Pooh_on_a_Jew ago


And it gets even better when they tell you "we don't permit plans for action, report it if you see it"

A few years ago @PuttitOut attempted to create a "Builder & Destroyer" system, was met with backlash, and then checked who was downvoting his posts and tried to make a "Destroyer" case against him

He's been more or less silent since then, only popping up when Voat is in the media crosshairs just to threaten people if they "get extreme"

whatsasecond ago

too accurate

enoughreddit ago

Hm maybe it's not that anyone fucked whites; maybe they just got complacent from the winning. Something to think about

AgentSakura ago

There is only action once you come to realize.

Find a way to thrive.

Do it

Catfishbelly ago

We need a real leader not a jew simp.

Obrez ago

Deprive your enemy of what he deprives you, deprive your enemy of comfort.

Media, communication, banking, and their agents in government and business.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

All it takes is one man. Go out and show the world you're there and others will follow. No one can or wants to fight by themselves.

BadMonk ago

pretty much nailed it.

Hipsterrr ago

I'm ready to go to the streets. I saw on here that shooting transformer boxes systematically is a good one..

any else you guys got? I'm serious. Glow niggers speak out too.

noob_tube ago

I've wondered about how easy it would be to splice into cable TV lines. Would they punish you as badly as if you cut down a utility pole?

Hipsterrr ago

more than likely yeah

I think it wouldn't be that easy but then again..

GovernmentShill ago

Fuck off and go join (((Atomwaffen))) you fucking nigger.

reason247 ago

... Take action huh? OK where do we meet up? Your place?

Nukeisrael ago

Put a SS hat on him. Put yeah, pretty much for 4 years the voice of reason has been telling these faggots that there is no political solution.

Duchozz ago

You forgot to put an actual glow nigger in there too but yes

Kingleopold2 ago

First, a white tax strike would be highly effective. Turns out that only white, asian, and Jewish men are tax positive. Which means that almost all tax surplus comes from white men. If half of us go on a tax strike thats almost half of tax revenue gone.

Second, it's time for disunion at the county level. Nearly every county in the US is red, save those in and around leftist cities. If they all band together and declare blue zones no longer part of the US, it's functionally secession and blue zones are fucked.

Both of these things can be done. Perhaps we need to form a new party to make it happen.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I get accused of living in Tel Aviv every fukn day, in spite of my rich comment history where I talk about living in Honolulu...I get accused of kikery in spite of my 100% pro-White, anti-jew rhetoric...I've even been called a nigger, which hurts the most.

Fat_is_healthy ago

If you're not calling for violence, they call you all sorts of shit. Theres no point in discussing your contingencies here. At some point one of these sperg lords is going to leave his manifesto here, go Tarrant and every alphabet boy and faggy tumblr autist is going to be combing this site for shit talk.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

The NSA already has bots crawling the web looking for keywords...we are all on a list for sure.

NOTE TO NSA: get fucked.

xenoPsychologist ago

and no amount of "i was too scared to call for violence" or "i said in minecraft" will protect us. they will literally lie to form an excuse to bring a "white supremacist" down, and the only requirement is being white. only revolution, which is completely justified at this point, will prevent our entire extinction.

the "legal" way didnt work. its just jew laws to protect them from justice while they jew us to death, so its invalid in the first place.

TheKnightOfGod ago

"go Tarrant": I'd watch that again :-D

Tarrant II

"I'm back bitches"

Doglegwarrior ago

They should have said trust the plan.

My action is going to be passing out flyers at holahox museums exposing the evils of mgm also known by the kikes as circumcision....

I'm not going to be racist I'm going to use their own tricks against them make it sound like I'm trying to help jews from mutilating their babies.

  Circumcision is an evil Jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits

burnthesenaziservers ago

"lets do acts of terror and become Y'Al-Qaeda" is what this meme is pushing for.

