BearDolphin1488 ago

because im retarded

WhiteChickens ago

Women bought that crap book because of extensive marketing and the need to be in fashion

Yes, women are feeble minded.

Conspirologist ago

OK incel. Thanks for explaining us that females are not goddesses.

boekanier ago

There must be a positive correlation between the rapid rise of women in society, at every level, and the rapid demise of the latter.

Broc_Lia ago

I read an interesting theory about why everything is so female focussed right now.

Men generally want a partner their age or younger, as younger women are more beautiful and fertile. Women generally want a partner their age or older, as older men are more accomplished and have more resources.

This means that the number of available partners isn't governed by the gender split within your age group, it's governed by the age group above and below you. Currently whites have a thinning population pyramid base, meaning that established men are competing for a smaller cohort of fertile women. And each cohort of fertile women have a larger selection of established men to choose from in the cohort above them.

The result is that men are having to pander to women to attract a wife.

Normally this would be the opposite. Women would be competing for a smaller number of established men, as not all men survive to adulthood and even those that do don't all achieve enough success to interest a woman. But our suicidal decision not to breed has flipped the natural world on it's head.

BearDolphin1488 ago

why is the race part not important to you?

rudegirl666 ago

Probably gonna get shit for this but I just wanted to drop in and mention that according to the FBI, male offenders perpetrate roughly 88.7% of murders, 99.1% of forcible rapes, and 80.4% of violent crimes all together. But sure, females are definitely the insidious rowdy animals with no self-control... You guys apply these statistics to racial issues all day long but go ahead and throw a temper tantrum when I do the same regarding gender. Lmfao, talk about logical fallacy.

WhiteChickens ago

Because you all are weaklings, you can't do that because your body sucks. lol

realmonster ago

this is stupid. women voting is not an issue when jews arent subverting out society

anonymous111 ago

Bro if i knew why i get the ideas to make crazy posts like this i would tell you. Its not really about voting and to be totally honest i couldnt tell you why i wrote it. It has something to do with everything going on right now. The culminnation of my personal life and the world at large. Call it venting. I don't know.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Lol, you are as crazy as you are dumb

anonymous111 ago

I'll pray for you.

Titanbikes4ever ago

I'm not Jewish

SocksOnCats ago

Heh. It's pretty clear by your comment history that you are.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Lol, I triggered a fat fuck

anonymous111 ago

Yeah, you're most likely a satanist.

Rand01 ago

Gonna need to pull your card OP. Age, race and marital status please.

I agree with you btw, but young mgtows aren't worth reading.

anonymous111 ago

Im not going to self identify lol. Keep doing you.

Rand01 ago

Okay, secret squirrel I'll go first. I'm 45-55, married more than 10 yrs and live in the middle of the Country. Did the CIA get me?! Also, this is my third account in three years. Don't be paranoid.

numberonewebhandle ago

Guys put the pussy on a pedestal every day

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Feminazi's and their followers destroy everything they touch. They are a festering, puss filled boil, on the ass of the western world!

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

But the milkers!

killkillkill ago

So what? That has no bearing whatsoever on this conversation.

britt121 ago

Of course Jew brainwashing aside, I bet a good chunk of women were offended that black males were given the right to vote while they (white wives) did not have suffrage.

88Kikeslayer ago

Enough of the fucking christcuckery. Who the fuck do you think wrote the bible? As long as the only alternative you see to rampant liberal degeneracy is father the son and the holy Jew we are truly fucking doomed.

anonymous111 ago

Yeah, everyone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ is doomed. Yeah.

kijoja ago

You can keep your desert cult to yourself. It has only invited dark ages to cultures worldwide, no biggie

anonymous111 ago

I invite you to go move to a place where Christianity isn't a thing.

Tallest_Skil ago

because of [jewish brainwashing and being told what to do by others] and the need to [be told what to do by others]

Sounds like women need men to lead them, huh.

killkillkill ago

Doesn't matter. The US Constitution is unique even now. No country has the same Constitutional protections as we do. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Never has ever in the history of the world. This is factually indisputable.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

We can yet turn this ship around if we stop appealing to women.

Sorry, but there's no turning this ship around. We are in a destructive cycle. A cycle that is necessary for the next evolutionary step. (Whether or not we successfully traverse that step is not guaranteed, however.)

...women are going to bring about the end as we know present life.

Yes, because weak men enabled them. continue marching forward a one world system.

Highly unlikely, and growing less so by the day. Even if for some inexplicable reason one is created, it won't last very long before it implodes. What is going on is much bigger than the petty concerns of the average person.

Tallest_Skil ago

Imagine believing that the plans jews laid in motion 5800 years ago are going to magically collapse now, when they already own and surveil the entire world.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Imagine believing that 5800 years is more than a blink in time. Imagine believing that a trend line is more than a momentum indicator. Imagine believing that foreskin munchers are omnipotent. Imagine all the societies and empires that used to "rule the world" and are completely forgotten today. Imagine that things happening on Earth are even important in the grand scheme of things.

Tallest_Skil ago

Imagine believing that 5800 years is more than a blink in time.

Roughly a third of human civilization.

Imagine believing that a trend line is more than a momentum indicator.

Imagine having no evidence for a collapse of the ZOG.

Imagine believing that foreskin munchers are omnipotent.

Imagine strawmen.

Imagine all the societies and empires that used to "rule the world" and are completely forgotten today.

No, we remember the ones of note.

Imagine that things happening on Earth are even important in the grand scheme of things.

Imagine giving a shit about the world while claiming to be a nihilist.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

This is my go to filter for vetting wife candidates. I’ve yet to meet a woman who understands this concept

Smokybubbles ago

Women are different enough from me to make their aggregate voting a danger to society. They have evolved to be fearful victims, craving resources to raise children with. They don't need men to do that, they only need a nanny state. They cannot be allowed to destroy society.

kijoja ago

You feel unneeded, huh?

AnotherGrayman ago

Don't do that gyno-centric faggot shit where you try to pretend all criticism of women is based on lack of vaginal access.

Your wet fucking hole does not excuse your dangerously shitty behavior.

IAMthePie ago

I've managed to piss off every female on FB by saying stuff like what you've just said. But I win the argument when I ask them this: If men and women are EQUAL, then how come the world's best female chess players cannot beat men?

