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13880712? ago

I don't know if TrueAmerican is Jew or Arabian, is probably an illegal Mexi Nigger Taco "mestizo" "mulatto" @ilovejuices @WhiteMan @SukkhaMadiqqa @Hortance @ObamasPinkSock

13880767? ago

Its hard to know anything...however I have never spoken to you!!

13880822? ago

who is HeyGeorge ?

13881011? ago

20,000 Jews being interned pales in comparison to 6 gorillion who have been parasitically thriving in your economy for decades.

14305015? ago

They say plankO is a filthy diseased transexual iranian jew soddomite with an ugly rat rodent face ?? @Ajaxofbarbaria @CowWithBeef @Humansized @o0shad0o he's soap box smut merchant who tried to pimp out these ugly diseased drug ridden whores with AIDs ? one voat user caught a disease and had to pay a shit ton in hospital bills because of plankO and his drugged up whore ??

14305144? ago

Homo says what? Ok, I missed something here.

14306497? ago

Who is this?... and btw Did you know? many of the alt righters the neo nazi type nationalists turned out to be fake negroid turkish accounts on voat or iranian jews @recon_johnny there were fake hangouts in alt reich and hang outs in identitarians and play the "fellow white people" game, most of the guys who claimed to be old White Protestant old school White American Nationalists... well it turned out these 'white' smut merchants they were iranians or jewish type

14306649? ago

I am Q. I’ve been tagged at some point in these threads and finally decided to ask about it. You’ve tagged a whole bunch of people and I wanted to know why. I’m only here to shitpost, not make anonymous freynds. Ok, and copypasta spicy memes. You got me.

14439277? ago

shrugs Dunno. 'Snot my turn to watch 'em.