Honestly you all disgust me but don't pretend to be American if you follow this line of reasoning. Because its not reasoning.

xenoPsychologist ago

jew loyalists are the british loyalists of today. happy hannukah.

burnthesenaziservers ago

So you're not disputing that you all are discussing in engaging in acts of terror and violence against your fellow Americans? It'll be fun when you're put on a watch list/no fly list.

and a happy hannukah to you too. Happy Hannukah to us all.

xenoPsychologist ago

So you're not disputing that you all are discussing in engaging in acts of terror and violence against your fellow Americans

no, thats retarded. acts of terror is incorrect. and for some reason only applied to us by kikes when their own actions, siccing the nigs and antifa on us, is actual terrorism. weird how you are okay with that, but entirely against whites not being extinct. the enemy arent fellow americans, either. but, ya know, your pilpul.

It'll be fun when you're put on a watch list/no fly list.

are you retarded? just using this site and not being a kike infiltrator gets you on the kikes list. but you kikes dont have to worry about that.

so, you are already wrong. revolution against tyranny is even constitutionally protected and what we have is tyranny. hang the traitors. why are you so against proper justice being served to the enemy of the people, rabbi?

burnthesenaziservers ago

That's not how it works. That's not how any of it works. There was a war and the traitors lost, proving that's not how any of it works. So no its not constitutionally protected that you can just declare "help help I'm being oppressed" and start shooting people.

You might justify it that way in that brain of yours but just know that just makes you another shitty terrorist. And a pretty weirdly racist one at that.

Also you know there more ways to start a sentence then with the word retarded right? Good Hebrew tranlisteration though! Kudos on that. Had to turn to google for that deep track.

xenoPsychologist ago

There was a war and the traitors lost

to what war and traitors are you referring?

So no its not constitutionally protected that you can just declare "help help I'm being oppressed" and start shooting people.

obviously. but we have held out through actual oppression for this long without doing anything. there are obvious traitors still completely active and in control. its time to remove them completely.

You might justify it that way in that brain of yours but just know that just makes you another shitty terrorist

just according to the enemies of the people.

And a pretty weirdly racist one at that.

thats fine.

Also you know there more ways to start a sentence then with the word retarded right?

that doesnt seem to be a problem i have with anyone else. have you tried not being retarded?

shekelsniffing foreskinmunchers must hang for their crimes.

Aidan20 ago

Shills: don't vote Trump he's a kike

Also shills: lol Trump lost kikes win

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey you’re a shill if you don’t worship a proven jewish shill

Aidan20 ago

Ignore this shill. He always answers with this copypasta bullshit when he's defensive, but comes from leftist positions.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a shill because I can’t read your posts

you’re a shill because you posted truth that I can’t refute

you’re a shill because truth hurts my feelings

you’re a shill because I have no argument against what you said

you’re a shill because I have no refutation for what you said

you’re a shill because I don’t like what you said

you’re a shill because everything you said is against jews

you’re a shill because you want every jew on earth exterminated

you’re a shill because you say things jews are forbidden from saying

you’re a shill because I am too weak and cowardly to accept reality

you’re a shill because I am paid by jews to post here and I support white genocide, just like my ZOG emperor


Thanks for proving me right every waking moment of your life.

petevoat ago

You missed the CCP 50 cent army.

You're not new here, so why ddi you miss them?

Maat4u ago

Form militias

mikenigger ago

you forgot to include "trust the plan", those retards should kill themselves

Teledildonicist ago


AgentSakura ago

They are the ones poisoning people and raping kids not us if anything we are defending ourselves from invasion.

FacelessOne ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

Is voat dead? Seems kinda inactive last few times I've been here, AFTER a short break (autistic).

youfailme ago

Last panel is wrong, Voat user are much fatter and you forgot the fedoras.

Sarcasticus ago

What actions would you suggest people take?

yt4cz9 ago

Any asshole that wants you to Allah Snackbar yourself is a kike. You want to win, organize and invade. Be spies just as they are. Have our people on the inside.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Except that is completely impossible. Billions of dollars are spent every year to subvert and control any and all of those groups from the first day of inception.

yt4cz9 ago

...and yet they exist. You know why? Turns out people don't like to be genocided--especially white people. So what are you going to do? You going to sit around and whine or contact the Golden one on youtube to find out how you can help.

AgentSakura ago

The the golden one and a king maker.

Be legend

burnthegoyimhaters ago

I'm going to keep stockpiling ammo and seeds and working out. I will act accordingly when the day comes, I have a belief when that day comes, groups won't need to be formed, they will form automatically.