Racial_Maddow ago

I think we all agree generally to some extent. So what do? Does it need to collapse into chaos before a healthy patriarchy can rise? Or can we forge one here and now?

anonymous111 ago

A collapse would be ugly. No collapse.

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, you’ve already failed. There is no peaceful solution, and there is nothing worth saving being enforced today. The entire system has to collapse for any traditionalism to be restored. Anyone who says otherwise is a ZOGbot or a unwitting subversive.

anonymous111 ago

Hey if it's going to happen it's going to happen.

Tallest_Skil ago

No wonder the jews are still in power.

anonymous111 ago

Remember what happened to Hitler?

Titanbikes4ever ago

That he accomplished an economical feat never seen before or since?

anonymous111 ago

By allowing destruction to take place on a scale never seen before.

Tallest_Skil ago

What happened to him? He left his mark on the jews for all time, because he didn’t just let things happen.

anonymous111 ago

Good point.

CowWithBeef ago

A lot of what you're saying is because women are calibrated heavily toward making infants more likely to survive. They don't need to think big picture, they need to be hyper-focused on the infant and the environment around the infant. That's why they react strongly to their emotions, that's how an infant can control them. They also nag like crazy to make the father provide an environment that makes survival more likely and in k strategists, they choose mates who can provide that. Modern civilization has unfortunately disrupted a lot of this and it really sucks for all the fatherless kids now growing up.

Women are not supposed to be responsible for providing outside of the home because when the baby comes that's all going to hell anyway. The negative outcomes of women becoming men should be painfully obvious, but the spell to destroy our people through our women is too strong.

anonymous111 ago


flashrucker ago

Good answer

Titanbikes4ever ago

Shut up, faggot. This reminds me of the shaved head dykes that go on and on about how men are mindless fucking machines with the intelligence of a dog.

anonymous111 ago

Ironic, isn't it?

Titanbikes4ever ago

You mean how you're doing now? Lol even though you're a mentally ill woman hating faggot, you should be capable of that simple objective introspection

anonymous111 ago

Yeah dude I totally hate women. /s

How is what you said even an argument? I hate women? Excuse me? I love women. They're beautiful and fantastic companions. It just so happens they've been poisoned by pop culture and satanists and they don't even know it.

Titanbikes4ever ago

LMAO, so your evidence that all women have the mentality of a dog is one degenerate Jew produced music video featuring a tyranny?

I'm glad not all men are like you; that some can at least treat women like the autonomous humans capable of free thought they are.

All your argument points to is that men have allowed jews to brainwash women. Men haven't been immune to this.

anonymous111 ago

LMAO, so your evidence that all women have the mentality of a dog is one degenerate Jew produced music video featuring a tyranny?

Yeah. Show me the examples of women denouncing that video and that artist.

I'm glad not all men are like you; that some can at least treat women like the autonomous humans capable of free thought they are.

I absolutely treat women that way. I also know when to stand my ground to keep them from hurting themselves. I guarantee you have a man in your life that does that and if you don't (which you probably don't seeing as how you're sperging out on me at this moment) that's why you're expecting me to do it for you right now, and you don't even realize you're depending on me to explain it to you.

All your argument points to is that men have allowed jews to brainwash women. Men haven't been immune to this.

I've said as much in the comment replies to this post. Men have absolutely failed women and it is truly horrible.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Lol, I just did denounce her. It's Jew degenerate garbage.

You can't have it both ways, women are either mindless dogs and the fact you let the jews brainwash them into satanic thots makes you just as bad or they are actual human beings that you need to stop trying to control as a commodity. You don't have to marry a whore.

Yeah, no way I could be a 28 year old married woman trying to start a family.

anonymous111 ago

I never let Jews brainwash anyone so I'm not personally guilty of that.

Women are a commodity. They're necessary for creating children.

I don't plan on marrying a whore.

Did you ask God to forgive you for waiting until you were 28 to try to start a family? Did you fall for the brainwashing?

Titanbikes4ever ago

LMAO, so you really do just hate women because here you are, shitting on me for not being a brainless whore and wanting to be faithfully married as I devote my life to my family and future children. Getting two degrees and a successful career in the medical field took time, time I didn't waste. What have you done with your life?

Lol, you don't have any family to keep from being brainwashed. I asked god to givee the strength and insight to know how to avoid pathetic faggots like you.

anonymous111 ago

Nice post history.

Titanbikes4ever ago

"Women have the emotional control of a dog at best"

"women are going to bring about the end as we know present life."

kijoja ago

Historically, 28 is a perfectly normal age for European women to have children. Don’t fall for pedophilic propaganda that children should be birthing more children. A 13yo girl is more likely to die giving childbirth compared to a 28yo.

Remind the class, how old were you when you starting breeding again??

anonymous111 ago

Are you asking me if I have children? I don't have any children but if I died there would be serious ripples in my family and in the places I affect.

Titanbikes4ever ago

So you seriously have to assert that people would be affected by your death? You are all kinds of sad.

anonymous111 ago

I'm sorry people don't feel that way about you.

Titanbikes4ever ago


Intrixina ago

Preface: I'm not the person you're responding to, I noticed this set of comments though.

To be fair, I don't only just "denounce" that video, I refuse to watch such trash. In fact, I refuse to partake in anything degenerate and live a clean life as a result.

I agree with most of what you've written with the exception that there are things that a small proportion of women are good at (for example, taking care of a family). I do agree with you that most women are degenerate trash though and while your premise is fine, it could very easily be interpreted as "all women are like this" by unscrupulous fucks, which I don't think you meant (I say "don't think you meant" as I'm obviously not a mind reader).

anonymous111 ago

I don't mean all women are like that. I know some very Godly Christian women that I hold a great deal of respect for. I know how difficult it is to be a Christian in this current environment. The amount of women who either claim to be Christian or are former Christians is just as annoying as the amount of men who are. This isn't surprising to me, I just wanted to publicly denounce it.

Intrixina ago

That's fair, and that's precisely why I said what I did - that there are unscrupulous (((fuckheads))) who will use those words as a means to further destroy women or to otherwise concernfag about it, which you yourself have already faced.

