Snuggle-Bunny ago

her pictures have been floating around forever

ScreaminMime ago

More drama I missed!

midnightblue1335 ago

God, idk a whole lot about SBBH, but it is the subject of so much bullshit drama... is it a den of faggots or something? Why are these problems always arising out of that verse, or out of users who frequent that verse?

Also, what's the difference between SBBH and SDBH?

RobWilJas ago

You all keep falling for manufactured drama.

TopTierCIAShill ago

what where are the full body pics i only saw the face pics

NotHereForPizza ago

Ahh, another thing you've accused me of doing quite a few times yourself - accusing someone that simply disagrees with you of being another person.

You're clearly all in a panic. It's quite amusing.

VicariousJambi ago

Doxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents) or doxxing is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifying information (especially personally identifying information) about an individual or organization.


Shizy ago

Srayzie didn't post her pictures here on voat so your comparison to your beard pics doesn't apply. Those pictures were taken off her social media before she removed them herself months ago due to threats and harassment.

What people have been overlooking is that trigglypuff set up the CSS on that sub to have my screen name applied to comments that I was not making. it gave the impression that I was harassing and shit talking srayzie along with them. That's just wrong to steal my screen name and make it look like I was saying things that I wasn't.

VicariousJambi ago

I posted a picture of my beard on here. So if someone were to take that picture and build a subverse harassing me for things I have said on Voat and using that picture in the background it would be doxxing?

It's multiple people doing doxes because doxxing is just posting personal info.

You doxxed yourself. Then they also doxxed you.

I wouldn't consider it doxxing but I would consider it harassment.

You doxxing yourself isn't harassment. Them going and finding your info is doxing, then they used that info to harass you.

Hysterical ago

It's pretty simple really. You're defending people defending it. You're showing tacit agreement by arguing that whole nonsense about the cop shooting the guy for pissing.

English is your first language, right?

So let me get this straight. You're defending him but in reality you actually disagree with him?

I'll wait, I'm interested in the double think you employ next.

Hysterical ago

How poor is your memory?

You think what Trigg did is justified. You've said as much. You don't view it as doxxing. That doesn't mean the definition of doxxing just changes.

I'm not lying, and anyone looking into this will realize it. That's why I'm still responding.

The reason you're responding is likely just to waste my time. I'll take that as a compliment.

VicariousJambi ago

I think this explains it pretty well.

Doxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents) or doxxing is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifying information (especially personally identifying information) about an individual or organization.

The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites (like Facebook), hacking, and social engineering. It is closely related to Internet vigilantism and hacktivism.

Doxing may be carried out for various reasons, including to aid law enforcement, business analysis, risk analytics, extortion, coercion, inflicting harm, harassment, online shaming, and vigilante justice.

So it seem like from voats rules they're trying to make the "harassment" part of it bannable, but not the "helpful" part. Yes, you can self dox, but that doesn't give others the right to go find that info then harass you, which is against voats rules.

Hysterical ago

So the people you always rail against and name as issues. How many of them have been banned? None?

Meanwhile what a dozen high profile Soapbox accounts have been banned. I've been naming them for years now.

At the end of the day the side you're defending is the side being systematically removed from this website for consistently breaking it's rules.

Hysterical ago

Keep defending the doxxing of a conservative and their children being used against them.

You will get yours. The righteous anger is swelling up to a point we have not seen in a very long time.

That is why you're trying so hard to spin this off. That is why all of a sudden people that used to "argue" among themselves are now somehow united.

Good luck with that indeed. The truth has a way of reaching people.

Hysterical ago

I'm @InHysterics, that was my original account. I deleted that account due to some real strange behavior. Ever since then I've refused to succumb to the pride of namefagging for my own personal security in what I see as a very real and legitimate threat to my personal safety. I say things on this platform that could easily ruin my life.

I'm not going to put myself at risk just so some cunt such as yourself has one less disinformation tactic to use against me. Because if it wasn't this it would be some other shit; if you can accuse every single person that disagrees with you of being the same person you can say all sorts of other crazy shit.

T1tus ago

Oh you argue like a mask is gone

Hysterical ago

For the last time, everyone who disagrees with you on the internet is not the same person. Are you genuinely mentally ill?

Because honestly, you kind of have to be a crazy person to think that there is only one person on the internet that disagrees with you.

dirt_reynolds ago

Ugh. I'm here because it's not Reddit. Guess it's time to start looking elsewhere. I have zero tolerance for gay ass drama.

Hysterical ago

He's on the polar opposite side of this argument and you're aware of this because you responded to one of my comments calling him out for all of a sudden supporting the bullshit.

What purpose would I have playing both sides of the argument......

VicariousJambi ago

I could see that argument being made. Vagueness in the rules itself can lead to creeping enforcement as the intent is interpreted differently on an interpersonal level. This can lead to confusion.

Yes, I mentioned that myself elsewhere in this thread. The slippery slope of dictatorship and the other slippery slope of over defining rules.

From what people are saying about this matter @Trigglypuff was harassing @Srayzie. He was using images she posted to Voat to do so. Harassment in and of itself is not against the rules as far as I am aware.

Here's a part the rules from the user agreement at the bottom of every page. Its pretty vague, but that might be intentional in order to follow the intended point of the rules.

