Lucas25457 ago

It’s difficult to arrest somebody suddenly. Especially if they have money.

fusir ago

What? Suddenly is the easiest way.

hedgefundhog ago

Because it was just campaign trail bullshit. He doesn't need her arrested.

Tallest_Skil ago

Because he’s a paid jewish shill.

Crookedarrow ago

People in power never get really punished. They get scared they might be punished like that one day.

englishwebster ago

just because everybody knows shes guilty does not mean she doesnt get an investigation. she is entitled to due process just like everyone else, and that process appears to be starting now that the mueller investigation is over.

also, if trump actually acted, especially during the height of the "muh russians" scandal he would have looked like a full blown dictator.

arresting your political opponent is a no-no in all but the most primitive of countries, so there has to be a damned good reason.

plagueship ago

HRC already has an Obama pardon in her back pocket, any arrest would have been a waste of time.

To nail them you have to get them after the inauguration, has she done anything criminal since then?

The only way forward is to nail the child pedo rings, the 90,000 sealed indictments, if the pedo angle is true you can get them all on that.

SelectAllImagesWith ago

he had to ask his Jew first...

ginx2666 ago

Because they serve the same masters - jews. Right hand won't try to break left hand.

Conspirologist ago

The correct question is why nobody arrested her. Grasshopper.

BushChuck ago


hankylanky ago

Because one, he can't do that. And two, if she were actually guilty of any crimes, the previous 25 years of harassment, PR campaigns and fruitless investigations by republicans would have turned up, oh, I don't know, even one single indictment.

Tallest_Skil ago

he can’t do his job

Tell your boss to fire you. You’ve devolved into brain damage.

hankylanky ago

One, he has no power to "have Hillary arrested." You seem to have the same loose grip on this Constitutional powers that Donny Dipshit has. Two, I was own boss. Retired at 52.

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. He does
  2. And now you’re paid to spam lies on the Internet. By someone else. Who needs to fire you for being such shit at it.

Tallest_Skill ago

Please forgive me everyone, I was off my brain meds and living in the dumpster of the 7-11. I was in a low point of my life. I was blowing muhamed the 7-11 clerk for nachos and a cheery slurpy in the 7-11. My life was so messed up and I was taking it out on voat. I now am on my meds and am so lucid now and I realize that muhamed was taking advantage of me by not telling me I could buy the nachos with money. My mom has let me move back in my room as long as I keep taking my brain meds and stop shitting in plastic zip lock bags and storing them under my bed.

You are going to see a new Tall. Cheers

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for libel.

Tallest_Skill ago

Sorry adjusting to my meds

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for libel.

Tallest_Skill ago

Man I annoy myself.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for libel.

EuropeanNationalist ago

Because the game of politics is to form a group.

He couldn't form the group to do it.

LiamOdinThomas ago

If you think Trump is apart of the satanist cabal then you're stupid as fuck and the Bush no kid left behind program has done its job. Do us all a favor and go kill yourselves.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey goyim Trump isn’t part of the group he has admitted to being a part of oy FUCKING vey how dare you question our theater

Go back to your containment board, you fucking Q-faggot.

LiamOdinThomas ago

Its easy ya fukn kike Jews are the skum of this planet their even beneath their lap dogs the muslims. Khazarean Myth look it up. Fukn nasty ass baby dick suckn kike.

Tallest_Skil ago

Learn English or fuck off.

LiamOdinThomas ago

You cant make me....🐸WWG1WGA😒😂KEK

Tallest_Skil ago

Fuck off back to reddit, Q-cumber. No one is coming to save you.

LiamOdinThomas ago

Sooooo.....what yer saying

Tallest_Skil ago

Eat shit, Q-LARPer. You have a containment board.

LiamOdinThomas ago

Containment board Q-Larper01 over..Breach base containment (D)elta (R)azor.. (D)elta (I)sis (P)laza (S)acred (H)ollow (I)sis (T)orah copy..

Live_Wire ago

Would've caused even more trouble and obstruction than you would believe possible, we would still be nominating Gorsuch right now. Not saying I don't want her jailed. I see it as a second term item, near the end.

Hussite ago

Because he's not the King of America and it's not that easy, especially a Clinton.

