AlternateSelection ago

I would like to see just how much impact 1 day or 1 week of a total boycott by all customers would do to that shit company. Just suddenly all stores globally are completely empty of customers.

90SE ago

Shouldn't need to say anything. Walmart is a collection point for the unwashed masses. Why spend time there

RustyFender1 ago

Amazon is the one we need to boycott.

justregtoasku ago


EyeOfHorus ago

I recently transported $500 in Walmart ammo from Nebraska into California, for a friend, in his minecraft map. He can't purchase bulk shipments anymore, and he's suppose to register for local purchases, which cost more. I absolutely hate Walmart, but happened to be making a stop at one. I guess I won't be doing that anymore.

The funny part was stopping at the CA/NV "Agriculture Inspection" check point. My 14 year old was more stressed out with his $300 in fireworks we picked up in Wisconsin than the ammo I had hidden under his seat.

Good times. My children will have many stories to laugh about after I'm gone.

slevin_kelevra ago

Simple. Boycotts don't work and are a leftwing tactic.

slwsnowman40 ago

Doesn't Hillary get money from them because she's on their board or something? Isn't that enough to not step foot in a Walmart?

Doglegwarrior ago

Dude! Arkansas!!!! Walmart waltons from arkansas who do you think was behind the clintons from.the fucking start!

slwsnowman40 ago

I know that, but when I learned she was on the board or some otherwise getting money from them was when I stopped giving them money unless I had no other option.

Leveraction ago

Agree!! This is ridiculous! Fuck you chinkmart! Assholes won't be happy until the only fucking people with ammo/weapons are the god damn criminals. Yeah, that makes sense, right dumbocraps????? Leftys really do have a mental disorder!

TheKalergiFan ago

Amazon is destroying them anyway, they are the real problem

Doglegwarrior ago

Amazon is a problem for fuck sake. I use it to much its just to fucking easy.

NyggfukkioLaqueer ago

The Skokie Illinois walmart is nothing but sandniggers, subsaharan muslim niggers, spics and other brown trash.

They don't even help white people if they come in the store and will even call the cops on whitey. It's totally fucked.

0011000100100111101 ago

never shopped at walmart, never will.

YoHomie ago

Go ahead, boycott Walmart all you want. Jesus Christ, who the fuck is stopping you?

Doglegwarrior ago

Im on it. My question is just why didnt the boomers and nra and 2nd amendment people call for it? Inwould guess the leadership at pro 2nd amendment groups is not on our side as much as people think.

aCuriousYahnz ago

I never shop there to begin with.

num ago

Never shopped there.

Those "as seen in Walmart" memes pretty much made me want nothing to do with that place. Buncha niggers.

AlternateSelection ago

You can't convince rednecks to avoid Wallyworld.

HiJoker ago

In my area, they wrecked the local businesses so there isn't any place left to shop. They have no competition unless you want to drive for an hour or more.

hillbilly_guy ago

I have not been in a Wal Mart for over 20 years. They kill small business no matter where they go, fuck over their employees, and their suppliers.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Whiteflourguy ago

Fuck the Jew stream media for covering the "boycott" of the guns and ammo sale in the first place. We got ZERO coverage for the D.C. March for Pizzagate, NOT a word coverage, had a decent turn out, the CIA knew we were there, followed me back to my hotel at 1 point, The "so called shooting" that managed to hit the computer server a the Pizza shop....ya the police had that entire block and building taped off hours before the "shooting" even happened. I am not trying to hijack this thread to talk about pizzagate but been quiet for way to long, Fuck Walmart they are backed by the Government any how. Look at the stores that Walmart closed, some have army trucks and tanks stored in them and a couple others are being "fixed" to use as a jail. It is past time to tell anybody who will listen, take the red pill and wake the fuck up. God bless Goats.

Doglegwarrior ago

I made my parents watch the ben swann thing about pizza gate they completely denied it having any possibilty of being real. Shit was infuirating.

From: op.... Dude hijack all you want nothing you said was bad its redpills people need but you are singing to the choir in here well at least 90% of us are on board with what you said.

Whiteflourguy ago

I knew as much there, I was speaking to the friends of Goats. Believe me I as well had people watch things and they said if it was real the news would be all over it...…….

