan difference, women became the majority of voters. Good luck convincing them of their inability to make good decisions

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Way back, when there were only a couple thousand subs, r/theredpill had good advice about 'how to be the male half of a partnership'. Then over time, it constantly made the "worst subs on reddit" lists, and the demographic changed into angry guys looking for a place to vent about their 'challenges'. Just a random offtopic thought.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Those are the creepiest things ever.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

they will trade security for freedom all day long

Thats the smaller problem.

They'll let in invaders to let you and him fight and fuck the winner. They cant be loyal to their tribe, because their biological imperative forces them to foment conflict between men to be able to pick the stronger one.

meisterofsocks ago

Snake Diet is key to helping everyone!!! Checkout the Cole's Youtube channel.

Patti_McGreen ago

Stop stereotyping. You're hanging out with the wrong women. I am a woman. And my closest g/fs and I are fireballs that will not be manipulated!

charliebrownau ago

Stop refusing the TRUTH, FACTS, EVIDENCE and DATA

ALL WOMEN are the same

ALL WOMEN have access to the SAME LAWS

ALL WOMEN reject accountablity

ALL WOMEN avoid respolbities for their own actions/choices

slwsnowman40 ago

You sure about that?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Wait, weren't you a lifelong democrat?

boekanier ago

Women are credulous, especially when threatened with real or perceived danger, they lose any sense of relativity

PaulNeriAustralia ago

yes, it makes our task as protectors more difficult than it needs to be. Noting that humans mostly learn by their mistakes, and not wishing ill on the silly cows, a fright might wake them up?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

the hallmark of the female is ... they are difficult. In any situation females always cause trouble whether it's attention-seeking behaviour or an inability to be a team-player. The sexes need to be kept apart as much as possible, particularly in the work place, police and the armed services.

mediaisfooked ago

I am often surprised when they say something like ," not all muslims are bad." Really? I would like to buy them a ticket to Saudi, let them become someone's property for awhile, and see what they think about that.

gibsmegibs ago


neuschwabia ago

Watching women attack other women in a office environment showed me they are self serving narcissistic twits.

Giving women the "right" to vote was a terrible error and should be reversed.

Very few women are capable of reasoning, they emote then extort if emoting does not work.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Remember that 60's show - "How to Marry a Millionaire"? Says it all.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

funnily enough last night I watched a show about a monkey colony in Ethiopia and the Alpha Male was forced out by "batchelors" and the compere said the females weren't fussy about which male became their leader and promptly allowed themselves to be serviced by the newcomers! No loyalty. Sluts!

SirNiggsalot ago

Brown kids are poor and sad, let them all in

PaulNeriAustralia ago

yep and they'll grow up and make us poor and sad. Makes sense.

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago

The heart of woman is fear, whereas the heart of a man is humor.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Females don't have hearts they have small primitive brains.

Doglegwarrior ago

id say the heart of a man is pride with gallows humor to sustain them

Kungflu_Master ago

Absolutes have no place in rational discussion. No, not all women trust the government. I have seen a lot of idiot men who love to lick government boots. Clearly it's not simply a gender issue. If you want to get to the root of the problem you are going to have to look deeper than "she has a vagina so she must be stupid and easily led by authority figures"

Doglegwarrior ago

jews is my simple bottom of the rabbit hole answer

Kungflu_Master ago


B166-ER ago

Its called the redpill... welcome to the early 2000's.

Merlynn ago

It's not just women. My dumbass brother believes the MSM on everything.

Ps37-27 ago

Save it. This is a woman bashing thread.

Incel faggots bitching at it’s finest

sometosser ago

Most women should not even be allowed to speak, much less to vote.

bitbug ago

If we took away women's suffrage things would improve.

shinbones ago

Cui bono?

J_Darnley ago

Surely you mean "they will trade freedom for security".

Doglegwarrior ago

god damn dyslexia strikes again!

Whiteflourguy ago

I see woman everyday holding papers they printed off the Governments site wth "facts about the virus. Fuck that Our Government is scum.

bezzy ago

Yeah but they will follow you if you aren’t a faggot and do something.

jrpeterson ago


Anson ago

Women are the destroyers of civilization

PaulNeriAustralia ago

their wombs certainly are!

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Chalk that up as the "NO SHIT" post of the day.

Doglegwarrior ago

thats funny i used to always post that when I saw a blatantly obvious post. well played. I guess i get mad because I see so many women forced down our throats as heros leaders warriors I just saw an army commercial thrid shot in was a woman with mud on her face. sure sure ya jew got ya we see your message loud and clear

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I don't blame you. Women's suffrage was the biggest mistake of all.

Maddmartigan ago

They are indeed the weaker vessel.

GoyimNose ago

Men are the problem for allowing such a government to exist, women are doing exactly what they should be doing

Obrez ago

This is true but the virus is real and you should stay home until we have better treatments more widely available.

If the virus is blood borne as new hypotheses suggest it can cause sterility in men.

Leveraction ago

Women are ALL about themselves, period!! They cannot figure out which end of a hammer to use, but just ask them,..."they are soooo self sufficient" except,...when they're not. When that happens, all of a sudden their other personality comes out.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

yep "Women are ALL about themselves". Essentially they are parasites.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

That agreement is suppose to be men and women.

Warnos44 ago

Yes, direct your disdain, disgust, hatred, condescension at the woman.

Totally not the government, education, TV, magazines, books, movies, advertisement, or pharma pouring billions of dollars over the last hundreds years specifically targeting them, your children, and you in order to break the family strength to make society weak, alone, easy prey to move along with the flow of elite intentions. Total and complete mental, emotional, cultural assault from the moment you're old enough to see any of these things is zero excuse for the inability to resist programming.

Fucking idiots. Find the real enemy. It's not your women.

Anarchy99 ago

That's because the men in European culture are not strong enough to stand up to the Jews.

neuschwabia ago

Some tried, America bombed them back in to the stone age.

Doglegwarrior ago

I agree. but its not strength we are lacking clearilly if a vastpy superior alien race came down and said only one race can live her and gives us 10 years the chincks or white europeans gonna win.

ch3f4554551n ago

Godless women will.

xzars_folly ago

Why do think that Jew-media always shows a nigger-man with a white WOMAN, never ever a black woman with a white man. Because women are emotional-thinkers, and naturally submissive. To create a mixed race masses of servile workers you blend low IQ blacks with white women while killing as many white men as possible.

And look at the deaths. OVERWHELMINGLY early deaths from all causes are white men. And the Jew-media intentionally sweeps it under the rug that 3 out of 4 suicides are white men, that most accidents are white men, that most early deaths from drugs and health problems are white men.