Boyakasha ago

You left out “Trust the Plan!”

joshafool ago

"Enjoy the show" is like telling someone to enjoy having their head cut off. It's now or never folks.

AR47 ago

Be that change you want to see then faggot.

All this negative shit of wHy WoNt AnYoNe Do AnYtHiNg?!?!?

Well show us how easy it is. I mean obviously we don’t get it and you do.

Gorillion ago


Also, fixed his shitty meme: https://files.catbox.moe/xcpa5b.jpg

Go draw another spastic-hands swastika on a synagogue, OP. Surely this time you'll be able to frame whitey!

xenoPsychologist ago

because extinction is much better than survival, no?

TheKnightOfGod ago

Mudslims would never say "okay" they'd yell Allahu Snackbar

RevDrStrangelove ago

Voat is the last place you should discuss any actions you intend to take.

AgentSakura ago

No where is safe for us.

albatrosv15 ago

Oh god, those right-wingers want to protest, van them!

Look at those innocent "mostly peaceful" protesters. Sure the destruction makes some cities unlivable, but it's all because of those right-wingers!

GhostBustedLip ago

12/23/2020 is the day.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that 11 days ago I said you will do absolutely nothing, and so will everyone else. And that today, the day you stated something will happen, you will do nothing and so will everyone else.

You lied. You were wrong. Again. You are always objectively wrong, because you are a Q-LARPer.

Tallest_Skil ago

That you will do absolutely nothing, and so will everyone else. Enjoy.

Bremertonbruiser ago

Your post made me laugh. But does Tallest Skil not do anything? Isn't he or she providing assertions based on sources in an effort to enlighten his or her comment readers? Skils' openness about his or her ideology has at the very least been a risk to themselves and their family. What has Tallest Skil said that is wrong? I will say that I disagree with defeatism but that doesn't make Skil wrong.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Let my comment history reflect that I occasionally agree with Tallest_Shill, and gibs the occasional upgoat

Bremertonbruiser ago

Coo bro. I'm struggling with the Truth right now. If I go nuts I'll let you guys know about it before I do. The path is forked

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Truth is relative to your proximity to Tel Aviv, goy

Bremertonbruiser ago

Well I'm trying to break the spell. Special thanks to Sir Ebral and Tallest Skil

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Tallest Skil will save us, while we do nothing to help him

Bigz_Sarducci ago

Voat is monitored by the alphabet agencies. So yeah we became the honeypot.

voatuser1128 ago

Do you think the FBI gets as frustrated as we are when Voat is down?

Mortifera ago


KingMortales ago

I keep seeing this repeated, but how the fuck do we know that?

Warnos44 ago

The canary died.

checkthenose ago

Don't forget that Voat used to have frequent donation runs to keep running. Then all of a sudden donations were no longer needed. Makes one wonder...

Warnos44 ago

Yep. I gave a little at the beginning before it was pozzed.

I wish things were different.

Fat_is_healthy ago

Apply for a passport.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

Say something that would get you a visit.

LuciusAM ago

You act like the white people on voat are more inactive than the general white population. They may have a different reason for not wanting to act, but all white people make up reasons to be inactive. It is going to be somewhat humorous watching the slow decent into minority status while normie conservatives rant and rave about who their "conservative" media tells them is the cause for their problems. I don't even feel bad for them after Thanksgiving where they vehemently told me not to dare question the sacrifice of all those Jews that died in the holocaust. This is what they deserve.

noob_tube ago

The weak will die and the only the strong will survive. In two generations all (the few remaining) whites will be 130+ IQ.

LegitimatePen ago

The smart people will be the main targets

AgentSakura ago

We always have been look up the book Kill the Best Gentiles.

Fence_sitter ago

That's not how it works.

TheKnightOfGod ago

White people were brainwashed to love or at least think kikes are victims. We should show them quotes of kikes saying they want to get rid of all white people: videos are even better but they are rare.

LuciusAM ago

Doesn't matter, six gorillion died so it is understandable to them that jews are bitter about it.

the_magic_man1 ago

What do you want them to do? Get a gun and shoot some random democrats?