Rules These guidelines are intended to keep people safe, protect kids, keep Voat running, and to encourage personal responsibility for what you >do on Voat. You must:

Keep Everyone Safe: You agree to not intentionally jeopardize the health and safety of others or yourself.

Keep Personal Information Off Voat: You agree to not post anyone's sensitive personal information that relates to that person's real world or online identity.

Do Not Incite Harm: You agree not to encourage harm against people.

Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

Take Personal Responsibility: As you use Voat, please remember that your speech may have consequences and could lead to criminal and civil liability.

Subverses may create their own rules and enforce them as they see fit, providing they do not violate the terms of this agreement. You agree that Voat is not responsible for the actions taken or not taken by moderators.

I do not think that what @Trigglypuff did should be done, however I would not consider it doxxing. He/she was banned for doxxing where the real offense was harassment, pure and simple

I agree that what trigg was doing was wrong. According to every other definition of doxing, on voat and elsewhere, doxxing is basically using personal info, no matter how obtained, in order to harass people. Doxing is harassing. Your definition from before is good if it you're only intending it to be the release of personal info, not the release of personal info for the intent to harass.

Furthermore I am unaware of @Trigglypuff making a call of action or direct physical threats against @Srayzie. If triggly had I do believe that that would be illegal.

I'm not aware of a specific instance either, but I do believe trigg owned the subverse they were using.

Hysterical ago

I wonder if Putt naming you as a Builder was just to embolden you and make you feel more comfortable in your manipulations.

Who knows...

Hysterical ago

Yeah, I acknowledged using several accounts. Honestly at least partly because of those freaks and how they target people who criticize them. I don't want to make their or anyone else's jobs easy so I practice a bit of basic opsec. I guess that's just something that people in your position don't have to be concerned about hey?

And you people always accuse me of being specific people. You're never right because I never stay on an account long enough for the speech patterns to fucking matter.

Keep on keeping on. I don't care. The people I've been calling out for years now are getting banned. You're running damage control for them now, equating doxxing and using children against conservative voices as being the same as someone pissing in the street. Then you compare being banned for doxxing to a cop shooting someone in the head?

Desperate doesn't even begin to cover it.

Hysterical ago

Like the one who doxxed and used someone's child as a weapon against them?

Yet here you are....

I've used several accounts over the years Kev, I don't like sticking out especially when I've seen precisely what can happen to people around here who do.

Prove me wrong. If I'm a sock puppet pushing a narrative, it should be fairly easy to debunk what I'm saying.

That's why I never give a shit about the oh you're a sock puppet accusations. People tend to recognize the truth. My arguments and accusations tend to stand on their own feet and don't require years long "reputation".

If your arguments require your account age to back them up, maybe they're just shit arguments bud.

Hysterical ago

So you're also defending doxxing? I didn't know builders were allowed to do that.

NotHereForPizza ago

The one time I'll ever defend kevdude:

You're being an asshat and twisting both of our words. Fuck off.

sguevar ago

and @T1tus.

@kevdude is not supporting doxxing of any kind. But there is proof that @srayzie had posted links to her personal social media on Voat in the past. Which myself I saw and did see that two of the pictures in question were there at that time which would mean they are of public domain because as Twitter TOS states they will share this content with the world.

This means that no doxx was applied but she had the just cause to request that her personal information to be removed from the side upon request. But it also means that the ban to @Trigglypuff is not justifiable.

By this neither me nor kevdude are supporting in anyway the harassment and stalking that @srayzie suffered. And we both stand by her side in her defense against the uncalled for attacks she and @shizy have been getting.

You may not like the gilrs, or you may like them. But that give no right to the people that was attacking them to harass them and to stalk them.

@Zyklon_B made a big fuck up and he is so irresponsible and reckless that he doesn't even sees it. He thinks with his (((jew in the letter))) schemes he can hide under false pretences and that is where he is wrong.

But we are not going to be able to work this out if we keep defending erroneous claims. We can move past this and work on this together as a community. But only together.

My trust stays @srayzie and @shizy. But their defense must be done in the right way.

Hysterical ago

When it takes seven paragraphs to obfuscate the fact that you're defending someone's children being used against a conservative online in order to silence them.

sguevar ago

I'm fucking done. You people are insidious. You're either defending children being used against us or you're ok with Triggly being banned. It's one or the other. There isn't middle ground here.

We are not defending any of what you claim . We are calling for the right way to deal with this. You can draw your own conclusions as you want for as blinded as they might be. But the one being purposely obtuse is neither one of us but yourself... so why are you projecting this?

Hysterical ago

The right way to deal with someone creating a subverse dedicated to harassing a user of this website by using their personal identifiable information, pictures, and children against them is to ban the user who participated in the placing of personally identifiable information, pictures, and children on the subverse.

If you don't want to get banned, don't break the known rules of the website.


sguevar ago

The right way to deal with someone creating a subverse dedicated to harassing a user of this website by using their personally identifiable information, pictures, and children against them is to ban the user who participated in the placing of personally identifiable information, pictures, and children on the subverse.

The ban was for doxxing, there isn't any doxxing if the user published her personal information herself once.
However the absolute implications that you are giving through this is disingenuous to say the least because now you are implying we defend what was done to her and we do not.