Tallest_Skil ago

following the law isn’t easy


boekanier ago

We'll never know what they do behind the scenes. They have their 'little secrets' those politicians, where you, as a citizen, have no business with.

scoopadoop ago

Short answer: dead man switches and shit tons of blackmailed fall guys to take her place

NPCGator ago

Inquiring minds want to know.

RoundWheel ago

Anyone who tells you otherwise is an asshole; a shill or retarded.

Take a hard look at the cross section of America. MSM still controlled more than half the nation when he came in. Everyone was still loyal to the Democrats. Had he started arresting, more than half the country would have claimed tyrannical grasp of power and started a civil war. Period. Which, BTW, is precisely what the left was/is planning. Remember, Trump was openly accused of treason. They have been caught in treason and a coup.

Now, he caused them to burn bridges, money, political capital. MSM is hanging on by a thread. Dirty tricks are no longer working. More people in the history of man are waking. The majority no longer trust MSM at all. Only shills tell you this is bad and is doing nothing. It's how you can immediately know they are a shill; or retarded.

The official investigations are now under way. Trump had been cleared in something like seven investigations. There is absolutely no cloud lingering over him. The bad actors have now been moved aside. The FBI, DOJ, AG, IG, and CIA have been significantly cleaned or power minimized. The roads have now been cleared. Which means arrested before would have blown up in his face. One of the most important moves was getting a new SCOTUS in place. This allows for restoration of the US Constitution. Two more SCOTUS placements are looming. Both likely to actually be right wing.

Anyone who has any issue with anything stated here is retarded or a shill.

Feel free to read the other comments. You can now rate then all accordingly.

Things will only continue to improve. Ignore the retards and shills.

Helbrecht ago

Well, I guess you sure told us, didn't you?

Go fuck yourself, qtard.

RoundWheel ago

Everything I've stated is visible without Q. Only a retard or shill disagrees with anything I've stated here. It's painfully part of the public record.

You are literally low iq or a shill. Period.

Bobby_Lee_Jackson ago

Because he doesn't really control the executive branch/ DOJ. The bureaucracy protects its fellow left wingers.

blumen4alles ago

An interesting number of replies start with "because", So Like Here Is My Formal Reply:

Trump did not have Hillary Clinton arrested because

Because, because, because, because, because

Because of the wonderful things he does!

blumen4alles ago

DHmountainbiking ago

Stop asking questions, shut up and Trust the plan

fuspezza ago

Because Clinton especially at the first 3 months after the election still had the sheeples support. A civil War would be (((their))) wet dream and why give (((Them))) what they want?

NotHereForPizza ago

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.

Read all of those things on that list a few times. How familiar are you with that list? How much do you know about project management of this scope? How seasoned are you in the intelligence field? How much do you know about these types of networks addressed in the above?

He that can have patience can have what he will. Now be fucking patient and quit trying to stir up demoralization.

Tallest_Skil ago

Neck yourself, Q-LARPer.

Helbrecht ago

QRV is over there ---->

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm the speech police. Talk about that somewhere else.

Tallest_Skil ago


Go suck Q-cock back on your containment board.

NotHereForPizza ago

You get paid money to manufacture consensus and otherwise shape public perception.

Tallest_Skil ago

Said the Q-LARPer without a shred of irony.

NotHereForPasta ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you sexist pig? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in women's studies, and I've been involved in numerous rallies against men, and I have over 300 confirmed divorces. I am trained in pretending I'm allergic to latex and I'm the top body painter in the entire class. You are nothing to me but just another misogynist.

I will wipe you the fuck out with chants the likes of which has never been heard before on this Earth, mark my fucking tits. You think you can get away with looking at my tits? Think again, sexist. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of feminists across the USA and your sperm is being traced right now so you better prepare for child support, maggot. child support that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call a bank account. You're fucking broke, kid. I can be at any feminism rally, anytime I'm not at woman’s studies and I can manipulate you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare breasts.

Not only am I extensively trained in pretending you raped me, but I have access to the entire array of colors in my art class, and I will use it to its full extent to paint my body with slogans, you masculine pig. If only you could have known what unholy debt your little “clever” cumshot was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking orgasm. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn man. My STIs will shit fury all over your dick and you will drown in it. You're fucking diseased, manno.

