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lepersbell ago

Decentralization/Federation is the only way forward.

And instead of Discord where we will inevitably all meet up and then get eviscerated all at once, we need more Element/Matrix/ servers that can host a few dozen to a hundred people each. That way when one pulls the plug there's another dozen or ready to distribute to until more servers can take their place.

alcogiggles ago

Ok how do we start? What do we need?

lepersbell ago

Dedicated servers under our physical control or at a location we can trust that won't get all jumpy at what their hosting.

Domains that will be troublesome to actually try to seize.

I've been looking into this for awhile now on a smaller scale for element servers for my own people. I just thought I'd have more time than a few days to do it and not on such a huge scale.

I'll start working on stuff after I get off-clock from work.

generate ago

if Bitcoin can work on blockchain so can we

SilentByAssociation ago

Interested to hear if you come up with anything.

lepersbell ago

Going to at least try to get it rolling:

we_kill_creativity ago

I just thought I'd have more time than a few days to do it and not on such a huge scale.

If you do this, don't be a perfectionist about it at first...just get something working so we're all able to keep communicating. Think basic, basic, basic...keep it simple stupid...that sort of thing. We can make improvements once we have something new establish.

lepersbell ago

You are correct, I've at least got something up quick and dirty. I'll start making improvements in the morning:

alcogiggles ago

Hosting alternative that I had in my files:

They do dedicated, co-location, and even anonymous domain purchases.

Cloudflare Alternatives (DDOS protection.): BitMitigate, Incapsula, Imperva, Akamai, CDNetworks, AWS, Fastly, Limelight Networks, EdgeCast, SwiftServe, MaxCDN and Sucuri.

CDN Alternatives: Stackpath (Also hosting)

qwop ago

Someone posted they are willing to donate hosting: