rspix000 ago

Oh boy? It's majority owned by Golgman Sucs

Neongreen ago

See that the nasty bit is how the (((financial elite))) are wrapped in the gigantic pig fuck.

rspix000 ago

China owns 25% of US pig farms too

Neongreen ago

What are you going to do about it? I'm sick of all these facts. I'd like see some action for once.

rspix000 ago

With globalism, the US won't go back to industrial output until wages are the same as in Pakistan and China, and environmental requirements are the same as in Vietnam. We're just fucked and I vote with my feet in the street.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

What jew now owns it?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gorillion ago

Oh fuck, how will we get flooded with Fentanyl nowwwww!?

performance ago

It's pure insanity that a US port can be owned by a non-US entity.


Same with our media and banks...

Bricolagefantasy1 ago

Building and operating modern and efficient port aint cheap. Efficient modern port and the know how to run it don t fall from the sky.

Gun or butter. Blowing up iraq or building infrastructure. Pick one.

Here is a simple illustration. You put entire US port capacities, still doesnt equal top 2 largest port in Asia. Port of shanghai or Singapore. All those new port cranes, are chinese cranes. All those giant ships are build in korea or china. So ....

CantDentTheBrent ago

here is simpur irrustration

Ching ching ding dong you filthy bug man

Bricolagefantasy1 ago

Doesnt change the number or the point I am making. In fact your casual attitude simply show why no large infrastructure is being build in US.

The ching must be stupid wasting time building port, train, airport, investing in global infrastructute ..... etc.

Should have gone banana republic and ignite another arab war.

CantDentTheBrent ago

You're speaking about useless information.

My people will outlast all others.

Bricolagefantasy1 ago

... based on what? Insisting loudly on the net? (Not that i know what you mean by "my people")

I presume my idiots kins on voat, kinda people? lol. (Seriously, do you even know world history. There is up and down. And there are those who have been around few up and downs. A couple of millenia, give or take)

CantDentTheBrent ago

Ha haha.

on the net

Yeah that was created by a white man.

Bricolagefantasy1 ago



But current internet users and infrastructure are not what you think.

User stat.

Installed bandwidth.

I get it you need your pride. But this is not 1986. It s 2019. Your world view need some adjustment. (What you gonna argue next. Who is the most inventive, this and that discovery... been there done that. You wont like the number)

CantDentTheBrent ago

You can use mental gymnastics all you want.

The white man has shaped this world, only in this last 50 years have you fucking bugmen gotten so bold, and Americans content.

You know you don't win, that's why you have to cherry pick every argument.

If you didn't, your fantasy world will come crashing down.

Bricolagefantasy1 ago

Your world view only goes as far as 50-100 yrs? Gimme a break.

This is a chart with 2 millenia span

List of world continuously inhabited cities

History of writing system...


Bottom line other people developed language, settlement, writing system, believe system, conquer the world... first. Same with Nifty structures and mega projects .

Just because you have few military gadgets dont mean a thing in grand scheme of thing. As you already see, other people can churn out gadgets faster if they want to. You cant keep up.

Americas cold war reign is less memorable than the Hun. (They friggin control more of humanity for slightly longer period. And we barely notice them.)

You are just minor sub tribe getting a lucky post war break. Reigning top dog for about 70yrs then sliding down. Not 700 yrs, let alone surviving 3500 yrs.

Adjust your perspective. That's all I am saying. And quit claiming white this and that. You are just sub tribe controlled by who know...

CantDentTheBrent ago

And you link Wikipedia. Kek

CantDentTheBrent ago

Um, 10000 years and your people were still playing with sticks.

My people created everything you know around you.

We will keep it.

Bricolagefantasy1 ago

What people?

eronburr ago

Not if you understand america was under a globalist regime for as long as we've been alive. You think this is a bigger deal than say Google or Centurylink being owned by foreign companies/governments? Generals have gone to congress to say they had to reduce their dependency on google because they work more with china than the us.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

All anglophone countries are for sale until people wake up to the fact their leaders sold them out 65 years ago.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

(((their leaders)))

dirt_reynolds ago

How about any land owned by a foreign entity.

