prairie ago

And the Dems get the House. How's your excitement now?

Psylent ago

kind of.. I think trump is a piece of shit, but he's a bit more polished than the other pieces of shit... and given the way the left has been carrying on... I just hope whoever the fuck they want in government, doesn't get in so I can laugh at their tantrums.

prairie ago

Tears of the smug are enjoyable, regardless of who the smug are.

TrumpNPC093 ago

Liberal suck, kiddie porn is better

Mustard_Monkey ago

Go vote for the Republicans and fuck these NPC bots infiltrating VOAT.

redpilldessert ago

What time in UTC will the results be announced?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

A pox on both your houses.

worthlesshope ago

democrats are probably gunna cheat a ton. They've already cheated previous two elections with people coming from out of state to vote in kansas and the obvious rigging earlier in california when one vote heavily swung for one person.

Hopefully it will be so obvious and badly done that things will change for the better.. But it's doubtful.. I'm not sure if anything can save USA from left cheaters..

Tasgall ago

Trumps own voter fraud commission found no evidence of that. Why dont you try jumping state lines to vote just to prove how easy it is?

EIMR ago

The commission didn't find anything because the suspected states didn't cooperate and give any data.
Now if they were innocent why would they do that?

Merchant_Menace ago

You encouraging people to commit crimes there, jew?

Tasgall ago

If it's so easy and democucks are smart enough to get away with it, why are you too much of a pussy to even try?

Merchant_Menace ago

Because if we're going to cheat at voting then there's no point in pretending to be a republic. So when we decide that it's pointless to stay honest because your shitty people refuse to, that's when shit gets real fun. Look forward to it.

BlueDanube ago

This is a sleeper account.

Communism4Israel ago

Damn, JIDF is shilling hard today in the comment section.

FattyWhale ago

8/pol/'s election threads have been getting hit hard as well. I think one guy was more than 10% of the posts in one thread.

Communism4Israel ago

Damn, go figure. The entirety of Israel can turn into an entire shard of glass for all I care. It'd be best for us all tbh.

phoenix883 ago

"don't vote, everyone is owned by usss, err, I mean 'them' anyway. Better not vote for the one who at least partially ssupports you white Nazzis exissting, nooo voting is usselessss. Anyone who isn't full 1488 is a traitor and all traitors are the sssame. Ssshhhh listen to the ssnake. Vote full 1488 only. This is a binary choice, perfect or nothing. Oh there is no one like that, no perfect right wing ubermensch. Ssshhhh then don't vote. Ssshhh"

Glow in the dark posters here.

DogTop ago

Bottom line, No. I am definitely hoping the Right wins, but this movement shouldn't be about hurting others and reveling in their pain. Their ignorance isn't their fault. If you wanna get Biblical, then "Forgive them, for they know not what they do" And if you don't like the Bible, then how about the age-old "Do unto others"? We're all in this together, whether we like it or not.
As the more informed, it's our responsibility to help our fellow men. We know better than them - do we gloat, or help lift them up to where we are?
We can't shoot ourselves in the foot and then complain about a bloody stump...

(I know my argument can be torn apart, that's not the point. My point is: We're better than this)

bob3333 ago

This is some liberal thinking: "it's not their fault, it's somebody else's fault." We believe that people are free actors, responsible for their actions.

RobertPaulson ago

“if you don’t like the Bible, then how about the age-old “Do unto others?” If you don’t like the Bible. Quotes a bible verse. For fucks sake.

Tasgall ago

Lefty here, agree 100%

Obviously I disagree with your policy ideas, but I’m not going to just call you a like or snowflake simply for voicing them. The only thing I disagree with in this comment though is “we’re better than this” - I sincerely hope you’re right, but all evidence reading right wing or leaning boards and discussions shows very much otherwise.

Merchant_Menace ago

Sleeper account

Tasgall ago

Because that changes the content?

I did post back then, in the world of tanks sub. They aren't there anymore for some reason. #CensorshipConspiracy

Least I can call you a newfag though.

Merchant_Menace ago

Sorry, I can't hear you over all the down votes slamming into your posts.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Wait, what? I thought I'm the only lefty on Voat.

Tasgall ago

You may be the only active lefty - I was only here because it was the only option, and I'll only visit in the future when I'm bored because these uncle snowflakes are so goddamned easy to trigger.

phillyjoe ago

Oh god, I hope so!

Shirtlords_3 ago

Got real popcorn and real butter ready to go!

nthlmkmnrg ago

All those Lefties will be reading up on their Aleister Crowley and raping some kids before the poll closes, promise you that

Supershorty ago

I am, when the Republicans retain the Senate. The liberals are under the impression that they'll take the entire legislative branch, but I agree with Styx in that the Democrats will most likely take the House, but lose in the Senate.