New-World-Ebola ago


Rellik88 ago

Odds are any random democrat is a pedophile.

the_magic_man1 ago

I didn't expect a real answer. Voat is full of people demanding others to take action, big talk about 2A and civil war. Not 1 retard can come up with even the most basic plan.

lord_nougat ago

I read that in the voice of Peewee Herman

Rellik88 ago

Look here glow nigger. Voat is a website of peace. You'll find no (((plan))) here.

Tallest_Skil ago

Well, you will. You’ll just also find the truth, which is that whites will never act upon any plan.

mememeyou ago

saint Kyle shot 3 random democrats that turned out to be 3 convicted felons. -1 pedophile sex offender -1 convicted felon (burglary) -1 domestic abuse/strangulation/dangerous weapon...

TheKnightOfGod ago

Let's pray for Saint Kyle. "May he stay free and kill more felons"

New-World-Ebola ago

he could have at least made sure they all died

basedmuslim ago

Kalgeri is winning atm.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Kalergi, you dumb nigger.

basedmuslim ago

Umm, inkwell, sorry if I typo on occasion sweaty.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

You dumb roastie, Islam is right about women.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Bigz_Sarducci ago

HA! So true. Too many indians not enough chiefs.

Olivefigs ago

That is the plague of West, currently - too many Indians, indeed

drhitler ago

they literally stole the election and somehow you are going to use official channels to get rid of these assholes

ok then

Mortifera ago

I've been trying to tell people this for so many years. You can't beat the system by using their own system!

Duchozz ago

I dont think anyone believes that. Theres just no way to organize the revolution we want.

burnthesenaziservers ago

It's literally been proven by every court in the land that there is nothing backing it up.

It's literally been shown to have been a fair election.

Your statement is literally wrong.

PygmyGoat ago

You literally overuse the word literally. Are you from the Valley?

burnthesenaziservers ago

Sorry if I literally know how to use the word and you don't. There's this great thing called school.

And wow you picked up on that I used repetition for effect. Really proud of you.

PygmyGoat ago

Your attempt at effect is farcical and acerebral. Your feeble progressive narrative is amazingly stercoraceous at best. There is ample proof that the election has been rigged. The issue is most of the judges and other people in government have skeletons in their closets and are afraid they will be exposed, and some have taken bribes from various organizations.

burnthesenaziservers ago

Its really nice that you got a thesaurus for Christmas.

I like that its a progressive issue to say the middle of the road candidate won the election because the state and federal court systems have been presented with no evidence of vote tampering. Wow. Teddy and FDR would truly be proud of their legacy titles.

Also that's the most stupid and absurd argument ever. There's been around 50 lawsuits and they have mostly all been thrown out. There's been what three recounts in at least 2 states? So every official, including Republicans, who agree with most Americans, that Trump lost the election, is being bought? And its being kept secret?

This is the definition of a, to quote Trump, nothingburger. But hey maybe if you close your eyes and wish real hard you tinkerbell and santa can make your fantasies come true this year.

PygmyGoat ago

You don’t know anything about me or what I know. Go ahead and try turning this country into a CCP puppet state. You’ll be DRT. Your side will always lose in the end.

burnthesenaziservers ago

.... I didn't say I did? I really don't care about you at all tbh so THANK GOD I know nothing about you.

All I did was point out that you sounded like a dummy trying to use $10 words incorrectly and out of nowhere.

Also its spelled dirt

Tallest_Skil ago

What’s your point? No one will ever do anything.

reason247 ago

What is something we COULD do that would have a chance of working? As a side note have you seen 'new California'

dotesmcscrotes ago

politicians have addresses. you could mail them angry letters

reason247 ago

How to get on the kill list in one easy step.

Tallest_Skil ago

This is the only thing I’ve been able to deduce would work, and I explain why in the post. Also no; is that a reference to how it’s only 20% white now?

reason247 ago

Ha! Im tellin you goats. This guy is a gem. I actually have some repair experience on these systems. In my line of work sometimes when the 'call before you dig' guys get lazy and you punch the drill down through a fiber line you can shut off an entire town for days! oops. Nothing like delivering pieces and parts for that shit at 2:00am to a grumpy geologist and hearing a story similar to this one.

