Calrootpeg ago

It's not about value it's about (future) national security. You'll all learn in time... now mock.

Questor ago

Everyone needs a home they can come to...yes?

Gofer1 ago

A good many of us redditors are still mostly lurking. I've lurked several subs and actually like what I see. Danged sure wish I'd heard about this place sooner. Enough redditors came in with a really bad attitude that was compounded by the mods screw up. Hopefully there will be enough of us that want to be goats to make our arrival eventually palatable.

WhiteRonin ago

Voat is tough. But is it the same tough as reddit?

You get shit here for being a pussy. You get banned there for your opinions. Well, some people will do the same here with bans but they all have been slapped down.

We welcome you if you wanna be welcomed.

Gofer1 ago

Voat is tough. But it's also unvarnished, intellectual, and real. I was on Reddit only a couple of months so I have no real ties to the platform or people. I'm not a pussy. I'm a tough old broad who's been around the block a time or two. I want to be here. And I will lurk moar till I don't have to.

WhiteRonin ago

Don’t lurk! Post! We enjoy women posting here!

@le_squish, @empress and @sryazie are women who hold lots of respect here. Well, I respect them at least! Lol

Enemy_of_time ago

I thought any publicity was good publicity?

Either way, more people know about voat now. So after the shitstorm subsides and the cream rises to the top, you'll have some new quality members.

xenoPsychologist ago

theyre hoppin on welfare first thing, too.

DavidnTX79 ago

Im new to Voat. Yes "Q" is the reason I came. But Im really only looking for answers. Trying to learn on my own and not what is told to me. So Please excuse me because I will not stick to the "safe space" I was directed to. I will venture to other subs and engage where Im interested.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

have you heard about the jews yet?

DavidnTX79 ago

Not completely..Been see some interesting stuff past few days

WhiteRonin ago

Welcome and enjoy!

Check out v/justgrowit and v/guitar!

DavidnTX79 ago


DeploRebel ago

I think we'll all get along just fine

WhiteRonin ago

I have only a problem with the TA mods and possibly QRV mods.

The rest seem ok. Still need to be red pilled though.

DeploRebel ago

That's why we're here

kalgon ago

What it has done?

Fucking ruined v/all

WhiteRonin ago

It’s forum sliding!

Wat_Dabney ago

So, being a proud white gun worshiping capitalistic southerner, for me the question that matters is what Voat has done for me since my migration to your house.....and what you are going to do for me while I am here. so here's my truth. you fuckers make me laugh, and you make me think. some of your shit is so over the top the shock value alone causes me to dig a bit deeper into why I dont find myself even mildly offended by it. dont get me wrong, some of you are total dicks, and you are being total dicks for no other reason than that is who you truly are, so be true to yourselves, as total dicks. There is no deep meaning, no teachable moments, no altruistic attempts to help the poor unsuspecting migrants better adapt, some of you are just dicks. But that is not most of you IMO. So here I will stay. I dont really care about votes or points. What you can do for me, and you have no choice, is share information. I'm just going to keep reading and learning. I want information, I want to know why do so many of you believe as you do, facts, research, opinions. That's what some of you are really good at, expressing your points of view without a PC sugar coating.....presenting well thought out ideas, presenting data and dare I say proofs to support your position. but then there are the dicks...did I mention the dicks ?

WhiteRonin ago

I’m not a Q larper! I’m a damn Northerner who thinks Arkansas has THE BEST BBQ and yes I mix my tea with lemonade! Lol

If you are Texas, do not voat Beto!!

an_on77 ago

There are many of us from the north who follow Q. We come from all walks of life, religions and race. Although our lives may be very different, we all have a common "Make This Country Great Again". I hope you join us!

Wat_Dabney ago

R ticket all the way in every state!

Goathole ago

Please list these "dicks" in numerical order from worst to moderate. I'd like to know so that I can avoid them. Thanks.