It's actually funny in some ways because there are a couple of women I personally know of (who I am not friends with, as you will see why when I've explained this) who claim they are "good Christians" but then act like complete cunts and act completely justified in such cuntery. It's actually those people as to why I'm not a part of any organised religion. My personal views I guess are sort of in line with agnosticism, though I applaud those who are Christians who use their faith to help those who are deserving - I do the same thing, but without any religious leanings - and do my damnedest to live as clean a life as possible, without resorting to kikery or degeneracy.

anonymous111 ago

You are incredibly valuable to God, and you should ask him to reveal himself to you if you haven't. I'd say you're like 3/4 of the way there.

Intrixina ago

Haha. The funny thing is, I have actually asked that very question, several times in fact in the past, and each time I have, something bad has happened as a result. This is why I don't tempt fate and ask again - ultimately it doesn't change anything of who I am or what I do for others on this earth.

anonymous111 ago

I wasn't going to ask but what exactly bad happened. Doesn't seem very God-Like to me. Not based off of any of my personal experiences with other people's testimonies.

Intrixina ago

Without saying too much, it was things that seemed almost like punishments for asking that happened to either me, or someone close to me.

anonymous111 ago

Do you want my Christian opinion? It could perhaps be God testing you to see if you're ready. God allows things to happen to test you. He literally allows Satan to do bad things.

If I was a non-Christian I would say "yeah totally if you talked with God and he let bad things happen then he's bad!".

Intrixina ago

This is something that I can't reconcile with an "all loving and merciful" being - to allow bad things to happen to those who live a clean life.

This is probably one of the main reasons why I'm not religious - the other reasons are that people who are completely vile use the label of "I'm religious" to justify their evil acts, and also that the heads of such religions on earth today have perverted the words and deeds of those who are virtuous, or fall into the first category. Isn't there a bible verse against attention whoring in the name of worship?

anonymous111 ago

Yes, actually there is a verse about that.

Matthew 6:5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

Christ was against religion btw. Read a really simple translation of the new testament, start with the Gospel of John. You seem like you'd like the NLT or NIV. Focus on Jesus when you read. Just give it a shot. I INSIST :)

Intrixina ago

This is mostly why I'm against all organised religion - any faith needs to happen behind closed doors, or otherwise one generally has an agenda of some sort. Hell, if you think about it, a church or congregation is just another variant of fake news.

aefibes99 ago

Always be on thot patrol. Dont even slip your guard for 1 second!

MrTerry ago

Pedestal okay...if it holds a stripper pole.

NicotinicAcid ago


Adam_Jensen_ ago

because of extensive marketing and the need to be in fashion

Exactly why they should not have a leading role. They will be greatly subjected to "be in fashion", like bringing in more degenerates. "All other first world countries do it, so should we!"

CarpenterforChrist ago

You get it. There's no reason to hide behind anonymity though. Be bold and speak the Truth. Jesus Christ is Lord! Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. Turn to Him and repent before it is too late. Hallelujah!

AnotherGrayman ago

You're basically as bad as any communist shithead.

A cult-minded follower spouting superstitious group think nonsense.

For fuck's sake, I want whites to survive and social order to be restored, but not at the cost of having to suffer equally delusional and mindless people like you who give up thinking for themselves and obediently obey the hive.

The main thing I've noticed about liberals is they act, think, and argue just like Christians do.

anonymous111 ago

I totally agree that Jesus Christ is Lord by the way I'm just not going public with my opinions. I'll admit to being Christian in public as well as all Christians should.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Same here. Just remember that Eve was the first to be deceived by satan. He knew it would be easier to deceive the woman. Such is our current situation today.

anonymous111 ago


Shaker123 ago

Well a woman fooked it up for us in the beginning(Eve), pretty bad considering she was the very first one!

AnotherGrayman ago

That story isn't about a woman, it's about women.

Adam is all men, Eve is all women, the Garden is all societies, the Snake is a jew, and the Apple is propagandic "knowledge.".

If you let your women eat up jewish propaganda, they will ruin the garden and cost men paradise.

It's not a fucking story about a snake and a garden.

It's a warning.

ant_earth ago

a woman has power over you only if you value her holes. coomers are slaves. the majority of men are slaves to lust, which means they're slaves to women.

women are not going to end anything. you can't destroy society emotional fussing. they aren't going to usher in an eternal police state either. emotional children are not capable of enslaving all of mankind just because of some unbalanced hormones. try taking a bit of ownership. women haven't actually done anything. the real issue is that you haven't done anything either.

Tallest_Skil ago

are not going to end

They already have, dumb fuck. Nations don’t exist anymore thanks to women. Communism was implemented in the West thanks to women. The jewish control of the world and total surveillance apparatus exists thanks to women.

ant_earth ago

How did women implement communism? You mean because they didn’t kill jews? Did my dog implement communism too? I mean it never cared about jews so it must have.

Did women put jews into influential positions? Did women shed blood in order to bring about jewish world domination? As far as I know women never actually did anything, except go cast ballots

Gee wiz, voting sure is powerful! It definitely doesn’t not mean anything at all. Voting is the key to all this. Actually, votes can even stop bullets. Why else would men refuse to kill invaders and parasites? It’s those darn votes!

Tallest_Skil ago

how did

By voting for it. Jews would have been screaming into the aether if not for women paying attention to their “plight.” Even the jewish feminists could have been ignored if women had any constitution.

Did my dog

Is your dog a registered democrat (before 1965) or registered to either party (after 1965)? How about an actual argument? How about paying attention to what’s being said?

did women put

Yes. By voting for them.

did women shed

Didn’t need to. Shamed men into doing it.

except go cast ballots


voting is the key to all this

Because it’s a funnier character than we’ve ever had.

votes can even stop bullets

What’s funny is that voting only works one way, and that you seem to be ignoring this. You’re not voting yourself out of this crisis.

ant_earth ago

Yes, women did all of this with their magic paper, also knows as “votes”.

you’re not voting yourself out of this crisis

What??? But muh magic paper. Surely anything is possible if we can just get people to vote a certain way. I mean, if women checking a box on some paper is what enslaved the greatest race in the world, just imagine what else it could do! Just think; we could add even more boxes to check and have even more elections. Anything is possible if we can just control the magic paper.

The only issue is those pesky women. Jews are not even a problem really. The one mistake hitler made was not waging war on women. He would have won if only he had blamed them for everything.

Tallest_Skil ago

jews are not even a problem

Jews are literally the only problem. If not for jews, women wouldn’t have power.

kijoja ago

Oh yes, the ever famous female Karl Marx, the mother of communism ushered in a time of political doom... wait...

Tallest_Skil ago

Feel free to ignore that all original feminists were jewish whores pushing communism, of course.

anonymous111 ago

the majority of men are slaves to lust, which means they're slaves to women.

so we agree

AlphaOmega ago

Women have gotten worse with this behavior the same reason men are fucked up.

Single mothers.

Have a family. Ostracize people from your life who don’t. It’s simple. More real women are waking up to this reality every day. Get em while they’re hot.

watts2db ago

this should be a key take away from all this

gazillions ago

Do you think it had no effect on them? It was published for a reason.

killkillkill ago

No effect? The fuck are you talking about? It's a smutty romance novel; there are millions of them read every day. It's a multi-billion dollar industry, just like the porn industry. Are you really one of those idiots who thinks reading that shit instantly corrupts you just like video games makes kids violent?

gazillions ago

Oh yeah, the jewish type of subversion is palpable when people start angrily defending something as God awful and putrid as 50 shades. The rabid foaming at the mouth response is telling indeed. You can pretend you're just fucking stupid, but it's harder to pretend you aren't jewish.

killkillkill ago

I'm not defending the book...nor am I Jewish, lmao. You fucks are so fucking brainwashed you're seeing Jews everywhere you look.

WeMustRemainPure ago

I gave my woman power over the pantry. That’s about it.

B166-ER ago

OP, I hate to be "that asshole" but that dystopian future you're afraid of has already arrived. There's some debate as to when exactly it happened, personally I count from when Kennedy was killed in the CIA coup of America. But the reality is that its hard to pinpoint because no one really knows.

anonymous111 ago

I'm sure you are most likely right, I just didn't want the world to think I was ok with it. I've been alive long enough to see our freedoms being stolen.

SearchVoatBot ago

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calfahul ago

Don't pedestalize women at large, but celebrate the women who do the things that women are naturally good at - making home, nurturing and caring for children, being hubs of their community.

The gender war turned women against men, but now men are lashing out against women at large. That's a losing strategy. As a man, you have to protect and lead the women in your community.

fattyfatigue ago

I legit thought Amy Klobuchar was going to cry during the democratic debates when she was correcting her mistake of not knowing the name of the president of Mexico. I just don't need someone who is going to crack under pressure.

Wonder_Boy ago

Disagree. Keep them on A pedestal--any pedestal of beauty & motherhood--so long as it isn't any pedestal of political or societal authority.

anonymous111 ago

Even that is false. They have a role seperate from men. Women don't need to be elevated to any position ever. They need to be quiet and submissive to their family and their husbands alone.

You give an award to "mother of the year" and the next thing you know, someone will subvert that and tell her to run for city council.

Rottenmonkey ago

Buying a woman a wristwatch is so pointless. There is a perfectly good clock on the stove.

Doglegwarrior ago

Benjamin Franklin said it best but he was not specificaly talking about women but he should have been.

people trade security for freedom, deserve neither

should have been women deserve neither security or freedom when this so easily give up freedom for security

Carpools ago

It is disrespectful to have inappropriate treatment of someone. Snowflakes like to pretend that this only means things that are unpleasant, which often includes telling harsh, beneficial, truths... but it would also be immensely disrespectful to anoint a child as leader of the free world.

That is an extreme to make a point. We should respect people for who they are. It appears that we have been lied to about what is the best investment of a woman's time.

I have voted for a woman more often in life than a man (No, not ever once fucking Hillary), and it will likely not ever happen again. Not just because women are rarely the most fit for a leadership job, but also because the fact that anyone pursues politics is a bad sign.. It's a worse sign for women.

Show me Margaret Thatcher, and I will grant the rare exception. Otherwise, we shouldn't overlook men who are qualified just to say that we did. Just because "wouldn't it be neat". Especially when women have an extremely important job to do that men can't do.

SpunRecord ago

Give them tasks and medium authority. Be ready to step in and override, and occassionally defer.

Avagadros ago

There were some good videos (video 1 and video 2) I found on YouTube by the YouTube Channel, Black Pigeon Speaks, who speaks about the same topic as described on this post [does not name the Jew specifically in these videos, but does so in other videos, and thence, an indirect mention of Jewish influence these videos]. YouTube took down the first part of such series [the first video mentioned above], but I found it from another YouTube Channel who re-posted the video.

I also agree with the other users who have stated that giving women the right to vote was a huge mistake, yet women should not be the 'scapegoats' in this regard as the Jews are responsible for shifting influence to women as part of their central goal to collapse Western Civilization and have complete control over the non-Jews.

For instance, the Jews utilized the Feminist movement to fractionate American society further, viz: the Suffrage Movement [first-wave feminism] and the Sexual Revolution [second-wave feminism], which through taxing the entire population instead of just half the community [men], and as a result, alienating women away from men [where the former would then rely heavily on the State], could they then further exert their control over American society:

The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Displacing men in the role of providers also destabilizes the family.

gazillions ago

125 million women bought and paid for a copy of fifty shades of grey; which may as well have been titled 50 shades of submission to male testosterone. It was one of the most poorly written books ever published and absolute garbage.

Women don't want to run the world. They don't want to make the decisions. They feel that they have to want that, or they aren't any good. The anxiety and crazy they're running on has become magnified because they are utterly incapable of admitting they don't want the responsibility. Ultimately it will have to be taken back for everyone's own good. Telling a slut that she's slut and therefore has no opinion you're willing to heed is just the start. They need opinions of themselves. Women feed on other's opinion of them, and it's incredibly important not to give them any sympathy for their bad behavior.

WhiteChickens ago

That's pretty much every woman in America. lol

Intrixina ago

That book is basically "psychopath who doesn't understand or care about boundaries attention whores to bag himself a woman who then is a product of DV as a result of his cuntery".

killkillkill ago

125 million women bought and paid for a copy of fifty shades of grey; which may as well have been titled 50 shades of submission to male testosterone. It was one of the most poorly written books ever published and absolute garbage.