'Skil, I want to toss something your way on this stuff. I recently worked a job in Cali after the fires surveying power lines over huge areas after the fires. Funny thing is the state didnt give a fuck what the story was. The locals neither. The company didnt give a fuck either. No one cared what the info was. They didnt even want to hear about the stuff we had to say about it. Big... obvious... dangerous... stuff.

My question is WHO wanted that data. It was not who you thought it would be. Someone paid me 90 bucks an hour on a sweetheart contract to fly it though. I have a feeling that the stuff you were saying is going to happen. It will just not be done by the good guys, (whatever that is). Coordination is the real issue. One random fucktard does this and even if he is great at it... the effect will be local. Like always it is the informational logistics that is hard. Fight Club is an example of a way to get around it kek. That is what is really not in existence. The backchannel and the informational logistics. If it is out there I dont know where!

By the way, I like your profile pic. My favorite president.

voatusernamevoat ago

Yes, except you do what they've done, you buy all the crooked politicians and judges, control all the appointments, rig all the elections, you don't actually use actual voting: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3865869/24217561/

xenoPsychologist ago

yeah, if only the kikes didnt have all the money.

Olivefigs ago

Where are your billions of dollars, bro?

Shlarb123 ago

Imagine when you find out there was actually no election to steal because it’s all jewish political theater anyway, it’s always Red Jew vs. Blue Jew, there’s nothing to steal, we always lose.

Fence_sitter ago

Why did they so obviously cheated then if there are no difference?

etzefeck ago

did you not see the line he just said about political THEATER? all of this is probably being staged to rile us up they want us to see the cheating and fraud and rioting niggers

theshopper ago

Because they no longer need to maintain a facade.

onezeno ago

If that was true then they would have gone completely insane over Trump, rashly destroying their own institutions and power based just to oppose him.

Warnos44 ago

If they desire a one world government, they have to make the people no longer want anything to do with their own government.

Their power base is not the political theater you see. The puppet show has fulfilled its purpose and it's time for it to die.

onezeno ago

The federal government is doing more to destroy the American nation than any other force. DC is the capital of the globalist empire.

Masaze ago

They completely destroyed their own legitimacy with half the population or more, they never would have done that if it were as simple as red jew vs blue jew.

Legitimacy and respect for their institutions is what gave them power, it's why whites follow their laws

tourgen ago

Don't be a mouth-breathing retard. There is a very real difference in policies of Biden and Trump.

The real reason both Biden and Trump or left of where you would prefer is that the entire country is sprinting towards communism as fast as they can. The majority want this. They love equality, they love what the ZOG is doing for them (FREE GIBS) and they want more of it.

There is no one to wake up! There is no case to be made. You and people with your views are a tiny, tiny minority in a country filled with stupid, greedy Progressive Cult members begging to be the next sacrifice.

Start an isolated community of like minded people, leave the country, or do nothing and die behind a re-education camp / gulag. Those are your choices.

reason247 ago

Let's talk about this isolated community

tourgen ago

no thanks. do your own research. this isn't the place to discuss.

reason247 ago

Meh. Never found it. Been looking for years.

Olivefigs ago

Nobody wants “equality”, faggot frog

reason247 ago

Pffttt. Everybody sucks that dick where I a t.

Olivefigs ago

You sound illiterate and you live around lowlifes

Doglegwarrior ago

You are wrong. Jews brain washing using MEEAC MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT EDUCATION ADVERTISING COMPLEX, has really fucked people up. No one wants gibs and free money when they realize how pointless it makes life. I know this because I've been around rich spoiled people and they truly have meaningless lives. A life with usefull work helping your community that is not a diverse multiculturalism shit hole is what people what the problem is the jew using communist bolshivik tactics have destroyed the American dream their weapon is the MEEAC the media being the biggers problem

We need to stop protesting the government and start protesting our local media stations make their lives miserable then move up 5k bigger media outs the media is the enemy of the people

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

isolated community of like-minded people

So, a commune??

reason247 ago

Except we all have private property like guns and land and women.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

As if we could get women..

reason247 ago

... speak for yourself. I have to beat them away with a stick.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Then why are you on an obscure website? You should be neck-deep in some roastie's roasthole

reason247 ago

Who says Im not ... right... this... moment.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago


reason247 ago

Kek... Just kidding, Im drinking egg nignog with my family and watching xmas movies and shitposting. This thread had me laughing pretty good though and everyone was asking why and I wouldn't tell them.