Tasgall ago

The liberals are not under the impression that they’ll win the senate. It’s a possibility and obviously that’s what they’re hoping for, but as a numbers game they have a significantly larger batch of seats to defend than to win. Cautious optimism is not he same as delusion.

ConfirmedSRSShill ago

Without the House, Trump's presidency is basically over. Trump could barely accomplish anything with both houses. What do you think will happen when he loses control of the legislature?

Supershorty ago

Get re-elected by telling his voters that he is being obstructed, among other things such as the economy. Like I said, I agree with Styx in regards to this, and I also feel that the corporate left, or at least their useful idiots, are delusional enough to think they'll take the entire legislative branch by storm.

Tasgall ago

No, without the house there will be no legislation passed and investigations into his campaign and family will be unimpeded (which you should want if you actually believe he’s innocent, since if he is it’s the only way to clear his name and fighting against it only makes him look guilty as fuck), but that will just give the senate more time to ram through as many appointments as possible in the court, which are more important in the long term anyway.

watts2db ago

lets see how successful their election and voter fraud and tampering are

ConfirmedSRSShill ago

Dems will still come out ahead, even with Russians stuffing ballot boxes. Enjoy your shit sandwich cuck, before the blue wave.

watts2db ago

nah im going to make you eat it instead if thats the case wait and watch

Doglegwarrior ago

I think it will be rigged for dems to win houze so they csn play the political theater game more. Fillabustering and other shit

theysayso ago

I'm hoping beyond hope. Please, please, please. I've never been so concerned about an election in my life.

Tasgall ago

What issues in particular are you worried about? Or just team colors.

theysayso ago

Been a member for this long Tasgall but never say anything?

Tasgall ago

Nice side step, ignore the question, go straight to post history.

And I did post things back then actually, in a gaming sub. They've been deleted for some reason though.

I hadn't posted since though because this site quickly became /r/the_donald with sub categories. I only came back because it's the only site I could think of that was available in China (I'm sure you know about that trip, since you checked). I can see why they left it open btw, it's fantastic anti-western propaganda.

BlueDanube ago

Sleeper account!

Im_with_her ago

Oh the blue wave is coming racist homophobic anti-Semitic snowflakes. Your tears will be so sweet. The House is ours. Governors in Texas, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, etc. I can't wait to come here and see the excuses and tears. #RESIST #NOTMYPRESIDENT #NOWALLNOBAN #BLM #LGBTQAIPK #DIVERSITY

DavidHogg ago


DrSteveBrule9000 ago

Sucks that you only have a few years left after acquiring AIDS.

DavidHogg ago

Please come back tomorrow so you can prove me wrong.

DavidHogg ago

You’re ignorance is showing. You honestly think the governor of Texas is going to lose? Moron is most likely thinking of senate race and the faggot Beto is not going to beat Cruz.

ageofdeusvult ago

I'll celebrate with a Papa Johns XL pizza.

CA_Hircus ago

Don't forget the beer!

The_Alethiometer ago

I like beer, do you like beer, Senator?

keksupreme ago

i'm going to be watching youtube videos forever.

watching that shit ever trump won gave me entertainment for months...hell i'm still entertained by those videos

0000110100100 ago

It's going to suck when you eat shit tomorrow. Reality has a liberal bias though.

Anyway, Trump is going down, and all of his worthless, 0 value supporters will be forgotten.

flashmans_nutcup ago

"reality has a liberal bias" - what utter, utter horseshit! If this were true you wouldn't need to censor and ban users to keep them in line and on message. When people are free to say what they want it is almost certainly not liberal opinions and thoughts that are expressed. The truth isn't fucking liberal.

Ocelot ago

Reality has a liberal bias

Hang yourself.

BrGoat ago

Nigger kike shill faggot cocksucker jew


Well there's always the day of the rope. Hard to gloat in victory when you're hanging from a tree and all bloated up right?

keksupreme ago

keep saying that kike shill.

have fun losing again

ConfirmedSRSShill ago

Enjoy your shit sandwich. Your terrible president could barley do aything with both houses. Trump is finished when he loses the house of reps.

You can say you don't believe in polls, but you're going to eat a giant shit sandwich tomorrow when all the polls are right and Republicans lose in landslides.

keksupreme ago

yeah the polls were also so right last time right kike?

when hillary had a 92% chance to win?

nice try kike

ConfirmedSRSShill ago

You're gonna have to eat so much shit tomorrow XD.

I cant wait to feed on your baby tears.