And 99% of men watch porn and jerk off to it. So? Romance novels are porn for women and are basically the same sized industries as the porn industry.

gazillions ago

That's the programmed response we've been hearing right on cue. Porn for men isn't "harmless". It was illegal for eons because it isn't "harmless".

killkillkill ago

It's absolutely harmless. The most it'll do to you is be a crutch for not going out and meeting women or getting things done, just like junk food or video games or TV or anything else in the world.

gazillions ago


killkillkill ago

You sound like a wackjob mother Evangelical.

What's it do? Turn straight men into faggots or some nonsense?

gazillions ago

Is that your excuse?? You're a faggot that fucks men if you can't have pornography?

There is a skill to thinking. Cultivate it you fucking parrot.

killkillkill ago

Can you even read? I am asking you what you think porn does - turn men gay or something by watching it?

You are a fucking dolt.

gazillions ago

Paid by the post jew. You'll just keep coming back. So fuck off.

WhiteChickens ago

He's right, KYS

killkillkill ago

You have no argument.

Helena73 ago

And men buy porn. A lot more than women buy erotic fiction. Neither show good taste.

Women don't want to run the world. They don't want to make the decisions. They feel that they have to want that, or they aren't any good.

I think you’re fooling yourself. Lots of women like power and control. They may have slightly different motivations than men however.

The rise of the female technocrat has had a massive impact on the nature of government in developed nations. You think gals like Merkel and Jacinda Whateverthefuck aren’t drunk with power? They just want to be everybody’s Mommy. They want to take charge because, like all mommies, they think they know best.

And they have been hypnotized by feminist propagit into thinking that they, by virtue of being female, are inherently righteous, so they have no humility. They are tyrants that want to control all aspects of your life, just like mom.

They enjoy the control.

gazillions ago

Merkel and her ilk are there to be the templates, pushing the everyday women into supporting bat shit crazy women running things.

I'll give you an example of what it is in day to day: A woman I know has a problem with yelling at her husband. She can't stop once she starts. One day we're talking about it (I'm female, so I get those details) she says Ugh, I just wish sometimes he'd haul off and hit me so I'd have to stop. Here's the thing; If he ever did hit her, she's call the police instantly and destroy his career. She's have to. She wouldn't be able to stop herself from doing that anymore than she can stop herself from yelling at him. Women aren't all as extreme as that of course, but the behavior isn't as fully under their own control for - I'd guess at least half or more.

All those leftist women can't say "Merkel is a cunt" no matter how bad Merkel actually is and how many people she kills. .They just can't. That old saying "What do women *really" want?" is politically incorrect now, but telling. Women can't tell themselves what they really want,

Helena73 ago

but the behavior isn't as fully under their own control as it is for most traditional men.

Eh, I dont think the data really agrees with you. Men are more likely to have violent altercations. I mean we bitch a lot but thats because we’re good at it, it works for us, we’re wired that way. We’re more verbal. But men are just as petty and vengeful and impulsive as women. We just have different priorities

The problem is that when the mission of government shifted from protecting from foreign invaders and occasionally rounding up the odd shit bag murderer/rapist to tending to one’s every material and emotional need, the commie mommies— in total denial of evolution and the inherently selfish nature of people— set out cure the human condition with shitty social engineering, with policy.

The conceit is staggering. But this is where the female bureaucracy comes in. Mommy fix. Mommy make it fair. But now mommy has a secret police force. She’s a thug. Mommy will put you it jail for mean words and sad feels.

Of course men also participate in this control-freak bureaucracy. But it sort of feels like it has a female quality to me.

We just need to massively roll back the scope of government by starving it of tax dollars. The femocracy will shrivel up and die.

gazillions ago

Men have always provided for women by actually following them.. It's why women were cultured into preserving men's pride. Women had all the power when it was behind the door, so to speak. Those men that promote feminism aren't freaks of nature, they're products of it. What women want, men provide.. Including the invention of the automobile because women and children were drowning in horse shit. Almost all inventions were to make women's lives easier and especially by not letting their children die of everything.

Women are much better off not knowing they have control and allowing men look after the shit they mostly don't want to.

britt121 ago

Yes, this makes a lot of sense. Men work so hard for their women and children.

Helena73 ago

Yes I think essentially all technology and the entire professional world can be thought of as an arms race among men to attract the best mates.

But now women are essentially getting everything they want from men through the government, and other bureaucracies like financial, educational, etc.

Without having to sleep with them.

Without having to meet them even! Taxation. Child support. And so on.

It’s a sweet deal for many. Especially since some men can be tyrannical to live with. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth when it becomes prohibitively difficult to be a “courageous single mom”.

But better to have a tyrannical husband than a tyrannical Big Brother (or Sister).

gazillions ago

This was the pattern for destroying Native Indians. The women simply do not need their men. Utimately though, it's both the men and women drinking and drugging themselves to death, but mostly the men. Being unnecessary kills.

Helena73 ago

And welfare turns people into professional beggars. We’re now selecting for beggary.

gazillions ago

Welfare is a job creation program. It spawns government and non profit employees and programs like a disease. All those employees are ultimately paid your tax dollars and the person getting the least is the welfare recipient because they need to make damned sure they never get off welfare.

Helena73 ago

Exactly. 6-figure fake jobs, being rolled up into the gdp, which are essentially just elaborate welfare for quasicompetent women, minorities, friends of politicians, professional communists. Yup, yup, yup.

All because we took that initial puff of the government crack pipe and now we can’t put it down.

We just can’t cut taxes, because government workers might lose their jobs and that would be mean. So actual wealth producers have to have their income expropriated.

We can’t stop agreeing, it seems. That hardly ever happens to me.

gazillions ago

Haha Yes. I think a lot of people do agree with us, and we simply have no representation.

manoccas ago

Just today I was walking home and a guy was changing his tire and his hot girlfriend was standing behind him taking photos and giggling. That's pretty much the crux of the problem we have. Modern women are essentially useless because modern men choose slutty fun girls instead of women who can actually do something useful. We need to return to the concept of "good wife material".

kijoja ago

Sounds like jealousy.

TheGodHunter ago

You sound like a jew

shinbones ago

My dog wishes for me to inform you that he is quite insulted and is patiently awaiting your apology.

anonymous111 ago

Give that good boy a treat after he earns it.

shinbones ago

I have a confession to make. My dog did not actually say that.

