Online-Privateer ago

Learn to ignore users, lazy dumb parrot.

theoldones ago

aged is on record posting real photos of real children.

fightknightHERO ago

considering Aged is spamming /v/gaming with shitty low effort "fan-art" i'ed like nothing more than to see him and his fellow pedophiles

axed from the site, bunch of spamming little wretched rat-faced kikes

theoldones ago

dude was literally doing that shit 9 months ago and earlier. v/gaming is borderline annoying and useless because of loli spam.

fightknightHERO ago

all because putt refused to ban the fucker, if you simply look at what Aged is subscribed to i'ed axe him regardless

(lolicon is one thing, but literal pedophilia should NEVER be tolerated)

sadly Putt refuses to enforce the spam rules because of niggerKIKEfaggots in the gaming sub are shilling for "oh you want censor pedophiles? you're no better than the left!" is why Putt refused to act it on

a bunch of (((libertarians))) like Schreiber (who is an israeli Jew) are giving the argument of banning subversive users is akin to reddit faggotry

which is utter nonsense because it isn't "hate speech" or "censoring art"

we want to ban the faggot because A: he's a fucking faggot pedophile (probably a mossad agitator)

B:he's spamming the forum with low effort posts and his CCP looks (((inflated))) AF

C: same for the above, repeated breakage of rules, posts that always have negative upvote/downvote ratio (which means the community doesn't want see that shit)