hardskidder ago

I'm pretty sure that it's for the sake of the message they want to push, they don't want economic migrants because they are scum, but the scummiest part they have in them is that they believe in an uncivil religion that excuses violence based on identity, if they were to simply say they are not european then that'd be simply xenophobic, plus leftys do confuse islam with race a lot so really they have to be "sensitive."

newoldwave ago

They've had no experience dealing with niggers. They've had a few Negros around who behaved themselves.

Fireuptheovens ago

Jew tricks.

lexsird ago

This is Social Marxism at work. This is generational work that takes decades if not centuries to do. It's by that one asshole tribe of Jews that's been into every fucked up thing in the history of ever it seems. It's to the point now that it's massive devil, demon worship, full blown devil stuff. It's fucked up and it's so deep into our system that it's got everyone freaked.

This would be a great time for Jesus to show up, but I think we're in for some serious shit between now and then. It's fucking biblical man. Wow. Get your oil virgins because the darkness is coming.

The once great Christian nations of Europe have fallen to the enemy. The armies of the false prophet have overrun it with the thanks of traitors and the synagog of satan. It's not going to get better for christians.

I just keeping thinking of that one video by The whitest kids you know, 'Race War' and it's in my head as 'Holy War'.


Tallest_Skil ago

70 years of brainwashing.

Now go fuck yourself, since you know nothing about history.

generate ago

because kikes brainwashed them for decades teching them self guilt:

  • first Ozone hole,

  • then overpopulation,

  • then global warming,

  • then inequality.

Kikes make movies that propagate main stories

  • some kind of virus kill all western world, that;s most rubbish movies are about nowadays

  • whites are very cruel kill each others and niggers, but then one white starts to protect niggers

  • aliens are bad. This makes me wonder if using the logic that kikes tell us bs, are aliens good and where are they

WitnesstheSalt ago

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Take a wild guess where Europe sits on that timeline.

Kleemin ago

The same reason that San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland all have the same view, they have 5% black populations vs the rest of the big American cities that sit around 30%. Minneapolis used to be just as bad but they took in like 80k Somali refugees around 2010 NOW they seem to be getting it.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

  1. The majority of us (and your forebears) were subjects for hundreds of years. 2. Til the 60's we had an extremely enclosed info availability, even England. 3. Then we had the age of mass media and propaganda. 4. You were lucky to have relative freedom during this time up until recently, and you aalso had far more negative experience of racial interaction. You're seeing right now the change that happens when a nation is allowed to be hijacked and start pushing its propaganda on its subjects. That's what you are now. That domestic p[ropaganda law needs changing, and we neeed to change ours, we are all fucked until we do something about it.

notenoughstuff ago

Yeah, Hitler and natsocs were so naive regarding race that the USA allied with evi-, I mean, the "good and totally not genocidal" Soviet Union and Jews elsewhere to destroy and dominate or abandon to the Soviet Union most European countries. There also weren't "re-education", imprisonment, starvation, etc. for Germans afterwards and their country split in two. Nor quotes like "the Germans and Russians are horrible and should murder and destroy each other".


Now, be a good goy and die for Israel and have your children not be of your people.

The Brits are demoralized to the extreme for their alliances with evil, the extreme manipulation, deception and treason of Churchill, and the horrible influence, control and power the deep Jewish infestation has over their country. And they were surprised that the Jews would reward their help with eradication of their people. But then again, I am still surprised that the Jews and Israel would betray even Poland, with "Polish Death Camps", presumably for gibs.

Hitler should have focused on liberating Russia, not conquering it (and no, Generalplan Ost is not bloody real, numbnuts). But then again, there were at least some liberation focus and I believe hundreds of thousands of Russian volunteers. I only know little of what is propaganda and what is true regarding the Allies' claims, only that they lied and deceived to an extreme degree.

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

They've lived in majority whatever euro state they are up until late 2000's. Look how quickly Melbourne lost its safest city rating once mass African enrichment

bourbonexpert ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

Same in US. Do you really want nigger speak (like it's going) to be part of mainstream English? Not to mention nigger delusions about how their animal like mentality is the fault of the white man. They have, historically (MILLENIA), contributed NOTHING to modern western civilization advancements and discoveries in science, mathematics, physics, you name ANY serious academic discipline, they are suspiciously absent...They are (US) usually employed in PARASITIC fields (like sociology related CRAP). In my college experience, this is what the RETARDS majored in.

Parasites WILL destroy the host unless stopped. LOOK AT NATURE!

WHERE is the TRUTH in the social "conversation" (all but liberals are censored).

