Show me pics of your gas chamber you pussy ass bitch @draaaak oh I already know you’re excuse “this is the kikes plan to get me in trouble.” The truth is that there is no gas chamber because you’re nothing but a fat brown smelly punk ass bitch who does nothing all day but cry about the Jews. How many more posts will you make “exposing the kikes” before you actually do something you lazy idiot. My generous estimate it will take you 5000 more posts on voat before you actually man up and take action. You know your enemy but you’re too spineless to do something about it what sad fuck you are. It’s all one big LARP admit it.
draaaak ago
OP is a pro-Israel kike shill...
1 - Here he is absolutely losing his shit, saying Israel should take all of Palestine and kill all the Palestinians, just because I called him a kike for pissing on the Quran and disabling comments on his video.PNG
link to actual comment
2 - Here he is claiming to be a Jew.JPG
link to actual comment
3 - Here he is claiming to work for the Israeli government, and then challenging me to do something about it.PNG
link to actual comment
4 - Here he is shilling for IsraelPNG
link to actual comment
5 - Here he is admitting to being a Jew.PNG
link to actual comment
6 - And finally, the avatar he uses on his profile is the National Socialist flag, the Swastika...PNG
link to his profile
Hey rabbi.. whatcha doin?JPG
middle_path ago
"LA" in LARP implies "Live Action". So as of right now, it's just a RP
iamthecircus ago
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
EpiPendemic ago
I am going to just keep LARPing as a good person decent human being .. I am going to just do what my heart tells me and be a good person and be an advocate for truth and keep an open mind and learn everyday.
Posting information is doing something, it is spreading the truth and sharing information and thoughts.
I guess I just don't want to see the world burn I see so much good in the world. admittedly, I am super new the the QJ and for years I thought it was for the lolz.
draaaak ago
^^This guy has a good approach. Just be a good person, and spread the truth. Jews hate truth more than anything, because it's pretty much never good for them and their agendas.
GripGrind ago
We've taken back control of at least 1/3 of the Western intelligence agencies.
Federal Reserve is now headed by a White, first time.
Federal Reserve now has to give the same loans out at practically zero interest to non-Jewish cartel banks.
Israeli spies are disappearing from the US landscape.
Jewish media is thoroughly discredited.
Wall is getting built.
The correct interpretation of birth right citizenship is spreading and will nullify the citizenship of virtually all Mexicans.
Europe's Nationalistic movement is growing at an unstoppable rate.
Kikes are feeling cornered, and rightly so, and will probably play their last hand soon and start a purge across the world.
kingdomhearts123 ago
oh hey there you are!!
purge means death right? you're not suggesting transportation are you? i think transportation has been tried in the past and... well... here we are.
you aren't gatekeeping are you?
GripGrind ago
It means whatever Whites want it to mean when the time comes.
kingdomhearts123 ago
kingdomhearts123 ago
ah. go ahead and say the word "death" for me anyway.
just type it out so I can see it.
kingdomhearts123 ago
so the background temperature on jews hasn't increased at all in the past 3 years? I don't believe the term "fake news" was even popularized 3 years ago.