Its also why nigger culture focuses on destroying the worth of nigger men, and focuses hard on encouraging nigger men engage self-destructive and anti-solical behavior like being a gang-bangers or a drug dealer. That way the majority of nigger males will be either felons or dead by 30 years old. Then they mix them with white women because they know the nigger-dads won't even be there to raise the kids.

At least if white men mixed with black women, white men raise their kids and instill in them solid, white values, the values that build the most powerful civilization in history. Sure the mullatos are half niggers, but at least they would be raised with some effort. Granted that is theory. I know a white-man (a cop no less) and black-women couple and all their kids are single parent slackers, the boys are deadbeat dads, and they are all and NEETS. can lead a nigger to civilization...but you can't make it human.

If you want to genocide a race, you always focus on their MEN, because its the men that organize, build, and fight back. Its the men that think and use logic. In short a society is only as a good as its men. Sure some strong women exist but they are like 1 out of 15 women.

offender ago

"I know WAY too many 25-40 year old housewives who do nothing but Netflix and farmville ALL DAY LONG, leaving the kids to run the streets or be raised by the TV and pornhub, and then scoff and screams "the patriarchy" if their whipped cuck of a man dares asks for dinner after working all day to support her Sephora (overpriced cosmetics) and Facebook addictions."

This. It's funny how you don't see very many dads like this. Most drug-addict dads still care about their kids.

xzars_folly ago

Honestly...women are raised to be narcissisist. See women have ALWAYS been worth more to society than men because 1 woman = 1 baby and in the past breeding and birthrates were everything to the success for failure of a civilization.

Men are largely broken of their child-like narcisssism early one because society tells them even as boys you are worth nothing but what you give to the world. so they are forced to grow up and become a benefit to the world to have any place in it. Men who don't have anything to give as openly derided as completely worthless. But a complete lazy ass worthless bitch of a woman is shill HIGHLY praised if she even passably cute. Think about how this retards them at the toddler-like state of "the world exists to serve me."

Patriarchy existed to curb this, to show women if you don't give something, you are worthless, that just having a vagina is not a ticket to life. It punished severely women who used their vaginas to get ahead in life, and extract concessions from weaker willed men. Modern "3rd Wave" feminism has destroyed everything. 1st wave was the 1 out of 15 who wanted to fight for the right to work and be useful. 2n wave was the attention grabbers. 3rd is now nearly all women abusing all men around them, being protected by the media/culture, and saying "I have the right to be fully supported by male servants and the world exists to give me things because I have a vagina"

PaulNeriAustralia ago

"women are raised to be narcissisist". Look at Instagram etc where the silly cows parade around in their g-strings like pieces of mutton and then wonder why they are viewed as sex objects - if you quack like a duck...

Gravspeed ago

you know the wrong women.

the blue haired weirdos sure. the God fearing ones that think for themselves are seeing right through this.

even my mom (super liberal) has a healthy distrust of this situation.

Doglegwarrior ago

ive seen every type of woman freak out over this and every type of liberal pussy man as well. but I do agree with what you say as well

blumen4alles ago

Repeal the 19th amendment!!!

auto_turret ago

When I hear the COVID press conference briefings on the radio given by my state, and realize every voice is a woman's voice, I begin to understand the extreme fuckedness of our situation.

itssomatic ago

This is going to be comparable to, or worse than, 9-11.

Ok, Fallopian.

fundie ago

That and the feminized western “male”. There’s a reason for the push to feminize men and to destroy their masculinity

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Women's natural instinct is to find a mate who is a provider, protector, and a ideal specimen for reproduction. The welfare state gives women a prime opportunity to, in redpill speak, to "Alpha fucks Beta bucks". In the case of the West, the governments (tax payers) are cucks.

With birthcontrol, the game changed when they could fuck the chad and not have to carry his baby, unless he's rich, in which case it's the plan to trap him with a baby.

Best solution is to remain ignorant of this and try to make as many white babies and raise them for the first seven years with the mother, then take custody of the children in the inevitable divorce. You should prepare for a divorce and build a paper trail to demonstrate that you are the most fit parent. She may not even want the kids, just alimony, which you should prepare for because it's a life long severance package.

Doglegwarrior ago

i have a plan. involves a single mom 1 child. father was a liberal lost his chance. i told her strait up that first kid is yours the next three are ours. she is down with it. might only get 2 kids but hoping for 3

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Good luck.

Heathcliff ago

Men are the problem. We gave women the right to vote.

AgentSakura ago

Simp pussy faggot manginas

But who can blame them as they are conditioned by our gynocentric culture. We have been pussified from birth by our boomer parents and governments.

Our virility has been lost to generations of imposed faggotry from our ZOG overlords.

bdmthrfkr ago

After I FINALLY got it through my wife's "it's just a flu bro" head that it isn't just a flu she went straight into action and we prepped hard. Now she doesn't believe a word that she hears on TV and also had to admit that I'm not a crazy loonie since I was demonstrably right and she was painfully wrong.

They will come around; it just takes an unprecedented event, years and years of subtle redpilling and the fear that her children will be either hurt or killed. At least it worked for me.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

mate, I had a f..king bushfire burning at the top of the hill and I begged the missus to let me take her to the evacuation centre but she didn't want to "sit in the car for hours". Sirens were screaming in the street. She said: Oh it's just the Police chasing speeding youths" because she saw speeding cars. Yes, there were speeding cars because the f..king fire had spread down the hill and was at the end of the street. I then took her to the evacuation centre and lost over an hour that could have been used defending the house. The fire eventually came to within 50 metres of the back fence.

Kaige ago

Part of the problem is the underlying effort to convince women to marry the government and not a husband.

thebearfromstartrack ago

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want what they want when they want it, then when that proves unsatisfactory YOU have to change AGAIN! NOTHING is their fault OR their responsibility. They think ROBBING people is charity for instance. They think everyone (except them) is equal. They have no idea what KNOWING is. Mass media vomits nothing but lies about their virtues and talents. They are vindictive and threatening within the system. Like niggers you are NOT ALLOWED to offend them OR criticize them. They LOVE (like niggers and other parasites like celebrities) to KISS their OWN asses in public. They are professional victims.

charliebrownau ago

This is why




should not be in real disussion to solve issues

When you have those 3 groups you cant tell the uncensored brutal truth , you constantly get presured to pander to mah offense and mah feelings

thebearfromstartrack ago

I know a lawyer named Charlie Brown.

We used to own something together (Family, not me personally). Do you know what it is? (pop quiz).

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I know what women want - everything!

thebearfromstartrack ago


AgentSakura ago

Victim Culture runs deep but white men are the victims. We are denied our birth right in every form.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Achievement is NOT privilege, unless you're evil. THAT is the difference. NOT ALL of us are evil. WE built this nation.

i_scream_trucks ago

they will trade security for freedom all day long

which is what long term monogamous coupling was meant to be about. at least from their side.

ninjageek97 ago

women naturally need a man to take care of them and make decisions for them. it’s just human nature

when they have this “false” sense of empowerment they only think about their safety and comfort no matter how temporary or illusory...they aren’t sensible and incapable of making logical longterm decisions


women naturally need a man to take care of them and make decisions for them.