YAY ROSEANNE! Not saying it's a good thing what she said, but I UNDERSTAND her obvious FRUSTRATION on things!

The current status of things is EXACTLY why you do NOT support vermin parasites. This includes liberal women who also STUFF parasitic vocations.

EVERYBODY is begging 24/7 on TV now!

anon_poaster ago

The craziest thing about UK is how Brits often direct their hate at Polish immigrants.

redsfan277 ago

If you were to meet any liberal american on any major city you would think they are just like europeans. Also the news tv. Go look at plebbit and how they are saying poor criminals are being mistreated. Hell whats going on now in America?

'Too many blacks in jail! That means that the USA is racist!!!!'

This is what millions of americans think. Brainwashing doesnt care where you are from. Stupid idiot whites create way more problems than a stupid criminal nigger. They are the problem with white societies. If they were more forceful and more truthful they would already have kicked out of the kikes and niggers and third worlders. But they choose to be led by their women instead and the biggest crime they could commit is calling a black person nigger.

1moar ago

They think they're enlightened and all that faggy hoity shit. Truth is, they're half to blame for the state of things in the West.

zerozen77 ago

They elect leaders that serve 2 masters.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Generations of being raised by women to be naive children

BlockMe ago

Post world war 2 brain-washing.

geekpuk2 ago

Because within living memory, they remember THEY were the ones fleeing in refugee columns before the advancing Wehrmacht or Soviet Red Army

throwawayplease ago

Please re-read the OP and answer the question coherently.

uab ago

Cultural Marxism.


Turdinator_Poo ago

You have Franz Boas to thank, the most influential figure on the establishment of “race is just a social construct”. Many of the popular European intellectuals at the turn of last century hated the Darwinian evolutionary model. Freud was one of them.

Abc_123 ago

I know I sound like a cuck, but I'm not really a big believer in race. I don't believe it exists. Physical, and mental characteristics, which we use to create this thing called races, actually comes from geography, nutrition, and culture.

Octoclops ago

geography, nutrition, and culture.

You forgot DNA

Abc_123 ago

I'm getting sick of Voat, you know. I can't make any submissions here, because this place is so rife with racism that people have taken to being willfully ignorant, and are downvoting me. Listen. You guys think that liberals are ignorant? Conservatives, and people especially here do the same.

Anyway, DNA can be influenced by environmental factors.



throwawayplease ago

I totally agree with you. You do sound like a cuck. Not sure who phenotypes "come from culture" but you do you.

TherealScrable ago

*western europeans

throwawayplease ago

correct and my most sincere apologies

hang_em_high ago

I don’t know anything about Eurofags but I would guess it is similar to speaking about Trump here. The people that are loud are the ones that are allowed to actually speak.

IDintDoNuthin ago

Oh come on, he is a Professional when it comes to children and is also very very passionate about them. Everybody isnt perfect.

Eualos ago

No enough real life experience I assume

midnightblue1335 ago

Cultural relativism.

They believe that every individual is the exact same, meaning if everyone was born into the perfect circumstances they'd all go on to achieve great things and be good members of society. This is clearly not the case. They blame horrific, immoral behavior on "poverty" and "colonialism/imperialism" rather than allow the savages agency- "they can't be responsible for stoning that woman to death, because they were so poor! Their violent behavior is a legacy of slavery!"

ExpertShitposter ago

Why are you pretending its any different in the US?

6Catfish-Ninja9 ago

Hey. Common leave @9-11 out of this, he is our greatest Ally remember goy......

6Catfish-Ninja9 ago

What in the goddame.....

midnightblue1335 ago

It's a LITTLE different here in the USA, simply because we've had to interact with subhumans for centuries now. We've been living next to them, exposed to their behavior for generations.

Europeans are getting their first real taste of "diversity" in the past 20 years or so. There have been immigration spikes for sure, but nothing even close to what it's like today.

ExpertShitposter ago

My point is: why do Americans act like they have woken up, when they haven't, despite all the negros they have been dealing with all this time? At least 70% of whites are still mega cucks. We have the exact same problems.

throwawayplease ago

I was a working class hero for about a decade. There was never any hesitation or stigma of saying "fuck these niggers." Granted most whites in the US are emasculated cucks but I've met many who don't give a fuck about being considered racists. There are plenty of American YouTubers who flat out say races are different subspecies and use racial slurs. The only European who've I seen make similar statements is Tara McCarthy, (but I believe she is living in the US.) It seems Europeans would rather jump in front of a train than let a racist thought enter their heads. You can just hear the terror in their voices when talking about race. Sargon of Akkad is a perfect example with that nervous laughter and lying about how he's "half black" to signal to his audience he "can't be racist."