Wat_Dabney ago

Well, thats the thing about "dicks" the more attention they get the bigger they become. I base my opinion on what I see, what I read and the perceived intent of the author. is it simply meant to insult or demean a person or group? does it serve a purpose outside of general "dickness"? As an example, you have been a member for 1.6 years, lots and lots of points. It is my opinion that it would be disingenuous to imply no knowledge of this type of posting and then ask for a numbered evaluation of encountered dick posts in order to make some point. If you do not agree or take offence at my post then down vote or call me names, it wont bother me. This does not make you a "dick" as you are responding to a comment I made. Were you to go into a thread of people discussing their interest and tell them and their families to all fucking die, well, that is a dick move regardless of the amusement factor. Is it free speech? yes, so is running through a busy construction site yelling "faggots" but that's unlikely to happen.

Goathole ago

so much wordy.

Wat_Dabney ago

lol. yeah. my bad.

vivalad ago

if their gratitude for having a place to congregate extends to a few payments to keep voat afloat, its a cool thing

WhiteRonin ago

I’d be happy with them posting normal topics and stop the anon bullshit.

Glory_Beckons ago

I think it really is great. Completely unironically.

Free speech forums always swing to the right. Because censorship and narrative control is the only way leftism can survive.

The biggest downside of Voat is that it isolates us from the people that we should be convincing. This results in mostly preaching to the choir. Not because we've tried to create a safe space for ourselves, but because we always get kicked out of theirs and most of them "NOPE" right the fuck out of here after skimming the front page. But Q told these guys to come here. And they're invested enough to stay, because Q said so. It's fantastic.

Imagine if we could all move to Reddit and we were all magically immune to being banned or having our posts deleted. That's basically what happened here, but in reverse. They came to us. They can't censor us here. At most in their subverses, but that doesn't really matter. We'll still be out here, saying whatever the hell we want. They can't stop that. And most of their flock will inevitably glance outside their little play pens, maybe venture out now and then for a closer look.

Curiosity will get the best of them. That sublime allure of forbidden truths, and that hunger for more once you've had a taste, will do the rest. As it did for all of us.

We aren't trapped in here, with them; they are trapped in here, with us.

Questor ago

No, just looking for a way to open my own subverses, never having even come to a place LIKE THIS before.

I simply don't see the content I hoped to find, Q or no Q, and yes, I am Questor, and have been for many years and used to be called Q by my friends, before this psyop occured. Who is Q, anyway?

lordbastiat ago

Good post. I know they're annoying, but this site is a ghost town sometimes and a regular influx of new traffic is exactly what you need. Kind of makes me scratch my head and wonder if they realize regular cullings on reddit only serves to help this website, they seem more porous than other social media does. It offends the shit out of me though thinking how shitlibs somehow think old white boomers are the biggest threat to America.

Xfilerone1 ago

I'm new to Q and new here I started checking out Q at the same time they moved here so what here is something to look at I'm open minded red pill me

PaulNeriAustralia ago

"The biggest downside of Voat is that it isolates us from the people that we should be convincing". Yes and denies us our fun. As a Troll I need to eat.

WhiteRonin ago

Good last point!

Now, if only they dare venture out and add content to the decent subs, I’d shut up. I’m not even asking them to be red pilled. Just gardening content or what ever. Voat still has honest safe spaces the kike lovers don’t ruin.

Glory_Beckons ago

They probably will once they get settled. It would be really good to get more "normal" content here.

In the mean time, I've simply blocked all the Q subs so I can have my regular Voat experience on /v/all. I'll just visit them manually when I feel like it.

WhiteRonin ago

Yep, I really hope that out of 6000 at least 10% stay.

AngelaC224 ago

Here's something to try next time: "Welcome. We look forward to getting to know you. Please check out subs. Lots of good people there." It's called hospitality.

WhiteRonin ago

Look at this! A good Christian judging me!

I posted a welcome to QRV and To TA. I got banned from TA. I also posted why I got banned. All open and transparent. My welcome post to QRV is anon so go find it. I can’t be bothered.

Now, for your good Christian hospitality. Step back, breath and ask first if I had done so or not. You have judged me before asking. In the US, you are innocent until proven guilty. Thanks for following the liberal new motto of guilty until proven innocent that has been proven with Judge K.

Thanks! /s

Vampyregod ago

Thank you for the welcome. How do we overthrow our mods? Or do we just have to wait and start our own subs?

3 year members shouldnt be banned for welcoming us.

Anyone that came with us having intentions of taking over isnt really with us, they are with themselves. Fuck them.

WhiteRonin ago

Migrate to GA. It’s a good solid team over there with pretty pure intentions. The subs is all whacked because of the migration but it used to be organized. Threads weren’t just randomly started and people used to try to add to an early post if applicable.

The bans were hard and fast from TA. The worst thing I said was “you are all now bigger faggets”. If somebody would have asked, I would have replied it’s a typical voat welcome.

Many others got banned who might have shit posted. Not sure ...

Don’t trust the TA/QRV mods. Trust Q if that’s your thing. Don’t trust me (my post history does have the actual ban message though and what I posted). Go try out GA - @sryazie is good people. She has always been fair.

mynewaccountagain ago

Then you turn into Chicago.

Triceratography ago

The best thing about this site is that regular users go full-on nazi during invasions.

It keeps out the weak-minded who try these obvious shame tactics.

We have people on the extreme left, we have some nazis, and everyone in between. They all get along fine until a wave of people show up shouting about how they want to take over the site and silence the racists.

This place is special because it has actual freedom of speech. Most of us don't even get that in the real world, we have to keep our jobs. When you see someone saying things you don't like, that's what freedom looks like. They don't hurt you any.

You're like a bunch of illegal mexicans flooding in and refusing to assimilate, so don't blame us for wanting a wall.

I'm not nazi or leftist but I can have disagreements with most of them here where neither side gets downvoted because I'm not trying to shame them into submission.

Hang out long enough, you'll see white nationalists tell black guys "Hey man, I think you're a smart guy, and I really feel bad for you being stuck in that culture" before they explain why they still think separation is best.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I think that's a valid point: "We have people on the extreme left, we have some nazis, and everyone in between. They all get along fine" which, in my view, demonstrates that much of the concern of the Left with hate speech is overblown which is to say lefties (aka Redditors/Guardian readers) automatically take offence at hate speech without really asking themselves whether in fact they are offended. I suggest much hate speech is simply a reaction to the oppressive boot of the State in peoples' mouths telling them they can't say certain things. Arguably, perversely the laws against hate speech has encouraged it.

AngelaC224 ago

So the goal of Voat is to make all of Voat the same with 100% cross pollination of users? That seems lame. "Adding value" = commenting in ways and places that you like? This seems like reverse political correctness. You have to do X, Y and Z in order to fit in here. Otherwise you're told to fuck off ___________. Seems like one part school yard, one part dogs pissing on their territory here. I am surprised that Q sent people here - a place where people think the best way to presevere free speech is to use the same culturally charged five words. Is this place run fifteen year olds? Hurt feelings if people want to hang in one space of those with like minds?

Akas ago

Are you all Q-bots? Or do you actually have interests outside of that? There's dead subverses, there's actual places where people actually post, and there's more than a few people who actually don't give a fuck about politics. You know, if you actually have those interests, you're more than welcome to start populating different subs. I've tried and failed to restart subs about cooking/food,for example. You're complaining about the swings on the schoolyard while ignoring the rest of the playground.

And, you know, it fucking looks less like a bot/upvoat farm if you're contributing to the actual site rather than bitching about one specific part.

Triceratography ago

You don't have to say one mean word to fit in, but nobody will stop you if you want to.

AngelaC224 ago

If you're willing to reply to my comment, you could at least add an upvote so I can start posting!

Triceratography ago

See, this is part of why we don't like you. Stop demanding welfare and go back to mexico.

I was disagreeing with you. Don't assume that just because I'm not calling you a nigger that I'm not 100% on the side of the people who are.

AngelaC224 ago

So you only upvote those you agree with? Wouldn't that, at its extreme, end up with a bubble and no discourse?

