Bfwilley ago


IlIlIlIl1Il ago


SChalice ago

madmardigan ago

Nobody. Voat shouldn't deify individuals. No man so great he is without fault, none so wicked he is without worth.

1True_Morty ago

Except Rothschild. Fuck that guy.

madmardigan ago

Could be his value is being a monster to show the world what we have to fight against.

Doesnt_Matter ago

JohnCStevenson or whoever that fucking retard is.

Bigz_Sarducci ago


totes_magotes ago

Me, you motherfuckers. It's because of me that y'all get your fucking privilege checked.

Which, by the way, none y'all thanked me for protecting your bits.

1True_Morty ago

That's just an excuse to fondle my bits, you digital pervert. I know your game.

totes_magotes ago

And yet here you are. I think you like it.

1True_Morty ago

I've been found out.

totes_magotes ago

Aye. Sorry man

albatrosv14 ago

And people still are duped by women, even if women are here like only tenth of population.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

@middle_path for working to grow an obscure subverse and for thoughtful, well-reasoned comments.

crazy_eyes ago

prairie ago

Nigger faggots, because without them why would we be here?

JohnJones ago

without all of us the site wouldnt exist either. Putt is the best though.

A_Real_Cause ago

Fuck all you D:<

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

Nobody says @derram or @go1dfish Fuck is wrong with you drama babies?

Itsdone63 ago

That's good shit disturbing, son.

heygeorge ago

Yes... It's very strange that someone who comments nearly every day commented.


What I notice is that you have nothing to say as far as a response to @goatsandbros question, nor does myg. Nice work!

Free_Breast_Exams ago

I"d nominate myself. Mostly because I'm still growing as a person.

DietCokehead1 ago


GrapesOfWrath ago

Toss up between @ESOTERICshade and @BlindSpotOfShade for sure.

TheTrigger ago

Myself, because fuck you.

RapeKathyGrifinAgain ago

I don't know that he's said he's Jewish and that wouldn't make any sense, even if he was, because it blows his cover.

But Atheists are the absolute worst bargain bin of human character. Worse than trannies. If @crensch is atheist, he's a blood belching vagina.

middle_path ago

It's really funny watching you all consume each other.

middle_path ago

I don't see how this applies in the least to what I said.

RapeKathyGrifinAgain ago

That's because your sense of humor has been hollowed out by your devouring ego.

middle_path ago

You're trying way too hard right now, homie.

RapeKathyGrifinAgain ago

Ah ok. I'll just bring it back to simpler times:

You're a gay nigger

middle_path ago

Ah yes. There it is.

RapeKathyGrifinAgain ago

It's a classic!

Crensch ago

Yes, I'm an Atheist. No, I'm not a Jew.

9-11 and Amalek are really not the greatest bedfellows, IMO.

TheTrigger ago

Okay, Time Magazine.

jaceame ago

According to the nominations it sure as fuck isn't me.

Clinton-Warren_2020 ago

Why aren't I 50 points ahead you might ask!

Wowbagger ago

The Jews. They're really popular here. Can't go to a single thread without them being brought up.

1True_Morty ago

Case in point, this kike above me.

ExpertShitposter ago

Check this afghan war video + song:

ExpertShitposter ago

bosnians were Christians that ware conquered by ottoman empire and told convert or die.

not real muslims.

ExpertShitposter ago

Also, just because atko is fomr bosnia doesnt mean he is muslim.

Bosnis consists of:

  1. Christians

  2. orthodox Christians

  3. muslims

Fooj ago

ITT shills shilling shills of shills.

Subtenko ago

The guys who wrote the archive and hooktube post, especially the archives with the screenshots attached

TheElusiveSage ago


That angry Jew is fucking hilarious to rip on.

NotHereForPizza ago

Always thought @kevdude was cool

Redditsdead ago

He's an asshole at times but an asshole we need.

NotHereForPizza ago

Aren't we all?

Redditsdead ago

We don't need pedophiles like Hecho or Aged.