ExpertShitposter ago

Europe has varg and the golden one as "youtube stars". But such people are not important. What is important is this:





This is happening all over Europe all the time. Media just refuses to cover it.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

dancing around the truth rather than flat-out saying it?


It is a religion.

Historically, theyve not been around niggers and muslims directly, so it was a "safe" way to virtue signal by claiming them to be equal. Theyve done this for decades, for more than half a century, till it has permeated every bit of the culture like religions do.

Now they have a lot niggers and muslims around, and theyre all "HOLY FUCK THESE ARE DISGUSTING ANIMALS WTF", but they cant say it out loud, because it would be as blaspheming during the 13th century. Publicly theyre paying lip service, but inside theyre all "OHSHIT OHSHIT OHSHIT".

Theyve talked themselves into it, and they cant simply admit that they were wrong, their psyche doesnt allow anybody to lose face first. Theyre all waiting till somebody else says out loud "No, Mary wasnt a virgin, and no, Jesus wasnt gods son, and no, neither Jesus nor Mary existed anyway". Realizing that its all bullshit is easy for an individual, but removing deep entrenched memes from the collective mind is very very slow, because collective religions create a game theory situation where as soon as you admint not to believe any more, everybody can use this confession to get you expelled as the infidel you are. Getting out of the equality religion is as hard as getting out of Islam.

lanre ago

This is really how it is. The French I know are like "this immigration shit is way out of control". But then their habits kick back in and they try to convince themselves "no, that's racist, I need to be more open-minded. They'll adapt... eventually." It's like watching a trapped animal try to figure out what to do next but knows it's fucked.

throwawayplease ago

Very well put. It's certainly is a mind-virus. I remember back circa 2005 my college professor told me people don't really leave religion, they just replace it with something else. He made a dire prediction that a new religion will emerge as more and more Westerners leave Christianity. That lecture will haunt me for the rest of my life.

kalgon ago

In many instances when certain brands of christianity got (forcibly) removed for the benefits of secularism (example:modern catholicism in france), you get some remnants of christian culture, such as charity, meeting the requirements of leftist ideologies, and that's when it gets pretty vicious, that's where general concepts such as open borders free stuffs and shit take root

6Catfish-Ninja9 ago


Holonomic ago

You answered your own question.

adfasfawfad ago


Holonomic ago


Do I look like your fucking library!?

adfasfawfad ago

Well you're the one making a claim not me, you won't say that to a judge won't you?


throwawayplease ago

Thought I'd give the Eurocucks a chance to give their opinions--those with a VPN of course.

notenoughstuff ago

Is this answer good enough?: https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2570369/12915812.

throwawayplease ago

Found the lunatic

notenoughstuff ago

So no counter-arguments? Just shilling?

throwawayplease ago

There is no counter-argument because you're arguing with yourself. Everyone but you is well-aware this thread is about contemporary events. Notice how nobody mentioned Hitler but you. Nobody mentioned him because not every discussion is about Hitler. The world has moved on since the Roosevelt administration. If you are compelled to discuss a German Chancellor's view on race you could at least discuss a Merkel's. I know "it's the current year" is an overused meme but you dont even seem to be aware if is in fact, the current year.

notenoughstuff ago

No, I am not arguing with myself at all. And it ought to be clear to you that the point I am bringing up is extremely relevant. But maybe I am mistaken in that it ought to be clear. The point (and question you asked) is WHY "Europeans have such a naive, childlike view of race" these days. It wasn't like that at all in the past, and in many ways the reverse compared to the USA, and the USA clearly has (apart from the JQ and the like) the majority of the blame for this situation. And you seem to evade this extremely relevant point and argument. Do you truly not see that point already? And talking about contemporary events is meaningless for the point and argument, for the point and argument answers the question of why contemporary Europe "has such a naive, childlike view of race".

If it is because it is "too painful" for you or something stupid in that direction, then stop being a bloody fucking faggot and get on with it.

throwawayplease ago

Okay eurofags are emasculated cucks ready to bend over to hajjis because........jews and ww2. And Hitler was ........ something. And of course a youtube video to top off this bullet proof argument.

notenoughstuff ago

But you still smell a lot like a shill. And a throwaway account?

throwawayplease ago

I don't know if this is more of your sarcasm or not and I don't care either.

notenoughstuff ago

No sarcasm there. And you know that well.

throwawayplease ago

Just another hackneyed insult then, okay. And no, your thoughts are extremely scattered and disorganized. I still can't make sense of your argument.

notenoughstuff ago

No, they are not the slightest bit scattered and disorganized, and you know that very well. And you continue to lie fully intentionally, which is extremely ruthless of you. I am getting the impression that you are indeed a kike. You would have been more believable had your account not been a newly created as well as obvious and clear throw-away.

throwawayplease ago

Calling people a kike, now? Very original. That's something kike would do. Kikes are often schizophrenic, an affliction you clearly suffer from. putitout PM'd me and traced your IP address to a synagogue.

notenoughstuff ago

If you are going to kike, you need to keep your cool, Schlomo. But then again, it would be better if you had at least a little bit of respect for yourself.

https://imgoat.com/uploads/b44928ae11/114767.jpg https://imgoat.com/uploads/b44928ae11/114768.jpg

throwawayplease ago

I'm not even clicking your dumb links. I'll have the hate speech police click them to determine if your guilty of hate crimes.

notenoughstuff ago


It is "you're", as in "you are".

throwawayplease ago

Damn you jews and your High IQ language skills.

notenoughstuff ago

throwawayplease ago

Get the last word, you win!

notenoughstuff ago

I'm mostly just sharing images and videos at this point, and encouraging you to have respect for yourself. But it is ultimately your choice.


throwawayplease ago

You're not sharing it because no one is clicking it. Except for the hate speech police.

throwawayplease ago

No. Just hope your defense attorney is not Jewish because he'll be reading these hate crimes you are committing.


notenoughstuff ago

I really must have triggered you, you are in full "shut it down" mode. You are aware of which website this is, right?


throwawayplease ago

You are aware of your government can arrest you for saying mean things on the Internet right? Let's see who the real kike is. The person who makes the most hateful, anti-semitic posts is not the kike. I'll start.

I hate kikes. All kikes need to be put in ovens. I masturbate to Anne Frank's corpse. I love dead kikes.

Ok, your turn.

notenoughstuff ago

But Schlomo, as you are perfectly well aware, I am not interested in whether it is mean or not, but whether it is true and relevant or not.

Can the human species survive without truth? If the Jews were to "win", and they kept sacrificing truth, systems that build and protect truth, and the systems that protect the former systems, etc., would the Jews or anyone else be able to survive?

One cannot take the survival of the human species for granted, at all.


throwawayplease ago

Lame. You're a coward and a likely part kike. They go hand in hand. You're jealous my family gassed Jews while yours cowered like a bitch with the French. I got pics of Auchwitz to prove it. you got seven-grade trolling.

notenoughstuff ago

Are you attempting to change shape right now? Or just doing so sarcastically?

But the Holocaust is, as far as I can tell, not real. And on that note, I still cannot get over why you stabbed Poland in the back recently, with "Polish Death Camps". All for some gibs? Many Poles gave their lives for you doing WW2, and they hosted Jews for centuries: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Poland. Why betray them?

throwawayplease ago

It did happen. Only quack conspiracy theorists living in their moms basement think it didn't. Brave and heroic men committed it. But the UK government would love to know about your holocaust denial.

notenoughstuff ago

I get the impression that your integrity and being was destroyed very early on, and that you now hate and despise anything and anyone that still has or have (re)gained integrity. And you do have a point in that it is a major failure on the part of the human species to allow such wretchedness and evil to exist. But you are not absolved of your individual responsibility.


throwawayplease ago

Pseudointellectual gibberish. Hallmark of Jewry. Come on, tell us about holocaust denial. http://report-it.org.uk/reporting_internet_hate_crime would like to know.

notenoughstuff ago

Were you raped as a child? And/or have you raped children yourself?

throwawayplease ago

How original. Come on, I'm interested in holocaust denial. Don't run with your tail between your legs you coward. Tell us about holocaust denial. http://report-it.org.uk/reporting_internet_hate_crime

notenoughstuff ago

The questions were sincere, and I fear the answer to at least one of them is "yes". But do see https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2570369/12930448.

throwawayplease ago

Boring Seventh grade shit. Tell us about holocaust denial and stand up to the Jews. Come on, stand up for yourself goy. https://www.met.police.uk/true-vision-report-hate-crime/hate-crime-online/

notenoughstuff ago

Calls me a coward

Is too scare to even consider the links, images and videos I shared or my arguments

Literally tries to shut me down and threaten me instead of engaging in debate and having the slightest bit of respect for themselves

throwawayplease ago

You are a coward

Your arguments are incoherent

Literally proving you are a coward

notenoughstuff ago

Yet you know well that your descriptions fit you and not me. See also https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2570369/12934842.

throwawayplease ago

ah Pee-Wee Herman's "I know you are but what am I?" argument.