PornoGameDude ago

Who even gives a fuck? Adapt and overcome.

anonymous111 ago

adapt to the poisoned well, goyim. This is your new normal.

kijoja ago

You don’t even have a wife. How are we to trust your ideal family that you don’t even have?

anonymous111 ago

I think if you knew what I personally have overcome to even be able to be here, now, you wouldn't say that.

turtlesareNotevil ago

The president is a man controlled by jews.

ChiCom ago

Women love the police state. It equalized physical dominance.

kijoja ago

Funny how the majority male Republican Party sucks pig dick far more than radical Feminists. Funny that.

ant_earth ago

women wouldn't love the police state if they had real men to protect them. single mom's rely on and trust police. women with legitimate fathers and husbands don't even consider it.

tourgen ago

It's too late. We are far too far down that road. The end is a cliff and we are all going over. After we rebuild, remember. Remember and only allow the net tax payers to vote, and to keep your women firmly in line.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Nothing to remember about jews though? Weird.

tourgen ago

I don't know anything about jews. I do know that if you let everyone vote, the losers will just vote themselves all of the winners stuff as they plan to kill them all in their glorious commie revolution. Don't let them vote.

GrizzlyDark ago

kek i just posted this reply to a momanon a few hours ago:

I see you're a mom. I've noticed a lot of moms on Twitter who, like yourself, have been caught up in the emotional "children are being surfaced from tunnels, some have never seen the light, I pray! " that went from 0-100 on April fools day.

Your hearts are in the right place but I think this is purely an emotional play by some troll tugging on your heart strings.

Is it possible? Absolutely and I hope it's all true. But remember, zero proof in 4 days

Tons of speculation, maybe even indicators. But lack of information is letting your emotions fill the gaps in the story.

I say this respectfully, but this is why women shouldn't vote or be in office. You are too good for it. You care so much for life and the kids that your brain does things like this to protect itself. Jews know this and they hook line and sinker women by playing with emotions all the time.

Maybe you don't fall for it every time - but you're here which means you're mentally stronger than 95% of women. It's not your individual vote I think is bad, it's that if you factor in all women, 95% of voters go to whichever candidate makes them feel warm and fuzzy. That's why Sweden is overrun with Muslim niggers.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ReformedFeminist ago

You summed us up beautifully!

GrizzlyDark ago

If not an angry feminist troll just waiting for her chance to punch back, you may like this:

Pardon the site name, not sure why it is what it is.

ReformedFeminist ago

I'm not an angry troll. In fact, since rejecting the feminist nonsense I was fed growing up, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life! I will watch the video, thank you.

AnotherGrayman ago

Pardon the site name, not sure why it is what it is.

It's a buffer. If you're gonna shriek about the name, you don't belong on the site.

paperfolder1 ago


Vhaine ago

A woman “leader” is still just a woman doing her absolute best to emulate the mean she grew up around. It’s fake it until you make all day long.

kijoja ago

Do you see the state of men today? If women leaders emulated the men around them today, they’d simp for sexual gratification and fail to support their children financially and emotionally. Leaders share qualities across both sexes. We have more in common than we do differences, despite tribal mentality.

New-World-Ebola ago

women need to be subjugated and all the ones who won't pull their fucking heads in can get nigger dragged

thebearfromstartrack ago

DEFINATELY. Feminists have NO place in business, politics or ANY leadership position. DESPITE their objections. They are STILL women inside, PRETENDING what they THINK leadership is (they observe men) but what's on the outside isn't what COUNTS.

Tallest_Skil ago

Women have no place in business, politics, or any leadership position.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Really? I THINK they are SUPPOSED to be raising the kids. Who are USELSS (BTW).

WhiteChickens ago

They're not even qualified to do that past the age of 12 or so...

thebearfromstartrack ago

I wish I wasn't so good at math maybe. NOt really.

jimibulgin ago

definitely* as in "finite".

thebearfromstartrack ago

I don't know about infinite. Just NOW. Maybe later or something. shut up.

Charilko ago

Hey hey hey... the early feminists weren’t Jews. They were Satanists. The second wavers were Jews but the Victorian bitches who launched this shit were flat out Satanists.

fightknightHERO ago

they were jews all along

the women's liberation movment was always spearheaded and bankrolled by kikes

you can even google it

"the jewish history/element behind the women's liberation movement"

Helena73 ago

No the early feminists were christian types who were crusading for temperance among other things.

Phantom42 ago

jew and satanist means the exact same thing.

Yes, I realize I did not capitalize jew or satanist. Capitalizing those names would denote respect, of which I have none.

Racial_Maddow ago

Yes but I becomes tiresome to correct the (((auto correct)))

anonymous111 ago

Who do you think is in charge of putting women in power? Jews and weak men.

AntiMason ago


NicotinicAcid ago

Weak men before jews. I understand the depth of control, but weak men are one of the most destructive forces in society.

voatusernamevoat ago

Yes, weakened men with mind poison:

spaceman84 ago

Heinlein was right. Service for citizenship. Weak men would have no vote.

NicotinicAcid ago

Wrong, you need them stronger. What can be done to accomplish that?

spaceman84 ago

Eugenics. Not much to do once they're in the gene pool except remove them.

NicotinicAcid ago

It's a problem of the mind, not the body. We can fix the mind.

spaceman84 ago

You discount genetics, from which culture and civilization are created.

NicotinicAcid ago

You're contradicting yourself. I'm assuming we're talking about white people. White people suffer from stupidity and toxic altruism, both are solved in the mind.

spaceman84 ago

No, they've been cultivated at a genetic level. Brother wars removed the the best of us from the gene pool.

NicotinicAcid ago

That doesn't even make sense dude. All current problems are problems of the mind, not the body. I'm done with this.

spaceman84 ago

Yes just ignore that whole segment of reality. Surely you'll come to the right conclusions.

NicotinicAcid ago

I already have come to the right conclusions, your solution is more death. It's pathetic, you have no idea how the mind works apparently.

spaceman84 ago

Weak genes won't remove themselves voluntarily.

