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Rellik88 ago

I still have a channel of banned YT vids. The video still work but when I tried to upload gameplay footage of Black Lives Splatter video game. It wouldn't let me.

I need to go download the vids because I have copies of Vegas shooting videos on their as well.

MadWorld ago

You should keep a local copy of videos/documents important to you.

AphexTim ago = youtube + torrenting, it still is led by a (((Kaufman))) so it probably is pozzed but still a good alternative.

Poopydick1 ago

Is different?

AphexTim ago is the web UI version so people can browse with a regular web browser. you can download the actual program which is like a uTorrent client to do the same independently from any browser.

Poopydick1 ago

Odysee seems exactly like lbry, is it all just open source and the same thing?

jpu ago

Some (mostly American I guess) people have a very bad habit of suspecting anyone with a Germanic surname of being a jew so may I ask, for clarification, is this Kaufman actually a known, confirmed jew?

Regardless, I also recommend lbry/odysee

AphexTim ago

It has not been confirmed, but whenever I post pro lbry stuff here I'm always reminded of the owner by someone or another.