I love this shithole. My tech skills are fairly meager but I would absolutely contribute monetarily and otherwise to Voat's survival or whatever can be built from it's ashes.
If you have any ideas/suggestions to BuiLd BAcK BetTEr post them. Example: I've heard of some anonymous/distributed hosting tech that could let a place like this survive, but I have no idea if they're really functional.
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con77 ago
id pay a small monthly fee to keep it afloat
qwop ago
Same here. I'd also be OK with reconstructing it elsewhere, but for that we need the code. Will Putt open source the code?
Come on Putt, at least post the code somewhere!
magpul ago
Its all in C# and its been posted ages ago once. Then people like "@sanegoatiswear" (negative 46 thousand votes!) , who i assume looked at the code, wrote client side javascript harrassment code not to "fuzz" harrasss, but to use javascript side to punk the forums (posting , voting, etc). I assume putt limited source distribution after that.
Fuzzing : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzing ,vs targeted harassment via looking at source code
offender ago
No it was limited due to people finding exploits in the code, but that's not even an issue because there's still unfixed major RCE bugs in the site.