If you don't want to get banned, don't break the known rules of the website. Simple

No rule was broken in that respect sorry if you need to look for the definition of doxxing then by all means go look for it but stop using blind absolutes because the situation is more complicated than it is and you can't address this matter the way that you are without compromising the essence of Voat. So no it is not simple

There's a fucking line to be drawn, and it's bringing people's kids into it. If you disgree, I genuinely hope some nigger murders you in the street. Because you're certainly not any human being I would ever want to rub elbows with.

Correct and a new process needs to be clearly defined and that takes time. We are not reddit here we don't blindly accept what the admins or mods tell us to. So if you can understand that go back to reddit faggot where they do publish doxxing of people for a living.

Hysterical ago

The ban was for doxxing

And the reason I phrased things the way I did is because what I described is the definition of doxxing.

I'm glad to hear that we are in agreement. Have a nice day.

sguevar ago

And the reason I phrased things the way I did is because what I described is the definition of doxxing.

it is not doxxing if the user linked her personal account to the site... this is what you conveniently are missing out.

Trigg engaged in doxxing. Was rightfully banned. Nothing requires changing.

No she didn't and I have the proof that the previous link to srayzie's personal twitter account was done 6 months ago and I saw 2 of the 3 pictures posted on triggs post.

Hysterical ago

Kill. Yourself.

There is no middle ground. You're defending doxxing and people's children being used against them.

sguevar ago

Kill. Yourself.

Ah the evasion... well have a lovely day.

There is no middle ground. You're defending doxxing and people's children being used against them.

Legally there is and your ignorance will not change that fact and what you are doing right now is typical sjw slander that I will not take from an ignorant and absolutist fool.

Hysterical ago

Yeah SJW slander while people are getting doxxed and having the children used against them.

You are defending Antifa style tactics right now while accusing me of being an SJW?

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Anyway the manipulation bans were undone, your kikes disinfo campaigns were successful. Congratulations on yet again making this website a worse place for your presence.

sguevar ago

i am done with you faggot you are not working on behave of Voat here and do not understand the complicated matter at this point...

Your efforts are futile.

Glory_Beckons ago

There's a difference between private and personal. PMs are used to exchange information privately. That doesn't make everything in them personal information.

She purportedly shared the images on this very site.

Did she post them routinely? Was she using Voat as her Instagram? Is she a Voat socialite that flaunts her appearance? If not, then it doesn't matter. Personal information doesn't become public until you capitalize on it.

In nearly all cases of doxing, the information in question was willingly shared by the person themselves. At some point, in some context, for some purpose. And then someone else comes along, and takes it out of that context, and proceeds to spread that personal information -- to people who didn't know it before -- for the purpose of harassing or humiliation them. That is the nature of doxing.

It's very simple, really: You are allowed to spread your own personal information. You are not allowed to spread other people's personal information. It's not yours to spread. You have no business doing that.

If @Trigglypuff et al had done exactly what they did, created exactly the same subverse, posted the same content, but not plastered her face all over the background, then they wouldn't have gotten the banhammer. And if they had, I'd be on their side. There's nothing wrong with criticizing someone for things they say. There is something wrong with attempting to intimidate and silence them using their personal information as leverage. That's implicitly threatening behavior and borders on blackmail.

VicariousJambi ago

What about the whole "spirit of the law vs the letter" ?

The whole point of a no-doxxing rule is to protect people from harassment IRL, is it not?

Rotteuxx ago

It wasn't doxxing, it was investigative journalism msm style, perfectly legal in the U.S.

Hysterical ago

I think an important question people need to ask at this point is how many high profile Soapbox users have now been found to have broken the rules and been banned. I haven't actually counted but it must be close to a dozen at this point.

It's almost like their community is here to manipulate and stir shit, and not actually to enjoy the website.

Hysterical ago

It's funny the mental gymnastics you Soapbox scumbags go through when you're being targeted for removal.

Don't let the door hit your ass in the way out bud.

VicariousJambi ago

These guidelines are intended to keep people safe, protect kids, keep Voat running, and to encourage personal responsibility for what you do on Voat.

gazillions ago

Wanting a specific rule to address each and every situation is what brings down the left. The ability to use your own judgment is erased by that kind of institutional thinking.

drstrangegov ago

Srayzie has been up to fuckery, it looks like.

bdmthrfkr ago

We could never be so lucky.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Puttitout is a tyrant, anyone with a brain can see that. Being "under inmense pressure" is not excuse.

"I have no time" said Demetrius l.

"Then don't be king," screamed the woman.

RockmanRaiden ago

Posted as he continues to enjoy this platform. Youtuber railing against YouTube. Twat twatting against Twatter. You're probably still shitposting on Facebook aren't you?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Oh yes, I love watching things burn, distracts me from the real world crumbling around me.

RockmanRaiden ago

Trust me. I get it.

The salt that can be mined off FB is intoxicating. Moderation is key!

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

It finally happened. This website finally did something I'm ashamed of. It started doxxing its own users unapologetically. Lul.

Hysterical ago

Not the website, just v/Soapboxbanhammer and their little crew of retards. I'm pretty sure ten of them have been banned now over the past couple months. They're not here to shit post, they're here to fuck the website up and they've been at it for awhile.

