SumerBreeze ago

the word jew didn’t exist back then - there were many groups of different phenotypes that lived in those lands, which today are not considered jews. abraham and noah, for example, have no blood relation to the jews - even though these disgusting jews claim these ancient people as their descendants. history is distorted.

SumerBreeze ago

clearly you aren’t talking about the sadducees

anticlutch ago

more <jewish political ideal> than <supportive of illegal jewish state of israel>

Fuck off. False comparison.

xenoPsychologist ago

happy hannukah.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

The Roman Empire existed during the Roman Warm Period, when things got cold, the Roman Empire collapsed. Blaming Christianity for the plagues, famines, and barbarian invasions is flat out nonsense.

RicardoSanchez ago

Satanism is a religion for cucks and slaves of the Chinese government.

anticlutch ago


Nostra Aetate - "the first in Catholic HISTORY to focus on the relationship that Catholics have with jews"

I repeat;


iyskreem ago

We took all the good parts and incorporated it into a psudo-religious offshoot of English common law, as is the American way.

"embrace the culture our ancestors gave us" My European ancestors have been Christians since Charlemagne spread it across the continent. Not making any qualitative arguments here, but it is the tradition of my ancestors

SumerBreeze ago

the kike is strong with this one

voatergoateryoda ago

Every true Aryan knows I'm right. The Third Reich would also agree.

uranevilpos ago

how did christians beat pagans then?

voatergoateryoda ago

Pagans became christian in name only. Then their faggy emasculated children began to suck jew cock.

anticlutch ago

Hitler clearly stated Christianity is rooted in Europeans.

SumerBreeze ago

you sound like a kike

voatergoateryoda ago

I'm sure I do. Hitler must have sounded like a kike too based on your faggy kike logic.

SumerBreeze ago

hitler was israels greatest ally - he robbed germany of most of its wealth and transferred it to israel

maybe you didn’t read that part, but he had someone write a book in his stead to complain about the jews - so he must be antisemitic!

voatergoateryoda ago

You sound like a kike with that kike logic

SumerBreeze ago

Logic is an idea that you desperately need to study

NorthSeaPagan ago

Agreed, I made a rather extensive post going over the decline and fall of the West due to Christianity if you want to read it.

tablewalk ago

We regard it as historically false, morally infamous, politically contemptible and socially pestilential.

SumerBreeze ago

jews naturally do

Babadookk ago

cant agree more. once the monarchies were gone it became clear that they were the tide holding back jewish invasion, not christianity

Tallest_Skil ago

Congrats on exposing your year old account as a shill. You’re done. It’s over. Tip your fedora somewhere else, you fucking yid.

tablewalk ago

lol, Voat is ridiculous the way "shill" means "anyone who disagrees in any way"

anticlutch ago

Christianity is purely anti-jew.

Just because you're so retarded that you accept what kikes tell you to believe about it rather than discovering on your own doesn't change this fact.

voatergoateryoda ago

You worship a jew you fucking moron

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey goyim; truth is a matter of disagreement

Congratulations on exposing yourself, too. Truth is objective. Lies denote shills. If you don’t know why something is true; ask. If you continue to post lies afterward, you’re clearly a shill. It’s easy to delineate.

tablewalk ago

How does one come to know the truth?

Tallest_Skil ago

Empirical study.

tablewalk ago

And halfway thru that process, what kind of stuff does one say?

Babadookk ago

i dont understand. why wouldnt you agree that christianity has weakened the west? look what happened to the vikings after they converted to christianity..

Tallest_Skil ago

why wouldnt you agree that christianity has weakened the west?

Because it objectively hasn’t.

look what happened to the vikings after they converted to christianity.

What happened? Oh, right, they stopped sucking each other off and drinking semen and worshipping a guy who got tricked into being turned into a frog by his brother.

Octocopter ago

"Waaahhhh the West is dead and weak it wont do anything against the jewish plague WAAHHH someone do somethign so I can stop GLOWING WAAAAHHHHH"

Also this faggot" The west is not weak Christianity is not weak"

Suck off a shotgun you worthless glownigger.