Triceratography ago

You're explicitly trying to game the system, breaking one of the few rules we have here.

By participating in upvote farming, you enable shills like Shareblue to remove their posting restrictions.

I upvote things from leftists and nazis and even Q cultists, if they are honestly adding to the conversation or just funny, it has little to do with agreement.

Look at the explanation I gave in reply to this post, and look how I was upvoted and he was downvoted. I think he has an upvote or two from me in there somewhere for trying.

FrozenFire74 ago

You think I was trying to vote farm with that?

Triceratography ago

Not at all, I'm pointing out that you weren't downvoted because all of us disagree with you, and and I didn't get upvoted because white nationalists agree with my political views. My first response there was listing things you and they likely agree on.

@Crensch put it better than anything I said when he called you dishonest

It's likely you didn't think you were being dishonest just as I didn't think talking about pants around ankles was dishonest- I was trying to convey "not all X do A, and some Y do A" and point out that it wasn't addressing the root issue.

You probably didn't realize that you didn't fully understand their positions either.

FrozenFire74 ago

"not all X do A, and some Y do A"

That was literally the entire point I was making. The conclusion of that point was not to make sweeping assumptions about people based on Race, Religion, or Political Ideologies.

Triceratography ago

Right, so you see why I reduced it that way and I as well as some observers thought I was treating your argument fairly?

Unfortunately, the white nationalists are completely right that the exception doesn't prove the rule, so it requires a better argument than just that to counter them. If you want to, you should honestly hear them out first, so you can be sure that you address their real beliefs and their real proposed solutions.

Race and politics, though in both "not all X do Y", are different. I'm more willing to pick on something like feminism, because that's a label people choose to associate with, and in doing so, give strength to these bad actors. I'd also pick on Democrats and Republicans for similar reasons.

You can support a person without supporting every label they choose, but in my opinion, you can't support a label without supporting at least the majority who fall under it.

FrozenFire74 ago

With the amount of white nationalists on this site, I've seen their argument (some of them very valid that I agree with), and you eventually treated some of my arguments fairly after you were done with the Marxist and Gender accusations. You can't deny, however, that there are many Goats who think that all Blacks and Jews need to die, no liberal has a valid argument, and all feminists are man-hating tards. When Crensch made his post stating that all Voat opinions are merit based, I was specifically calling out the absolutism that occurs here, and that's where the downvoats occurred.

Triceratography ago

Nuance is hard on the internet, but if we're going with "not all X" you should know by now that most of the serious ones seem more interested in segregation than genocide.

My argument against any of these various plans is usually to point at examples of communism. 200 million killed in the last century, but somehow they just haven't managed to get those last few billion that still disagree with them.

Genocide is not practical. You can't kill everyone who disagrees with you, it's simply not possible. Enforced segregation is only slightly more practical given our starting conditions today, and either comes at a huge cost.

FrozenFire74 ago

Enforced segregation is only slightly more practical given our starting conditions today

I'm curious what you mean by this; forcing segregation on all communities, or giving people the choice of segregated communities/integrated communities?

Nuance is hard on the internet, but if we're going with "not all X" you should know by now that most of the serious ones seem more interested in segregation than genocide.

I suspect the serious ones are in the minority on this site, based on what gets upvoats.

Triceratography ago

I could have meant either, I suppose. Unless the whole world is segregated people always have a choice, but to have any place segregated, that place needs a way to keep the "others" out, i.e. some kind of enforcement, not to mention the initial invasion to clear out all undesireables.

What makes our arguments different is I'm directly addressing something the majority believes, on their terms, and they're ok with that. They even have some decent counterpoints, but not enough to convince me it's possible.

I think most of the people talking about killing everyone are simply making tasteless jokes, hyperbole about people they genuinely dislike, and "hey I'm totally a nazi too" by edgy kids, though I'm sure a few believe extermination is an answer.

