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13880957? ago

Cryptomuslims on Voat are advocating for Sharia-lite 'Don't be fooled.'

13979198? ago

@ilikeskittles supprts coal burners, oil drillers, keeps spamming nigger pornography

13980916? ago

He does it just to trigger you dumb racists. LOL

14439154? ago

dats racist !! @twee @hypercat @Traveler soap box down vote these guys ?

13981888? ago

lets ask @Fuckyounigger @whisky_cat @an_on77 @SanchezSucio is reddit's Serena steroid Williams an ugly negroid? by police stats.... Do Sheeboons commit more assaults, more theft, more crime than White Males and Yellow Males are they not just ugly on the outside more insane and dangerous mentally? ...if the USA is supposed to take every mexican, every brown, every afro negroid and every jihadi arab should there not also be Open Borders for Israel ??

14015582? ago

yes niggers commit more crimes... what's the chime for?

13983327? ago

Especially open borders for Israel