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TrumpNPC059 ago

You cuck RINO’s and stormtrumpers took over voat, turned it into reddit of the right and downvoat anything that is not part of your collective propaganda

You created me. Then you bitch.

As you tell everyone this is a cucked right wing site.

Bunch of crybaby little bitches.

Orange man good.

NeedleStack ago

Suck a dick, faggot.

PuttItOut ago

Needles! lol.

Are these accounts spamming or farming that you've seen?

NeedleStack ago

lol. Hey, at least I refrained from saying, "Neck yourself". :)

The accounts are troll-y but probably not spammy. I only bothered to check out if this guy made multiple accounts after seeing this thread:

PuttItOut ago

Technically I don't know if these are bot accounts but common sense says the exact opposite. I'll see if I can run some queries and find ban behavior.

Also, I saw your Q badge post and agree. Just heads up, all join date badges are virtual meaning we can change them whenever we want. I need some badge graphics done beforehand though.

NeedleStack ago

OK, thanks! And cool about the badges. My friend's been holding off on joining so it's good to know such badges aren't permanent.

PuttItOut ago

If you know anyone who can do vector/svg graphics send them my way and we can get going on it.