NicotinicAcid ago

What's your criteria for weak genes?

kidcip16 ago

100 years too late. Women should have never got the ability to vote. It's absolutely idiotic and destroyed our republic, we are now a "democracy" aka tyranny of the Thot

GumbyTM ago

And who gave it to them?

ant_earth ago

yeah, women destroyed the country. not the men who sat back and did absolutely nothing. you talk like women went to war and shed blood to achieve these results.

spaceman84 ago

Almost 200 years too late. Women's suffrage began in the 1840s in Europe.

manoccas ago

There are women that are capable of being great leaders and thinkers, it's just that they're a tiny minority. The problem is not women having equal rights, it's the belief that women (and races) are equal, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I don't want to live in a society where my daughter never has the opportunity to study to be a scientist, but I also don't want to live in a society where she's considered a failure if she chooses to be a housewife.

WhiteChickens ago

Women can't be scientists. Too bad.

BearDolphin1488 ago

yeah, but there is no point in mentioning that in the context of arguemtns. the outliers, are just that, outliers, and unless youre doing some kind of pinpointed paper or study, there is no point in always being #notall

everef ago

Why do you care if society puts any effort toward helping women become scientists? The vast majority will never have any interest in it, the vast majority of the ones that are interested in it would be happier at home raising children as long as society didn't tell them they were failures for doing so, and the majority of the tiny number that would be happier being scientists will never produce anything of value and will only serve to get in the way of competent men.

kijoja ago

Because pursuit of happiness? Even if you don’t think you’d be happy doing something like that, why stand in someone else’s way? You are wasting your energy.

everef ago

What is the benefit to trying to alter the behavior of men in the scientific field and elsewhere to help the pursuit of happiness of an extremely small number of women?

Black_Phillip ago

I don't give shit about the 4% of women who excel. Women are children and should have the same basic human rights as them, no one is saying they should be treated as chattel - but nothing else.

If you want your daughter to have the opportunity to be a scientist, or better to say, ENCOURAGED to be a scientist then you can kiss your societies fertility rate goodbye. Nothing is better at destroying your country than giving women the right to vote and going to college.

rudegirl666 ago

Sounds like something an incel would say but go off I guess

Black_Phillip ago

Hahahahaha go read one of her “top posts”. Talks about what a whore she is and her tits are public domain.


Black_Phillip ago

Response is something basic thots say because they can’t understand it. But we can play this game, guarantee the red faced gashes who keep replying are either overweight, a single mother or divorced - or a combination of all three.

killkillkill ago

I love guys who talk like you, because it's 100% guaranteed that you're a pathetic little piece of slime, ugly and out of shape, never get any pussy and will never have the 1950s household you think you will, where you are the patriarch of the home and have a nice, obedient wife who gives you three perfect Aryan children.

Black_Phillip ago

Haha, OK lady. This is what happens when you think like a women, you ignore any of the arguments, attack the person and pretend that your ideas are unreasonable.

I do just fine with women, you know why? I treat them however I want. You guys want to understand women? Buying a parenting book.

Also lady, since women are not equal to're going to lose your rights no matter what. Either by western men or by the horde invaders, which one would you prefer?

Vitolo69 ago

No there aren't any who can lead a nation. And why the fuck would you want your daughter to be a scientist if you admit they aren't equal. Stop blurring the lines.

superspathi ago

Well that's obviously false as we have numerous historical examples.

killkillkill ago

Never heard of Queen Victoria? Margaret Thatcher? Golda Meir? Hate her for being a Jew or whatever all you want, but she ran her county well with its best interests in mind.

kidcip16 ago

NAXALT fallacy. Just like if 1/100 of niggers might be smarter than the average white, that does not mean niggers are as smart as whites.

Enabling the 1% of women who might be GOOD ENGINEERS is not worth the 99% who are pure shit and force the real engineers (aka men) to do/clean up their work for them, which always happens in STEM...and most jobs for that matter.

britt121 ago

It just means people have to be willing to accept that males will absolutely dominate but if there is that one in a million female who is great and qualified and meets a criteria that hasn't been dimished to pander to women, then she should be allowed to do that job.

killkillkill ago

I never said all women were as suited to being leaders as all men either. That's a fallacy.

peacegnome ago

The smartest black man is smarter than an average white one.

I know that you are more talking about lack of logic (feelings over facts), but it is possible for a female to be rational, just not common (I know only one IRL).

derllip ago

Yeah people never get that when we're talking about groups of peoples' traits, we're speaking of averages. There are plenty of smart blacks, rational women, and peaceful muslims. Problem is, for every 1 smart black there are 50 raging king kongs bringing the average down.

manoccas ago

You sound like a muslim rapist. Calm down. Go read some history. There are plenty of examples of women who outperformed men, from Thatcher to Joan of arc to artemisia, there are countless examples but what matters is that they all took on the role of men. Yes, some women can make good men, but that doesn't mean that all women should aspire to be men, which is what our current culture preaches.

NarrativeControl ago

No there aren't any who can lead a nation.

I think he's trying to say there are exceptions. In my country the last female president was better than the previous male president but those are very few exceptions. We are in clown world so that's why something like that can happen.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Even if we took away their right to vote, they've already permitted enough shitskins to enter white lands that there's no going back without total Fascism (which I'm a fan of, so I hope it happens.)

ant_earth ago

women didn't ship the shitskins into this country. jews did that. nor is it women's responsibility to defend the borders. that's the job of white men. why don't white men kill the invaders?

derllip ago

Women are the same as minorities in this context. They all lack logic and are easily controlled - used as a tool.

ant_earth ago

except women can be controlled by the men of their tribe easier than they can be manipulated by jews. the problem is that women cannot find fulfillment and a sense of stability from the men of their society and so they must look elsewhere.

kidcip16 ago

women enable the jews. Men are naturally resistant to jewry which makes it more difficult and time-consuming for them to hatch their schemes (with the risk of revolt). But with women voting, they can hatch their schemes VERY quickly and safely. same reason they attack masculinity and poison the food/water to make the men weaker and turn them into effeminate cucks. A liberal male is a male who thinks and acts like a woman.

ant_earth ago

Women do not directly give any power to jews. You probably think votes and words on a piece of paper give power as well

123456788 ago

Jews did it specifically by manipulating the heartstrings of women. It isn't the fault of women, but they were certainly the vessel to lay out their plans.

ant_earth ago

Jews wouldn’t have been able to “manipulate the heartstrings” of women the men were strong. If you look at the women of Sparta, they would not have been susceptible to any of that type of jewish propaganda.