That's why single women have significantly longer lifespans than single men. Oh wait...

ninjageek97 ago

i didn’t say single men are smart they’re dumb too but the difference is men will know instinctively what needs to be done to succeed and they’ll do it. meanwhile women will complain whine or steal from other women and men to get ahead


men will know instinctively what needs to be done to succeed and they’ll do it

Lol, no they don't. Men are biologically unable to take care of themselves, and if you leave them alone, they die even faster. Marriage was invented as a way to keep men from self-destructing.

ninjageek97 ago

ok you make a valid point

PaulNeriAustralia ago

marriage was invented to keep men on the porch.

Gubamaharama ago

Men always choose chaos over order, oh no. Freedom is fools gold.

bluedeath ago

We have turncoat assholes like Teddy Roosevelt to thank for this. Had women's not been gifted voting power we would not be dealing with a collapsing government.

HeebyKneegrow ago

All women are legally retarded

pizza_mine ago

Your title is confused and you’ve got it backwards. Trading security for freedom is not a problem. I choose freedom over security. Now, gIving up freedom for security is a huge problem! I think you should’ve said: “they will trade freedom for security all day long” or are trying to pull off a case of the ol’switcharoo?

Doglegwarrior ago

I dont normaly apoligize but god damn i do have slight dyslexia and I guess it kicked in... it normaly is only with numbers but I screwed the pooch on this one. feel free to bash me and call me a retard.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

hey bro, I'm dyslexic with numbers too! It's a terrible affliction and thank god for debit cards etc. or I'd be broke a long time ago.

Ozzsanity ago

Best thing to happen to a woman is if she dies during childbirth.

NicotinicAcid ago

You should probably consider not existing anymore. One of the most retarded statements I've read on here.

Ozzsanity ago

You're a newbie. Once you have been here a bit longer you will see even more retarded. In fact, I am betting it will be your own contribution.

NicotinicAcid ago

Nice reply, has nothing to do with what you said. Should your mom have died during birth? I'm assuming you hate her.

Ozzsanity ago

BWHAHAHAHAHAA You are going to have a tough time around here. I suggest you find a safer pasture. I am curious, are you a cunt or just a mommas boy? Now back to the topic. You see when I was born the people of my village took my mother and beheaded her for birthing me. This is where I got the idea.

NicotinicAcid ago

You're boring dude.

Ozzsanity ago

Here is a life hint. If you find something boring it's best just to move on. It's really a simple concept and one I think you are capable of grasping. Of course, in all honesty, I would imagine when you come upon a pile of dog shit you don't step over it. You sit and contemplate it for a time. Let's see if you can free yourself from the tedium. Since you won't answer the question I am sure you're a cunt.

NicotinicAcid ago

Why are you still writing to me? You're literally retarded. Enjoy being single for the rest of your life.

Ozzsanity ago

Because I like you. Ahh, the tell. Yes, you are a cunt. Only cunts are that needy that they place such importance on a partner. By the way yeast hole you can stop replying at any time. I know that is a difficult concept for the female mind but maybe when pointed out you will figure it out. Hopefully you can free yourself from my retardation. As previously stated. A woman should die during childbirth. It really would be better for them.

NicotinicAcid ago

You're a loser.

Ozzsanity ago

Especially at Blackjack. I figured you would not be able to extract yourself from the situation. It's one of the qualities in a woman that is most endearing. That's what makes a woman such an easy target. They can't control themselves or their bitter anger. Of course, I can understand that after all, they are a woman.

NicotinicAcid ago


Ozzsanity ago

Does that stand for Lesbian? You have that kind of anger and hatred so it would make sense. It must suck having that nasty gash to clean every day.

NicotinicAcid ago


Ozzsanity ago

Well now you are just boring. I am sure that is your regular status. I can tell as you are a cunt getting the last word in is very important. After all, you don't have much else. So I will let you get another letter in before I block your smelly fetid cunt. That is unless you can come up with something a bit more creative. If you can accomplish that I will respond. How bitter and frigid your whore mother must have been to spit out your angry ass.

NicotinicAcid ago


justlurkingyo ago

It's called "sexpionage".

In the old days it was single targets, now it's ALL men targeted by women, brainwashed by TV. Women have extra white matter, which means they believe anything they see.

Basically you're fucked.

Ozzsanity ago

The soul of a woman was created below.

itssomatic ago

Disagree, Kikes transfered their spirit into the souls of some women.

Crikes ago

This is like blaming children after we allow a family with 3 or more kids to vote on whether or not they do homework, eating spinach or ice cream, whether or not they'll invest in books and reading, or a TV and video games.

The buck stops with men. We must realize that everything is poisoned, and defend our homes from it. Women and children are being exploited. They're not the root of the problem. The root of the problem is men who have passed the buck, and who have turned away from liberty.

Men, you job is to insulate your women and children from poison, and if you don't have women or children, to find a woman whose Dad protected her from poison, create a family, and protect it from poison.

The United States government is corrupted, and will try to prevent this. In fact they bribe women with a take of the loot if they will separate children from their fathers.

Find unpoisoned women that won't take the bribe, and together protect your children from poison.

charliebrownau ago

Its not logically worth having a




until society is willing to grant men AUTHOIRITY over





Crikes ago

Stop thinking someone else can/will fix things for you.

Stop passing the buck.

Refuse to not have a family with a woman who agrees with proper alignment of family.

There is no other way "society", or anyone else, can/will grant anything.

If you're not man enough, you're not man enough, but most men are, and all men (at least men with fathers) can be. Men just must internalize, and say no more.

jthun2 ago

" Women and children are being exploited. They're not the root of the problem."

Bullcrap. Women demanded political power, then encouraged massive welfare states that give away resources to low IQ, predatory, rapacious third world invaders.

No one forced them to hold these beliefs. Most white women are as dumb as rocks.

Liberty is part of the problem. Females have too much liberty, including sexual liberty. There is a reason that Hindu and Islamic birthrates are still way above replacement. Libertarianism is a loser philosophy for white people without children. No one else on earth finds it compelling.

jthun2 ago

Women are mostly useless when it comes to threat recognition. Mostly, there are exceptions, but 99% are useless.

They are designed to pop out children. That's it. They seek the most famous, powerful alpha males with whom to breed, as well as comfort and security. They have better ability than males when it comes to multitasking, dealing with family issues, empathy, etc, but generally they are not capable of recognizing threats. I mean, even in the UK the stupid white women just shrug when told of Muslim rape gangs that target children.

Never ever let women have any role in shaping public policy.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

you're absolutely right - "Women are mostly useless when it comes to threat recognition". I think the silly cows are just dumb.

