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15354217? ago

This submission was linked from this v/ SoapBox comment.

15361292? ago

wut @aaronC @dayofthehope ?? @DietCokehead1 @Malagant nigga pluuuueaze ! Frogistan dark meme magic? France is literally the real life Blacked dot com, a global jew shitted smut website dedicated to pushing pornography and hateful Ethno-Masochism you rang? just exactly what is going on here?

15361372? ago

@x13 nigger IQ got censored @AdamLanza @Arrvee ! @robabo ? ? @wolfsktaag

15362067? ago

Women produce a sexual response because that's a hardwired response to reproduce.

Watching porn destroys that part of your brain and ends your genetic line.

Watching porn trains you to watch while someone else fucks the woman you want to fuck.

Watching porn trains you to see women as sex objects, not as mothers and wives to be loved and treasured.

Watching porn makes you docile instead of going out into society and being who you really are.

Women and men who are in porn are destroying you. ? ' Once they admit that porn should be eradicated, and once they discover the (((true nature))) of the (((industry)) ' ?

@Fcaf1202 @Tazzermalt ! @theoldones @Gwador its a crime?

15362084? ago

im not too sure about whats happening in this thread, but either you're all spazzing out on crack or you're bots, and frankly i'm not getting involved in this dumpster fire.

15362143? ago

((They)) get touchy dont ((they)).