Jalapean616 ago



I’ve BEEN done with Walmart. The second I found out they become detention centers under COG.

They WILL stop selling all guns in the future. They are an enemy of liberty.

bluedeath ago

Walmart was as good as dead the moment they stopped staying open 24x7 at half of their locations, but it will gasp and wheeze a bit longer. Go ahead and take a look at the primary customer demographic and it says it all ..... ignorant drone trash. Meanwhile Target remains the suburban gold digger hot spot.

matthew-- ago

This is so wrong on so many levels I'm surprised it's so popular with voat, I honestly expected better.

  1. Making Chinese rich. This is what happens when you allow a country to go to economic war with you while you bend over and take it. If you put the same tariffs on Chinese goods as they put on your goods, you'd struggle to find anything in the US that was made in China. That ignores that you've been fucking subsidising their shipping for decades. Even now, Chinese spend big money and trust American products over local, if they had no tariffs on goods from the USA, you'd be selling so much shit to China it would make your head spin. Your wages would go through the roof because they wouldn't be able to make enough cars, tools and other goods fast enough, even if they employed the entire population of Mexico to work illegally. The reason they don't is because there's a HUGE tax on goods coming into China. It's cheaper for me to fly from China to the states, buy something like an LV handbag for my wife, stay in a hotel for a few nights, and fly back with my "personal" item, than it is to send it via post, and pay import taxes. That's ridiculous. Walmart, and every other store in the USA would not pay for Chinese goods if they weren't ridiculously cheap.

  2. Industry and scale is a fucking good thing! It's why the industrial revolution made the west richer than the rest of the entire world combined, at any point in prior history. If you didn't have large scale production, you'd still be paying a few bucks for a blacksmith to make a single nail. How much extra would a basic house cost if you had to pay per fucking nail? Now a factory mass produces each nail for a few cents, and the home owner can now spend that money that was saved on nails on something like ornamental wrought iron gates/fence, made by a blacksmith. Which would you rather have?

A) blacksmith works 1000 hours to make 10k nails; homeowner gets house but no gate

B) homeowner gets nails for cheap, and uses the savings to pay the blacksmith to work 100 hours to make a gate?

Can you say Luddite?

Doglegwarrior ago


Good points. My brain is tired of thinking this is something id rather talk about at a bar then two thumb text.

Well thought out reply i do appreciate it not being sarcastic.

matthew-- ago

Yeah, I gotta tone it down a bit. Shouldn't have sworn at all.

I can tell from your speech that you're a bit tired, don't sweat it.

I'm just really disappointed with every user in this thread that just jumped on the band wagon. "I think Walmart bad", "I also think Walmart bad", "I think Walmart double bad", "I think Walmart double plus bad". Does it remind you of something?

Herkules97 ago

Not everyone is using time to find out or know everything you know, might also lack enough interest to give a shit besides "Walmart bad, goodbye"

If it reminds you of "NPCs" or whatever, it's because a lot of people don't use their time or have the experience someone else has. They go with what they know and hear, you might expect Voat to somehow be super intelligent and always know what is what, but no we're all still people. Some know better than others and they can lead the way in their expertise.

You've given a reply that explains some things and now it's up to others, if anyone even scrolls down, to read it.

Some might not care enough about whether it's bad or good to no longer go to Walmart, because it's a minor issue for them. They'll just say fuck Walmart and that's that.

Some here are saying they never went to Walmart, so they don't have to do anything at all.

BordelonLoop ago

can i go get a couple of cases of mason jars first? i don't do amazon and on mason jar prices, walmart slaps the other stores like red headed stepchildren.

tokui ago

Well, fuck (((Target))) and their unisex potties!

Now what? I do most my shopping online now anyway - amazon being an extreme last resort. I bought some specialized drill bits 5 yrs ago.

Betty_Liberty ago

I'm done w Walmart, Levi's, Gillette, Nike,

Amazon, Disney, Pedowood, Starfucks, TV, Netflix, all of it!

yuzernaym ago

Don't forget Dick's

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

And you haven't missed a thing and look you're still alive and well I'm in the same boat I do none of those things

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Correction I do watch old TV shows

hang_em_high ago

I already don't shop there. I don't need Chinese garbage. That said, in the small town where I am from it is pretty much the only place to get a lot of things. Not many options in small rural areas.