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

I'm fully aware of their bullshit and anyone who's been here who isn't one of them knows what they do. I'd love to find out who THEY are. Wouldn't that be cute.

Civil_Warrior ago

Doxxing? Derp.

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

That's the joke.

VicariousJambi ago

See, this shit right here is why I argue with people. You've got a pretty spotless definition there I think. I assume pics are included in identifying information.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I'm confident that you put extra nutty peanut butter on your balls she would come running over like a spanish bichon frise and lick it all up.

Duchozz ago

Sounds like some reddit shit

VicariousJambi ago

Not a bad definition imo, I might consider adding the "malicious intent" in there.

Glory_Beckons ago

Didn't see that thread. Did those PMs include people's faces or names?

Your argument, if I may paraphrase, appears to be that "it could not possibly be doxing, because the information was publicly available if you went looking for it".

I would submit to you that the same could be said about nearly every single instance of doxing. Unless the doxing is performed by someone who has access to government databases (almost never the case), the information exposed by doxing is always publicly available in some form. The difficulty of obtaining it varies from case to case, but it is always out there to be found.

What makes it doxing is the act of going out to find it, and then spreading and exposing it, in order to harm or intimidate.

Doesn't matter how easy it was to find her info. I had never seen it before. Neither had many others. They went and got it, then plastered it across the entire background of a sub, then used that sub to harass and intimidate, thereby spreading her personal information with harmful intent.

If that's not doxing, nothing is.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

maybe if you're nice enough she will lick your dick

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@srayzie i have your pics now fat ass. You look like a pre op tranny trying desperately to pass.

My10thaccount ago

I think you guys need to go offline for a while

knightwarrior41 ago

she is fuckable (please dont be a tranny, pls dont be a tranny lol)

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@srayzie your right eyebrow is fucked up and it looks like you're hairline is receding.

GiggaNigga ago

wow, voat drama

VicariousJambi ago

covert means and is not readily available to the average casual Internet user

What separates the casual from the non-casual?

Croat_Goat ago

QBoomers are casuals.

Glory_Beckons ago

Harassing someone by exposing personal information to humiliate and intimidate them is the definition of doxing.

NiggerVirus ago

God you guys are faggots.

Stinkybeans ago

Absolute bitch drama. If this is what they're getting worked up over, I'll gladly take their problems.

Ina_Pickle ago

Nope. Triggly just posted the images that Sayrazie herself posted with her Voat name and her GA sub attached.

In fact, in the past Srayzie herself linked the same exact images and social media accounts here on Voat. She also used a photo as her profile image for a time.

Not that Srayzie will admit to any of this, because no doubt she is happy Triggly got booted.

Civil_Warrior ago

European standards would have them arrested. So much for european standards .

Hysterical ago

Soapbox damage control. Nearly every comment in here is a Soapbox account defending on of their own breaking the websites rules.

They've been doing damage control all week because several of their main accounts have been banned.

Ina_Pickle ago

this is at least partially true. they are fond of and prone to defending their shitposting buddies. dont know anything about other bans though

VicariousJambi ago

What is your definition of doxxing?

NotHereForPizza ago

There is no exclusive or subjective definition for doxxing. I've the utmost confidence that there is legal precedent for this situation. I don't have time right now to search, though.

VicariousJambi ago

"specific and targeted harassment of another Voat user", not just "doxxing"

You can specifically target and harass a voat user without bringing their real life into it.

NotHereForPizza ago

I agree! Too bad we weren't discussing that.

Glory_Beckons ago

Did you see the /v/shitsrayziesays sub?

Doxing isn't just about how hard or easy it is to obtain personal information about someone. It's also about how that information is used.

When you create a sub, and plaster another user's face all over the background, and then proceed to use that to humiliate and abuse them, including posting pictures their children drew for them to mock them... Then you are using their personal information to hurt and intimidate them in the most disgusting way possible.

They isn't just doxing. They is Antifa-tier ritualistic shaming and shit-flinging. An attempt to censor and shut someone down by intimidation and chilling effect. Leftist scum tactics, in short.

I can't believe anyone here would defend this.

I don't like a number of things Putt has done recently, but this was completely justified.

Snuggle-Bunny ago

naw it wasnt

Muh-Shugana ago

So directly copying SRS and S4S huh? man, these fucks don't have an original bone in their bodies.

VicariousJambi ago

I agree what the did to @srayzie was wrong.

I think @srayzie is a retard for posting personal info, but just because she did that doesn't mean she deserves having her pics posted, people threatening her kids, etc etc.. Some people in here aren't defending the harassment, merely arguing about the definition of doxxing.

I read the voat user agreement. It's pretty vague and can be used to ban pretty much all of us.

As the rules stand, it's mostly up to putt to decide the "spirit of the law", and I don't disagree that the "spirit of the law" is to stop personal harassment.


These guidelines are intended to keep people safe, protect kids, keep Voat running, and to encourage personal responsibility for what you do on Voat. You must:

Keep Everyone Safe: You agree to not intentionally jeopardize the health and safety of others or yourself.

Keep Personal Information Off Voat: You agree to not post anyone's sensitive personal information that relates to that person's real world or online identity.

Do Not Incite Harm: You agree not to encourage harm against people.

Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

Take Personal Responsibility: As you use Voat, please remember that your speech may have consequences and could lead to criminal and civil liability.

Subverses may create their own rules and enforce them as they see fit, providing they do not violate the terms of this agreement. You agree that Voat is not responsible for the actions taken or not taken by moderators.

RockmanRaiden ago

They haven't seen the subverse and everything posted, yet will continue to passionately shit on Srayzie and defend abusive actions.

This is bigger than Srayzie. This is an attack on Voat at large. Does anyone understand how close this place is to a lawsuit? This being the cherry on top is exactly what our critics need.

@Srayzie. You have legal options.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Agree 100%. The constant criminal threats against her children by zyklon are unacceptable too but hey free speech.

NotHereForPizza ago

insert emotional persuasion here

Normies MUST UNDERSTAND THIS: Do not post personal information on one site with a certain username and then engage in edgy political discussion under the same username on a different site. It WILL bite you in the ass. You especially don't do this and piss people off.

Hysterical ago

It's a strange day when you all of a sudden you're best friends with the Soapdox crew.

NotHereForPizza ago

I am in no way defending doxxing. My comment is about defending yourself and being rationally paranoid about your information.

You must have gotten confused.

Hysterical ago

Right, you're trying to say it's their fault which would imply that Trigg didn't partake in doxxing, and that S had in fact doxxed herself which is the current narrative Soapbox is trying to create.

NotHereForPizza ago

Then I guess we're not in Kansas anymore.

Srayzie is a fucking retard for being so lazy and incompetent. I warned her of this over and over while she screamed at me for being a shill and using tons of alts and other shit.

I'll admit - I've grown lazy over the past year or so. If I'm honest about it, I've grown less and less demoralized. I shouldn't have gaslighted srayzie like I did. But, she wouldn't leave me the fuck alone and after a while the Voat community grew on me and I became more interested in what some of the random passersby had to say. I should have interacted with srayzie less.

However, these faggots aren't wrong. You should be very careful about your information when you're online. This is especially so when you're going to provoke people you know little to nothing about.

Glory_Beckons ago

Edgelords MUST UNDERSTAND THIS: Do not post someone else's personal information on a site and then engage in targeted harassment of that individual by using that information against them. It WILL bite you in the ass. You especially don't do this on a site that explicitly prohibits doxing and is disgusted with leftist intimidation tactics in general.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yep. All true.

T1tus ago


Ina_Pickle ago

point of fact, it wasnt doxxing. Srayzie herself linked the images to Voat originally.

Now if Putt wants to perma ban people for harrassment, he should just say so. I would support that. However, he should have banned everyone in that sub and not just Trigglypuff if he is going to ban for harrassment.

VicariousJambi ago

So posting identifying information on someone with malicious intent isn't doxxing?

Ina_Pickle ago

Not when the information was already posted to this site by the person themselves. You cant dox the willing.

VicariousJambi ago

That really depends on what definition of doxxing you're using.

The people in here supporting the ban seem to have a different definition than the people not.

Ina_Pickle ago

Then the referee needs to clarify the rule.

IMO, and I dont consider myself biased because I rarely interact with either of them, if a person willingly shares their information then it is fair public use.

Say Srayzie decided to commit a crime and bragged about it here in Voat. The police wouldnt even need a warrant to get her info from our dear leader, because she already made her info public.

Voat rule on content has always been if its legal its fine. Srayzie chose to make it public. Was a bad choice, but that doesnt mean she can cry foul now.

VicariousJambi ago

The only real reason I'm even arguing in this thread is because everyone seems to have different definitions of doxxing. I couldn't give a shit about either of them.

Shrazie or whatever is a retard for posting personal info and seems to post stupid shit sometimes

trigg just seems like a cunt for the "doxxing / harassment"

This is high school drama and I'm incredibly bored. I should probably just go read a book or something instead,

Ina_Pickle ago

dont get me wrong. I love to debate

WhiteRonin ago

Srayzie pictures were used in the css for the background.

Same pics I saw on a bing search.

gabara ago

I live in a small logging community in northern ontario

QualityShitposter ago

Do you still perform sexual favors for poutine?

White_pride_cis ago

He will do it for just the promise of poutine.

freshmeat ago

Fuck up builder boy ill go where i want.

AR47 ago

Is everyone negating the fact this is the first time Puttitout has closed a sub outside of update to the site? Inactive subs are closed and I get that, but this is the first time he or any admin has shut down a sub that I can think of.

So much for free speech or just the speech of those that are good boys?

Hysterical ago

Doxxing is against the rules. This wouldn't confuse you if it wasn't your friend who was doing the Doxxing and creating the subverse to host the doxxed content.

How many of your fellow Soapboxxers have been banned by Putt in the last few months?

AR47 ago

What makes you think I am friends with them?

It can’t be us anywhere within this site can it? Always we and them isn’t it? Lol

I get that the easiest way to rally a group to a cause is to identify an enemy, but seriously don’t fuck with my motivations because you got no idea who I am and why.

Will I dox anyone?

No I will instead message you a picture of your front door after I get a picture of a personal message attached to it. That is who I am and I am certain a great many others are.