Neongreen ago

See that's the tricky bit. The US is extremely lax in citizen required land ownership. Unlike all these countries that buy the land.

You can't hop over to China and buy there Port. They won't fucking allow it.

FauxSluice ago

Yeah what is this, Ukraine?

gazillions ago

They've been doing this around the world. Saudi Arabia owns the port in Vancouver.

Globalization means your country is a prostitute and increasingly dependent on the bucks from the johns who aren't interested in what your citizens want, think or need.

andrew_jackson ago

Wish more people got this essential message. It relates to things like letting Uber raid your local cab driver union, bringing in a hoard of Pakistani Uber drivers who work for less than minimum wage once you figure in car maintenance. Then some globalist in California who never even visits your city ends up with most of the profit.

tommie ago

buying up Africa 🙄

BentAxel ago

Foregin AND government owned real estate should be abolished. Fuck them all. GTFO or lease the land.

Neongreen ago

For fucking sure man. Now get someone to run on that sexy platform. It's a very logical thing to want but implementing it would be next to impossible.

Zanbato ago

Imagine America not being able to compete fairly in a free market, thus forcing its military and political policies to stifle trade and markets.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Don't get me started on the petro dollar, either.

Durm ago

Underrated post of the day


Even a blind pig finds a few truffles

Turnagain ago

It's "Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while."

MrPim ago

Pigs hunt truffles using smell. Just saying , that saying is kinda tarded.


I never claimed to be a pig expert.

MrPim ago

True enough. Just so you know, truffles grow underground. That's why an animal which can smell them is used to hunt them. Knowing is half the battle. A trained pig is the other half.


What's your best cash price on one of them trained pigs?

MrPim ago

Bout tree fidy

Fekete666 ago

The Chinks have been undermining us for decades.

Gamio ago

They've been making the best of the situation because they are the only nation with the kind of money required to do this without batting an eye. Look at who facilitated the sale, look at federal and local governments that squandered resources so badly that the sale of a fucking entry point vital to most coastal cities economic and security prospects was a "viable" option.


They've been subverting, technically. One must wonder how the Chinese stragety could be bolstered by supporting American enemies, namely the cartels and other criminal gangs.

Fekete666 ago

You mean the Democrats

Mayhawk ago

Pretty sure China owns Pelosi wholesale.

NonWhiteHonkeyBoi ago

Asians > honkeys

fluhthreeex ago

china numba waan moddafakkaa

uvulectomy ago

In b4 myshpqmc and his commie chink-spam daring "reddit nazis" to "prove him right" by removing his post.

Duchozz ago

And buying up ports around the world

Pwning4Ever ago

Europe is literally selling itself to China. Morons.

Mayhawk ago

Remember: globalist elite have no true national allegiance.

Planetoftheclown ago

They're just trying to catch up with the US.

Fekete666 ago

Bingo. If they own a port, the Chinese can ship the entire materiel for an armored column, or even ICBMs, behind our defenses. We have THAAD in Korea, but can we defend against a missile launch from Vancouver?

Gamio ago

The United States and Canada have some pretty fucking insanely good radioactive material detection grid. It can find people who have had radioactive cancer treatment 8~10 months after the fact. And just to be clear here its cancer treatments from nations who don't share medical data with the U.S. so there end up being false positive nuclear material warnings, the people who have had legit cancer treatments and set off the nuclear warnings and the U.S. can confirm it was genuine treatment never see the interviewer and are never asked about it because its meant to be a largely invisible process.

Part of the reason the sale of a port was considered "viable" was the fact security has moved away from direct inspections, into really elaborate surveillance and detection grids. A lot of major airports also have the same kind of hidden border controls. Thats part of the reason a smart border wall between Mexico is 110% viable and necessary, parts of it already exist in certain remote hotspots for border crossings there just isn't the political will to see a real physical barrier going up.