BearDolphin1488 ago

ant_earth ago

good job posting an eight minute video that only contains one relevant snippet which is just 5 seconds of him saying "jews tried these money tricks in sparta but were put to the sword", which just confirms my point.

try posting an excerpt from a primary source next time. if you're going to be wrong then you should at least do it in a way that doesn't waste peoples' time, stupid.

BearDolphin1488 ago

read between the lines faggot. or is that too complicated for you? youre one of those retards that needs everything spelled out for you

ugh, you think primary sources are truer or more powerful? what a retard

ant_earth ago

Nigger, there’s only one single line. I said that spartan women wouldn’t have been susceptible to the jewish propaganda in question. You then showed me an 8 minute video just so I could hear “Spartans killed merchants one time”, while implying this means spartan women were victim of the propaganda that we have today. Those to implies points don’t connect. Or were you referring to some other 5 second tidbit from our 8 minute unmarked video?

And now again you are refusing to speak plainly. Do you like to be a vague faggot as a safety measure to shift attention in case you’re wrong, or are you just not capable of making a concise and explicit point?

voatuser1128 ago

women didn't ship the shitskins into this country. jews did that.

But really once the South knew they lost the war they should have mass poisoned their slaves to prevent them from infesting the rest of the country forever. I don't believe modern mainstream society will allow genocide or even deportation so we are stuck with them sadly.

Logansrun ago

Honest question, why fascism?

BoomerHater1488er ago

Fascism is a small government with small jurisdiction, but within that jurisdiction its power is absolute. Some laws are unchangeable and immutable, unlike the US's Constitutional Republic where the States could hold a Constitutional Convention and, with a supermajority, make any change to the Constitution they want to. They delete the entire Bill of Rights if they wanted.

But the overwhelming majority of life would be governed by people governing themselves in a high trust society; but if you break the few rules, you get deleted.

Also, all foreign influence is mitigated.

Can you think of a better form of government? Democracy is shit; a Republic isn't much better. A hereditary monarchy is too much power in one man and his heirs may or may not be suited to rule.

Anam ago

While European monarchies were absolute, the English kept a check on the powers of the hereditary monarch almost from the start. When the Normans under William the Conqueror invaded, the only way they could establish peace was to agree to compromise by holding a coronation ceremony where the monarch swore to uphold the laws of England. Monarchs who refused to take this oath, such as Queen Hilda, quickly lost control and were deposed in favor of contenders who would. With the Magna Carta, and the evolution of Common Law, these checks on absolute power became even more effective over time, while Europe continued its tradition of despotism. The EU is just the latest example of extreme authoritarianism without accountability.

As for the hereditary principle, again, the rise of the British empire along with the industrial revolution showed that even the worst imbeciles, drunks and perverts who came to power through inheritance were not as bad as the self-serving psychopaths who actively seek power and who shape the institutions of power to suit themselves, i.e. the deep state.

killkillkill ago

You're a fucking fool if you think a Fascist government that rises within the US would respect the Constitution. I suppose you also believe a Benevolent Dictator could also possibly exist?

BoomerHater1488er ago

Fuck the Constitution. It's garbage. Morality trumps legality every time.

killkillkill ago


KingMortales ago

They have existed, there are historical examples.

killkillkill ago

They haven't existed, because no country has ever had a Constitution like the US. They still don't.

Logansrun ago

Thanks for your reply. I always thought it was a government and big business model.

BoomerHater1488er ago

The "business" side of it protects the Nation. For example, foreign companies pay tariffs that give local goods a slight advantage. This stops things like foreign manufacturers undercutting local prices because they use slave labor.

Some people will kvetch that they should be free to buy, sell, and trade with whoever they want, whenever they want.

I'm willing to bet if you asked anyone that you know if the interests of local communities should come before interests of foreign States, they'll say yes.

killkillkill ago

Trade is a lot more complicated than simply putting tariffs on foreign goods...

BoomerHater1488er ago

Of course. This is just the most barebones overview.

Logansrun ago

Thanks! The more ya know....

TylerDurrrden777 ago

The Thot Police

Joe_McCarthy ago

Women are nice. The white ones anyway.

MrPank ago

Ya know I remember the first back and forth with you when I first came to Voat. I thought to myself "This guy has some good points."

Now? Kill yourself nigger you fat cuban fucking slumlord faggot.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You get to call me a nigger and a Cuban. And fat. Just not a Jew. That is bannable.

Reinhart ago

Shut up, jew

MrPank ago

Kike. Hey, it wasn't "jew."

Joe_McCarthy ago

Close enough.

MrPank ago

I don't give a shit about being banned in a sub i never posted in jew nigger faggot.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Good. Because you may get banned from there again.

MrPank ago

Ok groomer.

CapinBoredface ago

Hey what gives!?

I thought goats didnt watch porn?

Was I lied to?

New-World-Ebola ago

he's a disgusting paedophile faggot that gets off sharing porn to other males.

chirogonemd ago

He's just a super weird dude who gets off sharing links to porn. I'd say just a troll, but it's creepier than that. Joe is like the guy at the family reunion who refers to himself as uncle, but everyone is pretty sure he's no relation, and you never let your kids around him.

HbMcNutt ago

No just joe. Pretty sure joe actually based out of an isreali office. He is a shill and will post smut in every sub and he also claims jews are in no positions of power or involved in porno

CapinBoredface ago

Sounds more like troll behavior than shill behavior.

HbMcNutt ago

Maybe, but he is very diligent and also defends isreal religiously without giving to any logic, which makes me assume he is employed to shill. If you didnt know, isreal runs whole office building of shills to control naratives, set up patsys, and monitor how much goyim know.

Tallest_Skil ago

Pay no attention to that coward. She refuses to support anything she says at any time and instantly rejects any truth that hurts her feelings.

CapinBoredface ago

but he is very diligent and also defends isreal religiously

Again, sounds more like a troll account looking to make goats butthurt. Shills are usually more sneaky, they dont want to just completely out themselves in such obvious ways. Look at @Tallest_Skil, that dude is like some weird champion of voat until you realize that all he does is demoralize whites and tell people that they have no hope and trying to build a better world is pointless because the jews are too powerful. That is the kind of shit shills do.

@Joe_McCarthy seems more like a teenager trying to offend people and be a contrarian for shits and giggles.

petevoat ago

Give me 34.3 seconds alone with this one and I am good.

HulkJizz ago