There isn’t a reason to get anyone else involved within a squabble that honestly that person and myself couldn’t solve with a mutual agreement. I did it on reddit and it worked when I texted them a picture of their head through an eotech exps2.

We both came to an agreement and it was over simple as that. They didn’t want to Make threats of killing my son and raping my wife and in turn I didn’t have to say

I felt in danger for my life and those lives around me

I don’t see why such disputes are not handled in that way more. This drama and making someone into a bad guy for everyone to hate needs to be so prevalent.

Hysterical ago

You've been in every one of these damage control threads playing right along with their narrative? Not just a few of them. You've been in every thread defending them across several different issues. You support them manipulating votes and now you support them doxxing people.

You're likely one of their sock puppet accounts trying to appear as a non biased average user.

Keep peddling your bullshit though man, like that was a really cool story you just shared.

AR47 ago

Everyone of them?

Ok I know i haven’t been in all of them.

Hysterical ago

Maybe that was an exaggeration on my part, but I've seen and noticed your name in the ones I've taken part in anyway, which from my perspective sort of is "all of them" in so far as they're the ones I've personally been aware of.

AR47 ago

And exactly how many is that?

Because I have participated within 4 conversations dealing with this topic and made most all the comments within this thread.

Should be my fifth actually.

Where as you have a full 2 pages of history within a handful of threads before I figured I had enough to make my point.

Here is the thing. You already did the damage you want because you are white knighting the damsel in distress. You are such a hero and I am the one bound by logic and reason so obviously that I don’t make wild accusations and use harsh language I must be the crazy one right?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Well there was at least v/jailbait, if not others, but I suppose those were disabled by @Atko, not @PuttItOut. And it is hard to argue with shutting down illegal content that could cause the entire website to be shut down. There have been forced mod changes and stuff such as with @She, of course, but those subs existed for something other than doxxing.

AR47 ago

Where did this horseshit about doxxing come from?

That never happened nor would it have. People need to end the buzz words which they have no idea how or what it means. The sub was named shitsrayziesays because that is what they did in there.

They exposed multiple times in which she failed to swap accounts before a reply. Then when she admitted that shitposting was fine, and then when it wasn’t in her subs.

Trig reposted the same 4 pictures srayzie herself posted 7 months ago and linked to her twitter account she herself linked many times.

This was a blatant show of influence because here is what she will do.

She will pick up her toys and leave voat causing others to leave as well. She made it seem as if there is an actual crisis and she is the victim. These people donated lots of money same as pizzagate and have lasting donation subscribtions.

It’s about money and it will always be.

Hysterical ago

It's almost like using personal information about people to harass them is the definition of Doxxing.

Continue using people's children as ammunition against them and your lot will continue to get banned.

How many now? Must be close to a dozen of you Soapbox cunts that have been banned in the past few months. Huh.

zyklon_b ago

Putt sold out

swinston79 ago

Do you think he sold out to (((Them)))? I think he did.

zyklon_b ago

I know he did

swinston79 ago

Don't forget when (((They))) hijacked v/niggers and he had to demod everyone there.

VicariousJambi ago

Well it was specifically a sub for doxxing, I assume thats putts logic here.

AR47 ago

It wasn’t for doxxing it was to expose the bullshit she said.

Do you not remember the name of the sub?


It never did have any information she didn’t herself post. There was 4 fucking picture that we have all seen and that is because she posted them. He didn’t even post the pics I gave to her on an older Facebook account I found with her name.

So no this dox bullshit is a buzz word that you need to stop using .

VicariousJambi ago

Thats not the point. It was identifying information posted with malicious intent.

People in here all seem to have different definitions of what they consider doxxing.

AR47 ago

It is the intention that matters and it was to troll. Wasn’t to dox for fucks sake or I can assure you they would have.

It took me less than a day to find out where she is. The Mother’s Day Q picture actually is how I did it.

Before that I did it and sent her my info to which she denied was her. Yet most of it disappeared within a couple days because she took my warning.

VicariousJambi ago

Eh, I know for sure z_b had / has the intent to dox, said so himself multiple times. He was a mod on that sub. That with the pics posted I would say is enough to take that sub down. Not sure if trigg specifically ever said anything herself to prove intent, but was obviously in on it, being another mod of that sub and (I think) the one that posted the pics.

WhiteRonin ago


I saw a bunch of posts that quoted her and made fun of her. neon Revolt wrote a hit piece on her though. It’s on gab though.

Shizy ago

They fucked the CSS to make it appear that my user name was making most of the posts and comments. No way in hell should that sub have stayed up doing shit like that.

WhiteRonin ago

Then all subs that do this should be banned!

This is NOT the first time. If it were we could have a case to be made.

Shizy ago

Doing that should be banable.

WhiteRonin ago

So should passing dox material via Voat electronic services.

Don’t think all parties are clean!

Shizy ago

Yeah, so zyklon b should go!

WhiteRonin ago

Oh, @zyklon_b?

Don’t dispose of your best chess piece! I can play 4D chess too!

zyklon_b ago

oh its kewl i can break her fam up in 20 minutes whenever i choose too

Shizy ago

Come do it pussy!

I'll shoot your dick off and feed it to my dogs. Then I'll laugh as you bleed out from the front hole I made for you.

All is satire!


SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteRonin ago

Tsk tsk tsk.

