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clamhurt_legbeard ago

For the same reason I don't boycott Facebook.

I never went there to begin with.

FidelCastrate ago

It's funny how both parties are the same. The left wont show there because they hate the capitalist exploitation of worker rights. Now the right wont shop there because guns. there really aren't any non-trivial differences between each ideology.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hey, never seen you around. You must be new.


HiJoker ago

We're in a closed system and someone like this shows up. I've also seen accounts that were old that I'd never seen post ever. None of this shit is etched in stone and is digitally malleable. So this begs to question, is this a legit old account that someone dusted off. Funny how there seems to be a metric fuckton of people who made spare accounts back in the days.

Who does that? Sure the occasional oddball or shill will do that, but not the running population. Too many of these are showing up to make them all statistically sound.

My hypothesis is that they were never there to begin with and are simply accounts that already exist or have been created and false start dates put on them. It's shit I would do if I was an agent assigned to this place. There's only a couple of guys working on this site supposively. lol So how hard would it be to run circles around them with proper agency specialists working on your team?

You wouldn't even have to have them on your team, just get in queue for them to hack your team project as this is what they do in the nerdery. Bam! You are in and can set up all the shill accounts as you can. You keep plugging away with the propaganda via the botnet and go fishing for real users.

You've got everyone who posts here into the system. Now you just poke and prod and see what happens. Will you find domestic terrorists in here and get your scooby snack or will some other little message board being worked by the botfarm pan out first?

It's all apart of the assignment monitoring these sorts of places. The big thing is to key in on the terms used. It's hard to algorithm slang and these sorts are linguistically dodgy inherently by nature. You need agents to monitor such things and not be a retarded tone deaf geek who fails at human nuances which IT based agency departments tend to do.

Pepe frightens them because they don't know what it means.

So is there an end to this fucking post? Here it comes.

Say hello to a fresh agency node here to shill/prod us.

The DDoS shit doesn't smack of agency stuff. I was looking at the map Putt put up when the DDoS happens and it shows the traffic being from classical russian botfarms that any angry kiddy can hire with bitcoin. The irony is there's probably at least one agency setting around bitching about the shit as well. The lulz.

I'm thinking some bitch nigger leftist cyber punk script kiddy pissy pants wondered into voat and got butthurt at all the nazis. Throw money at the cheapest hack for hire outfit and boom there we are.

You would fucking hope to shout whatever passes for agencies these days would be more subtle and in the background than that.

I could be wrong. lol It's probably a lurker posting.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

any angry kiddy can hire with bitcoin.

Putt has said the RPS levels of the DDoS are in the many millions of dollars range.

HiJoker ago

I'd like to know the metrics of that and where that figure comes from.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

We received the number of hits in one day we normally get all month.

I dunno how you find the price of a DDoS, but he has direct access to how many requests per second, obviously.

Crackrocknigga ago

I dunno how you find the price of a DDoS, but he has direct access to how many requests per second, obviously.

Someone who could afford to run a site like and bans anyone who talks about it

Just like you

SearchVoatBot ago

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clamhurt_legbeard ago

As a website administrator, putt and I have had a number of chats.

You should let him know I'm the attacker!!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crackrocknigga ago

Why don't you like people talking about this though and you censor your site?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

My wife and I have been laughing our asses off all afternoon at this.

Crackrocknigga ago

She's laughing cause I fucked her silly

Bodum tissssskkk

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ohhhhhh nooooooo

Crackrocknigga ago

I deleted that other one im all about you owning but not that shit, apologied

Crackrocknigga ago

Well. Im. Sorry didn't read it and realize you had surgery that was actually fucked up. I was in hospital july

Crackrocknigga ago

How could you even hit it though?