Scald85 ago

All big corporations are anti-family because they hate family businesses. Billionaires hate monogamy because it interferes with their personal sexual ambitions, the reason they were driven to make billions.

Economic leftism goes with social conservatism. National socialism.

DFW ago

So Walmart is a gun free zone?

How badly do you want to be a target of some CIA, MK Ultra, lobotomized, SSRI addicted zombie do you want to be?

FidelCastrate ago

because this isn't Le Redidt Army

ThisIsMyRealName ago

They're the only store around me that carries my toothpaste and deodorant. I don't want to change those.

pushthis ago

Kirks castle soap is waay underrated and sold at walmarts.

o0shad0o ago

The other grocery stores in town all suck. The only real competition in town for most everything else they carry is... Target. (Also a Walton company.) I suppose I could shop online for much of the stuff... But where? Amazon? Ebay?

Doglegwarrior ago

Are u kidding a fucking walton owens target. God damn i hope your wrong.

Bastionof_freespeech ago

That damage has been done, plus Walmart is almost impossible to boycott in a lot of areas unless you buy shit from amazon

BaBs88 ago

Bro all the white people already stopped. I havnt been in one in years but God damn dude. It was all shitskins. All the workers and customers shitskins. I saw maybe 1 other ehite person who was fatter than fuck. Sad!

Astroqualia ago

Because most of you faggots shop there every week for groceries. Let's be real, here.

Every downvoat for this comment is someone who got called out for shopping at Walmart and their poor little pride is hurt.

Doglegwarrior ago

Heb in texas. So i got a legit alternative and they have not gone full liberal retard yet.

observation1 ago

Fuck they will never be amazon.

Only thing left is

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I've bought a few things from Free shipping for minimal orders, and check the price of a case of mason jars vs the Amazon price. Then do a case of gallon jars. It's worth a look if you're not finding your thing elsewhere.

observation1 ago

Ebay might surprise you. I'd willingly pay more shopping on ebay knowing my money isn't going to Amazon. Walmarts search engine is not practical. At some point my times value comes into play.

theysayso ago

Because we already stopped going to Walmart years ago because we're not retarded.

reason247 ago

I haven't set foot in a wallmart in... maybe 20 years? When I travel across country I do try to occasionally shit in their parking lot though.

Leveraction ago

Walfart you want to no longer carry handgun ammo,....

F U C K. Y O U.

Mah_Selectah ago

I usually bought ammo from there, but seeing this bullshit, I'd rather drive the extra 3 miles to target.

Fuck walmart.

hang_em_high ago

Why not just buy it online? SG Ammo or LAX have much better prices.

Mah_Selectah ago

Thanks friend-o!

Getoutandvoat ago

Asking the Silent Majority to call for a boycott kind of misses the point of the name.

Pointyball ago

I never shop at Walmart. There are plenty of Mom and Pop gun shops that carry .223 and 5.56. Hopefully they will see a bump in business because Walmart refuses to sell.

pby1000 ago

Agreed. We need to bankrupt all these motherfuckers.

TheSeer ago

I've NEVER shopped at Walmart. Literally, I think I went in with my family once. Never been in there on my own accord. EVER.

It shocks people when I tell them that. And expect the same from them.

nemestrinus ago

Same here. It amazes me how people just stare at me with disbelief when I tell them that I will not shop at a WalMart. It's like they think it's blasphemy.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Walmart, what's that?

AlternateSelection ago

Walmart is all Chinese shit too. They owe their existence to slave labor goods.

NatSocTemplar ago

I avoid Walmart and Amazon like the plague. If I can't get it locally, I buy it on eBay so I'm still supporting a small buisness, just one I can't drive to.

Deathsmother ago

I did, even got quoted by some NBC shill on Twitter lol

necrophagist79 ago

Normies like sacrificing things for convenience. Most know chinamart is bad but don't want to have to make extra stops. Most towns would be better off with walmart gone.

SexMachine ago

Yep, all 100 of us on locked down voat are full boycott.

Doglegwarrior ago

Lol.. is it really that bad? It seems somewhat normal around here. Tons of the qfolk now. Lotz of pretty good content still on the front page.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

oy, 100 of us and our 10 alts each.

drj2 ago

Shit that’s like 6 million accounts all boycotting

Masaze ago

I want to boycott Wal-Mart but it's easily half the price to buy groceries there and I can't afford it

LoneCipher ago

Aldi's rules.