11183834? ago

Speaking of why is hecho a mod for traditional wives?

Redditsdead ago

That's his spoof sub. The l at the end of tradition is a capital i.

11183938? ago

oh good but god damn it

ExpertShitposter ago

If you were any kind of christian, you would wish happiness 4 me as long as i dont damage the world . but you are just like the isis ulim jew faggs

fucking radical.

helil freddome and hitler and hrock and roll

TopNotchShitposter ago

Amalek, just cause I like to watch the world burn.

1True_Morty ago

Amalek, praise be his light.

Ina_Pickle ago

MaunaLoona ago

I'd nominate you, CANCEL-CAT-FACTS and DietCokehead1. And goldfish.

Horizonprinter ago

I would put my last dollar on @henrycorp.

goatsandbros ago

That's enough to buy a thousand shitty commie posts from that faggot. You don't have to splurge like that.

ExpertShitposter ago

I enint mad thož! I am drink! i happy"!! Go to church mr boring faggg!!

ExpertShitposter ago


armday2day ago

ExpertShitposter ago

0rion ago

@JohnCStevenseon aka JohnCFaggot

Don't ask me why, but I admire his persistence. Even though he is King of All Faggots and should immediately kill himself, you have to give him props for keeping it up for this long. He's one of those shills you just love to hate. He is ours goats, love him or not.

piratse ago

I nominate myself, because...... I'm needy I guess. JK. I wouldn't vote for a single person. Half this site is retarded teens, the other half are all good to have around for meaningful debates/discussions.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Celebrity is for Jews, let every comment be valued on it's own merrit, not biased by the name of the commenter.

11183833? ago

This is the correct response

AmaleksHairyAss ago

kinda self-serving there innit?

middle_path ago

That's the one.

tendiesonfloor ago

No individual here is more important than the rest of us.

1True_Morty ago


littul_kitton ago

It's a toss up between Loretta Lynch and Anthony Weiner. Their thoughtless antics were the torpedoes that finally sank Hillary Clinton.

JonReeeeed ago

not me, i'm a faggot

8_billion_eaters ago

It's gotta be KosherHiveKicker. I can see the headline now:

KosherHiveKicker selected Voat Person of the Year, JEW MEDIA SILENT!!

0rion ago

Look at all the kike downvotes for those who nominated him.

This man is doing God's work! I nominated JohnCFaggot in another reply for laughs. But if anyone TRULY deserves Voat Person of the Year, it is @KosherHiveKicker, no competition. May we slay juden in battle together one day my brother. Deus Vult!

8_billion_eaters ago

Next year in Jerusalem! (yeah, I done stole that adage from da jooos)

baneofretail ago

GoatsnHoes1 ago

I love @empress. She does great posts and gives great advice


She is truly an Empress in real life.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Donald Trump

Lag-wagon ago

Groomzilla ago

@KosherHiveKicker and it's not even a contest

KosherHiveKicker ago

Thank You for the Voat.

IMHO We should all Voat for Putt and Crew for making this site possible for us to use.

Secretly_psycho ago

uvulectomy ago

The only thing pedos deserve is a bullet.


MH101 because it's funny now that it's gone.

zak_the_mac ago

I haven't seen @dietcokehead1 mentioned yet

11183830? ago

Probably a reason for that

goatsandbros ago

Remembering that it doesn't have to be a good person, just a notable one, I'd say @henrycorp. Fuck you, @henrycorp.

OhBlindOne ago


All's well and good, until people start trying to look back >2 years from now when the sites/articles may have gone down/changed.

hypercat ago

Yep. My vote is for derram. Plus the cute anime pics on the bottom of the posts. <3

1True_Morty ago

I think they're mostly Chris-chan.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Came here to say this.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

James Woods or Julian Assange.

Ina_Pickle ago

I second all the nominations for @amalek . He has risen.

ToTheMoonAlice ago


just because. :)

11183820? ago


bourbonexpert ago


SyriansAreTerrorists ago


bambou1991 ago

Highly Paid Orgy Pro. This year and all years.