@Shizy @Sandhog @Kevdude @Vindicator @Kestrel9

MolochHunter ago

lol that was glorious

argosciv ago


magol ago

1.he is controlled opposition 2.he is scared of assassination 3.the shadow government is still too powerful 4.they have dirt on him a.k.a blackmail

what do you choose?

warplover1 ago


panxerox ago

Because he knew that it would look like a political payback, while he does know and we know that shes guilty as sin he also wants to have enough of a case in the public domain against her that when (not if) he prosecutes it will be obvious.

Hektik ago

The Executive Branch cannot do arrests or court proceedings. The DoJ and State Department has been protecting Hillary Clinton. And the Judicial Branch hasn't tried to prosecute her at all as they are protecting her. What Trump has done is change the heads of those branches and they are supposed to open up investigations and assign special prosecutors on the subject.

avgwhtguy1 ago

Executive branch controls the DOJ, FBI, US Marshalls, the secret service, and the military. They can and do arrests, you liar.

Hektik ago

They control it through the purse pocket. Not how they function aka DoJ, FBI, US Marshals are a seperate branch of gov't and therefore there is checks and balances of operations. This isn't even that hard to look up. The information is out there.

avgwhtguy1 ago

You are wrong. The president can fire the entire FBI, Marshal Service, and DoJ, and hire whoever he wants.

MaunaLoona ago

Because we elected Jared Kushner as the president.

DangersDad ago


Sara16476 ago

Who is Satan and why there is evil Best video about this with proofs

Monkey using phone like humans . . .

MAGA_WAGA_Boomer ago

Obviously he's saving Hillary for second last right before he takes down Israel.


freeman84 ago

Because Trump is just another zionist puppet.

Putzmiester ago

There are still Q-tards?

Tallest_Skil ago

Tens of thousands. They’re the largest board on every website that allows them.

Putzmiester ago

They are allowed everywhere. It's just that Q is bullshit and a distraction.

Tallest_Skil ago

they’re allowed everywhere

So that’s why they’re banned from multiple sites…

freeman84 ago

Ya look at /v/greatawakening

Putzmiester ago

... that's a sub for Q tards...

avgwhtguy1 ago

It was a pretty good psyOp, for the first couple months at least

Average_guy ago

Trump probably had other things (like trying to run the country and improve the lives of Americans) to do. I guess he figured Clinton to be low priority.

Tallest_Skil ago


Holy christ, you people all have the same script, don’t you.

eronburr ago

Himself? He had to clean too many people out of seats to even get the ball rolling. Comey and McCabe wouldn't touch her, Rosenstein wouldn't charge her.

If she does ever get arrested it'll be after Comey is charged, only because he has an IG investigation coming out this month, then the Mueller investigation comes out a few weeks later. IG would need something to charge her with to skip DOJ issues.

HighEnergyLife ago

Gotta save something for the reelection

AlternateSelection ago

She has many layers of money and goons protecting her wretched ass. She's not afraid to send these goons after your loved ones. Gotta handle something like that really carefully. Like trying to take out a mob boss but it can't be done till all the pieces are in place.

PopCornPepe ago

Bull Shit, a round in the left eye cures all the mob bosses

Merlynn ago

Well,IF he isn't a jew puppet and IF he honestly did want to put her in jail,the only reasons I can think of are:

  1. He wanted to make peace with the Dems so he could get things done easier. It's hard to make deals when people are panicking about possibly going to jail. And if he jailed Hillary,he'd have to go after most of the Dems.

  2. He knew it'd never go anywhere cause,well,look at how the legal system is defending them and attacking Trump. The e-mail server fiasco shows how far and hard the FBI wold go to defend her. How do you put someone in jail when the cops are burning evidence for her?

So those are a couple good reasons right there.

Trousersnake1488 ago

O agree, I guess I just don't understand why he just doesn't come out and say ot all. Like just be honest and the people will take care of the rest... What good is a soulless country that he is handing off to be demographically replaced if he actually cares about america?

Merlynn ago

Because he's not going to do much of anything if he's dead.