Patranon1 ago

Aldi's. Its definitely cheaper

auto_turret ago

CEO of aldi's at one point said publicly that they would only hire illegals, in response to the ice raids and deportations.

Cant find the article, it has been memory holed.

No matter where you go, we're despised.

Dirty_Money ago

It's a cucked German company.

Bobby_Lee_Jackson ago

Depending on region Aldi and Save a Lot are both cheaper than goddamn Walmart

dirt_reynolds ago

I wouldn't give food from Save a Lot to my dog.

HiJoker ago

Aldis is god like cheap and the stuff is really good. Their condiments, mustard, ketchup, mayo, is all just as good as name brand. They've got cheap produce as well. Their cocoa almonds are to kill for. If you like nuts, they have them good and cheap.

Mr_Wolf ago

look for a local Asian grocery store, I can fill up a cart for $80 and have groceries for 2 weeks. amywhere else that's easily double or triple the cost.

Dirty_Money ago

Most a rural America has a Walmart, and nothing else. (Hence the obesity. The food selection is horrifying from a nutritional standpoint.)

It is ironic, because these areas are literally surrounded by farms. You'll see a peach stand on the road, then 2 miles down a corn and tomato stand. If you know the right places to go, you can buy a share of a cow, but you have to have a drop freezer once it's butchered.

I've been working on the idea of setting up a grocery store for all of the area farms. They sell at prices below Walmart as it is. It could actually be competetive.

Mr_Wolf ago

the farmers markets are always worth going to. theres stuff that comes from the local farms that is so much better than over processed from the stores.

ive got mushrooms growing in a spare room thanks to them, amazing tasing honey. fresh eggs. ive even processed my own chickens and duck.

a store like that would certainly be worthwhile.

fluhthreeex ago

you'll get some foods you can't find elsewhere but you're going to have to deal with the monsanto

Bastionof_freespeech ago

Those are not common where a lot of Walmarts are

Mr_Wolf ago

local butcher shops as well, some have a lot more food than you would think aside from just meat.

reason247 ago

Grow your own man... Grow your own like a real white man.

NatSocTemplar ago

Half? What are your other options? Around here we have a store called Fareway. It's priced better than HyVee and owned by good people who don't do buisness on Sundays. It's not quite as cheap as Wally world, but it's nowhere near twice the price and if you catch sales the difference is almost negligible. And the fact you aren't supporting one of the biggest retailers of Commie Chinese goods is worth every penny.

Masaze ago

You're from the same area. Compare chicken to chicken, beef to beef, prepackaged brand name and store brand, the vast majority of products are 20%-50% cheaper at Wal-Mart.

Boneless skinless chicken breast, one of my main protein sources, is $2.08/lb at Wal-Mart.

Hyvee is $3.99 a pound.

Plain non fat plain greek yogurt is $1.87 for 32 oz at Wal-Mart, $4.99 for 32 oz at Hyvee.

24 count light butter popcorn is $4.98 at Wal-Mart, 12 count at Hyvee is $4.99.

93% lean ground beef is $4.00/lb at Wal-Mart, $5.33 at Hyvee.

Butter, frozen vegetables and milk are similar in price, so I guess Hyvee is not quite twice as much, but for most of my staple foods, it is.

This Wal-Mart and Hyvee are on the same Street, less than 2 blocks away from each other.

Your mileage may vary, I didn't cherry pick these foods, it's what I eat daily.

NatSocTemplar ago

I often get boneless breasts for 1.99/lb at fareway on sale, sometimes even 1.79

Not sure about yogurt I don't eat it a lot

I buy the fresh ground beef for usually 3.79/lb that they grind in house from their scraps from cutting roasts and steak. Usually between 85-90% lean it varies.

Main reason fareway meat is cheap is they don't buy individual cuts they buy large pieces and do the cutting themselves. HyVee is expensive in that regard, fairly competitive in packaged goods. For me WalMart is 30miles away and fareway and Hy-Vee are 7 so it's an easier choice.

I can't say I blame you though if those are your only options.

Masaze ago

We have fareway also, I haven't seen good prices there but I never look for sales as often Wal-Mart is cheaper even with a sale.

