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WhiteRonin ago

He fought tooth and nail against total transparency. I thought it was because he didn’t want to be caught as a deleting asshole but it was really because he knew Team Srayzie has multiple alts and they were causing problems.

virge ago

He fought tooth and nail against total transparency.

Complete lie. Never happened once. I simply observed that you were afraid of transparency and you latched onto complete transparency in a counter-narrative.

I'll happily acknowledge I fully support ALL transparency, including complete transparency and the restoration of 100% of my deleted posts.

Your move, Israel faggot.

P.S. @crensch @kevdude @nadeshda @heygeorge (deleted and re-posted because I misspelled heygeorge and just recently found out editing with names doesn't ping them)

WhiteRonin ago

You can’t prove it anymore because all those comments are deleted. You are lying to cover your ass!

No, you only supported from X day forward. I’m the one who said open the can of worms. My history proves it.

virge ago

You can’t prove it anymore because all those comments are deleted. You are lying to cover your ass!

Double lie, now you got caught. I haven't deleted anything for over a month, and you're talking about the conversations since then.

No, you only supported from X day forward. I’m the one who said open the can of worms. My history proves it.

Prove it. Show the evidence. You're the one who pivoted to change the subject to "full transparency", and then declared Putt would never do it. I fully support full transparency, including the full restoration of all my deleted post history. Now what, Israel faggot?

You're a liar. It's that simple.

@crensch @kevdude @nadeshda @heygeorge further evidence.

WhiteRonin ago

You just admitted to deleting content. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t done it for a month. You did. And you linked to a great example yourself!

I challenged you with full retro active transparency and you kept on saying you want it from X day forward. You even skipped all my comments you delete your shit. Deleting content isn’t transparent so your argument is forfeit.

Prove that I’m a liar by linking to your own deletes content!

@puttitout Virge isn’t a qualified builder.

virge ago

What an amazing post full of evidence!

Ha ha ha. Hope your H1B visa doesn't expire soon, I'll miss you. <3

WhiteRonin ago

Sorry bro but I’m real life verified. Keep trying.

So, what am I wrong about?

WhiteRonin ago

You linked to the proof yourself dumb ass!

virge ago

Actually, since we both know you can't prove it with evidence, allow me to demonstrate:

"Look, your transparency only deals with possible problems that were created by having votes to begin with. I want full retroactive transparency to burn all the fuckers who were on vote brigades. Trust me, the good guys started a lot of the shit and shit posters reacted. Simple." - WhiteRonin (source)

And, of course:

"You don’t get it. I was saying full retroactive transparency because it would create such a shit storm it would be epic." -WhiteRonin (source)

It's easy. It demonstrates how you use full transparency only as a counter narrative, you yourself even parrot that you only want it to troll. Most importantly, You cannot prove I ever disagreed not because I deleted the comments as you seem to elude to, but because I've never said I disagree.

Check mate, Israel faggot. You only use "full transparency" as a troll and counter-narrative to the future voting transparency you fear so much, because it would show your actions for what they are.

For the final time, I 100% support all forms of voting transparency, in whatever fashion being future or retroactive, in addition to 100% restoration of my deleted posts.

There is no further move to play, you've lost the game Israel faggot. Hope your H1B visa expires and you go back to your own shithole country.

@crensch @kevdude @nadeshda @heygeorge I rest my case.

WhiteRonin ago

Liar liar pants on fire!

Go into that thread and source these statements!

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteRonin ago

Hey good shit! You linked again to the post that proves you delete shit and you cherry picked my comments.

Why didn’t you quote where I provided a solution? Or called you out? And you didn’t have a clue what full retro active transparency would do.

Why all of sudden you are ok with what I’m suggesting? Huh?

Oh, right. Some Syrazie alts got banned. The ones that were doxing people. And people had time to clean up theirs histories like you do. Yeah, we’ve seen lots of the shit being deleted.

How many people are you gonna ping today?

@puttitout, your builder is a destroyer.

virge ago

@ideologicidal @SandHog @BlackSheepBrouhaha @PuttitoutIsGone

Because sound opinions are made by those I disagree with often.

ideologicidal ago

I have no dog in this fight.

t. a qew

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I upvoted this, for transparency.

virge ago

I upvoted this, for transparency.

