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Holonomic ago

You answered your own question.

throwawayplease ago

Thought I'd give the Eurocucks a chance to give their opinions--those with a VPN of course.

notenoughstuff ago

Is this answer good enough?:

throwawayplease ago

Found the lunatic

notenoughstuff ago

So no counter-arguments? Just shilling?

throwawayplease ago

There is no counter-argument because you're arguing with yourself. Everyone but you is well-aware this thread is about contemporary events. Notice how nobody mentioned Hitler but you. Nobody mentioned him because not every discussion is about Hitler. The world has moved on since the Roosevelt administration. If you are compelled to discuss a German Chancellor's view on race you could at least discuss a Merkel's. I know "it's the current year" is an overused meme but you dont even seem to be aware if is in fact, the current year.

notenoughstuff ago

No, I am not arguing with myself at all. And it ought to be clear to you that the point I am bringing up is extremely relevant. But maybe I am mistaken in that it ought to be clear. The point (and question you asked) is WHY "Europeans have such a naive, childlike view of race" these days. It wasn't like that at all in the past, and in many ways the reverse compared to the USA, and the USA clearly has (apart from the JQ and the like) the majority of the blame for this situation. And you seem to evade this extremely relevant point and argument. Do you truly not see that point already? And talking about contemporary events is meaningless for the point and argument, for the point and argument answers the question of why contemporary Europe "has such a naive, childlike view of race".

If it is because it is "too painful" for you or something stupid in that direction, then stop being a bloody fucking faggot and get on with it.

throwawayplease ago

Okay eurofags are emasculated cucks ready to bend over to hajjis because........jews and ww2. And Hitler was ........ something. And of course a youtube video to top off this bullet proof argument.

notenoughstuff ago

But you still smell a lot like a shill. And a throwaway account?

throwawayplease ago

I don't know if this is more of your sarcasm or not and I don't care either.

notenoughstuff ago

No sarcasm there. And you know that well.

throwawayplease ago

Just another hackneyed insult then, okay. And no, your thoughts are extremely scattered and disorganized. I still can't make sense of your argument.

notenoughstuff ago

No, they are not the slightest bit scattered and disorganized, and you know that very well. And you continue to lie fully intentionally, which is extremely ruthless of you. I am getting the impression that you are indeed a kike. You would have been more believable had your account not been a newly created as well as obvious and clear throw-away.

throwawayplease ago

Calling people a kike, now? Very original. That's something kike would do. Kikes are often schizophrenic, an affliction you clearly suffer from. putitout PM'd me and traced your IP address to a synagogue.

notenoughstuff ago

If you are going to kike, you need to keep your cool, Schlomo. But then again, it would be better if you had at least a little bit of respect for yourself.

throwawayplease ago

I'm not even clicking your dumb links. I'll have the hate speech police click them to determine if your guilty of hate crimes.

notenoughstuff ago


It is "you're", as in "you are".

throwawayplease ago

Damn you jews and your High IQ language skills.

notenoughstuff ago

throwawayplease ago

Get the last word, you win!

notenoughstuff ago

I'm mostly just sharing images and videos at this point, and encouraging you to have respect for yourself. But it is ultimately your choice.

throwawayplease ago

You're not sharing it because no one is clicking it. Except for the hate speech police.

throwawayplease ago

No. Just hope your defense attorney is not Jewish because he'll be reading these hate crimes you are committing.

notenoughstuff ago

I really must have triggered you, you are in full "shut it down" mode. You are aware of which website this is, right?

throwawayplease ago

You are aware of your government can arrest you for saying mean things on the Internet right? Let's see who the real kike is. The person who makes the most hateful, anti-semitic posts is not the kike. I'll start.

I hate kikes. All kikes need to be put in ovens. I masturbate to Anne Frank's corpse. I love dead kikes.

Ok, your turn.

notenoughstuff ago

But Schlomo, as you are perfectly well aware, I am not interested in whether it is mean or not, but whether it is true and relevant or not.

Can the human species survive without truth? If the Jews were to "win", and they kept sacrificing truth, systems that build and protect truth, and the systems that protect the former systems, etc., would the Jews or anyone else be able to survive?

One cannot take the survival of the human species for granted, at all.

throwawayplease ago

Lame. You're a coward and a likely part kike. They go hand in hand. You're jealous my family gassed Jews while yours cowered like a bitch with the French. I got pics of Auchwitz to prove it. you got seven-grade trolling.

notenoughstuff ago

Are you attempting to change shape right now? Or just doing so sarcastically?

But the Holocaust is, as far as I can tell, not real. And on that note, I still cannot get over why you stabbed Poland in the back recently, with "Polish Death Camps". All for some gibs? Many Poles gave their lives for you doing WW2, and they hosted Jews for centuries: Why betray them?

throwawayplease ago

It did happen. Only quack conspiracy theorists living in their moms basement think it didn't. Brave and heroic men committed it. But the UK government would love to know about your holocaust denial.

notenoughstuff ago

I get the impression that your integrity and being was destroyed very early on, and that you now hate and despise anything and anyone that still has or have (re)gained integrity. And you do have a point in that it is a major failure on the part of the human species to allow such wretchedness and evil to exist. But you are not absolved of your individual responsibility.

throwawayplease ago

Pseudointellectual gibberish. Hallmark of Jewry. Come on, tell us about holocaust denial. would like to know.

notenoughstuff ago

Were you raped as a child? And/or have you raped children yourself?

throwawayplease ago

How original. Come on, I'm interested in holocaust denial. Don't run with your tail between your legs you coward. Tell us about holocaust denial.

notenoughstuff ago

The questions were sincere, and I fear the answer to at least one of them is "yes". But do see

throwawayplease ago

Boring Seventh grade shit. Tell us about holocaust denial and stand up to the Jews. Come on, stand up for yourself goy.

notenoughstuff ago

Calls me a coward

Is too scare to even consider the links, images and videos I shared or my arguments

Literally tries to shut me down and threaten me instead of engaging in debate and having the slightest bit of respect for themselves

throwawayplease ago

You are a coward

Your arguments are incoherent

Literally proving you are a coward

notenoughstuff ago

Yet you know well that your descriptions fit you and not me. See also

throwawayplease ago

ah Pee-Wee Herman's "I know you are but what am I?" argument.

notenoughstuff ago

Yet it is fully accurate and true, and you know that.

throwawayplease ago

I would get a VPN if I were you

throwawayplease ago

Your kike grandfather is my lampshade.

throwawayplease ago

You are emasculated.

throwawayplease ago


throwawayplease ago


notenoughstuff ago

Just more spam?

throwawayplease ago


notenoughstuff ago

More spam?

throwawayplease ago


notenoughstuff ago

More spam that does not contribute.

throwawayplease ago


notenoughstuff ago

Still more spam that does not contribute.

throwawayplease ago


notenoughstuff ago

Spamming replies that do not contribute to the discussion.