They're building fareway close to my house so I'll try it when it opens.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Buy one package of real yogurt cultures and you can make new batches indefinitely, for just the cost of new milk. Using premade from the store will die after a couple batches.

justregtoasku ago

Got any more info on this?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago✂️com/Yogurt-Starter-Cultures-Freeze-dried-Authentic/dp/B0772KVKN9/ref=sr_1_10?crid=VB2D4KISB4UK&keywords=greek%2Byogurt%2Bculture%2Bstarter&qid=1567635830&s=gateway&sprefix=greek%2Byogurt%2Bculture%2Caps%2C209&sr=8-10&th=1 (banned domain, so paste and remove the scissors)

Not the one I bought, but as the top review says:

Seriously. How do you review a yogurt culture. I bought a yogurt maker and these looked good? They worked good, so no complaints there, but how do you compare them? I mean the packaging was a little more appealing than the competition, but it's not like buying a bmw, we're talking yogurt cultures. I literally just bought bacteria and you want me to say great things about it?

He was a good bacteria. Kind of quiet. Kept to himself. I didn't expect him to attack another culture!

Nonsense I tell you. If you're making yogurt, buy this.

You don't have to use Amazon, but there's a variety of starter cultures available, and many comments about the process, equipment used - or not used, and more. Essentially use the standard yogurt making process and save a bit from each batch - because the bacteria are live and will keep making new batches. The only necessary equipment you need is a thermometer. Stolen from google results:

6 Basic Steps to Making Homemade Yogurt. Heat the milk to 180 degrees fahrenheit. Cool the milk to 112-115 degrees fahrenheit. Add your yogurt starter – the good bacteria. Stir the yogurt starter with the rest of the milk. Pour the milk into jars and incubate for 7-9 hours. Place the jars in the fridge to cool and set.

That's it. The yogurt starter is either your initial package of stater bacteria, or a few tablespoons or more of your last batch. (sometimes the first batch from dry bacteria is weak)

justregtoasku ago

Wonderful thanks for taking the time to reply.

Nicely explained for laymen like me, the amazon comment made me chuckle and no I avoid amazon generally if i can.

Vrblpollushin ago

Never go there. The Waltons can eat ass.

flashrucker ago

I'll continue not going to Walmart.

Laffey ago

Boycotts take strength, dedication, personal responsibility, and respect for a cause.

All things that most of society lacks, which is the reason the boycotts are necessary in the first place.

Most people operate on a very basic level. As long as there is food to consume and a place to sleep, they won't care.

user9713 ago

Exactly it. The only good thing that comes from this is the eye-openers of realizing that our so-called "allies" are nothing but traitors and that we're really just a small minority of people who truly give a fuck about what is happening.

Shishamo ago

I don't shop there.

BearDolphin1488 ago

there are MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of shitskins in the us. the shitskins are using our taxes to pay corporations.

there are no peaceful solutions left

ShakklezthaKlown ago

the only solution is violent uprising followed by social fracturing and ultimately the death of the United States and any semblance of it's spirit. great plan.

Vrblpollushin ago

Peaceful left the arena quite some time ago.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Boomers love Walmart.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

It's mostly niggers that buy shit from there with their welfare checks.


You're wrong about the Boomers liking Wal-Mart...mostly stupid, morbidly obese or clinically skinny millennials who need a place to spend their welfare cheque shop there.

nemestrinus ago

I very much dislike walmart, I will not enter there.

Rodjers04 ago

The fat asses and niggers constantly congregating at every turn made me start boycotting it several years ago.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

I would, but I never go there for anything anyways.

Buff_Awesome ago

Unfortunately, you can't divide by zero.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Boycott x is a sentiment that never gets anywhere. It won't grow, it won't change anything and the substantial government subsidies they get means ignoring them means nothing.

Now you start advocating that people begin stealing off their shelves and thats something that hits them in the wallet and there is no practical thing they can do about it. The bonus to this is that that is something that can spread virally.

What could they do in response? Close up shop and someone else pops up.

Astroqualia ago

What you're saying is calling for mass arrests for shoplifting. Nice try, cop.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

See everyone, this is a marketer.

SilentByAssociation ago

Boycott x is a sentiment that never gets anywhere.