2dlapse ago

Making out with a butt this weekend?

National_Anthem ago

You realize HPOP was a radical homosexual that SRS tried to make popular here? When it came out he had HIV he left.

Mr_Wolf ago

kind of surprised that isn't more known if true.

11183827? ago

It's not, hpop started to get shat on by the troll traditional community

middle_path ago

Don't care. They were entertaining and didn't stir any shit.

Ina_Pickle ago

Every post was literally about his anal fixation...

middle_path ago

That's the joke.

Ina_Pickle ago

Oh I got the joke portion of your comment. Laughed even. It was the "hpop was entertaining" bit that left me questioning your sexuality.

middle_path ago

HPOP was a girl, so I'm not sure why ot would make you question my sexuality.

Either way, it's not like I was beating off to the posts. I miss when sites we're politicized mudslinging and people posted about dumb shit. I loved the chans back in 2008 for the same reason.

It's was all just stupid silly posts. Now everything is so polarized.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago



Germ22 ago

didn't stir any shit

I think that is what he literally did.

Ywis ago

Hopefully everyone douched first.

TheElusiveSage ago


middle_path ago


J_Darnley ago

I nominate Germ22 for that comment alone.

National_Anthem ago

Well I care because that indicated why he made such mentally ill posts, and even more wild is people on this site pretended to like it. I think that was just SBBH tho.

His presence alone was intended to stir shit.

middle_path ago

You're so butt hurt over a poster that quit like a year ago.

I wonder what it's like to go through life taking words on a screen so seriously.

National_Anthem ago

I don't even think about that poster. I just saw this person bringing it up.

Why would an HIV positive liberal fuck hole be the mascot of voat for the year? Explain that one to me ole middle path

middle_path ago

I found his/her posts entertaining. It was a fun break from the constant political content.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Oh that's right you want this place to be SJW LGBT positive like reddit.

middle_path ago

Not positive and not negative. I want everyone to have their say, don't care what it is.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

You want any right-leaning discussion board to subvert to social justice and leftists homosexuals. It's totally not a slippery slope, is it? If you want manufactured content and political discussion that suits you better, try /r/politics.

middle_path ago

Your "with me or against me" attitude is hilarious.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

So is your shilling.

middle_path ago

What am I shilling for and who is paying me?

Amalek_Incarnate ago

You shill for free because your ideology has convinced you that you are required to. Homosexuals will not be a part of the right, sorry buddy.

middle_path ago

So, you don't know what a shill is.


I don't think he's a shill I think he's a tranny on the inside who hates himself.

Could just be retarded though too.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

Of course I do im talking to one right now. Someone who wants to normalize homosexuality on the right is a total shill. End of story. Maybe since CTR got shut down you aren't getting paychecks but you still believe their philosophy.

middle_path ago

I Know there is nothing i can say to make you think otherwise, but your comments are truly hilarious. Remember, the internet is serious business.

Cheesebooger ago

JohnCSteveson just for pure fucking spite and to sike him out haha

TheTrigger ago


FreeToLive ago

@Middle_Path cause of his thought proving posts.

piratse ago

LOL he's wrong like 70% of the time.

middle_path ago

About what, pacifically?

piratse ago

I'm counting this on the spread sheet of wrongness for you.

middle_path ago

So, you have nothing at all.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Well, you are a fag....

middle_path ago

Are you asking me out, sweetie?

middle_path ago

That fence sitting faggot? Nah.

FreeToLive ago

@PeaceSeeker cause of his hard work with the port



Alwaysmakingprogress ago

I figured “Hitler, just like every other year,” would be the top answer.

crazy_eyes ago

But he lost

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

The wrong side won

Germ22 ago

and it took the whole world to bring him down.

crazy_eyes ago

Good point

LionElTrump ago

He lost bigly and the victors wrote the History books

Pawn ago

I nominate Amalek

JohnJones ago

all of us

Wowbagger ago

Are we a damned Hallmark movie? :-D

MrKequc ago

Donald Trump, he's person of the decade really.

tippyc ago

Wouldn't be OP, because he's a fag.