FrozenFire74 ago

I think most of the people talking about killing everyone are simply making tasteless jokes, hyperbole about people they genuinely dislike, and "hey I'm totally a nazi too" by edgy kids, though I'm sure a few believe extermination is an answer.

Crensch has specifically said that he wants to see all Jews exterminated, which is where I suspect some of our confusion came from in our initial discussion. So in that regard, I was referring to him with my Comment in the 'Voat is merit based argument' submission he made.

What makes our arguments different is I'm directly addressing something the majority believes, on their terms, and they're ok with that. They even have some decent counterpoints, but not enough to convince me it's possible at a reasonable cost to society.

Got an example of this?

I could have meant either, I suppose. Unless the whole world is segregated people always have a choice, but to have any place segregated, that place needs a way to keep the "others" out, i.e. some kind of enforcement, not to mention the initial invasion to clear out all undesireables.

I would agree with the emboldened part there, as any rule or law needs someone to enforce it somehow.

Triceratography ago

Well he may sincerely wish for that, but I doubt he thinks it can actually work. Even if it did, we'd see rebellious teenagers donning yarmulkes within a few years.

I haven't use this site with an account in ages, so I do not have any examples of them making the points, but they would have pointed to Orania in the past, or places that started off with a more homogeneous racial makeup than where they actually live.

Standard gated communities and HOAs being crypto-racist was also presented, but since they don't effectively prevent people on foot from wandering in, I don't consider those practical forms of segregation in populated areas. Besides, making your own prison to live in is one of those societal costs I mentioned.

Look at the white people working in Johannesburg, they leave their gated homes in their armored cars and go to a gated car park with armed guards to work in a giant cage. That's no way to live.

FrozenFire74 ago

I haven't use this site with an account in ages, so I do not have any examples of them making the points, but they would have pointed to Orania in the past, or places that started off with a more homogeneous racial makeup than where they actually live.

Would you disagree with the idea that there are some ideas on this site that will get downvoated for simply expressing the wrong opinion then?

Standard gated communities and HOAs being crypto-racist was also presented, but since they don't effectively prevent people on foot from wandering in, I don't consider those practical forms of segregation in populated areas. Besides, making your own prison to live in is one of those societal costs I mentioned.

I have met the people who would want to live in these communities personally. Anecdotal evidence, sure, but people do want to live in their own cages if it means they have control over how that community is run, typically involving keeping out the wrong color people.

Triceratography ago

There are some ideas that are downvoted, but most of them are poorly thought out. There are a few users who everyone recognizes as leftist, but they rarely get downvote swarmed. People can argue for gun bans or transsexuals or the like and not get downvoted.

Off the top of my head, the only one that I think is a total nonstarter is pedos. Even with that, lots of people are skeptical that enemies of the government magically end up with tons of illegal images after seeing the leaks about tools that plant files on remote machines.

As for explicitly racist gated communities? I think we should let them have at it, because they'll be disappointed. Those communities always end up with petty neighbor fights, racist or no.

FrozenFire74 ago

There are some ideas that are downvoted, but most of them are poorly thought out.

Even if you presented a valid case for an unpopular opinion on Voat, would you agree that users would still downvoat it, be it on principle or a misunderstanding akin to what happened in our initial discussion?

Triceratography ago

Sometimes that happens, sure.

But in 99% of the cases where a someone goes "I'm being silenced, look at this!" it's that they are spamming or being an asshole about it. I'm sure you've seen people spamming about being silenced.

Once in a while they get told "Hey man, we're downvoting you because you won't shut up. If you'd just say it once, people might respond. If they ignore you then figure out how to be more interesting instead of spamming."

But that's work, it's much easier to blame everyone else.

FrozenFire74 ago

SGIS is probably the most apparent example of that. He brought up some interesting points in the million some-odd posts he put up.

Regardless of that, I think you can tell from my staunch interpretation of terminology that I believe strongly in the whole truth of everything being presented, which is why I want to see all Free Speech treated with the respect it deserves. Because of this, I condemn people downvoating 'wrong-think' out of principle or because 'they're being an asshole about it'. Lord knows Voat has it's share of opinions presented by people being assholes about it.

getitkim ago

I’ll upvote you. Trying to get mine too!

