15335296? ago

a certain (((media))) dealing in smut while importing a flood of 3rd world ignorant dregs ? @SmokeyMeadow @FuckshitMcDickTits ! @fusir @SandHog ? Pop culture has been pushing interracial breeding for the last decade. MSM kids recoil in horror if you say the word "nigger".

15336913? ago


15335131? ago

Which Voat community / sub thread is Most like Redd/Facebook retard communities... so far I see v/Canada , TopMindsOfVoat, v/subverserequest, v/progressive, Soapboxbanhammer, Chicongo, Anonpolitics https://www.voat.co/v/askvoatanon/2820138

14548605? ago

user 'New_goat' - a dirty terroristic supporting islamic

15335233? ago

(((media))) the commie globalist islamo and perverted Kike War Against Whites in Advertising ... https://www.voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/2881278

14335805? ago

and this shithead? @AllahuAkbarSH

14438903? ago

kikes and kebabs push degeneracy industries drugs, pornography? ....'The jewish porn industry is just a antisemitic conspiracy' https://voat.co/v/anon/2738386

14329626? ago

user @kneo24 is an arabian negroid

14438918? ago

Like a Story from a Video Game Fantasy? pooled of acid... a room where the floor has knives coming out of it... how/why do people believe this?! hilarious tales? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/2741557

14330305? ago

Womb Raider, it's amusing you love sperging out on 20 day old anonymous threads.

14439088? ago

are u down voting these posts? @WitnesstheSalt @Chiefpacman @Celestial_teapot ?? who says jew anon ?

14447614? ago

Chief here, not sure why I’m tagged or what you want faggot

14438930? ago

Annie Sprinkle? kikes and kebabs push degeneracy industries drugs, porn?organized cabal? doubt it. opiate of the masses...Drugs? Of course!!! Drugs long been used to force peopleto sexual slavery https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/2774406/14340568

14306674? ago

so @shadow332 the gay nergoid?

14306570? ago

both the kike and kebabs? they do it for the shekels @Sakusha @Humansized btw soap box hammer you guys fucking suck @friendshipistragic @9-11 it was so funny to see the soap infighting and guys like HeyGeorge aka Jew-Anon kick your ass

14314139? ago

We are living rent free in your head kid.

14439057? ago

ask soap box next time @Big_Willy_Wallace @Shilly_Mc_Shillface @wtfyouareanidiot they can explain

14546215? ago

Ugh this faggot again who randomly @s me and calls me a shill... What is it that i've done that makes you think about me at all, let alone suspect me of shilling? You must be a very sick, weird ass little faggot.

14315107? ago

who is Jew Anon?

14315400? ago

No. U.

14306407? ago

its possible waves of commiefornia degenerates may try take over once again? .... soap box mafia is sad now @L3D @EIMR @Professor_de_la_Paz tried selling their shit on reddit but this site voat refuses to buy any of their disgusting soddomite bullshit? @Fuckyounigger EIMR may be another jew nigger faggot? ' Voat is anti kike so naturally voat is mostly anti degeneracy' @looking4truth

14261935? ago

Can spot the fuckers a mile away and they always give themselves away. Kill the jews and the Palestinians, we can kill two birds with one stone, not much difference between a jew and a sand nigger anyway, or regular niggers for that matter. It is possible to hate the entire middle east, I do it with ease. The middle east needs to be a massive glass lined pit with no survivors. Since you are in africa anyway, might as well get them too, its cheaper and more efficient.

14262186? ago

voat will be infested will political BS @Fahrvergnaked @antiliberalsociety @SparklingWiggle @Landwhaleonline ? soon we will get lots of reddit style media links

14290671? ago

Hold on. How did I get tagged here?

14275548? ago

I'm Sparkling Wiggle and I am not a Jew, nigger, sand nigger, etc. Don't know what gave you the impression otherwise but kindly go fuck yourself and leave me out of your stupid shit.

14262223? ago

and what of Q anon, a circus ? @SmokeyMeadow @mattsixteen24 @Pluviou5 @hatecrime theater distraction?

14183997? ago

! Reddit tier modding : Smokatrez censors and bans SaufSoldat from / v / altright without any sub rules being broken. https://www.voat.co/v/anon/2756350

14439026? ago

bank that tax @GutterTrash @chags @Dr_No yo sheeeeit dindu

13985225? ago

Why do Jews hate White/Caucasian/European people so much? https://www.voat.co/v/askvoatanon/2615623

13953862? ago

My fellow white Americans....