MyWaifuIsNotASlut ago

tbh that ought to put them ahead in the running. I'd expect the winner to be a top tier nigger faggot

GrandmasWarmPie ago

Takes one to know one...

ExpertShitposter ago

This is true.

TheonGreyjoy ago

Sure, why not?

JJNova ago

0fsgivin ago

This true because he demonstrates how voat values free speech.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

BlackGrapeDrank niggas

Lt_Gonville_Bromhead ago

Empress or Putt.

gabara ago


DangersDad ago


middle_path ago

One of the shitposters, don't care which one.

Secretly_psycho ago


MightyYetGentle1488 ago

That pill junkie who jacks off to pedo porn? Yeah good luck with that

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Me, on my other account.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

What's your other account?

Morbo ago


Spaceballs-1 ago

White_Phillip ago

that dude?

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

this comment thread reeks of SRS goon faggots. Everyone is on a 1 month old account. Empress probably has a huge dick but you guys are fucking shills


No, @Empress is the real one. I think you are referring to me.

PM for proof.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

Are you a housewife with a huge dong like @Empress ?



National_Anthem ago

could say the samething about you, 2 year old account without barely any activity. Looks like a sleeper account.

And no Empress has a tiny dick, started hormones early and didnt develop puberty.

RapeKathyGrifinAgain ago

ewww why do you want that taking up real estate in your head???

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

Thanks for outing your shill accounts, if you could reply with a few more it would be nice to block them all. Kys goon

Ywis ago

This is my shill account

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago


NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

I have posted at least weekly since I made this account. What's inactive about it? You on the other hand just made your account

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

I do more to point out SRS than any other Goat combined. (i notice you edited that part out)

I made National Anthem because SBBH keeps brigading my normal accounts into the negative which greatly restricts your speech here.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

You use 3 accounts to shill your own thread. Fuck off goon. You are changing accounts because you don't want to be downvoted on your shill accounts until they are muted.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

i use this one and national anthem because the 10 comments were used up. Take a look at my CCP too because clearly I don't give a fuck about upvotes.

What the fuck triggered you so hard, you like trannies or something?

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

your comments are straight from the cointelpro handbook you dumb jew

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

the irony is totally lost on you but so are yours you reddit kike.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

Just went through your comment history and noticed that you use your alt accounts to shill every thread you post in and upvote yourself and downvote other people. go back to SRS goon

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

You really are a fuckin moron, I dont shill anything I post. If i have to switch accounts its because i waste my ten comments each day talking to fuckin shills like you.

go back to SRS goon

I don't post in /v/SoapBoxBanHammer but thanks for the invitation

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

you have to switch accounts to shill more effectively. Quit trying to act like I am talking about soapboxbanhammer. You know exactly what I'm talking about you basement dwelling goon.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

SBBH is SRS you dummy

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

no it's not. SRS is shit reddit says, that stupid goon SJW cult. You aren't clever.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Call me what you want but you literally just defended SRS on Voat. Begone shill.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

no one even uses soap box ban hammer. I'm referring to SRS, the basement dwelling faggots that infiltrate forums by cointelpro shilling. like what you're doing right now.

Go back to SA or whatever faggot hugbox you came from

Amalek_Incarnate ago

you are using the cointelpro handbook right now.

no one even uses soap box ban hammer. I'm referring to SRS, the basement dwelling faggots that infiltrate forums by cointelpro shilling. like what you're doing right now.

That's literally everyone in /v/RidersOfTheReich, /v/SoapBoxBanHammer, and /v/SoapDoxBanHammer. Hopefully lurkers are bright enough to check for themselves instead of trusting vote brigades.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

No one is brigading other than you, faggot. I'm referring to the places that you kikes gather outside of voat. Quit trying to point the finger at subverses like the problem is on the website and not coming from outside. Your end goal is to attain moderator positions on this site. It's pretty obvious you fucking shill.