Drunkenst ago


Can’t live with ‘em...,

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Shitskins are the problem.

AllInAllNo ago

They can't vote. Giving them welfare makes them non-monogamous.

Abortion should be illegal, it's baby murder.

Only land owners should be able to vote. I don't own land, so me included. It makes people buy into a place.

Women will do anything for someone they feel sorry for, they can't be in charge of anything outside a family for that reason.

Completely manipulatable. They still believe 77 cents BS.

charliebrownau ago

Actually in my view voting needs to change :-

Over 25 years old

+ citizen


  1. Served armed forces for 5 years
  2. Worked for 5 years fulltime
  3. Ran business for 5 years

This way part time/unemployed , imports dont fuck up the nation voting

ALSO it must take 10 years for all imports to become CITIZENS

just like Japan

during that time no welfare/social security and you cant marry

AllInAllNo ago

Rome said 30 to vote. And couldn't sign contracts under 20 or 25 without parent cosign

slwsnowman40 ago

Are we ending property taxes? Property taxes are you paying the state to live on that piece of land. And for proof of that, just short the government your property tax bill once communism lite ends and all those bills come due.

AllInAllNo ago

Certainly income tax should be removed in a more fair world as it's equal exchange of labor.

Property tax is different in that it's community building, but obviously also means you never truly own anything.

Property tax usually delineates full libterarianism, which is utopian silliness.

Profits should be taxed, not income. Most taxes should be tarriffs

slwsnowman40 ago

I think a sales or use tax (gas taxes for example) better serves the community than property taxes. Property taxes are just evil and ensures you are a slave to some extent to the state.

Tariffs used to fund 90+% of the fed government, and then the Fed was founded.

AllInAllNo ago

I agree with you on both points. I would rather zero property tax. Usage tax is better where needed.

Doglegwarrior ago

man that was so fucking accurate. thanks for the reply/comment

Cucky_Sanders ago

I understand the sentiment but land ownership will be controlled by fewer and fewer people. The Über rich

Can all ready see this happening in real time

AllInAllNo ago

We also need to jail and execute white collar criminals.


Women will do anything for someone they feel sorry for, they can't be in charge of anything outside a family for that reason.

I feel sorry for you but I won't do shit for you.

BearDolphin1488 ago

You should read the American feminist authors story, "regret"

I think you might like it

AllInAllNo ago

Don't care.

this_place_blows_too ago

We're not talking about you specifically, little child. But thanks for calling attention to yourself. We know you can't help it.

I know it's hard to grasp the concept when you're a spoiled brat that has never grown up, but you are not the center of the universe. When adults are talking, unless you have something important to say that isn't centered around yourself, it's polite to keep your yapper shut.

Cant_Call_It ago

I'd change the land owner part to each family gets 1 vote. Meaning a married man and woman gets 1 vote.

I agree with giving it to land owners except I'd expect that would just turn into Jews splitting up 1 piece of land into 100 different properties. It would be hard to keep up with and too easy for the richest people game the system.

Obrez ago

I've considered the land owner vote before I think each person only gets one vote(of they get a vote at all) and the right to vote should only be given freely to straight white men of moral character(no criminal record). Land ownership and businesses ownership are the next qualifiers, a felony would still nullify your voting rights.

The issue here is that creating a sole proprietorship is easy to do if all you need it for is a vote, and owning land could be gamed by some california subversive plot selling one yard by one yard plots for a few bucks.

Simple laws being best; white men get a vote and land owning widows get a vote, felons get no vote.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

some california subversive plot selling one yard by one yard plots for a few bucks.

Take a look at those prices for a square foot of California land, then pay your $6 for a square inch.

To be fair, it's probably astronomically cheaper in some God-forsaken place like Modesto.

Obrez ago

Square feet would refer to floor space in a home, not just a square foot of grass. That said, Yeah I'm sure you would see groups selling that cheap land out in the desert.

xzars_folly ago

The current legal definition the US uses is "households" so it also covers renters. Because if it was only land onwers, guess what Tribe of people own most of the land in major cities?

Plavonica ago

Net tax payer. Earn your way to a vote. Went to public school? Pay it back. Went on public assistance? Pay it back.

Civil and Military service will also allow you to earn your vote.

Very quickly it will be a mostly male, mostly white, heavily landowning class of voters. This method allows some women and such to earn a vote, but they would have to earn that vote.

AllInAllNo ago

I think 5% of women can be responsible. But I think that is not good enough. So 0%

Whydotheycallthem9s ago

The flip-flopping of ideology when it suits certain narratives evident in your post history is quite fascinating.

AllInAllNo ago

Such as?

Maybe you aren't capable of nuance.

sonofaboomer ago

They shouldn't even be allowed to be in charge of the family. Best I can do is give 49%, even in peace time. Never give away your veto rights.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

They shouldn't even be allowed to be in charge of the womb. We shouldn't trust females with such a dangerous weapon - at least without proper training.

AllInAllNo ago

I mean kids and home decor and stuff.

Buying groceries Obviouslyy not everything, even there.

They are good at over concern.

Othmar_Regin ago

We must take the Voat away from Wamans it's the FINAL SOLUTION!

Smokybubbles ago

Women are only useful idiots who believe they are acting for their own benefit, but are too stupidly narcissistic to see that they are being manipulated to facilitate the downfall of society.


Women are only useful idiots who believe they are acting for their own benefit, but are too stupidly narcissistic to see that they are being manipulated to facilitate the downfall of society.

This is exactly what someone who is too stupidly narcissistic to see that they are being manipulated to facilitate the downfall of society would say. Are you a woman? Or just a faggot incapable of self reflection?

GrizzlyDark ago

Somehow it seems women can't use "faggot" without sounding like retards. It's one of those things... like how they literally just are not funny when they try to tell jokes... It just sounds like they are trying too hard. I dunno.

Women can make me laugh, but its only through playful banter, etc. When they aren't trying.

And I agree, you sound like an over-emotional cunt which is what the op and many others are trying to say.

aconitome ago

It sounds like you've just been burned by women too many times and are pretty spiteful.

GrizzlyDark ago

No that's not really it at all. I just don't find them funny in the least in comedian form. Like I said, individual women with individual quirks and senses of humor can be funny - but it's usually in the sense that we both just bant well and smile a lot. Not really jokes but their reactions or how they handle certain situations/stimuli are mutually hilarious. But I don't recall a female comedian ever making me laugh.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

Somehow it seems women can't use "faggot" without sounding like retards.

I think it's because it's related to the term, "man up" which is also only used by women. What would a woman possibly know about manning up or about the attributes and actions required to be a non-faggoty kind of male? It would be like us talking about menstrual cramps.

