NeedleStackingCocks ago

Needlestack is such a good man.

Orange man good.

Red team good.

TrumpNPC093 ago

What's your problem? I'm just trying to promote Aleister Crowley's child sex kit, I do it myself. Kids are the best to jerk off to

shadow332 ago

Somone made a post about this. This is pretty spammy stuff tbh. @draaaak, has anything come of this?

draaaak ago

Nothing yet that I'm aware of.

SpunRecord ago

He's autistic.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Not the good kind either.

SpunRecord ago

The "good kind" is so heavily outnumbered by the regular bad kind that they aren't worth mentioning.

BlueDanube ago

Commies can never make new memes, they always bite them.

Alopix ago

It's only vote manipulation if they're manipulating votes, and obviously none of their content is getting 60+ upvotes from nowhere so... I think you're just angry about what they post

TrumpNPC093 ago

I'm horny

YugeDick ago

I don't think it's all the same person. They speak differently and respond to different things. But the general gag is the same. They point out the obvious fact that NPCs aren't exclusive to the left. There's plenty of sheep in every group.

I think it's clever and funny. Especially when people obviously get triggered by having their weak arguments pointed out then having absolutely nothing to back it up with besides "orange man good/bad" because they can't help but spout off whatever they think will help them fit in without thinking critically.

draaaak ago

I'm fairly convinced it's the same person. I've been tracking this user for quite a while, and have interacted with him too many times. He's pretty consistent.

TrumpNPC420 ago

I just saw a trend and grabbed the most valuable one to me. If I can use it to highlight points of interest during the next few years as well, cool.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Keep the government out of my medicare fellow pede! MAGA!

TrumpNPC093 ago

Lets fuck eachother up the ass to Led Zeppelin

BlowjaySimpson ago

Show me, on the doll, where Lord Stud Balls molestered you.

Or was it your father? Who hurt you?

YugeDick ago


I say keep up the good work.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Am I crazy, or is TrumpNPC extremely butthurt for some reason? I sensed his anger in his posts, but I couldn't figure out why he was so ticked off. Was it the "NPC" meme that was triggering him, or was he just mad at not being able to spam-post more than 10 times per day....due to having low CCP?

Is he the same poster who was sperging out about "censorship" on this site, even though nobody prevented him from discussing whatever subject matter he wished?

TrumpNPC093 ago

I'm not butthurt, I just want to penetrate YOUR sexy ass bro, I've got a petition if you're interested:

Artofchoke ago


LexOrandiLexCredendi ago


Thelemites against injustice. Hahahahaha. "Do what thou wilt" means there is no such thing as injustice.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

You're still obviously butthurt. Your snark amplifies it.

And what did you link me to? What's "thelema"? It looks like some more anarcho-Communist edgelords in their twenties rebelling against "Daddy". It's more Luciferianism, I guess.

iLuvJews ago

Honestly half of the accounts on Voat and Gab exist soley to make the site look bad.

These ones are simply more obvious.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

We could um beet him at his own game?? Anyone wana play how many u/trumpnpc### accounts we can make?

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

In my experience I think TrumpNPC * . * is just an annoying clown on a mission, exercising it's free speech.

If it could just calm down and engage voat with an account or two that would be just great.

I'm not going to deny it's right to voice it's opinion and speak freely. Even if it's not what I want to hear.

Free speech, right?

and @TrumpNPC058 why do you even care if people down-vote you? It's not like you can cash them in for frequent flier miles.

huhu11 ago


Samsquamch ago

Sounds like someone got mega-triggered by the NPC meme. This by itself is a better over-reaction by the left than any raged out eye-popping twitter or tumblr response ever could be.

TrumpNPC093 ago

Go kill yourself, then I'll suck your sweaty hot dick bro

BlowjaySimpson ago

Wouldn't be the first load of cum you swallowed today.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Not a bad troll... maybe 3/10

TrumpNPC420 ago

"Oh no they're multiplying."

draaaak ago

Hi there @UltraRibbed ;)

AlphabeticalAnon ago

What the...?

So why is this clown able to do this? Fucking ban its ass and let it take its Soros sore ass with it.

Goddman kike nigger fuckers.

Samsquamch ago

Eh, bans aren't our thing. Even if someone keeps running in our theoretical home shouting insane shit, we give him a few seconds to get out what he wants to say before telling him to stfu (applying downvoats). He also gets the same opportunity every day to shout out a few insane lines before we tell him to stfu again.

It works pretty well while allowing everyone to speak. As long as vote manipulations are kept in check the system will work pretty well. The effort involved in maintaining 59 accounts isn't insignificant, and we just ignore the comments anyways so in the end someone is just wasting their time.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well I know, it was just that I was referring to; the vote manipulation that he must be up to. Oh well, I guess I'll be busy blocking all of those anyway. The block feature is available and I will use that.

draaaak ago

lol yup, he's been at it for a while. I've been keeping a list here for the past several days. Looks like I need to add a few more names to the list...