You are using extra accounts to upvote every comment you make. Obvious cointelpro shilling. you might want to delete this comment chain rabbi

Every time I accuse you of something you just accuse me back, it's forum shilling 101

Amalek_Incarnate ago

there is factual evidence ive been brigaded and not by myself. I can't even downvote.

You are using extra accounts to upvote every comment you make. Obvious cointelpro shilling. you might want to delete this comment chain rabbi

I havent voted on anything except a few comments in here that arent mine. You are delusional and cant prove anything, you just want to find a way to discredit me because this site has censorship and SBBH controls who is censored, just like they do on reddit in SRS.

Your end goal is to attain moderator positions on this site. It's pretty obvious you fucking shill.

..hahahahah. No you have me confused with the ProtectVoat shills and co-opposition.

All people have to do to see im correct is click a few links here and there. Good bye shill no more 10 daily comments used for oyu.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

Every time I accuse you of something you just accuse me back, it's forum shilling 101

You are the SRS shill, you can't turn it around after shilling this whole thread retard

RapeKathyGrifinAgain ago

Wait....the black tranny gets the most upvotes?? Are you T_D fags seriously this strong in numbers here?


She's not black, I'm the black one damit.

God fuck just because our name shares a word doens't mean we are the same person.

RapeKathyGrifinAgain ago

Oh that's right, I'm sorry Butthole_empress.



Finally someone believes me lol.

Heh, never imagined I would be confused with you I find it amusing though I'm sorry for all the annoying tags you get.

11182515? ago

It's fine. That's why I thought you were trolling me at first but once I found out who you were it stopped bothering me.


LOL yep u were surprised!

I'd still love you if you were a tranny though. Platonically of course.

11182685? ago

Yes, I was surprised but it was a happy surprise.

National_Anthem ago

Remmeber to separate the SRS T_D shills who took over that sub from actual trump supporters.

Trump supporters lost control over that sub a long time ago.

RapeKathyGrifinAgain ago

Sorry, but duh. T_D has no fortitude to call out the Jew cabal and is retarded to race reality. Most Trump supporters I'm friends with/related to are at wits end with black culture, are very glad the black tranny is out of the whitehouse, and would not be welcomed on T_D.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Sorry, but duh. T_D has no fortitude to call out the Jew cabal and is retarded to race reality. Most Trump supporters I'm friends with/related to are at wits end with black culture, are very glad the black tranny is out of the whitehouse, and would not be welcomed on T_D.

That is exactly my point. SJW's took over the sub and pretend to support trump and get others to hate them. Same thing happens here

RapeKathyGrifinAgain ago

Nothing is real anymore. I fucking hate everyone and everything. Voat is a downvoting cauldron of betas and secret browns. Downvote me you fucking pussies. Black people are murdering, gib gobbling polyps on our society and trannies are the final harbingers of a culture in decline.

The black tranny is the most celebrated goat. unbelievable. Where's that relentless prick @crensch when you actually need him?

Crensch ago

Was off the grid for a few days there; what'd I miss?

Amalek_Incarnate ago

Hate to break it to you but Crensch is also SRS and protects pedophiles.

He is the goon Kev installed in PG after they purposefully spammed it then provided a solution to the problem they manufactured.

Empress isn't black, but is a trans.

RapeKathyGrifinAgain ago

@amalek_incarnste.....say right now, in no uncertain terms that you do not want Trannies influencing your children and society. Say right now that Trannies are mentally diseased sick sex mutants.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

they belong in my subverse, /v/TrannyDeaths.

They will never be normalized in my lifetime, guarantee it. No censorship on the planet will stop me.

RapeKathyGrifinAgain ago

God bless you!!!'

SaveTheChildren2 ago

Empress is a huge shill and larper. Obvious to anyone with more than double digit brain cells

GrandmasWarmPie ago

I just assumed he had some bimbo-submissive wife fetish.

SaveTheChildren2 ago

It's just some faggot ftm creature shill, shilling for fake internet points by posting stupid shit he/she knows will get upvotes here.