notenoughstuff ago

Yet it is fully accurate and true, and you know that.

throwawayplease ago

I would get a VPN if I were you

throwawayplease ago

Your kike grandfather is my lampshade.

throwawayplease ago

You are emasculated.

throwawayplease ago


throwawayplease ago


notenoughstuff ago

Just more spam?

throwawayplease ago


notenoughstuff ago

More spam?

throwawayplease ago


notenoughstuff ago

More spam that does not contribute.

throwawayplease ago


notenoughstuff ago

Still more spam that does not contribute.

throwawayplease ago


notenoughstuff ago

Spamming replies that do not contribute to the discussion.

notenoughstuff ago

It was totally Germany that bent over and died for the Jews, not the USA! It was Germany that allied with the Soviet Union and help devastate Europe and stop it from fighting cultural marxism, not the USA! Stop coming with facts and arguments against my safe space!

throwawayplease ago

You appear to be jumping from sarcasm to not sarcasm. Doesn't work well on the Internet. I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to say but you're just another guy on the internet screaming about jews.

notenoughstuff ago

Note the quotation box. And I do not see how you could not get the message, so I get a very strong impression that you are being insincere, and feigning ignorance and confusion as a tactic.

throwawayplease ago

Your argument is, unironically, Eurofags thinks niggers hajjis and whites are the same because....jews, and they're deathly afraid of being called racist because usa,

notenoughstuff ago

You are not just a shill, but a kike, creating stories, telling lies, seeking to manipulate and humiliate. Fairly competent kikery you display, but a smidgen bit too obvious.


throwawayplease ago

I'm reporting you to the proper authorities for hate speech.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol wut

What fucked up place do you live where "authorities" care about "hate speech"?

throwawayplease ago

The bizarre world if Europe. Don't you have a twitter? UK police are encouraging other to report "online hate speech."


clamhurt_legbeard ago

Uhhh, Voat is an American website, bro.

Good luck with your bobbies.

throwawayplease ago

Uhhhh, people in other countries post on voat.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So you think the police from OTHER COUNTRIES are going to come to AMERICA on behalf of the BRITISH?

Is my understanding of your stupid idea correct?

throwawayplease ago

No. My understanding is you are stupid.

If you are in the UK, you have to abide by UK laws or else face criminal charges. I'm not sure why this is hard to understand.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

What's hard to understand is why you think notenoughstuff gives a fuck.

throwawayplease ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hahaha, is that it?

You're a faggot.

Quit eating baby foreskins, sick kike.

throwawayplease ago

You finally figured it out genius. There was just a thread about this on the front page. A guy on twitter troll'd a eurofag pussy daring him to commit "hate speech." He ran with his tail between his legs like the coward that he is. The eurofag in this thread is doing the same.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So isn't it clear that he specifically doesn't care, and you have a higher than average chance of autism based on your inability to understand his emotions?

throwawayplease ago

He clearly does care because in started with lame, generic insults then when dared he refused to up the ante like a coward because it's ILLEGAL IN HIS COUNTRY. He also won't explain how the holocaust didn't happen because that is considered hate speech and that's ILLEGAL IN HIS COUNTRY.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I dunno, he posted some pics that seemed to put the jews in a bad light.

So like are you trying to get people arrested because you believe hate speech is real or what?

throwawayplease ago

He knows he can get away with ticky tack bullshit but if he talks about ovens or goes into a deep-dive about holocaust denial he can get in serious trouble.

So like are you trying to get people arrested because you believe hate speech is real or what?

I'm showing him he has been thoroughly defeated. He started out with an incoherent comment that seemed to point the blame on USA for Europeans being cowards. I'm showing him that he is in fact a coward and he has no one to blame--not the USA, hitler, jews or the soviet union--for being a coward.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So uh, if the totalitarians win, you win?


throwawayplease ago

You pulled that right out of your ass.

notenoughstuff ago

Wait, did you just admit to being a shill and a kike??


throwawayplease ago

No, that's your schizophrenia giving hallucinations.

notenoughstuff ago

Did I trigger you? Seriously, you need to keep your cool if you are shilling and kiking. But again, it is much better to instead of shilling and kiking to actually have at least a little respect for yourself.

throwawayplease ago

Did I trigger you?