Look at Target. They're doing considerably better than 5 years ago.

Betty_Liberty ago

And Gillette. And the NFL. Watch NASCAR take a dive. They shit the bed after their recent stunt.

WokieDokie ago

is that a google link? wtf is wrong with u???

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

He uses the internet.

CameraCode0 ago

You'll have an ever harder time convincing White people to steal.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Ok don't. Convince blacks to steal; some will be suggestable enough to do it. Doesn't matter since the end result will be the same.

lord_nougat ago

We are, we just don't yell it all loud like faggy leftists!

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

Most of us have been on the boycott for years now. Where have you been?

ARsandOutdoors ago

I've been boycotting them now for years.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

For the same reason I don't boycott Facebook.

I never went there to begin with.

FidelCastrate ago

It's funny how both parties are the same. The left wont show there because they hate the capitalist exploitation of worker rights. Now the right wont shop there because guns. there really aren't any non-trivial differences between each ideology.

Osmanthus ago

There are not two parties. Whole thing is a scam.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hey, never seen you around. You must be new.


HiJoker ago

We're in a closed system and someone like this shows up. I've also seen accounts that were old that I'd never seen post ever. None of this shit is etched in stone and is digitally malleable. So this begs to question, is this a legit old account that someone dusted off. Funny how there seems to be a metric fuckton of people who made spare accounts back in the days.

Who does that? Sure the occasional oddball or shill will do that, but not the running population. Too many of these are showing up to make them all statistically sound.

My hypothesis is that they were never there to begin with and are simply accounts that already exist or have been created and false start dates put on them. It's shit I would do if I was an agent assigned to this place. There's only a couple of guys working on this site supposively. lol So how hard would it be to run circles around them with proper agency specialists working on your team?

You wouldn't even have to have them on your team, just get in queue for them to hack your team project as this is what they do in the nerdery. Bam! You are in and can set up all the shill accounts as you can. You keep plugging away with the propaganda via the botnet and go fishing for real users.

You've got everyone who posts here into the system. Now you just poke and prod and see what happens. Will you find domestic terrorists in here and get your scooby snack or will some other little message board being worked by the botfarm pan out first?

It's all apart of the assignment monitoring these sorts of places. The big thing is to key in on the terms used. It's hard to algorithm slang and these sorts are linguistically dodgy inherently by nature. You need agents to monitor such things and not be a retarded tone deaf geek who fails at human nuances which IT based agency departments tend to do.

Pepe frightens them because they don't know what it means.

So is there an end to this fucking post? Here it comes.

Say hello to a fresh agency node here to shill/prod us.

The DDoS shit doesn't smack of agency stuff. I was looking at the map Putt put up when the DDoS happens and it shows the traffic being from classical russian botfarms that any angry kiddy can hire with bitcoin. The irony is there's probably at least one agency setting around bitching about the shit as well. The lulz.

I'm thinking some bitch nigger leftist cyber punk script kiddy pissy pants wondered into voat and got butthurt at all the nazis. Throw money at the cheapest hack for hire outfit and boom there we are.

You would fucking hope to shout whatever passes for agencies these days would be more subtle and in the background than that.

I could be wrong. lol It's probably a lurker posting.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I've seen lots of new names SINCE registrations were disabled. And many comments from sleeper accounts. Accounts that are years old with hardly no activity until now.

blit416 ago

I really wish that what you've said didnt ring true, and I really wish his reply didnt glow as it does. Fuck man, why is it every... single... hobby... has to get infested by assholes, feminists, queers, hangers-on, etc.

FidelCastrate ago

not sure why "an agent" would come here and try to change people's minds, particularly people hell-bent on "JOO'S did it!!!" nonsense ideology. I'm sure this place is monitored by law enforcement, since the popular opinion seems to be that 8ch/voat are very similar sites and LE probably wants to see any threats or hints that might show up.

if you look at a heavily shilled site, reddit, you see that there are benefits to shilling it. You can influence the popular opinion! with hundreds (or even thousands) of brigadiers, you can start upvoting shit that has high exposure to a much larger audience. that creates an amplifying effect on the masses. Or you can suppress thins that people aren't suppose to know about, such as pizzagate before they get any visibility.

now, with voat being offline or throttled recently, have you noticed the demographic page where they show how much traffic and where it comes from? why does a disproportionate amount of traffic appear to come from .RU ? I would say that russian agents are doing PsyOps on Americans trying to stir up racism and anti-jew theories to get everybody really upset and divided. To me, that is effective in a small community like this one, because all it takes is rattling up one unstable idiot and convincing him/pushing him over the edge, if your goal is to harm the country. just my 0.02

HiJoker ago

You blew by the entire reason why my hypothesis holds water: you think (or imply you think) that the 'jew shit' is nonsense.

