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Glory_Beckons ago

Did you see the /v/shitsrayziesays sub?

Doxing isn't just about how hard or easy it is to obtain personal information about someone. It's also about how that information is used.

When you create a sub, and plaster another user's face all over the background, and then proceed to use that to humiliate and abuse them, including posting pictures their children drew for them to mock them... Then you are using their personal information to hurt and intimidate them in the most disgusting way possible.

They isn't just doxing. They is Antifa-tier ritualistic shaming and shit-flinging. An attempt to censor and shut someone down by intimidation and chilling effect. Leftist scum tactics, in short.

I can't believe anyone here would defend this.

I don't like a number of things Putt has done recently, but this was completely justified.

NotHereForPizza ago

insert emotional persuasion here

Normies MUST UNDERSTAND THIS: Do not post personal information on one site with a certain username and then engage in edgy political discussion under the same username on a different site. It WILL bite you in the ass. You especially don't do this and piss people off.

Hysterical ago

It's a strange day when you all of a sudden you're best friends with the Soapdox crew.

NotHereForPizza ago

I am in no way defending doxxing. My comment is about defending yourself and being rationally paranoid about your information.

You must have gotten confused.

Hysterical ago

Right, you're trying to say it's their fault which would imply that Trigg didn't partake in doxxing, and that S had in fact doxxed herself which is the current narrative Soapbox is trying to create.

NotHereForPizza ago

Then I guess we're not in Kansas anymore.

Srayzie is a fucking retard for being so lazy and incompetent. I warned her of this over and over while she screamed at me for being a shill and using tons of alts and other shit.

I'll admit - I've grown lazy over the past year or so. If I'm honest about it, I've grown less and less demoralized. I shouldn't have gaslighted srayzie like I did. But, she wouldn't leave me the fuck alone and after a while the Voat community grew on me and I became more interested in what some of the random passersby had to say. I should have interacted with srayzie less.

However, these faggots aren't wrong. You should be very careful about your information when you're online. This is especially so when you're going to provoke people you know little to nothing about.

Glory_Beckons ago

Edgelords MUST UNDERSTAND THIS: Do not post someone else's personal information on a site and then engage in targeted harassment of that individual by using that information against them. It WILL bite you in the ass. You especially don't do this on a site that explicitly prohibits doxing and is disgusted with leftist intimidation tactics in general.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yep. All true.

T1tus ago