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread, from @mynewaccountagain, refers to this:

Well look at people like this idiot

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mynewaccountagain ago

Begging for gibs is nigger behavior. Earn it by contributing.

AngelaC224 ago

I did. I offered a counterview to the main post. Then I offered a joke about upvotes following that. If you want to run people off that offer views counter to yours or have interests in things you think are stupid, that's obviously your free speech right.

Triceratography ago

Your standup routine might need a bit more polishing if that and your next reply to me were meant as jokes.

mynewaccountagain ago

That's a joke? It was sincere begging.

Triceratography ago

Nice work, she deleted her account.

mynewaccountagain ago


Vampyregod ago

Give us time to assimilate.

Our /all is spammed just like yours is, but we arent blocking it. We do have other interests. Also, most of our new accounts still have limitations.

WhiteRonin ago

Why is this about assimilation.

It’s about community building.

Vampyregod ago

The communities already existed. The community building happens once we have blended together. Since it was our community that wound up homeless, it would be disrespectful to continue eating up the resources with useless trash.

Fuckin bones it that we had so many posers in our herd. They are being weeded out. I think they came with selfish expectations, and had a little trouble with reality.

Things work a little differently here. That's a good thing. Its a little confusing to navigate here.

Im not from reddit, so it isnt a comparison. I have no trouble surfing boards or chans.

I dont mind the language. Infact, im just glad you assholes speak english. I also dont see hateful intent. That pretty much makes the words powerless.

Anyways, thank you for the place. Keep the redpills coming.

WhiteRonin ago

Nah, no hateful intent for the majority of you. We always welcomed those how are on the red pill road.

There isnhate towards the TA and QRV mods. We don’t like power mods from redsux.

boggle247 ago

increased server load, decreasing performance for the rest of us. Also spreading more of the fucking retarded Q messages via insto-facto web of explanations.

getitkim ago

It’s only been like 15 hours, a little soon to judge added value imo

mynewaccountagain ago

Well look at people like this idiot

Le_Squish ago

No this shit started a week ago and you only need to read through one thread to realize they are mostly brain dead.

Rotteuxx ago

Voats collective IQ went down this past week, fucking mass immigration.

Le_Squish ago

The upside is that since we are aware of Jewish tricks and how the boomers are programmed, we can use that to our advantage.

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, the biggest hurdle is weaponized speech imo. Most of them have been manipulated for decades and have a lot of mental blockages.

Demonsweat2 ago

They're scared to expose themselves and fear that we'll destroy their taint. Upvote please.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I agree with you

EarlPoncho ago

it's made a bunch of losers make countless posts complaining about it.

very beta circle jerking going on

WhiteRonin ago

Thanks for joining!

reichnarok ago

Some will wake up, others are Q loving kikes.

Big_Dumb_Animal ago

Red pill as many as possible before they run back to their hugboxes

Battlefat ago

It feels like a Black Friday chimp out I cant avoid but with neck beards and boomers

Mumbleberry ago

They are good for laughing at. Look how many fell for this OBVIOUS troll post;

jewlie ago

Holy shit....they really are grandmas. The load joke went right over their head. And the desperation for upvoats in a sub where they don't count is just too good.

WhiteRonin ago

Lols! U might be ok after all! Haha

Mumbleberry ago

My best work so far.

Atomized_Individual ago

Some are redpilled and glad they found this place though.

RayJay ago

I am

Adminstrater ago

And some are looking for more red pills. They are thirsty, and we need to give them a sip.

mynewaccountagain ago

Hey nigger please upvoat me to earn CCP cause I'm too stupid to participate in voat and want to keep to my safe spaces.

ThanksGod ago

They'll catch on with time.

Spaceballs-1 ago

Have an upgoat. Or an updoc.

Sum-of-Nun ago

Ok, I will bite... ;)

What's Updoc?

WhiteRonin ago

Up’d :-)