Honey_Pot ago

We all meet back here tomorrow night. :)

Good luck, shill.

keksupreme ago


slwsnowman40 ago

I just want the ads, robo-texts/calls, and mailers to stop.

Leg0z ago

Yeah. Kind of fucking pissed when our Republican candidate for Governor sent me a fucking video text message. It almost made me not vote for him but our current Governor is a Soros backed nightmare. FUCKING VIDEO TEXT MESSAGE.

slwsnowman40 ago

I switched from a smart phone to a feature phone, and then blocked data. I only call and text a few people and don't want work stuff on my property. If work wants me to have my emails on my phone, they can pay for a phone for me to forget to carry.

i_scream_trucks ago

"uh yeah sorry boss i left it in the microwave"

"how the fuck did you leave it in the microwave?"

"i was heating up some mexican"

"... how the fuck did your phone get into the microwave with the mexican food?"

"... little fuckers wouldnt get in unless i let them call home first"

thelma ago

Really does not matter to me.

I defend my rights. The government has given up this primary responsibility long ago.

Its just fun to watch liberals cry.

middle_path ago

I'm excited to not hear about this shit anymore in about a week.

Neskuaxa ago

Well if the reds win, I doubt we'll hear the end of it from the blues.

Tasgall ago

And if the blues win, we won’t hear the end of it from the reds either. They spent 8 years whining about “black man bad”, they have far more practice.

BlueDanube ago

Hi sleeper account!

Tasgall ago

Sup, newfag

BlueDanube ago

Fuck off sleeper.

0000110100100 ago

They won't. Republican's are going to get fucked in the house.

kalgon ago


Dems are going to get raped. Raped, raped, raped.

And raped.

And raped again.

Raped raped raped.

0000110100100 ago

When Republicucks get steamrolled in the election, I want you t 100% know it is because Trump is a fat manlet who won with Russian interference and Republicans will never win the presidency again.

Proxima ago

You are completely and utterly a jew controlled brainwashed zombie

kalgon ago

When Republicucks get steamrolled in the election...


No, this is like, john mccain making a come back

That's not going to happen


Trump is going to be your president for the next 6 years, get used to it

middle_path ago

I will. I don't hear from Blues.

Liber ago

You should have said I don’t listen to the blues.. you missed out

middle_path ago

Fuck, you're right.

i_scream_trucks ago

Who the fuck you yhink op is voting for?

Fambida ago

Eh, I'll celebrate when we win. Until then there's always cheating that can occur.

TrumpNPC093 ago

I want to suck your sexy cock

VoatBug ago

We magically got more than 100k dem early voters today from Miami.

dangerous_ai ago

Right. Humble resolve. I know the poll numbers are cooked. I don't want to celebrate early, nor do I want to "jinx" things. Vote. Vote. Vote. (but only once, heh)

0000110100100 ago

If Republican's haven't figured out hw to cheat, they deserve to lose and shouldn't be in a position of power.

Anyway, Blue wave is coming and Republican's are getting cucked.

Doglegwarrior ago

Whats up with you weird number name

undertheshills ago

I think youre right. It wont be a wave but i think theyre gonna win. Once they take the house they won't be able to contain theier treasonous policies and i hope trump uses the OP executive branch and military to hang them all under Continuity of Government based on the fact our country has been fully hijacked by Israel.

0000110100100 ago

Excpet Trump loves Israel and would be 100% on board with that, and is 100% too incompetent to do anything about it anyway.

watts2db ago

would love to see that happen

TrumpNPC058 ago

Cheating is occurring!

But only the blue team is cheating (or ever cheats).

Red team good to go and win this one on merit alone.

Don’t question the orange man and his power.

Stick to the plan!

14846858? ago

Do you have any arguments in there?

Bigdeal ago

NPC meme, very original⸮ You are like the kid that get insulted and since they can not think of anything they just use the same insult. Learn to meme.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol. Shows how much you understand Faggot. I want the dems to win so they can enact their immigration and laws so that it gets bd enough that you have to deal with people like me in real life. I cant wait for the Donald type people to get stomped on because then I get to openly murder your traitorous kind. Hava nagila. Faggot and I guess you better hope I'm bluffing!

Tasgall ago

And what when it never “gets bad enough”? Just go on a murder spree anyway to prove a nonexistent point?

Trousersnake1488 ago

I've often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves strong because they have no claws

keksupreme ago

thanks for the insight kike shill

Whentwurf ago

He's making fun of alt-light mainstream conservative boomers who dont understand that blind loyalty to anyone is bad, especially to someone as in bed woth Israel as Trump.

