Diggernicks ago


Nukeisrael ago

Take your assplug

NorthSeaPagan ago

When the Protestant reformation and enlightenment spread across Europe the Jews saw an opportunity to gain power over not only the markets, but over the government itself, alongside the enlightenment leaders of Europe they would fight countless wars against the old order of Europe until eventually they gained a position of power in the Dutch Republic following the defeat of the Spanish and Austrian Hapsburg armies. From their position in the Netherlands the Jew would spread it's poison toppling and corrupting many governments, from the execution of King Charles I of England following their conquest of England under Oliver Cromwell, the French Revolution and the enlightenment revolutions of 1848. The Enlightenment Christians and the Jews had a shared interest and started to work together to topple and destroy Europe, they would gain control over the British Empire, the French Empire, the United States and their influence would be felt in all the nations of Central and Eastern Europe and with it they would pass their "reforms," the abolition of slavery and the granting of citizenship to the nigger, the raising of the age of consent, women's suffrage and the cultural revolution which would turn a once monogamous, traditional and moral Europe into a cesspool of degeneracy...

The values of Christianity that had birthed the enlightenment and allowed the Jews to gain total control over Europe and through it the world would start to devour itself, the degenerate egalitarian enlightenment values that were propagated through society led to the "death of God" as it is commonly called today, Marxism spread throughout the West and the very foundation of reality, genetics, nature itself began to be deconstructed and dismantled by the Marxist, egalitarian, enlightenment, Christian values. Following the first world war the last resistance (or so they thought) to international Jewry died, the Marxist revolutionaries destroyed Russian society, the Capitalist, Neo-Liberal (Frankfurt school) revolutionaries destroyed Western civilization and the decay of civilization became exponential, however, resistance still existed within some nations in the world, in Germany, destroyed and impoverished by the war, in Italy and in the East, in Shinto Japan and counter world order began to emerge, the enlightenment values which had destroyed civilization were (in part) rejected and a new resistance to international Jewry started to emerge and with it the second world war... however... it was not to be...

Following this last, horrendous war, the international Jew and enlightenment Christians (shabbos goyim) decided they needed to come up with a way to maintain power indefinitely and prevent any uprisings against the Neo-Liberal and Marxist order from ever emerging again and to do that they decided that any and all bonds to nature, blood and soil, needed to be completely severed, something that had been proposed before the second world war. They started indoctrinating and brainwashing the masses through Hollywood and mass media to believe that not only was it wrong to be Nationalistic, but that it was anti-Christian and evil, they pushed the notion that genes, that nature was a lie, that man was just a ghost in a machine, that all men were not only created equal in the eyes of justice (a false notion itself) but that all men were created equal in their entirety, that all difference were only due to difference in the choices of the individual and those around him/her. They then with that notion imprinted into the minds of the masses, began to deconstruct race, arguing that non-Whites were merely different due to life circumstances and culture and that we were all identical, that we were all "equal in the eyes of god" and that we were all the same, that any differences between individuals were entirely due to environment and from there they started pushing cultural Marxism... They would claim that the only reason non-Whites were different was because of the actions of Whites and that we needed to accept them into our societies and mix with them. They would completely dismantle our civilization, they would push for open-borders, they would push for wars across the world in the name of spreading democracy to the non-Whites and communists/capitalists and they would start their final push, the total eradication of Whites altogether...