Am I saying China wouldn't try it? oh they probably already have and theres probably worse things moving around the west than anything the Chinese have successfully managed to get into the west. There was some pretty alarming cold war reports of Soviet agents traveling around Europe and North America carrying dirty bombs, not nuclear bombs of course but something that would irradiate sections of a city or lets say air/navy base should the cold war turn hot. From what I understand their instructions were to keep it moving and pass it from agent to agent in a city then if nothing happened during their mission dispose of it in a way that another agent could recover it. Fuck knows if its real but China would be the type of just buy the information from Russia.

Fekete666 ago

A ship can carry things in lead containers. Sensors are designed to detect smuggled stuff with light or no shielding.

Neongreen ago

That's some dense material sir. Good read.

Mayhawk ago

Fun fact: eating (or carrying) too many bananas can set off airport radioactivity sensors


In addition to direct action, which is a facet of Western warfare, the Eastern mind is much more focused on distraction and actions performedd by other actors. I'm sure that they facilitate and support drug cartels, both South American and Asian, in their operations

Fekete666 ago

Making nice $$ while doing it. Operations as a profit center. Not bad.

Mayhawk ago

China turns a blind eye to counterfeit goods so long as they profit. Everything from fake Versace watches to fake Marlboro cigarettes. Controlling the ports is essential to exporting cheap chink fakeware.


See : Leland Lee

Planetoftheclown ago

Shipping an ICBM in a shipping container defeats the purpose, but, whatever.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Say tye Chinese launch one from LA and it heads towards Moscow...

senpaithatignoresyou ago

You need to work on your abstract thinking. A missile that can be disassembled, moved, then reassembled would be dangerous. Just have some agents visa overstay in an enemy nation to set everything up, or have them emigrate over with an anchor baby.

OR, you can ship the icbm in a the shipping container, then set it off in the ports to destroy important infrastructure. Did Baidu american agribusiness wipe out the agricultural infrastructure in an antagonist nation? GREAT!!! destroy the baidu shipping ports, and starve the sand niggers out before the flimsy tank columns and millions of expendable bugmen pour across the border. IF the oil rich portions are secured, then the baidu will not be able to use their nuke arsenal for fear that the (((global economy))) will be destroyed.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You're missing the point, ICBM = intercontinental ballistic missile aka a missile fired between continents. There isn't a point in shipping it directly to it's target when you could just ship a regular bomb.

Planetoftheclown ago

Yallfolx nailed it.

I'll work on my abstract thinking if you work on educating yourself. ICBM - Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile. They're fucking huge, 5 stories tall carrying tons of fuel. Were you going to ship the maintenance crew with it to keep it from exploding during shipment?

It's pretty funny watching you try to be a smart ass about it. Abstract thinking....lulz!

Wouldn't you rather ship a warhead? Thinking.....abstractly.....wouldn't that be a lot more convenient? Please let us know.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Note that this was almost 30 years ago. A lot of innovation can happen in 30 years.

Planetoftheclown ago


Neongreen ago

I think you both have a point here. You could ship a some assembly required version of some very dangerous shit.

I however think our intelligence community has this accounted for. If nothing else the police state we share should be able to defend against this.

Mayhawk ago

California is swarming with police (and people in general), and has plenty of Air Force and Coast Guard coverage. No unauthorized missle launched from CA would make it more than 200 miles over the sea before being shot down by a Top Gun who's been waiting for this moment his whole life.

yallfolx ago

i think his point was it would be a theatre ballistic missile or truck/container bomb not an intercontinental ballistic missile. although shipping an ICBM to america and launching it to russia would be an epic prank.

slwsnowman40 ago

The Chicoms nuke Israel, from Rapeywood.


That's brilliant.

Fekete666 ago

Sorry, a Scud would do.

Duchozz ago


pby1000 ago

COSTCO is Chinese Overseas Shipping Co.


COSCO is Chinese. COSTCO is not

Plavonica ago

Lol that's like buying chineese knock-off Mikes instead of Nikes.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Lol, Nike is asian.

