GeneralDisposition ago

Now you know the sick jew mind. They project. They sacrificed their children to molech. Burned them alive. Made their skin into lamp shades. Worshipped a cow. Worshipped a manequin of a cow.

Cat-hax ago

But this time we make it real

TripleZ ago

I think technically they were dead due to the delousing gas applied to them in the showers. I wonder how many Germans died moving those gas ridden bodies into the ovens. And how many died hanging outside the wooden shower door due to gas seeping out. It's almost as though the whole story makes zero sense.


Oy vey! Dont you know, that they gassed them first then burned them. It was more efficient.......or something

Moon_Central ago

You might be antisemitic.


The ovens were used to burn dead bodies after the nazis had killed the people with gas or shot them or starved them to death, or killed them in some other way. Maybe if you learned a bit more about the holocaust then you would not feel the need to use an incorrect straw man argument to back yourself into believing a conspiracy theory.

Leand ago

Very cool, rabbi. You should make him watch hollywood movies about the holocaust, that'll teach him how wrong he is!

Smokybubbles ago

Both the communists and the Nazis are inhuman scum of the earth.

Raxotic ago

And I don't care if they did or not. Fuck all middle eastern religions.

auchtung ago

Even if they had legit evidence? I really do not understand your post. We of course all are aware the holohoax was an exageration at best and an outright Jewish Communist propoganda operation at worst. But, if someone had solid information to the contrary I would not ignore it and be so exacting as to suppose myself correct in the face of countering evidence. Are you just exacerbating the echo chamber that is Voat or is this post supposed to have even an inkling of forthought?

Khro_ ago

... Are you saying these dead jew baby ashes they're selling for shekels aren't real dead jew baby ashes?

I got ripped off! I want real dead jew baby ashes, not fake ones.

Leand ago

Oy vey, no refunds.

Credible_Hulk ago

I like the lamp shades and wallets made from them.

areyoumygaffer ago

remember that kike who said "the holocaust" was part of all jewish identity, because they all play towards the hall of cost dollars.

not because it's real. tell me, is prima nocta part of your identity?

MongolianPaellaFish ago

That's because they weren't. Nobody believes this.

MisterWalker ago

Ppl should get it well understood the Holocaust was an inside job and that Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, the non Jewish Nazis Ernst Röhm and the SA leadership having been slaughtered in the Night of the Long Knives Massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan 31, 1933.

Feedback: So why were there so many Jews in German prison camps?

We say there weren't that many, the ones who went in because they refused to toe the Zionist line a la Katherine Schweitzer's family were gassed as soon as they got off the train.

The others were Jewish criminals who had been legally arrested, tried and convicted who became the camp elite and did the "dirty work," they dressed in jackboots and prison cloth replicas of the SS Guard's uniforms.

The source was a book penned by a Hungarian Jew that turned up in paperback form some time in the early 1970's, it had a man in a concentration camp setting in striped prison dress armed with a Luger pistol on the cover .. suspect George Soros was the author.

A few more things from the book ..

It started with a youngish man well connected and from a "good" family who was completely taken in by the propaganda of the day, he was a Talmudist Jew and was aware Jews posing as Russians and Germans had all of Europe in their thrall .. he participated in the arrest of Jews and their relocation to Auschwitz, as well he accompanied the deportees to their destination where he knew they were to be gassed.

Understand this the so called Jews who wielded the power and that means the author who we say was indeed Soros are not even Jews, they were horse breeders from Kazakhstan who became Jews when their King embraced Judaism in the 8th Century.

So the impetus to the slaughter of real Jews came from their direction and was to forward their own genocidal agenda, all under the aegis of the Talmud which was penned by a master Zionist who claimed to have prevailed in a debate with Allah. MT.

The book appeared to have been written in fits and bursts, the narrator next appears at Auschwitz in the Jewish guards detachment in quasi SS uniform of striped prison cloth, he described the arrival by rail from Budapest of a Jewish family of fourteen who we say were the Schweitzers.

He wrote of the family matriarch seeking a porter at the railhead, and related anyone making a fuss was executed on the spot out of the line of sight by an SS Officer with an air pistol, he said the old and infirm went into reefer vans which were sealed before the exhaust was diverted into their space killing the lot.

The others were basically paraded between two close ranks of similar Jewish guards into the gas chamber, his description of the sloping concrete ramp leading to the entrance exactly tallies with the footage in the Fred Leuchter video. Image.

He went on to say he made numerous trips from Hungary to Poland, and said on one particular occasion he was nearly gassed himself when he apparently tarried in the wrong place, and only escaped the cordon when an acquaintance let him thru.

Jews perpetrated genocide upon the German ppl not the other way around.

The Zionists put Hitler in place to lose the war, Jews were running things in all of the protagonist nations, WW2 was a Zionist sponsored exercise in white genocide.