A builder is surrounded by people who write threats. Lovely!

Shizy ago

My kids lives have been threatened daily for the past week or two. I'll say whatever I please to this piece of shit.

You defending death threats to kids while trying to (((shame)))) me for letting him know the fate he'll meet?

WhiteRonin ago

You are making assumptions that I have read those death threats, which I have not. I don’t have time to read all posts and comments on voat.

On this particular thread none of what you mentioned has besides “break up” which is vague at best.

I don’t condone death threats. You made one too!

If you have family, why would you put them in danger? Why do you participate in activities that could put them in such a situation?

I sure hell wouldn't!

Let’s take a look at this another way.

1 You know what happened to Seth Rich.

2 you actively participate in a forum which targets those who did that to Seth Rich

3 you expose the deep state

Why would you not be afraid for your family? Unless, you think you are safe ... feeling safe from the deep state which you probably think is fake.

But you tamper with a boogie man of voat and expect no retaliation? Damn, I don’t know what to say.

CerealBrain ago

You sound like that Zyklon faggot are you two big buds?

WhiteRonin ago

Logic isn’t your strong point, is it!

CerealBrain ago

Nice dodge.

WhiteRonin ago

That wasn’t a dodge. I drive an Audi by the way.

I just ignored your comment and made a quip about you ignoring my comment. So, technically, you “dodged” me first.

CerealBrain ago

I just ignored your comment and made a quip about you ignoring my comment.

My gosh. What a zinger. Lol. And a labored one at that.

Meh, I drive a BMW convertible! No shit.

WhiteRonin ago


Shizy ago

I don't condone death threats, you made one too.

He's been threatening my kids repeatedly. I didn't make a death threat, I only let him know what he faces if he or any of his trolls, even tries to make good on his repeated threats. I consider that self defense.

Why would I not be afraid for my family?

First of all, I'm not Seth rich and have no info on anyone so I'm no threat to the deep state.

Other than that, I'm armed as fuck at all times. I'm not gonna say too much about where I live but let's just say I have a massive advantage over anyone trying to get to my home. I have lots of other protections in place that I won't divulge.

But you tamper with a boogie man of voat and expect no retaliation?

You mean zyklon? How did I tamper with him? I had no problem with him until he one day, for no apparent reason other than his drug induced psychosis, decided to attack GA.

WhiteRonin ago

There you go! You are putting your family at risk and not considering the consequences.

You cry about attacks yet you also threatened bodily injury. That is the fact that remains.

Shizy ago

What haven't I considered?

You cry about attacks yet you also threatened bodily injury.

How was I crying? Because I pointed out his bullshit and then told him what his consequence would be if he tried it?

I used to think you are cool, but you're just a massive fucking faggot like zyklon and his little band of cock suckers.

WhiteRonin ago

Because I post in real life like I do on GA and call shit out?

That’s ok if you don’t think I’m cool anymore. I don’t change and you should probably call me an asshole since I get that a lot.

CerealBrain ago

I used to think you were cool, but you're just a massive fucking faggot like zyklon and his little band of cock suckers.

This is correct (I used to think he was okay as well, no more).

@WhiteRonin thinks a lot of himself, pretty much sums it up (your shit don't stink Rony boy am I right? You know it!

WhiteRonin ago

yawn! Keep trying. You can’t even compare to others in your efforts.

Too low key

CerealBrain ago

Yet here you are.

WhiteRonin ago

Oh oh!

PV just dumped on you dude.

What happened to you?

I had lots of respect for you because you could man up and admit when you were wrong.

What happened?

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, I was right that you are fruit loops!

What’s up crensch!

What’s it like to from hating on Qtards to owning their sub? I hope you get paid to do that job!

Hmm, conflict of interest coming up?

You gonna spend 3 days on dissecting my history too?

Oh yes! I get it! After seeing you try to have a go at me here, you ain’t finished. Don’t destroy your other alt. It ain’t worth it! I know you don’t want advice. Autist like you hate it. I’m sorry but you need to hear me out. If you continue you are only making things worse, let voat heal. Sure keep your grudges like you always do, but give voat a chance to straighten out. That is if you really care about voat.

Me and Virge? Don’t bother. She’s a big girl. She can handle it. If she proves she’s a builder and stops deleting her posts, I’ll leave her alone. She attacked me and I’ve had my fun. She is out in the open and she damaged her own reputation. Don’t do same bro!

Don’t destroy your reputation!

CerealBrain ago

Hoping he will chill a bit, I'm not Crensch (I find him to be a bit proud).

WhiteRonin ago

Ok ;-)

WhiteRonin ago

Fruit Loops?

Ok, mr fruity loops!

I’m glad that you admitted you are retarded. I’m nice to your types.

Shizy ago

You're alright cereal brain!

CerealBrain ago

I am a faggot hunter and that boy smells above ground.


Shizy ago

He likes to play both sides I have discovered.

CerealBrain ago

He likes to play both sides I have discovered.

Duplicitous, and spineless likely.

WhiteRonin ago

What say you?

CerealBrain ago

You bore me.

WhiteRonin ago

Limited intellect must be tough.

ArcAngel ago

i carry almost every where i go... its a mad mad world

Hysterical ago

Guess you didn't see the pictures of her kids stuff hey?