I'm trying to make sense of your schizophrenic Jewish thoughts. Soviet Union, Hitler, Jews, and WW2 concocted a plan to make Europeans of the 21st century think the niggers and whites are the same.

notenoughstuff ago

Better kikery, but you need to work more on keeping your cool. But you do have persistency, though you must be careful with that as well. But again, you really ought to have at least a little respect for yourself instead.


throwawayplease ago

Here's the only kikery you should be concerned with.


notenoughstuff ago

Literally "shut it down" ))))))


throwawayplease ago

That link must have triggered a panic as you are incoherent, likely having another schizophrenic episode.


notenoughstuff ago

You seem incredibly triggered; I wasn't even trying to troll you. Are you copying what is legitimately used against you as well as projecting? Really?


throwawayplease ago

Are you copying what is legitimately used against you as well as projecting? Really?

Please make sense.


notenoughstuff ago

But Schlomo, you know fully well that my comments, arguments and answers are fully sensible.


throwawayplease ago

Running with your tail between your legs. Come on kike, let's see your hate speech. You're either a coward or a kike. There is no other option.

throwawayplease ago

See the gas chambers my family helped build. Beautiful. Did your family kill kikes?

notenoughstuff ago

Is it common for kikes to create and tell stories when under duress or stress?


throwawayplease ago

Stories of kikes being gassed. Sure, I love telling them. Germans, with the help of Europeans who weren't cowards (i.e. not your family) killed millions of Jews. Jews were ashamed they were shoah'd so they concocted a lie how it didn't happen. Now tell me how the holocaust didn't happen because uk hate speech department is asking. http://report-it.org.uk/reporting_internet_hate_crime

notenoughstuff ago

You are reinforcing my impression in https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2570369/12930345.

throwawayplease ago

Yawn. too much of a coward to talk about holocaust denial. Tell us how the holocaust didn't happen. http://report-it.org.uk/reporting_internet_hate_crime

notenoughstuff ago

Trying to control the discussion and course of it, as well as spin a certain story and set up things in a certain way. Fairly good kikery, though again, somewhat too obvious.


throwawayplease ago

Tail beteen your legs and running like a coward. Just like a Eurofag. Be a man and stand up for yourself for once. Stand up to your government. Stand up to the Jews. You are admitting the Jews control you. Come on, tell us how the holocaust didn't happen. Or else you're submitting to these Jews. http://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-uk203

throwawayplease ago

You got other problems to worry about now.

notenoughstuff ago

Nice threats ))). I guess if you are wretched and evil, and lying, manipulating, etc. fails in a discussion, seeking to use violence, threats, etc. is the way forward.

throwawayplease ago

I'm very interested in your holocaust denial arguments but you refuse to articulate them.

notenoughstuff ago

Multiple levels of insincerity and lies, among other things. Would the human species have any chance of survival if it consisted only of horribly evil and wretched people like yourself?

throwawayplease ago

How gay

notenoughstuff ago

Randomly chosen tactics and approaches?

throwawayplease ago

Fuck off you rambling kike.

notenoughstuff ago

rambling kike

Projecting more? Is the overall tactic to switch between tactics and try to see what sticks and works? No sincerity, no honesty, no care, despite it being an area regarding truth and politics where sacrificing truth can have horrible consequences, just wretchedness and evil.

throwawayplease ago


TheSeer ago

Social ostracization is a key reason. Prison time is another one. Indoctrination. And they have met 'outliers', so the exception to the rule.

adfasfawfad ago

I am gonna give my views here, Initially America was created for white people by white people, so racism is much more normalized up here than Europe

NotHereForPizza ago

Mostly because of humility.

jthun2 ago

Apparently they also don't care about IQ, infectious diseases, or damage caused by cousin marriage / inbreeding. None of those things goes away simply because a person renounces Islam.

I don't care if they are Chinese PhDs in Astrophysics. England belongs to the English.

avgwhtguy1 ago

childlike view of race is the everyone must be black or white or yellow or brown

almost all of yall are too dumb to recreate basic aspects of African bush culture, let alone the basics of western civilization

jthun2 ago

do you have a point?

racial differences exist, no matter what categorization you choose.

avgwhtguy1 ago

point is race is a dumb idea that could easily be replaced by a more accurate idea of behavioral patterns, culture, etc if you could just get rid of the brainwash

NastiN8 ago

You do realize you're the exact cuck we're discussing in this thread right?

avgwhtguy1 ago

cant be, im not Euro, nor a cuck. plus i'm "racially" mixed and living counter example to basically all concepts generally associated with "race", have lived in places where racism doesn't exist, etc. I'm happy and successful. If people want money, women, success, etc. I show them how to get it; funny thing is 90% of them just say some bs about govt, niggers, their ex, or some other excuse as to why they're going to keep doing what they're doing

throwawayplease ago

Yep, chimpanzees and bonobos behaving differently is because of "culture, etc." and anyone who thinks otherwise is "brainwashed." Well put, Charles Darwin.

avgwhtguy1 ago

here's a hint : mixed "race" people are real and successful. Hell, one was just POTUS. How's that fit in your race theory?

