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Rellik88 ago

I still have a channel of banned YT vids. The video still work but when I tried to upload gameplay footage of Black Lives Splatter video game. It wouldn't let me.

I need to go download the vids because I have copies of Vegas shooting videos on their as well.

MadWorld ago

You should keep a local copy of videos/documents important to you.

AphexTim ago = youtube + torrenting, it still is led by a (((Kaufman))) so it probably is pozzed but still a good alternative.

Poopydick1 ago

Is different?

AphexTim ago is the web UI version so people can browse with a regular web browser. you can download the actual program which is like a uTorrent client to do the same independently from any browser.

Poopydick1 ago

Odysee seems exactly like lbry, is it all just open source and the same thing?