It's hard to respect jokes about the hard things in life when they're told by people who aren't required to do anything.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

yes females want men to be men and man-up so they get the bullet in the head on some foreign battlefield while they sit at home curled up on the couch eating chocolates and watching soapies.

JohnGoodman ago

This is correct. It’s not that they “care” too much or want to actually “help” people. They fall for it thinking its for their own gain and gives them more power. Because they are the niggers of gender


Because they are the niggers of gender

Incorrect, men are the stupid murderers who contribute nothing of value to society, commit virtually all crimes, and literally need a woman to take care of them so they don't self destruct.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

and who brings the murderers etc into the world? Your lot!

slwsnowman40 ago

There was a cheap reality TV show or study that put the contestants/subjects on islands. All the men on one and all the women on another. After a month, if I recall correctly, the men had shelter, water and source(s) of food. The women were tanned, hungry and exposed to the elements.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

That's hilarious. What have women invented or built throughout history? What are they contributing to society right now?

Where do you think you would be if men throughout history had thought and acted the way women do? You can't possibly believe that a world of women would have invented the car or the computer or walked on the moon.

Leveraction ago

Take a look in the mirror. You are probably the typical fat, ugly, femishit.

slwsnowman40 ago

That's the human woman's natural state. They are much easier to manipulate.

waringi ago

Exactly. The War Bride phenomenon. Women have been trading security for freedom since the beginning of time. This is the sole reason they should not have a vote.

gazillions ago

The majority of women voted for Trump.

undemocratic ago

Women voting was a mistake

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Yes they are liable to vote for the best-dressed candidate.

Warnos44 ago

Yes, direct your disdain, disgust, hatred, condescension at the woman.

Totally not the government, education, TV, magazines, books, movies, advertisement, or pharma pouring billions of dollars over the last hundreds years specifically targeting them, your children, and you in order to break the family strength to make society weak, alone, easy prey to move along with the flow of elite intentions. Total and complete mental, emotional, cultural assault from the moment you're old enough to see any of these things is zero excuse for the inability to resist programming.

Fucking idiots. Find the real enemy. It's not your women.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

are you saying the female needs to be protected against "TV, magazines, books, movies, advertisement, or pharma"?

Warnos44 ago

No. But if women, and men, were to be educated about the propaganda that is labelled as education today.

With just that one facet being addressed, all the rest will take care of itself.

slwsnowman40 ago

Yes, direct your disdain, disgust, hatred, condescension at the woman.

Where did I do any of that? I merely pointed out the truth - they are much easier to manipulate.

Totally not the government, education, TV, magazines, books, movies, advertisement, or pharma pouring billions of dollars over the last hundreds years specifically targeting them, your children, and you in order to break the family strength to make society weak, alone, easy prey to move along with the flow of elite intentions. Total and complete mental, emotional, cultural assault from the moment you're old enough to see any of these things is zero excuse for the inability to resist programming.

Jews and their shabbas goy is all you had to say. They always go after the women because they are easier to manipulate. The weak men then fall into line in the hopes of getting a chance to reproduce. At some point group think takes over and the puppet masters start pulling the strings for what they want.

Anarchy99 ago

They are only following the weakness of men. That's usually from being circumcised. Yes it does matter

sionblade22 ago

Thus the whole snake thing

notvirge ago

Most women never really grow up. With rare exception, most maintain child-like behavior (cattiness, pettiness, addictions to constant self-validation, etc..) for their entire adult lives. Technology has really compounded this problem.

With that said, the inverse has really happened to men. They've lost many of the masculine traits required for survival through a complex mixture of environment and outright poison (both mind and body).

These two things combined have created a caustic cocktail, of sorts. Men no longer behave in the best interest of their own survival by making necessary harsh decisions, and thus stop keeping women on a straight path. Women, devoid of a strong hand, and left to their own devices in a world of Facebook, Instagram, and other forms of immediate self-validation become insufferable control freaks.

In my opinion, most representations of modern Western society are caused by these variables. Clearly, they don't apply to everyone (and probably not most people reading this, even), but it's hard to deny these observations validity in the world around us from a practical standpoint.

generate ago

so what is the right attitude for an "endlessly demanding" woman? Let's say she starts accusing me of a flirt and whatever I say that this was a normal conversation with a neighbor woman, she would keep saying I am lying. I feel like there is some kind of key and lock situation inside me that I am the one who gets angry, while I am not supposed to be angry with a woman, what is the point? Seems like some knowledge how to deal with women is missing in me. I punish her with a day of ignoring after such a mess, but I feels like ideally a man should not even have to punish a woman, that at that stage it is already gone wrong way.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Tell her to stfu, or gtfo. It's not like that's the last female on earth, and even if it were, who would put up with that shit?

generate ago

being rude with a woman is an undesired situation imho, it's the last resort. A lion is never rude unless there is a real need

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I believe you were implying your current strategy isn't working.

generate ago

I am saving this shit in case voat disappears

clubberlang ago

Almost reads like No More Mister Nice Guy

generate ago

is it worth to read and use No More Mr Nice Guy?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Most women never really grow up. With rare exception, most maintain child-like behavior (cattiness, pettiness, addictions to constant self-validation, etc..) for their entire adult lives. Technology has really compounded this problem.

This is extremely true. In the past, it was okay, because the only women who were actually entrusted with any sort of power were older widows. It was accepted women of that group were the only truly "mature" women.

Nowadays, the problem is that most men don't fully mature until they are 30-40, some don't mature EVER.

DntFrgt ago

The societal mechanisms of Male maturation have been removed. Women "mature" through nature. A teenage boy doesn't have the equivalent of a first menstruation to enact his transition from boyhood to manhood. This is why society creates initiation rituals. Those no longer exist. The place holders we do have (first car, graduating college, etc.) are bland, meaningless, and coed. Therefore the modern male has no truly significant milestones in his life other than those he creates for himself. Assuming he creates none, which is often the case, he exists in a state of boyhood from birth to death. What do we do? Who knows. I say this as a mid teens product of the process.

AllInAllNo ago

Women stop maturing when they become sexually attractive, and start maturing again once they become sexually invisible.

Irishluckk ago

Do you think female behavior would change with the eradication of birth control

GeneralDisposition ago

Yes. Absolutely i do. Bible says a woman will be saved through childbirth. She'll stop sleeping around which causes her to hate men. I also believe it's through her child that she realizes that just because you're cute, you can't get away with everything. Then she wonders if men are stupid because they let women get away with everything, only to realize that men love women more than women love men and are able to fix anything they do. Realizes that she has been abusing men's love for her and stops her daughters and grand daughters from abusing men's love. End of feminism.

Grask1901 ago

God I hope this is the case.