NeedleStack ago

Oh wow, nice! I hadn't seen your post. Funny. :)

Drendoid ago

Yeah hes a real NPC lowlife piece of shit too

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Seems like the stuff @SaneGoatiSwear used to do.

NeedleStack ago

Sane was and will always be a legend.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

When he was on his meds he was an alright guy. Talked to him in chat a few times. It was always entertaining when he went full schizo.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I live beside a schizo and it's amazing to hear her stream of conscience babbling. Sometimes she'll start screaming and ranting and saying she'll fight anyone and shoot cops, vandalizing stuff with a sharpie marker. She got in trouble with some local gangsters so she called the cops and was all "god bless you officers" when they showed up. They entertained her but told her to stay out of trouble at the end.

Usually she just goes on and on rambling the most random things you couldn't even imagine, all streaming into this endless conversation she has with the air, and she'll go from angry to sad to joyous all without any real context.

Rellik88 ago

DV? Hahahaha is is SANE! hahahaha

Rotteuxx ago

Meh, could be any of the discord faggots.

TrumpNPC059 ago

You cuck RINO’s and stormtrumpers took over voat, turned it into reddit of the right and downvoat anything that is not part of your collective propaganda

You created me. Then you bitch.

As you tell everyone this is a cucked right wing site.

Bunch of crybaby little bitches.

Orange man good.

Samsquamch ago

Pathetic. If you have to make 59+ accounts to get your message out, perhaps your message is shit.

MrDarkWater ago

Hahahaha classic

Artofchoke ago

Why can't you coexist here? Why do you need so many accounts?

We have a wide variety of users....egalitarians, libertarians, identitarians, incels, neo nazi, POC.

Why are you unable to integrate?

MrDarkWater ago

The accounts are the same account-meme. I say it's fair play. Seems like it's just one dude fucking around.

Doglegwarrior ago

Hmmm id happily debate you on a wide range of topics. It is not reddit here yet but certainly heading that way. Why dont you try being a rational human being state your oppisition to a point then defend your side of the argument with logic and facts then see if people around here act civil? Or you can be a troll and never learn anything and just complain away your life.

Anumber ago

I have this odd feeling that debating would require brain activity - which might be a struggle for him.

Doglegwarrior ago

Liberals in general have a problem with thinking for them selves.

Drendoid ago

You lick Trumps big orange ballsack

Gringojones ago

Childish tantrum.

TrumpNPC059 ago

This is like the third post this constant bitch stalker and serial downvoater has started.

Gringojones ago

Don't care.

TrumpNPC059 ago

Then why did you reply to me?

Oh my bad. You are a trump stormer.

Carry on cuck.

Gringojones ago

You misunderstand, as usual.

I don't give a damn that your feelings were hurt. You can come here and whine and bitch as much as you want. But this isn't Reddit. You don't get to hide from people calling you out on your childish bullshit.

Fuck off reject.

14842934? ago


TrumpNPC059 ago

lol k whore

MrDarkWater ago

Well shit man I like having you around. Every village needs an idiot. You might even make us check ourselves. Probably not though.

14842992? ago


NeedleStack ago

Suck a dick, faggot.

TrumpNPC093 ago

That's the problem because I really WANT to suck your sexy cock bro <3

PuttItOut ago

Needles! lol.

Are these accounts spamming or farming that you've seen?

Rellik88 ago

OMG @PuttItOut is for CENSORSHIP!

hahaha j/k :)

ratsmack ago

Removing spammers is not censorship.

Rellik88 ago

Maybe you didnt see the HAHA J/K? Or the fact I replied to a reply where putt acted like an old lady for what Needlstack said.

Its a joke not a dick dont take it so hard.

ratsmack ago

Ha ha... j/k

draaaak ago

He's spamming as far as I can tell. I pinged you about this this weekend. Here's my post on this user. Scroll down to the comment where I pinged you, specifically about his spamming.

NeedleStack ago

lol. Hey, at least I refrained from saying, "Neck yourself". :)

The accounts are troll-y but probably not spammy. I only bothered to check out if this guy made multiple accounts after seeing this thread:

PuttItOut ago

Technically I don't know if these are bot accounts but common sense says the exact opposite. I'll see if I can run some queries and find ban behavior.

Also, I saw your Q badge post and agree. Just heads up, all join date badges are virtual meaning we can change them whenever we want. I need some badge graphics done beforehand though.

NeedleStack ago

OK, thanks! And cool about the badges. My friend's been holding off on joining so it's good to know such badges aren't permanent.

PuttItOut ago

If you know anyone who can do vector/svg graphics send them my way and we can get going on it.