Second_Spear ago

(((Trust the Plan)))

Rawrination ago

Are midterms still safe?

fluhthreeex ago

midterms in danger.

look north at sunset.

blue skies in morning?


The chair is against the wall

uvulectomy ago

The floor speaks gravely.

A river at night.

Three birds fucking.



Futt_Buckinton ago

But wait. All the shills told me q is a larp.

lipids ago

Not a larp. A psyop.

Planetoftheclown ago

Against whom?

RebelJohnny ago

Cuckservatives. They idea is to bring them back into the neocon fold, and from what I can tell by reading their retarded subverses, it’s working splendidly.

fluhthreeex ago

Anyone not involved in the project.

Womb_Raider ago

In a way, it is a psyop, but a white hat psyop rather than the typical black hat psyops. A psyop just refers to a psychologically-based operation, and waking up the masses from their propaganda-induced slumber is absolutely a psychological operation. One that must be done carefully - slowly.

Q doesn't expect everyone to understand. That is the point, in a way.

lipids ago

I've been woke for decades. Y'all are new to this shit. So far Q hasn't done shit but cheerlead for the Republican party.

Our constitution is in tatters. Our children have no future. The Mexicans replacing us will be more slaves than we were.

No new Intel. No arrests. Resignations aren't justice. It's weaker than exile.

Womb_Raider ago

Black pill someone else with your ignorant rhetoric. We are strengthening a non-existent border and working on reforms. These don’t happen overnight and if you think they can you’re a lunatic looking for sympathy.

lipids ago

More immigrants become illegal than ICE depots. A border fence won't stop that. The incentives to immigrate are not being cracked down upon. Start jailing employees using illegal labor and bankers processing remittances and many will leave on their own.

Womb_Raider ago

Remittances are a tool to be used by Americans, not just illegal immigrants. Otherwise I agree with your points. I am confident that over time, if the spirit of this administration lives on beyond 2020/2024, these too will be addressed. If not, we act.

RebelJohnny ago

Funny how he can move the Israeli embassy and have aircraft carriers heading to Iran overnight. Seems he has no trouble at all when it comes to sucking off his true constituency.

fluhthreeex ago

Good post. Gotta earn your pay!

Womb_Raider ago

I’m not paid to be here. If I were, you’d see a whole lot more of my pretty face. I speak the truth and you are ironically more likely to be paid to quiet me. I believe in Q. I hope for my sake and yours that I am right to do so. If I’m wrong, the world is far worse off than you understand.

RebelJohnny ago

I prefer everything in this country be owned by China than the filthy rat kikes who own it all now.

Womb_Raider ago

The worst loss of life in humanity's history was committed by the Chinese to their own people. You are a fool.

Rotteuxx ago

Q doesn't expect everyone to understand. That is the point, in a way.

That's right, stfu and trust the plan goy ! We've got it all covered, just keep yourself occupied with these riddles.

SearchVoatBot ago

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No need to do anything more than sit back complacently waiting for the inevitable victory that requires no voting! Shalom!

Womb_Raider ago

It’s not my fault you’re too daft to understand. Many people do understand. Your admissions of stupidity humor me.

Rotteuxx ago

Understand what ?

That some psyop started on 4chan, then moved to 8chan with a following on rEddit that was told to move here so they wouldn't shit up 8chan is actually legit even though 99.9% of the predictions are pure bullshit that never materialize ?

Womb_Raider ago

So the photo of Long Beach and subsequent forced sale of the Long Beach port by China are pure coincidence? This Q larp is just some guy with access to US movements well in advance who happens to be LARPing? Get real. You can ignore the proofs if you want but you hurt only yourself.

Rotteuxx ago

Quote me saying it's a larp.

You can't because I never said that, you're just willfully misrepresenting what I said because it supports your narrative.

An operative in charge of a psyop would be given the means to gain credibility by having some of what they claim actually materialize.

RebelJohnny ago

Not a larp, a psyop. Can’t you read?

Womb_Raider ago

So you'd ignore everything I said over semantics?