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AR47 ago

Is everyone negating the fact this is the first time Puttitout has closed a sub outside of update to the site? Inactive subs are closed and I get that, but this is the first time he or any admin has shut down a sub that I can think of.

So much for free speech or just the speech of those that are good boys?

VicariousJambi ago

Well it was specifically a sub for doxxing, I assume thats putts logic here.

WhiteRonin ago


I saw a bunch of posts that quoted her and made fun of her. neon Revolt wrote a hit piece on her though. It’s on gab though.

Shizy ago

They fucked the CSS to make it appear that my user name was making most of the posts and comments. No way in hell should that sub have stayed up doing shit like that.

WhiteRonin ago

Then all subs that do this should be banned!

This is NOT the first time. If it were we could have a case to be made.

Shizy ago

Doing that should be banable.

WhiteRonin ago

So should passing dox material via Voat electronic services.

Don’t think all parties are clean!

Shizy ago

Yeah, so zyklon b should go!

WhiteRonin ago

Oh, @zyklon_b?

Don’t dispose of your best chess piece! I can play 4D chess too!

zyklon_b ago

oh its kewl i can break her fam up in 20 minutes whenever i choose too

Shizy ago

Come do it pussy!

I'll shoot your dick off and feed it to my dogs. Then I'll laugh as you bleed out from the front hole I made for you.

All is satire!


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WhiteRonin ago

Tsk tsk tsk.

A builder is surrounded by people who write threats. Lovely!

Shizy ago

My kids lives have been threatened daily for the past week or two. I'll say whatever I please to this piece of shit.

You defending death threats to kids while trying to (((shame)))) me for letting him know the fate he'll meet?

WhiteRonin ago

You are making assumptions that I have read those death threats, which I have not. I don’t have time to read all posts and comments on voat.

On this particular thread none of what you mentioned has besides “break up” which is vague at best.

I don’t condone death threats. You made one too!

If you have family, why would you put them in danger? Why do you participate in activities that could put them in such a situation?

I sure hell wouldn't!

Let’s take a look at this another way.

1 You know what happened to Seth Rich.

2 you actively participate in a forum which targets those who did that to Seth Rich

3 you expose the deep state

Why would you not be afraid for your family? Unless, you think you are safe ... feeling safe from the deep state which you probably think is fake.

But you tamper with a boogie man of voat and expect no retaliation? Damn, I don’t know what to say.

CerealBrain ago

You sound like that Zyklon faggot are you two big buds?

WhiteRonin ago

Logic isn’t your strong point, is it!

CerealBrain ago

Nice dodge.

WhiteRonin ago

That wasn’t a dodge. I drive an Audi by the way.

I just ignored your comment and made a quip about you ignoring my comment. So, technically, you “dodged” me first.

CerealBrain ago

I just ignored your comment and made a quip about you ignoring my comment.

My gosh. What a zinger. Lol. And a labored one at that.

Meh, I drive a BMW convertible! No shit.

WhiteRonin ago


Shizy ago

I don't condone death threats, you made one too.

He's been threatening my kids repeatedly. I didn't make a death threat, I only let him know what he faces if he or any of his trolls, even tries to make good on his repeated threats. I consider that self defense.

Why would I not be afraid for my family?

First of all, I'm not Seth rich and have no info on anyone so I'm no threat to the deep state.

Other than that, I'm armed as fuck at all times. I'm not gonna say too much about where I live but let's just say I have a massive advantage over anyone trying to get to my home. I have lots of other protections in place that I won't divulge.

But you tamper with a boogie man of voat and expect no retaliation?

You mean zyklon? How did I tamper with him? I had no problem with him until he one day, for no apparent reason other than his drug induced psychosis, decided to attack GA.

WhiteRonin ago

There you go! You are putting your family at risk and not considering the consequences.

You cry about attacks yet you also threatened bodily injury. That is the fact that remains.

Shizy ago

What haven't I considered?

You cry about attacks yet you also threatened bodily injury.

How was I crying? Because I pointed out his bullshit and then told him what his consequence would be if he tried it?

I used to think you are cool, but you're just a massive fucking faggot like zyklon and his little band of cock suckers.

WhiteRonin ago

Because I post in real life like I do on GA and call shit out?

That’s ok if you don’t think I’m cool anymore. I don’t change and you should probably call me an asshole since I get that a lot.

CerealBrain ago

I used to think you were cool, but you're just a massive fucking faggot like zyklon and his little band of cock suckers.

This is correct (I used to think he was okay as well, no more).

@WhiteRonin thinks a lot of himself, pretty much sums it up (your shit don't stink Rony boy am I right? You know it!

WhiteRonin ago

yawn! Keep trying. You can’t even compare to others in your efforts.

Too low key

CerealBrain ago

Yet here you are.

WhiteRonin ago

Oh oh!

PV just dumped on you dude.

What happened to you?

I had lots of respect for you because you could man up and admit when you were wrong.

What happened?

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, I was right that you are fruit loops!

What’s up crensch!

What’s it like to from hating on Qtards to owning their sub? I hope you get paid to do that job!

Hmm, conflict of interest coming up?

You gonna spend 3 days on dissecting my history too?

Oh yes! I get it! After seeing you try to have a go at me here, you ain’t finished. Don’t destroy your other alt. It ain’t worth it! I know you don’t want advice. Autist like you hate it. I’m sorry but you need to hear me out. If you continue you are only making things worse, let voat heal. Sure keep your grudges like you always do, but give voat a chance to straighten out. That is if you really care about voat.

Me and Virge? Don’t bother. She’s a big girl. She can handle it. If she proves she’s a builder and stops deleting her posts, I’ll leave her alone. She attacked me and I’ve had my fun. She is out in the open and she damaged her own reputation. Don’t do same bro!

Don’t destroy your reputation!

CerealBrain ago

Hoping he will chill a bit, I'm not Crensch (I find him to be a bit proud).

WhiteRonin ago

Ok ;-)

WhiteRonin ago

Fruit Loops?

Ok, mr fruity loops!

I’m glad that you admitted you are retarded. I’m nice to your types.

Shizy ago

You're alright cereal brain!

CerealBrain ago

I am a faggot hunter and that boy smells above ground.


Shizy ago

He likes to play both sides I have discovered.

CerealBrain ago

He likes to play both sides I have discovered.

Duplicitous, and spineless likely.

WhiteRonin ago

What say you?

CerealBrain ago

You bore me.

WhiteRonin ago

Limited intellect must be tough.

ArcAngel ago

i carry almost every where i go... its a mad mad world