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Holonomic ago

You answered your own question.

throwawayplease ago

Thought I'd give the Eurocucks a chance to give their opinions--those with a VPN of course.

notenoughstuff ago

Is this answer good enough?:

throwawayplease ago

Found the lunatic

notenoughstuff ago

So no counter-arguments? Just shilling?

throwawayplease ago

There is no counter-argument because you're arguing with yourself. Everyone but you is well-aware this thread is about contemporary events. Notice how nobody mentioned Hitler but you. Nobody mentioned him because not every discussion is about Hitler. The world has moved on since the Roosevelt administration. If you are compelled to discuss a German Chancellor's view on race you could at least discuss a Merkel's. I know "it's the current year" is an overused meme but you dont even seem to be aware if is in fact, the current year.

notenoughstuff ago

No, I am not arguing with myself at all. And it ought to be clear to you that the point I am bringing up is extremely relevant. But maybe I am mistaken in that it ought to be clear. The point (and question you asked) is WHY "Europeans have such a naive, childlike view of race" these days. It wasn't like that at all in the past, and in many ways the reverse compared to the USA, and the USA clearly has (apart from the JQ and the like) the majority of the blame for this situation. And you seem to evade this extremely relevant point and argument. Do you truly not see that point already? And talking about contemporary events is meaningless for the point and argument, for the point and argument answers the question of why contemporary Europe "has such a naive, childlike view of race".

If it is because it is "too painful" for you or something stupid in that direction, then stop being a bloody fucking faggot and get on with it.

throwawayplease ago

Okay eurofags are emasculated cucks ready to bend over to hajjis because........jews and ww2. And Hitler was ........ something. And of course a youtube video to top off this bullet proof argument.

notenoughstuff ago

It was totally Germany that bent over and died for the Jews, not the USA! It was Germany that allied with the Soviet Union and help devastate Europe and stop it from fighting cultural marxism, not the USA! Stop coming with facts and arguments against my safe space!

throwawayplease ago

You appear to be jumping from sarcasm to not sarcasm. Doesn't work well on the Internet. I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to say but you're just another guy on the internet screaming about jews.

notenoughstuff ago

Note the quotation box. And I do not see how you could not get the message, so I get a very strong impression that you are being insincere, and feigning ignorance and confusion as a tactic.

throwawayplease ago

Your argument is, unironically, Eurofags thinks niggers hajjis and whites are the same because....jews, and they're deathly afraid of being called racist because usa,

notenoughstuff ago

You are not just a shill, but a kike, creating stories, telling lies, seeking to manipulate and humiliate. Fairly competent kikery you display, but a smidgen bit too obvious.

throwawayplease ago

I'm reporting you to the proper authorities for hate speech.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol wut

What fucked up place do you live where "authorities" care about "hate speech"?

throwawayplease ago

The bizarre world if Europe. Don't you have a twitter? UK police are encouraging other to report "online hate speech."

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Uhhh, Voat is an American website, bro.

Good luck with your bobbies.

throwawayplease ago

Uhhhh, people in other countries post on voat.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So you think the police from OTHER COUNTRIES are going to come to AMERICA on behalf of the BRITISH?

Is my understanding of your stupid idea correct?

throwawayplease ago

No. My understanding is you are stupid.

If you are in the UK, you have to abide by UK laws or else face criminal charges. I'm not sure why this is hard to understand.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

What's hard to understand is why you think notenoughstuff gives a fuck.

throwawayplease ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hahaha, is that it?

You're a faggot.

Quit eating baby foreskins, sick kike.

throwawayplease ago

You finally figured it out genius. There was just a thread about this on the front page. A guy on twitter troll'd a eurofag pussy daring him to commit "hate speech." He ran with his tail between his legs like the coward that he is. The eurofag in this thread is doing the same.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So isn't it clear that he specifically doesn't care, and you have a higher than average chance of autism based on your inability to understand his emotions?

throwawayplease ago

He clearly does care because in started with lame, generic insults then when dared he refused to up the ante like a coward because it's ILLEGAL IN HIS COUNTRY. He also won't explain how the holocaust didn't happen because that is considered hate speech and that's ILLEGAL IN HIS COUNTRY.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I dunno, he posted some pics that seemed to put the jews in a bad light.