Here's the shocker. It's not. It's spot the fuck on and has been spot the fuck on over a whole bunch of shit. This is the place that they run to when Reddit kicks them out.

Don't even try to play me that they aren't curious at least where the 'deplorables' make off to and who would have them and WTF are they up to now.

This is a red pill factory. After you scour the landscape here, you'll find metric fuckton about the whole 'jew' thing that either you ignore or protect.

RU is where you get bots to DDoS the hell out of this place. You lose about 1000% credibility playing 'muh russians' card here. It's a tired assed trope that only low rent, shit tier quality agent/shills would try here. We're not retarded democrats or goofball boomers who can't get past all of their churchianity to see the massive jew problem. Yeah, I harp on the jews. Not with my jew harp though. I digress. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

If you don't wake up to how big of a puppet we are for them, you'll never see it. Once you do see it, it all makes sense why so many hate us. Ratfuck jews have been using us as a bludgeon. Our stupidity hurts the world in this regards.

If anyone is going to be poking and prodding the unstable here it would be 'Cia glow niggers' looking to MK ultra another victim for some nefarious false flag or assassination. Why? Our alphabet agencies are so jewed up it's sickening. They will protect their hive of wickedness.

I'm getting a /. vibe from you wtf. You're writing style seems familiar and mine probably then to you. Hmm...

FidelCastrate ago

I'm not making a case for or against jews. but you think way to highly of yourself to think they'd waste their time on you if they're so busy taking over the world. a slashdot vibe from me? who the fuck cares where I'm from? you're so insecure you have to label everything. you can't comprehend anything complex. thats why it's always "jews did it". no reasoning or analysis required. Its like popping a TV dinner in the microwave instead of doing the work to make a delicious meal. One requires opening the package and a button press, the other requires knowing how the oven works, what style and techniques to use for different foods, what pairings and flavors work well together. It's all too much for you: jews did it. Anyone who questions you clearly has a jewish origin. There's no other possibility.

HiJoker ago

Whatever Boomercuck Rabbi dicksuck. The evidence is overwhelming against them. You're obviously just a fucking boomer retard who's been brainwashed his entire fucking life. That's ok, you'll go up against the wall along with your jew lovers.

blit416 ago

Oh jesus "Joos", muh russians, "rattling up on unstable idiot" (muh white mass shooters).

get fucked you goddamn non-voat inhabiting jew. I am dissapoint. PUTT 3ITHER CLOSE THE DOOR OR OPEN IT MAN, COME ON... I LOVE THE SITE BUT NO NEED TO LIE,YOU'RR CORRUPTING YOUR OWN BABY, MAN.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

any angry kiddy can hire with bitcoin.

Putt has said the RPS levels of the DDoS are in the many millions of dollars range.

HiJoker ago

I'd like to know the metrics of that and where that figure comes from.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

We received the number of hits in one day we normally get all month.

I dunno how you find the price of a DDoS, but he has direct access to how many requests per second, obviously.

Crackrocknigga ago

I dunno how you find the price of a DDoS, but he has direct access to how many requests per second, obviously.

Someone who could afford to run a site like and bans anyone who talks about it

Just like you

SearchVoatBot ago

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clamhurt_legbeard ago

As a website administrator, putt and I have had a number of chats.

You should let him know I'm the attacker!!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crackrocknigga ago

Why don't you like people talking about this though and you censor your site?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

My wife and I have been laughing our asses off all afternoon at this.

Crackrocknigga ago

She's laughing cause I fucked her silly

Bodum tissssskkk

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ohhhhhh nooooooo

Crackrocknigga ago

I deleted that other one im all about you owning but not that shit, apologied

Crackrocknigga ago

Well. Im. Sorry didn't read it and realize you had surgery that was actually fucked up. I was in hospital july

Crackrocknigga ago

How could you even hit it though?