Jews invented "race", no coincidence they are the only non-genetic race

throwawayplease ago

Yawn. continuum fallacy. Same shit, different cuck.

A_M_Swallow ago

Muslims are only one group of immigrants to Europe. We are also getting hard working white immigrants from other European countries, browns who are willing to work the night shift, Christian blacks from the Caribbean and yellows from the Pacific Rim. Muslim skivers were unexpected and now we are finding out their lack of morals had been hidden by the "morals" police.

markrod420 ago

its both. many are brainwashes. those that are not are afraid to speak up.

Samsquamch ago

Depending on which parts of American culture, the same could be said of us - "you can't be racist that's awful. By the way all white people are evil. PS we changed the definition of racist so we can be racist but whites can't."

The fact that we let this continue doesn't make us look like we understand race any better.

Samchay6 ago

Because no other views will be tolerated. Any other views, no matter how well-reasoned, factually based, and supported by evidence, are heresy of the highest order.

scoopadoop ago

We want to believe that the human race is ready to take the next step towards a bright star trek like future. Most have yet to realise the lesser races will never be able to join us in this glorious vision.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

If only there were another earth like planet we could go to... Meh, the jews would just come along and fucking bring slaves from earth on their space ships.

auto_turret ago

Best to just put them out of their misery right now. They are seriously hampering human progress, bringing us all down with them. I'll even help dig the ditches.

Kleemin ago

that's retarded, that is a lot of work not to mention all the resistance they would put up making it dangerous, simply offer them a one time payment of 5000 dollars to come in and be sterilized. I mean that's a hell of a bill now, but the males would line up for days to never have a baby and make money. We'll make that back in 1 generation with all the WIC we save, no resistance, no casualties, and they will kill them selves off gladly for a little cash now.

Super_Cooper ago

We don't need to kill them, just let them continue evolve in their own countries. Europe purged itself of the violent and stupid through centuries of a very harsh criminal justice system. Africa needs to do the same thing.

Plavonica ago

I think it's really the traitors in our midst that are the real problem. We do fine if we keep a strong border and keep the idiots out.

Schreiber ago

Exactly. Who gave Rothschild, Soros, etc power in the first place?


And so many peeps are giving traitors free passes because they are part of their tribe. Even fucking Kalergi has no jewish blood.

scoopadoop ago

But the fact that we don't just jump to full scale slaughter is one of the many things that makes us better than them. If we did it your way, then we would be niggers too.

auto_turret ago

I disagree with your assertion. You are weak stomached, which you attempt to excuse yourself by virtue signaling your position on mass nigger slaughter. It's a dirty, fucked up job, but it needs to be done. Get over yourself.

throwawayplease ago

This sentiment is getting very tiresome. One of those feel good lefty mantras. What separates us from them is the West is weak and they sense that. They are outbreeding us by a factor of 5. Look up population projections in the next 100 years. You can chant feel good slogans all you want but this will be a planet of apes.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

because they've for decades only dealt with other whites and the few exceptional non-whites that met their actual immigration requirements

lfod14 ago

That's not it at all. If you've ever been to a handful of European countries their Black, Asian, South American it really doesn't matter ultimately for whatever reason people that move there ACTUALLY assimilate into their culture, the way it USED to be in the US. The racial tension isn't there like it is in the US because they're all the same people, just with a different skin color. It's not like here where it's like opposing religions in the middle east constantly blaming the other side for all the problems in their life.

notenoughstuff ago

Yeah, Hitler was so naive. See also https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2570369/12915812.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yes actually a lot of his "honorary aryans" ended up betraying him, Hitler was too kind for his own good

notenoughstuff ago

Well, I was trying to be sarcastic in regards to "racism", but he definitely had too optimistic a view regarding the UK and to some degree the USA as well. I would guess that he was not aware of just how infiltrated the UK was at that point in time - I mean, they had even had a Jewish prime minister by that point in time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Disraeli.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

sure he constantly tried diplomacy and propositioned churchhill for peace to no avail

Doglegwarrior ago

Well indians might be part of the problem.. indians came to england and didnt act like violent savages.. they work hard, make great food, if i had married a hot indian that could cook id weigh 300 pounds... they also speak good english one generation in... so thry got tricked by the indians into thinking the other groups could do it as well

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ye but they poop in the streets

Doglegwarrior ago

Rofl.. true true.. but not so much in england.. san fransico has a street pooping problem

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

All the while condescendingly criticising America for how "racist" it is.
My only response to them is a smug smile as I clean my AR-15.

