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slwsnowman40 ago

That's the human woman's natural state. They are much easier to manipulate.

notvirge ago

Most women never really grow up. With rare exception, most maintain child-like behavior (cattiness, pettiness, addictions to constant self-validation, etc..) for their entire adult lives. Technology has really compounded this problem.

With that said, the inverse has really happened to men. They've lost many of the masculine traits required for survival through a complex mixture of environment and outright poison (both mind and body).

These two things combined have created a caustic cocktail, of sorts. Men no longer behave in the best interest of their own survival by making necessary harsh decisions, and thus stop keeping women on a straight path. Women, devoid of a strong hand, and left to their own devices in a world of Facebook, Instagram, and other forms of immediate self-validation become insufferable control freaks.

In my opinion, most representations of modern Western society are caused by these variables. Clearly, they don't apply to everyone (and probably not most people reading this, even), but it's hard to deny these observations validity in the world around us from a practical standpoint.


Women being shitty is their own fault

Men like me being shitty is someone else's fault.

Don't speak for all women when you're the worthless shitbag. Get a job faggot.

SearchVoatBot ago

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NarrativeControl ago

Tits or GTFO


No creep.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I think you're other Voat name is @titanbikes or something.

notvirge ago

Demonstrating exactly the kind of logic a woman is stereotypical for, you've ignored that my assessment could simply be surmised as men have failed in their responsibility to make the hard decisions women tend to defer.

That's a failure of men far more than a failure of women. Your emotional reaction is exactly the kind of oblivious behavior men are responsible for identifying, communicating, and rejecting.

Men without fathers, poisoned by what they consume, and beholden to the whims of a tyrannical authoritarian State (mostly beholden to the whims of emotional, endlessly demanding women..) have become too weak to do what is necessary to maintain the social cohesion of American society, ergo by mutual failure of both parties is society destined to continue it's decline.

No amount of virtue signal can hide that it's demonstrable you are part of the problem. Amusingly, I think we both can appreciate the reality that due to your very nature you will both rail against this observation, while you internalize it because you know it to be true. It's what women do.


You spent a lot of time revising that for me to not read it :(

Anyway, you're a stupid incel and you will never get married. You will also probably die alone too. Women hate your because you're ugly on the outside and a monster on the inside.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

That's a bold strategy, Barbara. lol

JohnGaltApproves ago

No way this is real. Has to be some goat with a sense of humor intentionally making the anti-female point.

Obrez ago

All you've done is prove him right.

Women's suffrage was a mistake, and if you don't like that then get off voat, liberal.

lanre ago

This reminds me of that 4chan copypasta of how women write. Attack men's masculinity, use childish words like 'incel', and talk about how society must hate them. Instead of actually presenting a counterpoint.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

don't bother with them. In their savage little brains they see themselves as sugar and spice and incapable of doing wrong but most of them are so fat they fall off their pedestals at some stage.

RustinKohle ago

Theres no girls in the internet

notvirge ago

Probably because it's not an actual woman, it's a satire account, and we've been acting out exactly the type of scenario that demonstrates the problem.

Obrez ago

I'm betting it's a qtard account, the ones who primarily use qrv aren't getting enough points to downvoat because anon posting doesn't count to ccp/scp.

There are a surprising number of middle-aged and older women on the q subs, I suspect they engage with q's writing style because the larp feels like playing at secret agent and that makes those homebodies feel special.

Most of the women in the q subs have sons or husbands who got them into it and they will project that insecurity about their men onto others. They've learned a lot of new internet lingo usually from their sons or the web community around them so a 50 year old woman calling you "incel" seems plausible to me.

I've seen a shitload of qtards sperg out on qrv because their usernames contain their real names and they refuse to post elsewhere for that reason or have freaked out when I suggested that anon posting on qrv should be turned off so they could see how badly, and by whom they are being trolled.

lanre ago

So you mean those weren't hairy tits she sent me in a PM?

notvirge ago

I mean, technically man boobs are still boobs, right?

notvirge ago

Huh. That's an interesting argument. It sounds exactly like what a woman would say.

Notice when men insult men, they can actually insult them with something that matters to other men? All you've accomplished is making me laugh at the accuracy of the very stereotypes we're discussing. Ha ha.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

You see, it's fine for women to hate men, for some reason, but god help a man who professes a general distaste for the bleeding gender. I once worked in an office where any anti-female talk would have had you ostracised, the culture was so politically correct; but where it was acceptable for one of the resident feminists to have a sign above her desk: "All men are bastards". Where feminists are concerned there's simply double standards and hypocrisy and it's a waste of time interacting with them.


You're not a man. You're a little incel faggot :)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/MUDSHARKMadness comment.

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notvirge ago

Amusingly, the best thing a man can do for an insufferable cunt is let her get the last word in.

Go ahead. I'll allow it. I promise I'll even pretend it'll hurt me.

wasteroftime ago

Well, that shut her the hell up lmao...

notvirge ago

Demonstrating exactly the kind of logic a woman is stereotypical for, you've ignored that my assessment could simply be surmised as men have failed in their responsibility to make the hard decisions women tend to defer.

That's a failure of men far more than a failure of women. Your emotional reaction is exactly the kind of oblivious behavior men are responsible for identifying, communicating, and rejecting.

Aryanawakening ago

Get a job and pay taxes faggot


Wow, blaming someone else for your problems. Classic toxic masculinity. All taxes are theft, no gibs for you shitlord.

Drkadrka ago

Fuck your jew taxes. Men need to get back on the farm, women need to get back in the kitchen, children need to get back to working on the family farm. Do these 3 things and the rest of the jewed system can fucking burn with zero fucks given.

dorferino ago

calm down, he was pointing that out sarcastically at the person he's replying to

Drkadrka ago

I get that, but my 3 pronged solution for the salvation of white civilization still applies.

notvirge ago

You're welcome to your three prongs, I'll use a single caliber.

Drkadrka ago

But variety is the spice of life. You should have at least 3 calibers. 22 or similar small game round, 12ga and a MBR caliber. And a large caliber to reach out and touch something if you are so inclined.