Tallest_Skil ago

I can’t read

lol strawman I win now

[buzzwords only paid jewish shills say]

Congratulations. You’re wrong about everything you’ve said. Piss off if you have no argument and no refutation.

Octocopter ago

You constantly bitch about how the west is weak and will NEVER do anything, but now the west is not weak when it comes to defending your Pope sitting in a golden palace of child rape as he sucks jewish cock and tells all his happy followers to worship the globo-homo?

Anything wrong with that statement? INB4 you drop you wall of text shilling as you plug your ears and suck on a shit covered communion biscuit.

Tallest_Skil ago

You constantly bitch about how the west is weak and will NEVER do anything

Can you prove me wrong?

now the west is not weak

No one said this but you.

when it comes to defending your Pope

The pope has nothing to do with Christianity. Maybe if you’d actually read the New Testament you’d comprehend this discussion a little better.

Anything wrong with that statement?

Nope. You lack information and are screaming like a toddler about something you don’t understand. That’s all. Go educate yourself.

INB4 you drop you wall of text shilling

Thanks for admitting that everything I’ve said is fact and that you have no argument whatsoever. Cry harder, paid shill. Scream for me.

Babadookk ago

people hold the jews as chosen people. more evangelicals support jews than democrats. what am i missing?

Tallest_Skil ago

people hold the jews as chosen people

Not Christian people.

more evangelicals support jews than democrats. what am i missing?

The fact that evangelicals aren’t Christians, and for 1900 fucking years Christianity has stood against the existence of the jew.

6MAmZPaZ ago

Not Christian people.


The fact that evangelicals aren’t Christians,

Spot on. It's stunning how few people even here realize that Christianity has been the target of parasite subversion at least as long as White culture has.

For the record, the Christian Bible nowhere substantiates the myth that Jews are God's chose people. It is an abominable lie for which I doubt not eternal fire awaits those who have contrived and promoted it.

Babadookk ago

they are christians and once the monarchies fell the jews were able to kill millions of christians. christianity didnt save them.

the moarchies held back jews, not christianity

Tallest_Skil ago

they are christians

They denounce Jesus; they’re not Christians.

voatergoateryoda ago

You don't think the west is currently a weakened society of faggots and cucks?

Tallest_Skil ago

Sure is. Must be pure coincidence that this coincides with the complete collapse of Christian morals in social and political life, huh? Absolutely coincidental. Nothing to see here, you fucking goyim.

voatergoateryoda ago

Lol good one

SumerBreeze ago

you mean the anarchists who were easily defeated?

voatergoateryoda ago

This is not true. One example, the Vikings became the Normans in Normandy and had the best calvary in Europe and continued to conquer Europe (England) and as far as Turkey and Sicily. They "converted" to Christianity for political reasons. But they kept their customs. Unfortunately, the meaning of our customs were lost in time and replaced with the customs of jews and jewish slaves.

SumerBreeze ago

the jews had the first slave ports in viking lands. cohencidence?

maybe you were always a faggot cuck.

voatergoateryoda ago

Keep getting on your knees to suck your jewish saviors dick faggot

SumerBreeze ago

king of the jews, but not a jew by any definition, past and present

that is why the jews, like you, kill Him

voatergoateryoda ago

Strangely enough, my people had nothing to do with your faggot savior's death.

SumerBreeze ago

strangely enough, you side with the jews on wiping out christian philosophy - the only philosophy that calls out the shekel worshippers that your kin were slaves to

you were slaves to the jew before christianity existed

voatergoateryoda ago

You do realize that Norse Symbolism and religion is persecuted more than your faggy christian religion right?

Look up any of our symbols, they're all regarded as "hate symbols" via the ADL or any other faggy jewish site.

I also believe Sweden is now trying to ban Norse symbolism.

Look what happened to our ancestors who refused to "convert". Suck a dick you dumb faggot. Jews love christianity, it makes you all a bunch of jewish cock sucking faggots. They hate my Gods 1000000x more than yours.

SumerBreeze ago

how many norse countries expelled jews?

faggot cucks

voatergoateryoda ago

He's un-ironically exposed himself actually.