13642896? ago

The Euros have been engaged in massive importation of blacks and muslims for awhile now, and having made for their children a bed of thorns, I suspect this racial tolerance BS will not last too far beyond the next generation.

benjitsu ago

It is tough to come around to these truths when your whole culture, government, and education are based on "all religions are the same and all people are the same" (no matter how fucked up they obviously are). I was raised to have such high falootin disdain for America and the reality is that especially for a country of that population it is an incredible nation and the best form of government to be discovered so far.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Europeans are always jealous of our freedom, I've been making fun of them during this whole tommy robinson thing and they get so salty

hedidnothingwrong ago

Depends where, in France many whites hate arabs. However there are few blacks in France so people don't really care about them.

BlockMe ago

Few blacks? Paris is a African ghetto. Southern France is an Algerian/Moroccan ghetto.

hedidnothingwrong ago

Algerians are not black. Unless my english is terrible.

BlockMe ago

They're a mix of arab, Abyssinian (the old Ethiopian empire) and white Mediterranean blood. The last two came from the Islamic practice of sex slaves.

"White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and North Africa's One Million European Slaves" by Giles Milton.

Pellow was enslaved by the Arabs and this is a summary of his memoirs.

So, yeah, they're not black but they're not quite civilised either.

jthun2 ago

few blacks? You have to be kidding. Blacks are all over France. When is the last time you visited? I was in Paris and it was like Africa.

hedidnothingwrong ago

Paris is quite the exception, it's also very recent. With the refugees influx.

HeavyBrain ago

Wait there are FEW blacks in France? From my expereince they are allover the place.

Ok maybe not on the scale of the US but still.

markrod420 ago

this has been what ive been telling people. europe is about to get a lot more racist now that they have a random sampling of niggers coming in.

discoball ago


It's the same in upper-middle-class neighborhoods, such as those in California. They think that migrants from Iran or Somalia are exactly like the black or middle-Eastern kids they went to University with, because their worldview is sheltered and limited. That's really what it boils down to.

WhoaMan ago

There's an absolutely massive difference between Iran and Somalia

Schreiber ago

It's the same in upper-middle-class neighborhoods, such as those in California. They think that migrants from Iran or Somalia are exactly like the black or middle-Eastern kids they went to University with, because their worldview is sheltered and limited.

This, exactly, 100%. I know so many people who fit into this category!!

How do I redpill them? I feel like most does not care as long as it does not directly impact them. It's like those libtards in their gated neighborhood being oblivious to the nigger problem because they never actually see nigger thugs in action...

lanre ago

Also, a lot of the cultural outliers you might come into contact with take a long time to really get to know. For example, the nice muslim coworker you've known for years might believe in killing apostates or support honor killings of relatives, something that might not come up very often but when it does is a huge problem.

Schreiber ago

killing apostates or support honor killings of relatives

That's the irony. Libtards think those actions are wrong, yet they are bringing believers of those things en masse into their country.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

even the ones with some recent contact won't get it they'll blame religion, culture, etc. but these are lessons we've learned from decades of african americans, rather than the UK the bigger question is how the germans didn't learn this from the last 50 years of the turkish quarter given the statistics that come out of there. Integration broadly speaking doesn't work these subhumans simply can't assimilate to white society outside of the rare exception

Schreiber ago

won't get it they'll blame religion, culture, etc

That's part of it. But genetics play a factor too, it's just that many people would like to think that everybody is created equal, even when that is clearly not the case, they will continue to make excuses.

Look, I get it, many people know a Ben Carson or a Thomas Sowell from his campus but most niggers are NOT like that. They are the exceptions, not the norm.

NeoGoat ago

Many Americans only deal with minorities who have been allowed into the Ivory tower they live in. We are highly segregated economically, and this greatly reduces contact with the most violent, allowing many whites only a distorted view.

NastiN8 ago

Even when a white south african explains to them how they must live in fortified homes with electric fences and steel doors, they merely resort to calling them racist and refuse to believe. It generally requires a personal "red pilling" event to open people's eyes to reality, generally in the form of being mugged/burglarized or some other tragedy. Even then, many will continue to still deny reality. Some just can't bear to leave the Matrix.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

college age liberals basically

HeavyBrain ago

Germans aren't allowed to learn that lesson and those who do will be locke up, no matter if 14 or 89.

6Catfish-Ninja9 ago

You mean 1488

HeavyBrain ago

Its already happening, in fule force, just that one side can't or just doesn't want to accept it.

Cannibalguy ago

This title reads like a joke. Anybody got a good punchline?