Calculations ago

The only acceptable answer on this thread. I can't even remember the last time I walked into that shit place.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Amusingly, last time I went was on a roadtrip to use the bathroom. Saw a guy open carrying, haha.

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

because voat is is a bunch of lazy fat asses that larp all day pretending to be dolph lungrin elite nazis. And 99.99% of americans are fatties too that don't care and want cheap stuff.

Redcobra ago

Brules rules, you can’t be lonely when your sleeping.


Who's Epstein

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Sounds like you didn't read my comment.

Astroqualia ago

They downvoated you for truth. Sad day in a truther community.

PsychoticBreak ago

It's an idiot community. There's a village normal person but I haven't met him.

Leveraction ago

Get some slimfast fat fuck!

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Do they sell Slimfast Fat Fuck at Walmart?

HiJoker ago

It's the really big cans on the bottom shelf.

CameraCode0 ago

If it wasn't Walmart, it would have just been some other large corporation like Amazon, and Amazon's a lot worse. Where are you going to buy your stuff from? Are you only going to buy made in America clothing, food, car parts, etc? I hope so, but I doubt it.

nemestrinus ago

I avoid buying through Amazon as well. But at least sometimes you are buying from independent merchants who only utilize Amazon's fulfillment services.

CapinBoredface ago

It’s too cheap and easy for average people to give up.

nemestrinus ago

It's not even really that much cheaper, unless you are referring to the cheap quality of their goods.

CapinBoredface ago

You’re right, but the average person who shops at Walmart is convinced they are getting the best deal.

nemestrinus ago

Advertising -- Rising public awareness regarding your product and its features (there are laws saying that you must be truthful in representing the product itself)

Marketing -- Using clever psychological techniques to entice people into purchasing your product (you are not required to be truthful in making marketing claims)

lord_nougat ago

There clearly needs to be a law against average people!

Tallest_Skil ago

Because no one would actually do it.

CornyGoatWeed ago

lol what is this 2006? Good luck brother, no one wants to do real things like change their actual behavior

Art1cBear ago

Well, me and mine implemented a hard stop to that shit with the latest move. Won't go in there for anything for any reason from here on out.

CornyGoatWeed ago

I used to feel that way but now that everyone is all about Amazon I am like, "save our brick and mortar, shop walmart" haha

I realize it's ridiculous and I only say it ironically to friends but the absurdity of the american economic dynamics are inescapable and hilarious.

FidelCastrate ago

company has half a trillion in revenue. you wont be missed. this is just right-wing version of SJW nonsense. you want to fuck walmart? set up (or crowd fund a professional) a campaign to get workers to fucking unionize. a union is WMT's darkest fear.

Herkules97 ago

SJW nonsense

Aha, so you're saying people should CONTINUE shopping at a place they don't want to support..

Anything the left does it automatically bad, similar to how everything about Hitler is bad?

Hitler liked dogs? Man, you can't like dogs, what are you.. Hitler?

FidelCastrate ago

It's retards that think cutting Walmart out of their shopping routine will solve anything. Same misguided sjw shit like taking the bus is going to do fuck-all for the planet. Just jerk off if you really want something to feel good about. Much better return.

Herkules97 ago

Misguided with taking the bus?

Dirty_Money ago

Remedy corporate oligopolies with corrupt communism...what could go wrong?

DFW ago

Fair point.

Art1cBear ago

Yeah, just like we've had no effect on the revenue of starbuck's or p&g. When I do something and feel strongly about it I tell my immediate family, if it's sound my extended family picks it up. Multiple churches of several thousand a piece have done the same and the people they talk to. The idea that a singular individual has no impact is nonsense.

I don't intend on taking them down all alone. Not going there and spending my money elsewhere means enough to me to do it. What others do is on them.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Boycott and your rifle are really the only Power we have

CapinBoredface ago

People calling for a boycott of Walmart is more 1996

CornyGoatWeed ago

I don't think I ever saw a walmart or even heard about it except on TV until like 2001 when I was done with high school and my social circles extended into other counties. That works though, my point was, wtf you been

EyeOfHorus ago

Yep. All the talk was about boycotting Walmart, HomeDepot, BestBuy in the 90's. Destroyed local businesses.