GeneralDisposition ago

It is. Men have to put limits on women because they won't. We're living the experiment! What do women always miss when they get older? The man who ignored her crap and treated her like shit. If you ask the right questions, he didn't treat her like shit, he put a stop to her manipulations. Shit is how she feels. It comes from her behavior. Women don't mature past puberty when left alone. Hence the rise of feminism, sex without marriage means no man will stick around and teach her. Teach her things like self discipline, honor, courage, thick skin.. Women have been abandoned through easy sex.

notvirge ago

Elimination of birth control and all of the ways the hormone adjustment changes a woman would probably go a long way towards changing the direction of the prominent negatives. Birth control really fucks with a woman's system.

Anarchy99 ago

That's because men Never Grow Up

PaulNeriAustralia ago

and as the adage goes: "and the tragedy of women is that they do".

Anarchy99 ago

Most men I meet have no game. They don't know how to make a woman feel good. Being circumcised has a lot to do with it. Not the size of the cock. That's a fallacy.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

@whitesilk (a woman) said women prefer a circumcised male organ of generation.

Anarchy99 ago

@whitesilk hates men. Any woman who thinks a man must be circumcised , obviously isn't thinking about the trauma the male baby goes through. How about we excise her labia major? Where is this white silk? She sounds like another belligerent woman.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

she's a nurse. She didn't exactly say a man must be circumcised. She said a circumcised dick felt better inside a woman. Sorry, bro, but...And I must be frank with you, as a hetero male I prefer the look of circumcised dicks. I'm glad I'm circumcised.

Anarchy99 ago

Any woman who knows anything about sex will prefer the uncircumcised cock. Most women don't even know what they want. All the Jewish women I fucked liked my uncircumcised cock. "I never knew! " They would tell me. Most guys don't know how to make a woman feel good anyways besides. I do. I can get a prostitute off. Where most men can't. You have to remember prostitutes are with a lot of guys who are probably circumsized. They are not attentive other than wanting to blow their load. You bring white silk here and I'll set her straight. She likes Jewish boys God bless her. She's a nurse she should know better. I bet she loves hearing the screams of infants as they're being tortured strapped to a restraining board. There are so many things wrong with it. There is nothing to defend about it.

Anarchy99 ago

No they don't. Almost every woman I fucked love the foreskin. Women don't know what they want. They are used to getting the circumcised cock. All the Jewish women love my cock. I just made sure to wash before and wash after.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

bro, I'm just going on what @whitesilk told Voat, that's all. There are other dames on Voat we could poll, I guess. But they'd probably accuse us of being creeps whereas if the truth be known we are truthseekers!

Anarchy99 ago

@whitesilk is an idiot whoever the fuck she is. She's obviously not an authority because she doesn't have a foreskin. Maybe she likes Jewish cock. Read the links below-

Laws against Circumcision

Deuteronomy 14:1

Ye are the children of the LORD your God: ye shall not cut yourselves, nor make any baldness between your eyes for the dead

Leviticus 19:28

Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.

Leviticus 21:5

They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh.

"Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked."

Deuteronomy 10:16, KJV

"Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye."

Acts 7:51, KJV

"Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh."

Philippians 3:2-3, KJV

"For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God."

Romans 2:28-29, KJV

Titus 1

10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:

11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.

12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Leviticus 17:14 King James Version (KJV) 14 For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.

Blood sucking rabbis

Does circumcision worsen sex?

Circumcised men have more difficulties reaching orgasm, and their female partners experience more vaginal pains and an inferior sex life, a new study shows. If a man is circumcised, he faces an increased risk of experiencing delayed orgasm, and his female partner has an increased risk of not feeling sexually fulfilled Nov. 14, 2011

Anarchy99 ago

Men are supposed to be leaders. But they're not. They give in to the Jewish paradigm. And women being women follow weak men. Men are supposed to lead on the Dance Floor but they don't. Then they complain about the women. Being circumcised has a lot to do with it because they are not bonding with their women physically or sexually. The foreskin is what bonds a woman to the man.

Grask1901 ago

How does there foreskin bond a man and woman?

Anarchy99 ago

The Jews knew that by circumcising the men they could ruin relationships. That the foreskin made sex pleasurable and comfortable for a woman. That the foreskin releases bonding pheromones and helps a woman climax. By taking that ability away, which is worse than death in my opinion, they create chaos within relationships. Great for lawyers great for doctors.

Does circumcision worsen sex?

Circumcised men have more difficulties reaching orgasm, and their female partners experience more vaginal pains and an inferior sex life, a new study shows. If a man is circumcised, he faces an increased risk of experiencing delayed orgasm, and his female partner has an increased risk of not feeling sexually fulfilled Nov. 14, 2011

Grask1901 ago

I mean don't get me wrong, I'm vehemently outspoken agaisnt circumcision, and if my wife and I ever have a son it's not happening to him. But I have never heard that it releases "bonding" pheromones. In fact I didn't even know there were "bonding" pheromones. I just thought there were bonding hormones.

All in all, if it's true then yet another reason to hate kikes, and another crime to add to their list.

Anarchy99 ago

You could be right but you got my point. Bonding hormones it is

xzars_folly ago

None of this is a mistake. Jew men still control their women. Jews have pushed "feminism" on Western society because they knew it would break White households and sent white families spiraling into social destruction. Feminists doesn't encourage personal accountability on the part of women. It encourages the exact opposite. It says that ALL of a women's problems are a man's fault and the solution is a man should just give her everything. And then be pushed aside with "diversity hiring" so she can enjoy the glory and wealth of high social positions with none of the hard work nor sacrifice that men spent building the profitable companies that women take over "for opitics."

And of course now everything remotely masculine has been completely demonized. Its now the area of even growing a beard shows you have "toxic masculinity" Funny how they NEVER talk about toxic feminism, even thought most feminists do nothing but deride men. They have no solutions, no visions, no plan. All they do is rip on men, blame everything on men.

Further having both parents working effectively orphans Western Children at home, leaving them to be raised by the pubic school system and the MSM which is completely controlled by liberal near-communists to full on communists. Seriously there are no conservatives in media nor education, and this isn't by accident.

Westerners are nearly completely "demoralized" and pretty soon we are going to look almost exactly like the niggers if a social reform doesn't happen.

CHeritageP ago

The final blow of of curse is social conditioning white women to favor nigger mates to the exclusion of white males.

While I agree that there certainly is media attempting to cause this change, and its something we should counter, but people should be pleased to hear that the same race marriage rate for whites is still high 85%, and its similar for most other races.

xzars_folly ago

Yah...thank god. And its because despite the MSM try-harding so bad to convince us its not true.... If she burns the coal, she pays the toll, almost allways she has to pay the toll.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Its a very carefully organized plan to collapse Western Nation-states from within.

Jews might be pushing it, but white men are allowing it. Your "carefully organized plan" doesnt work for any other population other than white men. Every other nation immediately recognizes that an external enemy tries to talk them into suicide.