He is a jew plant

Reverse-Flash ago

He's the Alex Jones of politics.

theysayso ago

Any move he made against the establishment would be construed as obstruction. Mueller dragged out his investigation as long as he could - with the new AG he had to put it to bed. The chickens will come home to roost we just had to be patient while the prior BS worked itself out.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re genuinely this brain damaged.

allogonist ago

Because the crimes committed by Hillary were actually committed with the consent of the sitting president, and going after her is the same as going after Obama. A president does not simply arrest the previous president once he gets into office. Also the people who were committing crimes with Hillary had the power to collapse the dollar and the US economy and start a war between the United States and Russia. Before anyone could be arrested they had to

  • Ally with Saudi Arabia and purge it of corruption
  • forge an economic oil alliance to gain leverage over the energy economy of Europe and thus leverage over Russia
  • make a ceasefire agreement with Russia to prevent nuclear war
  • make sure North Korea wasn't going to nuke anyone once their chains are removed just because they're crazy
  • get china to agree not to pull the rug out from under our economy
  • find some gold so we can move to the gold standard eventually
  • reboot the US economy so that we can survive the slow collapse of all the economic bubbles designed to destroy us
  • allow Mueller to finish his report so that arresting Hillary can't be called "obstruction of justice"

The last point is the most important. Remember, Hillary and Obama's worst crimes were committed with Russia. I.E. literal "Russian collusion" which means that for Trump to make an arrest for a crime regarding Russian collusion would be for Trump to directly interfere with the exact thing Mueller was given complete jurisdiction over. That is actually the definition of obstruction, and it's the reason the controlled media has been screaming bloody murder about obstruction of justice from the very start. They WANTED Trump to arrest Hillary, because if he did, they would have a million lawyers write a black and white case for his impeachment and then all of their problems would go away.

They knew waiting would suck for everyone, they knew it would be painful, but it had to be done. So in the mean time, Trump had his military intelligence guys create Qanon and do things like protecting certain free-speech web platforms from censorship and DDOS attacks and maybe even bankruptcy. All so that people like you could continue to talk about Hillary's crimes without being censored or called a crazy person, and so that over time more and more people could be made aware of how bad things have gotten so that when Hillary finally is arrested it doesn't become just another political fight, but an actual movement backed by the people.

Waiting was the correct thing to do.

Tallest_Skil ago


Get the fuck out, dumbass.

MinstrelBoy ago

It's nice to read a post that isn't delusional and frothing at the mouth.

Tallest_Skil ago

believes Q-LARP exists

believes that the parties aren’t owned by the same people

believes that anyone is ever going to be punished

not delusional

Go back to your containment board.

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

I genuinely believe this is the best comment in the thread. I genuinely don't think Trump wants to destroy the US. What other place in the world exists like the USA in its current state? None. Maybe Japan and SK.

Tallest_Skil ago

I genuinely don’t think

Your feelings have nothing to do with reality.

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

Ah yes thank you.

Tallest_Skil ago

Explain the ways in which he has not personally furthered the destruction of the nation.

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m waiting.

Elemental_Lightning ago

Because, the president is just a public figure head of the government. He has. To obey his handlers.

CapinBoredface ago

It was a pointless pipe dream.

goathunter ago

Just like the Democrats with Russia right now.

Doglegwarrior ago

They are on the same team. Simple.

Flour ago

Trump can declassify basically any document or “leak” the damning information on all the corrupt politicians. He’s a shabbos goy.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

If I had to make a guess, the AG at the time didn't want 2 shots in the back of his head. Now it is election season, notice how the Mueller investigations ended exactly when he hand israel Golem Heights.

It is sounding very much as if israel controls the election machines. Probably programmed in hebrew.

buttermouth ago

My theory is that he needs to gather evidence before jailing his political opponents or else it looks like political retribution which sets a terrible precedent. He is probably waiting until she's out of politics and also wants to use the arrest as a 2020 October surprise. If she's not arrested before Nov he's not getting my vote tho.

Putzmiester ago

Dont plan on voting then. There will be no October surprise... I'll give you $20 if there is any arrest made of any HRC lackey by then.

Helbrecht ago

Ok, man.


it looks like political retribution which sets a terrible precedent

Does not jive with this:

wants to use the arrest as a 2020 October surprise


He is probably waiting until she's out of politics

So, what, 50 years after she's dead?

Besides, doesn't the evidence already exist to put Hilary in a prison cell/noose?