Using people's children to intimidate them is a really solid tactic.

WhiteRonin ago

No I didn’t.

Are they linked to her twitter account?

VicariousJambi ago

I saw a post where they posted her pics and tried to convince people she looked like a jew.

Like I posted here it fits that definition of doxxing.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Who won cares, if you want to be a.retard.who.posts personal info, you get what's coming.

VicariousJambi ago

I never disagreed that posting personal info is retarded.

WhiteRonin ago

Yep, many pictures of people of this site that people claim are Jews. It’s a fundamental voat tactic.

VicariousJambi ago

It's like the jews are the boogeyman to some people.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago


VicariousJambi ago

Some people just use "oh no, they're a jew!!!" to scare people, whether it's true or not.

freshmeat ago

I wanted manipulation to be banned for all, not cherry picked.

Rotteuxx ago

This ^

Voat is dead, rEddit 2.0 started officially rolling out last weekend.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Kek we found a REAL GOAT here boys

Ina_Pickle ago

this is true.

VicariousJambi ago

Well just doing a quick google on the definition of doxxing they have.

search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.

So it was identifying info published with malicious intent. According to this definition thats doxxing.

It's hard to say what's right here imo. I would say if you make more and more in depth rules then you're on the same slippery slope that turned this country to shit. Way too many regulations, not enough common sense "spirit of the law" judgement.

But then again theres that "dictator" slippery slope as well.

This really goes down to "do you trust putt to be a good admin, and if you don't why are you here?" imo

gabara ago

I second this.

freshmeat ago

Do you finally understand why ive been bitching for 4 years. Yall were kissing his ass before, but its refreshing to see you and beat and a few others wake up.

zyklon_b ago


WickerMan ago

I always knew that you are Carl.

gabara ago

That's all I am aware of. It may be that triggly was already on thin ice. And it IS @puttitout's circus so it is his monkeys.

bdmthrfkr ago

I saw her picture because she linked to one of her own twats. Cute but not too bright.

gabara ago

Yet Triggly got a ban. Cunts cry and accounts die.

bdmthrfkr ago

This is pretty fucked up, I don't buy the doxx thing for a second... did she do something else to piss off our lord and master?

gabara ago

The ban reason says dox

bdmthrfkr ago

Seems kinda harsh all things considered.

gabara ago


Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

@Trigglypuff posted pictures of my boobs on a ex revenge porn website. I demand muh reparations.

Sray3ie ago

@Trigglypuff is a massive cunt

But she dindu nuffin

gabara ago

She did a Google Image Search. @srayzie used a voat account name that matches one she uses in real life so she doxed herself.

Hysterical ago

And of course you're one of the people defending a doxx and targeted harassment. Of course.

I'm sure you also pinged all your friends in your private subverses to come back you up, just like your lot always does when they brigade content.

Your lot are getting banned just bad as the pedos. It's incredibly satisfying to watch, if not a tad belated.

gabara ago

1 week old account

Hysterical ago


I've been here for years and I swap out accounts for personal reasons. Such as you kikes targeting the accounts of people who name you.

Create a problem then point at the people who are effected by it and use the problem as a way to discredit them.

You're quite the kike.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Considering I just did the same and was able to find those pics without Voat, there has to be more.

gabara ago

Cunts cried, accounts died.

Hysterical ago

Doxxing. You're defending Doxxing and the targeted harassment of individuals with doxxed material.

bopper ago

@gabara banned me from his sub for no reason..

Hysterical ago

It's how they operate. It's basically like an advertisement. They also do it to spam and annoy users. They utilize anon subs to ping and harass people, but I think Putt might have solved that.

Gabara also spammed gore to v/aww in an attempt to pressure the owner of v/aww into adding a new moderator to the sub, and it WA conveniently one of Gabaras henchmen. I don't have exact evidence, but it was clear as day to me watching it all unfold.

bopper ago

Ah, thanks..

gabara ago

1 week old account

Rent free.

NotHereForPizza ago

Hey, look at that. gabara decided to be normal for a day

Hysterical ago

Honestly, you're the one acting strange.

NotHereForPizza ago

And you're the faggot that listens to what the other faggots say who's sole purpose for the last year or more has been to ruin my sole account on this website's reputation. Too bad for them, however, I never intended to care much about any reputation I may or may not accrue while being here.

Hysterical ago

You haven't even been on my radar, quit acting like you know me. You're being just as bad as those twats when they accuse everyone of being Sanegoat.

I could give two shits about your reputation.

NotHereForPizza ago

You haven't even been on my radar, quit acting like you know me.

What I said, while I suppose you could infer this from what was written, wasn't spoken out of experience with you. I was saying you're an idiot if you're going to actually believe anything they say. Of course, I could have easily just misunderstood what you meant by me acting strangely. I guess you could have meant I was acting negatively odd.

If I was wrong, my bad.

TopTierCIAShill ago

she's cute id bang her

Diarrhea_Van_Frank ago

She’s ok. She’s got that “prettiest girl in the trailer park” thing going on.

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

She has very nice skin.


knightwarrior41 ago

she's cute id bang her

i second that

Rotteuxx ago

Pretty much what everyone defending her blindly is thinking.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Gross she's fat

Rotteuxx ago

Lots of incels around here