What is wrong with white men that they allow jews to basically freely operate behind enemy lines? I'm pretty sure they werent able to do this during the middle ages, why are they able to pull it off today completely without consequences?

BearDolphin1488 ago

What's wrong is it's a product of individualism. The protestant work ethic and spirit of capitalism.

Of course, I'm ready to balls to the wall, and my buddies are too, but we would be crushed by the very people we want to protect if we were to defend what we value.

It seems to be, just a cost benefit problem for those in the know.

I've known about this shit for years, hence, I'm personally doing very well and am happy in my day to day life. I know its selfish but I don't know what to do about it all other than keep talking and being open on a person to person level

xzars_folly ago

If I could guess, arrogance and complaency really. Whites were so successful for so long they grew convinced their own survival was an absolute given I think. So they grew liberal (a philosophy that is actually an indulgent luxury in fact) instead of a hard focus on what is needed to make their society cohesive and strong. Instead they luxurate and indugle it their ideological fancies and vain musings like imagining that former child soldiers from a genocidal religion are just like them.

And its boomer driver. The "boomer" phenomenon of thinking the world revolves around yourself is not just an American thing. Europeans have their own boomer generation and they are as bad as ours.

And I think...time. Whites ARE rising up. There is going to be another cultural war in Europe, native white christians vs the "invaders and the jews." Its building right now, its summering and the Euro-crat globalists are doing everything they possibly can to stop it. But it see it leaking in places like music, where there are a TON of European indie bands based around primal folk roots, and as much nationalism as the eurocrats will let them get away with. The edited Mein Kamph cannot say on the shelves in Germany because its selling out.

IF the EU crumble Europe is going get spicy as fuck and fast. And given the Italians are burning EU flags over the fact the EU did nothing to help with with China-flu and Brexit already happened... Also Poland is PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISED as well at the fact the EU decided to levy a "you are not taking enough shitskin rape-f-gees" punishment at them during the peak of the Corona-criris.

LightestHour ago

I'm pretty sure they werent able to do this during the middle ages, why are they able to pull it off today completely without consequences?

When do you think they took control?

generate ago

so what social reform you think can save the white race? Insane shit is going on, we get used to it but it is completely fucked up - muslim invaders are taking over, women in the government are destroying everything, gay and anti-family propaganda, anti church campaign, people are proud to be atheists think this is kinda smart.

What can save us?

ManchesterT ago

so what social reform you think can save the white race?

Death. Death on a massive scale, whether from disease, war, or famine. When times get hard, masculine men become valuable. Women submit because they can't risk a soyboy or abandonment. Part of that submission is bearing children; that is their sacrifice and their path to redemption.

The Zionist vermin are only winning because soft times favor words, a realm in which they excel. Hard times favor action, of which the white man is king.

notvirge ago

Oddly it's as simple as shit like parents being able to spank their children.

prairie ago

That's just a band-aid for poor parenting.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

we'll see the consequences of bad parenting during this pandemic as parents are forced to interact with their children in an essentially permanently closed environment instead of being able to conveniently dump them on teachers as they've been able to do!

prairie ago

They already reveal themselves by being annoyed to spend extended time with their sproggen.


Women being shitty is their own fault

Men like me being shitty is someone else's fault.

Don't speak for all women when you're the worthless shitbag. Get a job faggot.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/MUDSHARKMadness comment.

Posted automatically (#103034) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@BARBARA_: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

NarrativeControl ago

Tits or GTFO


No creep.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I think you're other Voat name is @titanbikes or something.

notvirge ago

Demonstrating exactly the kind of logic a woman is stereotypical for, you've ignored that my assessment could simply be surmised as men have failed in their responsibility to make the hard decisions women tend to defer.

That's a failure of men far more than a failure of women. Your emotional reaction is exactly the kind of oblivious behavior men are responsible for identifying, communicating, and rejecting.

Men without fathers, poisoned by what they consume, and beholden to the whims of a tyrannical authoritarian State (mostly beholden to the whims of emotional, endlessly demanding women..) have become too weak to do what is necessary to maintain the social cohesion of American society, ergo by mutual failure of both parties is society destined to continue it's decline.

No amount of virtue signal can hide that it's demonstrable you are part of the problem. Amusingly, I think we both can appreciate the reality that due to your very nature you will both rail against this observation, while you internalize it because you know it to be true. It's what women do.


You spent a lot of time revising that for me to not read it :(

Anyway, you're a stupid incel and you will never get married. You will also probably die alone too. Women hate your because you're ugly on the outside and a monster on the inside.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

That's a bold strategy, Barbara. lol

JohnGaltApproves ago

No way this is real. Has to be some goat with a sense of humor intentionally making the anti-female point.

Obrez ago

All you've done is prove him right.

Women's suffrage was a mistake, and if you don't like that then get off voat, liberal.

lanre ago

This reminds me of that 4chan copypasta of how women write. Attack men's masculinity, use childish words like 'incel', and talk about how society must hate them. Instead of actually presenting a counterpoint.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

don't bother with them. In their savage little brains they see themselves as sugar and spice and incapable of doing wrong but most of them are so fat they fall off their pedestals at some stage.

RustinKohle ago

Theres no girls in the internet

notvirge ago

Probably because it's not an actual woman, it's a satire account, and we've been acting out exactly the type of scenario that demonstrates the problem.

Obrez ago

I'm betting it's a qtard account, the ones who primarily use qrv aren't getting enough points to downvoat because anon posting doesn't count to ccp/scp.

There are a surprising number of middle-aged and older women on the q subs, I suspect they engage with q's writing style because the larp feels like playing at secret agent and that makes those homebodies feel special.

Most of the women in the q subs have sons or husbands who got them into it and they will project that insecurity about their men onto others. They've learned a lot of new internet lingo usually from their sons or the web community around them so a 50 year old woman calling you "incel" seems plausible to me.

I've seen a shitload of qtards sperg out on qrv because their usernames contain their real names and they refuse to post elsewhere for that reason or have freaked out when I suggested that anon posting on qrv should be turned off so they could see how badly, and by whom they are being trolled.

lanre ago

So you mean those weren't hairy tits she sent me in a PM?

notvirge ago

I mean, technically man boobs are still boobs, right?

notvirge ago

Huh. That's an interesting argument. It sounds exactly like what a woman would say.

Notice when men insult men, they can actually insult them with something that matters to other men? All you've accomplished is making me laugh at the accuracy of the very stereotypes we're discussing. Ha ha.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

You see, it's fine for women to hate men, for some reason, but god help a man who professes a general distaste for the bleeding gender. I once worked in an office where any anti-female talk would have had you ostracised, the culture was so politically correct; but where it was acceptable for one of the resident feminists to have a sign above her desk: "All men are bastards". Where feminists are concerned there's simply double standards and hypocrisy and it's a waste of time interacting with them.