I guess in a weird way empress probably IS a female, but that's complicated.

National_Anthem ago

Without even opening this thread i already knew you beta white knight cucks were going to upvote that transgender.

I'd say it's @FuzzyWords

TheKingOfOphanim ago

It's usually transgenders that accuse people of being transgendered.

National_Anthem ago

That doesn't make any sense, these trannies try to hide it. Trannies dont turn on their own kind.


See Mighty you are just trying to always talk about trannies because you have an urge to dress up like a girl and put makeup on.

Be urself it okay

Obeastiality ago

I think they're making a play on the age old 'people who accuse others of people gay are gay'

GrandmasWarmPie ago

Bruce did.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

Good point, but im not brucey boy.

revfelix ago

They don't even know what their own kind is, that's why they're trannies!

goatsandbros ago

A pregnant transgender. You'd have to respect her nomination, and pronouns, with her having accomplished that kind of transition, stupid.

National_Anthem ago

you seen the sonogram? He is roleplaying as Ann Coulter basically. All trannies are role-playing by their very nature, some are more extreme than others. I know of more trannies trying to pretend to be conservative than the opposite. They want what they cant have.

goatsandbros ago

Alright I'll be thorough: What lead you to believe that empress is a tranny?

Amalek_Incarnate ago

Because I know many like him, and have since about 2012 when they started their online campaigning. (I'm National_Anthem btw but I'm limited to 10 comments a day and that can go by in 5 mins if i responded to more than 2 people.)

I've been confronting him about this since I saw what they were up to, think blair white. This website has tons of conservatives (or did at one point) and they have to infiltrate us. No question about it. So when i found out the actual coder for this website is a trans, and saw what Trigglypuff (a known SRS redditor) and Le_squish, another tranny, were doing I immediately saw it for what it was. They used to post much more sexual stuff like "if your wife doesnt suck your dick every day she isn't good" and shit that was totally not traditional. They want a monopoly on everything right wing, similar to how SJW's took over /r/The_Donald and larp as trump supporters. Trannies have been doing it on this site since the first day I came here after coontown was shut down and so was gasthekikes. I actually harassed some trannies off this website (@transbackpacker) so they found new methods to fit in.

Traditional Wives is the perfect way to do that, notice the inexplicable support for him even though he is just reposting shit from tons of trad wife twitters etc.

I'd say what lead me to believe it is the reaction from the known SBBH shills on this site to the accusation, as well as Empress reaction himself. It's more than clear it's just another LARPing sub like they all like to do (RidersOfTheReich, SoapBoxBanHammer, CouncilOfShitposters, ShitpostersTavern, etc).

Not to mention "Empress" is one of the top 3 most popular usernames for Tranny communities online (examples such as Lady_X, Empress_x, Dolly_x)

It makes too much sense that SRS trannies are trying to subvert the right here. If you look back at some of the old posts he made, it would be more obvious. There is also anecdotal evidence I have, I showed his profile and posts to a former transgender and they agreed immediately. It's a roleplaying SJW.

Trad Wife mods dont practice what they preach.


You've also accused several of my alts of being trannies, and they aren't.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

I believe you.

heygeorge ago

"You can just tell." -N_A

Amalek_Incarnate ago

speak of the devil lmfao.

heygeorge ago

A meaningless reply to me is your answer to @goatsandbros? Weak.

middle_path ago

Mayne she's ftf trans.



clamhurt_legbeard ago

Checkmate, biologists.

SaveTheChildren2 ago

Empress is a dude and everyone knows it.

sarrah ago

hey now! i didn't know it. don't assume anything!

Red0c5 ago


Its_over_9000 ago


piratse ago

Don't make the holder of the keys a celebrity. That's how it always goes wrong.

Its_over_9000 ago

Sure, but there's nothing wrong with praising someone who's worked their ass off for probably very little reward other than personal satisfaction.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

LMAO, site still has all of the problems it always did three years in. Compound that by by how he's actually increased censorship and created a safe space for pedos.

Ya, worked his ass off. What a fucking joke.