This particular act is coming to a close, for various participants. History will not be kind to their behavior, I suspect.

virge ago

@sguevar @Nosferatjew @gabara @TruthDefender

Because I'm neutral in all this, ultimately.

WhiteRonin ago

@puttitout, your builder is saying they are neutral when he started a gambling bet on me. Is gambling allowed on Voat?

sguevar ago

Thanks for the ping.

I have quite a doubt here:

I fully support full transparency, including the full restoration of all my deleted post history. Now what, Israel faggot?

Can deleted posts and comments be recovered indefinitely or at all? @SearchVoat

If you do support this and it is possible then I would also support it as it would prove many of the interactions we've had in the past that you denied we had (no throwing you a low blow - just saying)

But if it is not possible it just seems as a comment posted in order to divert from the criticism. Just, saying.

Maybe you have a better tech knowledge than I do u/virge. Would a website that had content deleted keep a record on this deleted content (posts and comments) and be able to restore it?

If it has it would imply a massive work load I would assume because not only the ones that do the work would also need to make sure to leave the doxxing posts and comments out of that.

Maybe u/MadWorld or u/PeaceSeeker or even @Puttitout or @Cynabuns can clarify this doubt if you can't.

WhiteRonin ago

If Putt has a soft delete on content then it’s recoverable. When you kill off an account you can soft delete which makes it hidden from voat. You also have an option to hard delete your account which wipes it from the database.

However!! If your content has been backed up before the hard delete command then technically it could be recovered. This however, depends on what kind of backups strategy Putt is using.

sguevar ago


WhiteRonin ago

You do also know that Putt can pull anon post/comment data right? I knew before he could but he just recently proved it.

sguevar ago

Yes I imagined that after he banned a bunch of people for the anon posts.

SearchVoat ago

Posts deleted from remain on, generally. However they may be deleted on at any time by any user that searches for and finds the post, then hits edit/delete. At some point in the future @PuttItOut and I hope to implement an automatic procedure that accomplishes this without user intervention.

sguevar ago

Thanks for the answer.

virge ago

Can deleted posts and comments be recovered indefinitely or at all?

I don't know. Regardless, I'd still support it.

sguevar ago

Fair enough. Thanks for the answer.

virge ago

To be clear, I was only covering my position based on the accusations WhiteRonin uses to pivot conversations and put people on the defensive when he's losing an argument while being a subverisve troll faggot for Israel.

Put simply, all of you collectively have different opinions of why I deleted my posts, and so far you're all collectively wrong so I'm not afraid of them being restored in the first place.

WhiteRonin ago

Accusations! Wow big word when you have been slandering me for weeks. Ping me more often when you are chatting with Crensch so I don’t have to post your shit for all to see.

sguevar ago

Fair enough.

I disagrre with your assessment on u/WhiteRonin but you and I reached an agreement that to my view can only help move past that and forward.

My concerns on vote transparency remain but if in the future is adopted I will accept it.

virge ago

I disagree* with your assessment on u/WhiteRonin

WhiteRonin's behavior speaks for itself. Anyone on board with it is part of the problem.

WhiteRonin ago

Oh? Consensus building?

@puttitout, is this how a builder should act?

sguevar ago

Well that is applying guilty by association, you know I don't do that. Any difference you have with u/WhiteRonin you will have to resolve them yourself with him.

Much as what we did. So it is up to you u/virge.

At this moment you know where I stand. Thanks for the ping again.

Enjoy your weekend.

virge ago

Fair enough.

sguevar ago

@Cynabuns may have not gotten the ping.

WhiteRonin ago

@puttitout enjoy the brigade!

virge ago

@madworld @kestrel9 @peaceseeker @vindicator

Demonstrates the double-speak being used by the subversives afraid of voting transparency.

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, lol you are so stupid!

I provided functions and methods that could provide a solid transparent system.

Keep deleting your shit Virge!

virge ago

You linked to the proof yourself dumb ass!

Link the exact comment, Israel shill.