Tallest_Skil ago



Thanks for outing yourself as a shill. You’re done here.

Nukeisrael ago

He literally has said before that japan needs immigrants because they aren’t having enough children. No, it’s not their nature in this fucked up system that is wrong it’s nature itself! Disgusting materialist nigger is what he is. Cares more about raw GDP generation than a race of people.

Flabbygasted ago

Even if you leave the country, you are headed for a gulag. As cheesy as it sounds, freedom dies here. If America is kiked so is the world.

Olivefigs ago

Haha too late

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Clearly the best way to get rid of the ZOG is through the ZOG.


Pentos ago

The people doing that are Hasbara, they'll end up hanging, if not dead with Israel.

The balance of nations hangs on what White inventors want, of course some of the White geniuses will ask for these anti-Whites all around the world to be executed or assassinated. I certainly will.

c0ck ago

Don't forget we had most of this technology already, with knowledge being passed down & preserved to our best ability. It has still taken us roughly ~12,800 years to rebuild to our current point of civilization (which is close but continues to be inferior to our previous achievements). This knowledge is readily accessible to those "in the know" and yet with only a key few players/chess moves they have been able to successfully keep the masses blind and asleep to it. Bread & circuses.

Tallest_Skil ago

Get psychiatric help. There were no ancient aliens.

c0ck ago

Who said anything about aliens? You need to read up on your own species' cyclical nature, as well as all the archeology in plain sight to be studied and observed. Not to mention the mountains of historical evidence (Piranesi, Library of Alexandria) and so on.

Tallest_Skil ago

who said anything about aliens

Literally everyone who claims that the First Civilization had technology beyond the Bronze Age. They didn’t.

c0ck ago

False and false. On your way now.

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, thanks for admitting that you lied and that you’re only here to spam well poisoning bullshit about the past in order to further the jews’ narrative.

c0ck ago

Kek your statements are both objectively false (archeological evidence of human technology, no “alien” BS) and categorically false under the pretense “First” civilization. Multiple cycles of high society cultures are historically verifiable. Anything you say just proves you’ve done very little research and reading of your own (beyond ancient alien electric jew propaganda).

Tallest_Skil ago

archaeological evidence

Post links to archaeological evidence of post-Bronze Age technology.

categorically false

Post links to evidence that there was a civilization prior even to the one which collapsed in ~10,500 BC.

historically verifiable

Verify this history. Specifically that which you are claiming, not simply the stuff we already have on the modern record.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Yeah pretty much, it's like 10-15 dudes here at most that are screeching at the retards here that we need to actually fight back back or we die and the rest just go "MIGA MIGA WIGA WIGA BOOM BOOM!!!"

KingMortales ago

There's more than a few lurkers like me, I'm sure, who are ready to kill but not LARPing about it here. I just don't want to lone wolf it so I'm waiting for an organized resistance.

AgentSakura ago

It starts with you join or make a crew.

KingMortales ago

You're right and I've got a small squad.

AgentSakura ago


Keep growing and take more territory. They asked for this war not us.

Good luck commander

noob_tube ago

Organized resistance is doomed to infiltration and subversion. Decentralized cells of individuals acting entirely independently is really the best way to handle violence against such an opponent.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Oh I know, the issue is though that everyone is waiting for that organized resistance

KingMortales ago

You're absolutely right. I just know I'm not strong enough to get it started and neither are most of the people here. Someone will be though and they'll do it.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Hah, that's what everyone says though and that really is the issue, I could be wrong, but I have no real reason to believe that anyone is strong enough to start it and that is why we are doomed, instead of organizing we all just wait on someone else to organize and because of this nothing ever happens. We are cowards.

Fence_sitter ago

We are comfortable, we have attachments, we have responsibilities, etc. That's why nothing happen.

muffalettadiver ago

Excuse me while I sperg out in disagreement

mikenigger ago

It's either that or silent downvotes.