14252602? ago

explain sbbh @Motoko Socal faggota? aussie trolls?or paid up shills

14252794? ago


14017374? ago

https://voat.co/v/milliondollarextreme/2736678/13999683 ' I'm less inclined to believe that there is a jewish conspiracy to contaminate white sexual-psychology than I am to note the obvious fact that jews are simply unscrupulous shysters willing to engage in any depraved and exploitative endeavor if they know it will make them some $hekel$. '

13894450? ago

Block me if I know.

14439006? ago

how many posts soap box ! @middle_path @goatsandbros @DeliciousOnions ? u dont pay the bankers?

13884426? ago

@blockme likes dogs that dog lover.

13895639? ago


13881235? ago

I seen those faggots. Also a push to sell the idea that palestinians arent worthless dogs, but i got news: its possible to hate the entire middle east. Not just possible, its reasonable! Fuck jews, fuck palestinians, fuck the middle east.

13898610? ago

Ya but you gotta kill them in proper order. First to last:

  • jews
  • saudis
  • pakistanis
  • syrians
  • iraqis
  • iranians
  • kurds

Missed a few but you get the drift.

13898804? ago

why did turkey go full retard in recent years?

14261955? ago

Turkey was always full retard. No one paid much attention to them because they weren't as bad.

13899111? ago

They were always IQ80 Muslim idiots. They just didn't have a loud ottoman president so they didn't make the news.

Hope they have a civil war between radicals and "moderate" radicals.

14260020? ago

turks were kinda half arab raghead to begin with @Stormisbrewing @Laserchalk @Charlez6 @mattsixteen24 kikes make the money from the porn and drug deals?

13880957? ago

Cryptomuslims on Voat are advocating for Sharia-lite 'Don't be fooled.' https://voat.co/v/anon/2658299

13979198? ago

@ilikeskittles supprts coal burners, oil drillers, keeps spamming nigger pornography

13980916? ago

He does it just to trigger you dumb racists. LOL

14439154? ago

dats racist !! @twee @hypercat @Traveler soap box down vote these guys ?

13981888? ago

lets ask @Fuckyounigger @whisky_cat @an_on77 @SanchezSucio is reddit's Serena steroid Williams an ugly negroid? by police stats.... Do Sheeboons commit more assaults, more theft, more crime than White Males and Yellow Males are they not just ugly on the outside more insane and dangerous mentally? ...if the USA is supposed to take every mexican, every brown, every afro negroid and every jihadi arab should there not also be Open Borders for Israel ??

14015582? ago

yes niggers commit more crimes... what's the chime for?

13983327? ago

Especially open borders for Israel

13885463? ago


14439134? ago

lol is this saying I’m a Jew?

14439747? ago

They are just retards. I called one of them a name once. Just ignore them.

I have no idea what this is about.

13883003? ago

I can confirm I am a 6'2" pure white 300lb man. I would kill myself if I was anything less

But I do appreciate you thinking of me

14260304? ago

Hey its rude to ping someone then they are jew spotting!

13948578? ago

'Pornography is a JEWISH WEAPON of Mass Control, zombification and pacification.' https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/2717798

13880967? ago

It was the great Voat Porn War and I just sat there masturbating. https://www.voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/2678960/13578810

13953731? ago

This is awesome! Everything demons do backfires on them! Although I shouldn't have replied to you - "study not evil, lest you be studied by evil".

13880735? ago

? @heygeorge @gabara @i_scream_trucks @KatHarzso the soap box nigger hammer has already arrived in this thread

13884411? ago

Don't ping me.

13881376? ago

Fuck you nigger. Gas the kikes race war now.

13884970? ago

!? @TheMagicBanjo @Trigglypuff @Rotteuxx @kevdude ...then poal meanwhile ....

13885390? ago

Anon faggots

13997118? ago

I don't understand why you're calling me out-but (and you can guess who I am here) I forgot my 2 previous passwords. I am not fighting for Israel. I fight for my family, our freedom, and the ability for each individual to have the chance to achieve eudaimonia-which necessitates freedom of body, mind, and soul.

I have a full past where I've known many people from many backgrounds. I can say that different groups of people have developed different cultures. Some of this is most likely biological. The cat interacts with humans differently than the dog, but they can all exist well together and successfully work toward improving their general well-being

My main issue is there is a well-connected international web that aims to develop a one world order and the general population is being lied to continuously about both the existence of this web and it's aims. For individuals to have the true ability to fully realize their potential we must not be lead in darkness.

13955683? ago

Wow, been looking up a few names on this thing. So what you're saying is, anyone that isn't a cucked christian for the jew is somehow a jew agent. You're fucking nuts, bro.

13953930? ago

You guys man. LOL death threats from you too, huh? Not very smart, bruh.