You're not a man. You're a little incel faggot :)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/MUDSHARKMadness comment.

Posted automatically (#103033) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@BARBARA_: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

notvirge ago

Amusingly, the best thing a man can do for an insufferable cunt is let her get the last word in.

Go ahead. I'll allow it. I promise I'll even pretend it'll hurt me.

wasteroftime ago

Well, that shut her the hell up lmao...

notvirge ago

Demonstrating exactly the kind of logic a woman is stereotypical for, you've ignored that my assessment could simply be surmised as men have failed in their responsibility to make the hard decisions women tend to defer.

That's a failure of men far more than a failure of women. Your emotional reaction is exactly the kind of oblivious behavior men are responsible for identifying, communicating, and rejecting.

Aryanawakening ago

Get a job and pay taxes faggot


Wow, blaming someone else for your problems. Classic toxic masculinity. All taxes are theft, no gibs for you shitlord.

Drkadrka ago

Fuck your jew taxes. Men need to get back on the farm, women need to get back in the kitchen, children need to get back to working on the family farm. Do these 3 things and the rest of the jewed system can fucking burn with zero fucks given.

dorferino ago

calm down, he was pointing that out sarcastically at the person he's replying to

Drkadrka ago

I get that, but my 3 pronged solution for the salvation of white civilization still applies.

notvirge ago

You're welcome to your three prongs, I'll use a single caliber.

Drkadrka ago

But variety is the spice of life. You should have at least 3 calibers. 22 or similar small game round, 12ga and a MBR caliber. And a large caliber to reach out and touch something if you are so inclined.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

PRO comment.

well done.

LakotaPrude ago

Women are behind the continuation of the Q movement at this point. Most of the men are just dealing with them as best as possible and trying to continue getting laid.

gloam_lurker ago

You think all the Q subgoats are men just playing along? They are nuts; you are nuts.

Tallest_Skil ago

Jews are the problem.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Hey kike

BjornIronside ago

They are useful idiots.

Just take away the vote, and welfare, they fall back in line.

charliebrownau ago

Not unless your willing to remove

Pussy pass

Duthal Model

Double standards

lower sentencing


the LAWS , courts and goverment changes need to be un FUCKED

BjornIronside ago

I'm willing to hang the entire government, kill communists, and leave feminists to starve in the street.


Then we stop having sex with you.

Or in your case, continue never having sex with you.

TheLesserApes ago

Shut up 3hole

PaulNeriAustralia ago

but Barbara_ if you girls stop having sex with us you miss out on sex too and we've been told by the Sisters that you girls like sex just as much as men! But now you're wanting to use it as a weapon ?

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

That only works on men who are desperate and have nowhere else to go.

You try that with a guy who is worth a crap and he'll just go find someone else.

If withholding sex is your nuclear option then it shows how weak your cards really are.

GrizzlyDark ago

If my gf acts like that I simply say, "You want to know how I know we're going to have sex? I'm bigger and stronger than you" - and it only works every single time.

That said, if you are bigger than your man, well I guess it wouldn't work but I don't think he gives a shit anyway.

antiracistMetal ago

In the battle of the sexes, women play "withhold sex", but they forget that it's just basically out of politeness that men don't rape you and keep you chained up as a sex slave. Like, you think the male police are going to do anything? You think the female police are going to be around for long?

Rape and sex slavery would quickly become the new norm if women tried this "withhold sex" strategy en masse.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

PaulNeriAustralia ago

yes I think @BARBARA_ impliedly admitted women use sex as a negotiating tool/weapon and then the silly cows wonder why their man is down at the local brothel!

this_place_blows_too ago

Women that have this attitude are generally the low-value ones that nobody wants. Fat, unhealthy, annoying, ill-mannered, etc.

Women that are valued by men are the ones you can actually be seen with in public without feeling embarrassed. Guaranteed this old moo cow isn't one of them.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

she sound like @titanbikesforever or something.

BjornIronside ago


Yet again proving the worth of most women is between their legs.

I've been married for decades, whore.


Lying isn't going to make women have sex with you either :(

I'm sorry you're going to die alone, but it's really for the best.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

do you approve of sexbots @BARBARA_ It's amazing how feminists, who hate men and their sex drive, hate the idea of men having c-word-free (commitment) sex with a computer. The reason being loss of power over men.


Men don't need women for sex. There are millions of people in the USA who are more than willing to let you stick your penis in all their holes for free. Sure, they are gay men, but if you desperate enough and unattractive enough to have to resort to fucking the facsimile of a human corpse, it's probably less degenerate to just fuck other guys at that point.

Straight men need women for emotional companionship, because straight men cannot be emotionally vulnerable with other straight men. You can fuck a fembot, but you'll still be alone.

slwsnowman40 ago

Okay, why's the no sex card almost always one of the first played? Withholding sex is you subconsciously admitting you have very little else to offer and think of men as nothing more than sex fiends. In my experience, only 2 types of males are sex fiends - niggers and jews.

BjornIronside ago

Nobody wants your roast beef.

Nobody here gives a fuck about some gash's opinion.

Go away.

calfag ago

Yes. Well said.

RoundWheel ago

The problem? No. Absolutely not. They are a tool leveraged for social decline. You're completely ignoring the hands who created that tool and who uses that tool.

Blaming them is as clueless as blaming boomers. The symptom is not the cause.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

You're completely ignoring the hands

So it's the jews again being blamed for all our problems. So if theyre doing this to us, why arent they able to do it to anyone else? Why cant they do it to the Saudis or to the Turks? Why is it only white man who constantly whine and bitch about an invisible force forcing their hand when they stab themselves with a knife? If it is so easy what Jews are doing to us, why arent we doing it to them?

BearDolphin1488 ago

Mustafa kemal attaturk was Jewish

ManchesterT ago

Why cant they do it to the Saudis or to the Turks?

They can and they have. Not sure where he heck you've been but Saudi Arabia is a known proxy state for Israel. Feminism is also spreading, women there can now drive cars and attend school. Turkish women are promiscuous and divorce rates there have spiked.

Jews are only able to pull this off, because good times have meant bread and circuses. The moment times get tough, nobody has the time or patience to be politically correct.

So you can pic between tow world a world with easy office jobs, Steam sales, and Tinder sluts; or one where you really have to roughen your hands to make a living, recreation is a hot meal, and your wife does what she's told because if she doesn't, you and her dad will BOTH smack her.

gloam_lurker ago

You are in an incel thread that hates women. Good luck!

wasteroftime ago

I'd argue that all the men and any women upvoting this thread would disagree. Is it more harmful to say nothing and let a cancer fester, or to point it out and get that shit fixed?

RoundWheel ago

You have reading comprehension problems. Let us know the true shortness of the bus. Sheesh.

KikesOnTrikes ago

Have all my upvotes.