Let's face it, Trump's one of them

RoundWheel ago

That is certainly part of it. But with maybe corruption on the FBI, DOJ, AG, IG, and CIA, it would have been impossible to sexually prosecute. Hillary was the prime example. They would have all been cleared and Trump destroyed.

That is now, however, impossible. It's just starting to get warm for them. Fire is coming.

Posso_Tutto ago

I think you are close. IMO he couldn't go after her until he had cleaned some house. Just like he couldn't fire that POS FBI director right out of the gate. Further, HRC's roots run deep in the swamp. He cannot just go in throwing charges around. What the charge with they have to have overwhelming evidence to support. Nail her to the wall. Dealing with the Russia nonsense slowed everything down.

Neskuaxa ago

Normie opinion of him was pretty low after his election. But a few friends of mine have slowly come around to not totally wincing at the sound of his name.

4saken ago

Obama Pardoned her of all crimes. Had to wait for her to commit new ones.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, you think the law matters

Acen ago

The longer it goes on, the more frustrated we become. Just a few high level arrests would keep us happy. If Trump is one of them it's game over..

Vibraniumcranium ago

It surprised me to find out how old and powerful his family is... going back to Medieval Europe. The Heinz family apparently is a weaker, less influential off-shoot of their family.

Reverse-Flash ago

Heinz may not be as powerful but they are trying to play ketchup.

Guy_Justsome ago

You mustard of their secret plans. Care to share?

Reverse-Flash ago

I'll give you a hint.

Justwhiteofcenter ago

Go back to Reddit faggot. They relish licking your asshole over there.

Guy_Justsome ago

That's unsanitary. I wouldn't re-condiment.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

well you mayo just have to

unclassified ago


grandmacaesar ago

I suspect it could have something to do with ((( Jeffrey Epstein ))). Or ((( Jared Kushner ))). Or ((( Sheldon Adelson ))).

Fwiw, I didn't vote for him or the witch. I voted third party as a protest vote. But I would consider voting for him in 2020 if he (a) does what he said he would do about illegal immigration, (b) does what he said he would do about Hillary et al, and (c) quits sucking Israel's dick. At this point, I don't expect any of those three to happen.

GoatyMcGoatface ago

He only denounces white nationalism twice a week

Literally Hitler

18455787? ago

Dont tell me you wasted your Vote on that uber cucked faggot Johnson 🤣

hikedelics ago

And who did you vote for, faggot? Jill (((Stein)))?

18456062? ago

Donald Trump. Twice, actually.

hikedelics ago

That ATF boot licking, "take the guns without due process first", all while opening up his mouth wider to suck am much Iraeli dick possible "Golan Heights", and making empty promises about building walls and jailing Clintons, mother fucker? Oh, but the libertarian party was cucked, right...

18456928? ago


grandmacaesar ago

No. I have voted Libertarian in the past, though I couldn't bring myself to vote for that turncoat. What some may call worse...I voted for Jill Stein. All of the candidates were repulsive to me. But Stein openly questioned the lies of 9/11. And of all the candidates, that's the only thing I could hang my hat on.

Yakutan_Noma ago

Don't forget Rockefeller's barnacle, Henry Kissinger who as one of the first people he greeted after being elected. Trump is the fakest piece of shit in the history of the United States. He is a liberal, sexual deviant, multiple wives, children, and born first class of America's ruling plutocracy. Remember the Al-Smith charity dinner where America's elite of elite were? Trump said clearly he had been there since he could remember. Hillary on the other hand could not, did not attend this gathering until she had developed as a useless political pawn.

There is absolutely no divide in American politics, that is a complete MSM fabrication. There is only one ruling establishment in the US.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Has a lot more to do with the (((CIA))) and the (((FBI)))

yt4cz9 ago

I mean where the fuck is the wall?

The_Venerable ago

Oh damn I forgot about the wall.

Helbrecht ago

In israel. Nice wall too

LightestHour ago

It's a test run for the border wall, Trust The Plan! /s

ReadPastHeadlines ago

A vote for third party was a vote for Hillary

grandmacaesar ago

Yeah, that's what media always tells me to believe about third-party candidates.

I've voted in every election since 1980 (except for the 2nd Obama term---because the candidate I wanted wasn't on the ballot, and the state I lived in didn't allow write-ins).