13880712? ago

I don't know if TrueAmerican is Jew or Arabian, is probably an illegal Mexi Nigger Taco "mestizo" "mulatto" @ilovejuices @WhiteMan @SukkhaMadiqqa @Hortance @ObamasPinkSock

13881192? ago

Oy Vey! Shut it down @SukkhaMadiqqa, the goyim know!

13880767? ago

Its hard to know anything...however I have never spoken to you!!

13880822? ago

who is HeyGeorge ?

14027813? ago

Hey George is the new IronFist...and btw SanchezSucio ...are guys like this street shitters, bots or ragheads? his post reads : https://www.voat.co/v/introductions/2740129/14026708 '

Jews did 9/11

White Genocide is real and caused by jews

Welcome to voat niggerfaggot. '

13881011? ago

20,000 Jews being interned pales in comparison to 6 gorillion who have been parasitically thriving in your economy for decades. https://www.voat.co/v/whatever/2725144/13880973

14305015? ago

They say plankO is a filthy diseased transexual iranian jew soddomite with an ugly rat rodent face ?? @Ajaxofbarbaria @CowWithBeef @Humansized @o0shad0o he's soap box smut merchant who tried to pimp out these ugly diseased drug ridden whores with AIDs ? one voat user caught a disease and had to pay a shit ton in hospital bills because of plankO and his drugged up whore ??

14305144? ago

Homo says what? Ok, I missed something here.

14306497? ago

Who is this?... and btw Did you know? many of the alt righters the neo nazi type nationalists turned out to be fake negroid turkish accounts on voat or iranian jews @recon_johnny there were fake hangouts in alt reich and hang outs in identitarians and play the "fellow white people" game, most of the guys who claimed to be old White Protestant old school White American Nationalists... well it turned out these 'white' smut merchants they were iranians or jewish type

14306649? ago

I am Q. I’ve been tagged at some point in these threads and finally decided to ask about it. You’ve tagged a whole bunch of people and I wanted to know why. I’m only here to shitpost, not make anonymous freynds. Ok, and copypasta spicy memes. You got me.

14439277? ago

shrugs https://voat.co/v/askvoatanon/2784409/14429063 Dunno. 'Snot my turn to watch 'em.

14439120? ago

copy spice Q then pasta jew anon ? @bourbonexpert @goatsshadow @WhiteRonin keep the down votes ... then you have the anime Reich insanity

14305102? ago

When somebody doesnt agree with you so you go to an anon sub to call them names.

14306313? ago

who is this and whats the point? islamics, white trashy the afro niggers and boomer jews try to destory the West with degeneracy and other shit political movements?

13880881? ago

How did i get on this thread?

13880869? ago

Nice. Not sure. But nice.

13953823? ago

Oh fuck you man. You're misleading people.....but I suspect everyone knows that. Thanks for uncloaking yourself, faggot!

13880709? ago

For those who can't read French- "I am a muslim and I love jews"

13946152? ago

this @sosat_menya_reddit is a raghead islamist apologist ?

13880810? ago

did someone call heygeorge? @TheBuddha Hey George est une chanson des Beatles parue en single le 26 août 1968 aux États-Unis et quatre jours plus tard au Royaume-Uni, avec Revolution de John Lennon en face B. C’est le premier disque des Beatles publié sous leur propre label, Apple Records. Composée par le seul Paul McCartney — mais créditée Lennon/McCartney, comme pour toutes les chansons du groupe composées par l’un et/ou l’autre —, Hey Jude était destinée à soutenir Julian Lennon, le fils de John, lors du divorce de ses parents.

Musicalement, Hey George se distingue, après quatre couplets, par une longue coda de près de quatre minutes (« na, na, na, nananana, nananana, Heeey George »), ce qui donne à ce titre une durée supérieure à sept minutes

Hey George, don't be afraid, You were made to go out and get her The minute you let her under your skin. Then you begin to make it better And anytime you feel the pain, hey George, refrain Don't carry the world upon your shoulders For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder Naaaaaaaaaaaaaa nah nah nana na naaaah nanana naaaah Heeeehey George!

14260074? ago

sbbh bullshit? @cosMICjester @nomadriders @vladtep @Wuttier !? is there an alliance between the kike and kebab?

14265929? ago

There's two types of schl0m0. The bleeding heart bolshevik elitist globalist & the zionist warmongering neo-con. I think the commie SJW kike loves slurping on the kebob. All of them need extermination.

14261388? ago

Only when it matters. For the rest, they fucking hate and kill each other. Hope they start killibg in larger numbers so we could gas the rest.

14260246? ago

Yes, long documented. Medieval Spain 700AD - 1492. Expelled from Spain and Portugal.