Boomers cant joke.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Yeah gotta love the cum guzzlers that hate Trump just because their establishment lackey did not win. Keep sucking the establishment's penis off you just might find the magic once again.

Tasgall ago

Boomers can’t joke

The right as a whole has no sense of humor. That’s why there’s no good right wing comedians or comedy shows.

Whentwurf ago




If white Christians controlled the media instead of your tribesmen the USA would be a very different country and you know it.

World Peace ranked number two among original cable shows on the night of its premiere, with more than a million viewers.

years-long career of making people uncomfortable

a highly uncomfortable 15-minute video called "Yale Lives Matter"

Here's 15-minutes of (((Bernstein))) being uncomfortable:

Tasgall ago


Breathes, learn... words

If white Christians controlled the media instead of your tribesmen the USA would be a very different country and you know it.

Yeah, it would be shit. And what's with "tribesmen"? Are you saying Christians aren't a "tribe" or something?

And making Jews "uncomfortable" isn't comedy. Like I said: no sense of humor whatsoever.

keksupreme ago

no he's clearly shilling for the jew dems. like all the shills on the site this day

Whentwurf ago

If you worship trump like a savior then you aren't here for the issues and you're just on the trump train for the ride not the destination.

If we want to win we have to show trump we have his back by protesting loudly when he backs down on stuff like wall funding and sanctuary cities. That way he will know he has the political support he needs. If we praise trump unconditionally we lose.

keksupreme ago

thanks for the insight.

i don't take advice from kikes though

Whentwurf ago

Hmm. Now that I look at his post history you seem to be correct.

draaaak ago

Whentwurf ago

This needs more visibility. The shills are so real its crazy. thank you internet sleuth draaaak

thanoscar ago

im seeing this guy everywhere wtf

NeedleStack ago

Look at his account age. 15 Minutes as I type this. NPC alts pretending to be clever anti-Trump NPC alts.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Easier to talk to yourself then to battle with educated Voaters.

dreamcomfortmemory ago

One of the funny things about "the left can't meme" is that they constantly prove it over and over again by trying to flip the script when the right finds good memes to lampoon them. It NEVER works the other way around... it's basically the internet equivalent of I know you are but what am I. - Righty: "Ok snowflake", Lefty: "Ohhh look at the snowflake who can't take criticism" - Righty: "You act like an NPC", "Oooh look an NPC calling us an NPC".

Obviously their own material isn't working so they've resorted to script flipping. Script flipping doesn't really work either because we know they're just meme-stealing.

They can't make offensive memes because they aren't capable of thinking like their opponents. They only seem to be able to project. I am able to pretend to be a lefty, but they would do a horrible job pretending to be on the right. I could even argue convincingly from a leftist perspective and would go undetected. They are not able to do the same because even understanding the opponents perspective is seen by them as tacit approval of whatever mentality. So they just project what they think republicans think... thus they can never truly win because they cannot practice one of the most basic principles from art of war, know the enemy. Not only that but acknowledging this is the case would mean they have to admit they are not smarter than everyone else and their ego would explode so they will never figure it out until maybe hitting rock bottom.

ALSO, the reason it's so easy for Project Veritas to infiltrate left campaigns is that they are so full of themselves and have a false sense of superiority that."No one can trick me obviously because I'm so smart and republicans are so dumb" The 20 somethings who got fooled by Project Veritas must be suffering having complete mental collapses and cog dis like we cannot comprehend.

AND there is a reason democrats never infiltrate republican campaigns, it's because they can't understand someone else's perspective enough to even pretend convincingly so they don't have the self confidence to pull it off. You can hear the woman in the Beddo video asking leading questions to the dumbasses running his campaign, it was so obvious they were leading questions and they NEVER had a clue. Hilarious. And these people supposedly know better how to run the country, they couldn't run a flag up a pole.

TrumpNPC058 ago

I am not anti trump.

Orange man good.

Red team good.

Rotteuxx ago

I doubt they check replies much, they just burn it and create a new one.

NeedleStack ago

elitch2 ago

Didn't they already catch the dems fucking with the voter registry?

TCP_V1P3R ago

In Georgia, yeah. But it was a failed attempt. They had a similar problem involving DHS back in 2016.

TrollingForBasss ago has a good article on it.

Tasgall ago

Where? Georgia and North Dakota are the two most overt examples I’ve seen, and those are both in republicans favor.

bob3333 ago

The Democrats were so inept that their hacking favored Republicans? It's just stupid enough to sound true.

Tasgall ago

Reading comprehension: 0/10

YoHomie ago

I think so. But even if they win the House of Representatives, the Democrats will then be forced to show their hand and it will insure a landslide for both houses of Congress and the White House in 2020.