At the time, it seemed to me that DJT was no better than the witch. I didn't vote for either of them because the lesser of two evils is still evil. And like I said in my earlier comment, if DJT turns out to be a filthy liar and not fulfill his campaign promises to We The People, he won't get my vote in 2020.

0fsgivin ago

Same... I was pretty sure he was a douche but figured fuck it I'll give em a shot.

Not gunna happen in 2020. Guy is basically Clinton Light anyways.

70times7 ago

A vote for anyone is to be in the Cain system.

The wicked ruling the wicked.

Doglegwarrior ago

I dont vote but in san antonio they have a very close election and the jew was winnig. Why thebfuck we have a jew mayor in san antonio is insane i almost went to vote but it is against my morale code to vote

Guy_Justsome ago

Enjoy your schlomo overlord ass-raping from your comfy seat of moral righteousness.

Doglegwarrior ago

Im going to assume you are just ignorant... if not here goes some simple info on why voting is bullshit.

I wont be a part of this bullshit nor vote showing i think it is legitimate. When it was only white land owning males that could vote i would have voted!

BushChuck ago

If voting mattered, it would be illegal.

Doglegwarrior ago

Lol yep ive heard that before and makes sense.

70times7 ago

Should bookmark this for a rainy day when youre bored.

Everyone has heard of cain and abel. Cain whacked abel so he had to leave. But he was whining, so God put a mark on him.

The mark of cain. Very interesting to learn what it was/is.

Gigglestick ago

They turned him into a lizard!

warplover1 ago


65Creedmoor ago

Was the only 3 months he was the real Trump. Where shit was happening DAILY

markrod420 ago

Most likely answer? Because he is still part of the people trying to destroy us.

Blackops21 ago

Not because he would actually look like a real fascist which is what leftists were trying to convince average Americans he was.

markrod420 ago

Like i said to every other trump dick sucking person that replied. If this had been the only way he has failed then i wouldnt say what i said. In reality he has backed down from every meaningful action that he has been constitutionally capable of taking and he spends all day chomping on israels kike dick still. Hes probably just more controlled oposition designed to keep us calm while we are bread out of existence.

RoundWheel ago

This is honestly, an idiotic answer. One can only make such a claim if they are immune to facts and logic. Accordingly, it's the least likely possibility.

markrod420 ago

Lol as long as he continues to back down in every executive action he is capable of taking and sucking kike dick at every turn its the most likely option.

NotHereForPizza ago


El_Syd ago

He's trying to do shit that actually matters to the lives of everyday people. It also would've looked like tit-for-tat on the Russian Collusion probe and the public would've been against him even more for attacking the first woman to run for president. The optics would've been horrible.

Tallest_Skil ago

actually matters

So he’s doing nothing. Got it. Thanks for admitting you’re a fucking lunatic traitor.

BushChuck ago

Bullshit. You people are so fucking gullible.

avgwhtguy1 ago

She wasnt the first woman to run for president. Reagan beat a woman.

fuckthisshit12 ago

Didn't he run on those optics as a platform to get elected with people screaming "lock her up" ???

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

He should have did the right thing and drained the swamp. Instead he bull shits with Jews, helps his friends get richer, and let's more immigrants in.

Shitgoyzsay ago

This is the most logical answer.

markrod420 ago

Perhaps if hillarys lack of arrest was the only piece of evidence. But apparently "israel is still our greatest ally" according to trump so no. The most logical answer is he is still the enemy.

Nipplesurfer ago

Sadly, this is actually the correct answer. Try explaining simple real life to the bqqmers though.

These people are stupid.

fusir ago

I called it since the primary. You should have gone with Rand. But everyone was like "It would be so hilarious if Trump were in office. Think of the meme magic." You got your meme magic but you also exhausted one of the few times we have rebellious energy on someone you ascribed meaning to.

Glipglup ago

Are they real people or just sock accounts?

Ocelot ago

Imagine that, through a series of extraordinary circumstances and events, a small army of approximately 10,000 Sean Hannity-tier boomers shifted from twitter, Facebook, and /r/The_Donald to 4chan and then to 8chan, and then at the command of the almighty Q anon, ended up here on voat amidst a sea of people who think they're braindead. A post from when they arrived 10,000 strong.