So like are you trying to get people arrested because you believe hate speech is real or what?

throwawayplease ago

He knows he can get away with ticky tack bullshit but if he talks about ovens or goes into a deep-dive about holocaust denial he can get in serious trouble.

So like are you trying to get people arrested because you believe hate speech is real or what?

I'm showing him he has been thoroughly defeated. He started out with an incoherent comment that seemed to point the blame on USA for Europeans being cowards. I'm showing him that he is in fact a coward and he has no one to blame--not the USA, hitler, jews or the soviet union--for being a coward.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So uh, if the totalitarians win, you win?


throwawayplease ago

You pulled that right out of your ass.

notenoughstuff ago

Wait, did you just admit to being a shill and a kike??

throwawayplease ago

No, that's your schizophrenia giving hallucinations.

notenoughstuff ago

Did I trigger you? Seriously, you need to keep your cool if you are shilling and kiking. But again, it is much better to instead of shilling and kiking to actually have at least a little respect for yourself.

throwawayplease ago

Did I trigger you?

I'm trying to make sense of your schizophrenic Jewish thoughts. Soviet Union, Hitler, Jews, and WW2 concocted a plan to make Europeans of the 21st century think the niggers and whites are the same.

notenoughstuff ago

Better kikery, but you need to work more on keeping your cool. But you do have persistency, though you must be careful with that as well. But again, you really ought to have at least a little respect for yourself instead.

throwawayplease ago

Here's the only kikery you should be concerned with.

notenoughstuff ago

Literally "shut it down" ))))))

throwawayplease ago

That link must have triggered a panic as you are incoherent, likely having another schizophrenic episode.

notenoughstuff ago

You seem incredibly triggered; I wasn't even trying to troll you. Are you copying what is legitimately used against you as well as projecting? Really?

throwawayplease ago

Are you copying what is legitimately used against you as well as projecting? Really?

Please make sense.

notenoughstuff ago

But Schlomo, you know fully well that my comments, arguments and answers are fully sensible.

throwawayplease ago

Running with your tail between your legs. Come on kike, let's see your hate speech. You're either a coward or a kike. There is no other option.

throwawayplease ago

See the gas chambers my family helped build. Beautiful. Did your family kill kikes?

notenoughstuff ago

Is it common for kikes to create and tell stories when under duress or stress?

throwawayplease ago

Stories of kikes being gassed. Sure, I love telling them. Germans, with the help of Europeans who weren't cowards (i.e. not your family) killed millions of Jews. Jews were ashamed they were shoah'd so they concocted a lie how it didn't happen. Now tell me how the holocaust didn't happen because uk hate speech department is asking.

notenoughstuff ago

You are reinforcing my impression in

throwawayplease ago

Yawn. too much of a coward to talk about holocaust denial. Tell us how the holocaust didn't happen.

notenoughstuff ago

Trying to control the discussion and course of it, as well as spin a certain story and set up things in a certain way. Fairly good kikery, though again, somewhat too obvious.

throwawayplease ago

Tail beteen your legs and running like a coward. Just like a Eurofag. Be a man and stand up for yourself for once. Stand up to your government. Stand up to the Jews. You are admitting the Jews control you. Come on, tell us how the holocaust didn't happen. Or else you're submitting to these Jews.

throwawayplease ago

You got other problems to worry about now.

notenoughstuff ago

Nice threats ))). I guess if you are wretched and evil, and lying, manipulating, etc. fails in a discussion, seeking to use violence, threats, etc. is the way forward.

throwawayplease ago

I'm very interested in your holocaust denial arguments but you refuse to articulate them.

notenoughstuff ago

Multiple levels of insincerity and lies, among other things. Would the human species have any chance of survival if it consisted only of horribly evil and wretched people like yourself?

throwawayplease ago

How gay

notenoughstuff ago

Randomly chosen tactics and approaches?

throwawayplease ago

Fuck off you rambling kike.

notenoughstuff ago

rambling kike

Projecting more? Is the overall tactic to switch between tactics and try to see what sticks and works? No sincerity, no honesty, no care, despite it being an area regarding truth and politics where sacrificing truth can have horrible consequences, just wretchedness and evil.

throwawayplease ago