Adolf Hitler arbitrarily declared war on the United States Dec. 11, 1941, following President Roosevelt's Declaration of War on Japan three days earlier in response to the False Flag Pearl Harbor attacks.

After having declared war on France & England June 10, 1940 Benito Mussolini declared war on America on behalf of Italy on the same day as Hitler.

Thus between the two of them they provided the impetus for massive US and British bombing, thence ground warfare which guaranteed Germany and Italy would be the losers in WW2.

Jews infiltrated German politics then perped the Holocaust in the name of the German ppl, like they infiltrated US politics perped 911 pdf then established the bogus War on Terror, like they infiltrated Turkish politics then perpetrated the Armenian Genocide.

If you want to look more closely at it you will see the Ashkenazi sham conversion to Judah was so they could blame "Talmudists" for the genocides, to divert future blame from themselves a la False Flag attacks etc while they return to the religion of their forebears. The Jews and the Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem.

Fat_is_healthy ago

You're way too far down the jew rabbit hole.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Never fuckin happened. Churchill wrote an exhaustive recap of WW2, 6 volumes...muh holocaust isn't mentioned at all. He won a (((Nobel))) Prize for literature a few years later.

SigniferLux ago

Name of the book(s)?

13445123751 ago




well well well... you'd think the wikipedia article would AT LEAST mention that the books don't talk about the holocaust. Or maybe even that the idea that the books don't mention is a nazi bigot white supreeeeeeemist conspiracy.

ChimpEvader ago

They made Hitler/Zionist friendship coins and everything.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Were there any fat people back then?

Khro_ ago

There was at least one...

thebearfromstartrack ago

Thanks. You never see them in the movies. Like they just left or something.

SurfinMindWaves ago

They had custom tailoring too?

hwong ago

They did and there is film footage (or there was) However it was one offs, at the very end of the war, with diseased folks.(and I've only see such films from two camps) and not this grand scheme of a massive genocide machine that history and the "woke" crowd would have you believe.

Babadookk ago

Can you provide it?

hwong ago

hard to find anymore, but start looking up winston churhills holocouse documentaries.

Nukeisrael ago

That’s not even what the “official narritive” is anymore. Now it’s fixed wooden grills and then tin sheets where they hammered the bones into dust. Try burning even a leg of lamb on a fixed wooden grill and tell me how much bone is left. Hint: all of it. Do you know how hard it is to incinerate a human hip bone with 1940s tech? Impossible.

Rellik88 ago

Ex Cemetery worker here. I put bodies in a crematorium. We burned a single body at 1865f. The bricks inside where white hot. It took hours like 5 to 6 to get just bones. We then had to grind the cremains up into powder. All this almost days work for one person.

alacrity167 ago

although i'm aware of the pizza ovens, i was not aware of the change in official narrative. when did this occur?

Nukeisrael ago

Around the late 80s when the “official” jewish historians wrote a book about camps in the East (which hilariously are all of the ones they say were death camps, the ones the Soviets liberated). There’s a documentary going over everything and doing real life scientific experiments to prove that it’s impossible. It’s called “one third of the holocaust.”

alacrity167 ago

i feel like boomers were not notified that gas chambers are not the official narrative.

Nukeisrael ago

They still are. It was gas chambers but then open fixed wooden powered grills and then tin sheets and mallets to destroy the remaining bone. That’s the official narritive today.

BasedWolf ago

The nazis were environmentalist hippies who banned animal vivisections. There is about a 0% chance they did any of the shit they were accused of.

The jews were their mortal enemy and declared war on them (everyone has seen the Judea declares war on Germany newspaper headline from 1933, I'm sure). In response Hitler rounded up as many jews as he could find, and interned them in cozy facilities with the intent to expel them eastward or to Madagascar.

Hitler just wanted to reclaim rightful German territory and unshackle Germans from globalist/jewish banker control. Everything else is pure fabrication. Hitler even addressed most of the criticisms like explaining how the militarized Wehrmacht and the SS were for protection against enemies, not for aggressive action.

People forget that Poland could have conceded the Danzig corridor, which Germany had a clear and obvious claim to, but didn't.

People forgot that Stalin invaded Poland as part of his non-aggression pact with Germany, but the "allies" only declared war on Hitler.

People forget that Hitler had no intention of waging war against Western Europe, and that Churchill was the one who started WW2 by declaring war on Hitler even though Hitler's eastward expansion posed 0 threat to the West, and was actually beneficial in reducing soviet/jewish influence in Europe.

genwhy ago

The nazis were environmentalist hippies who banned animal vivisections. There is about a 0% chance they did any of the shit they were accused of.

That description fits vegans and antifa members though. You don't think they're capable of atrocities?

BasedWolf ago

I don't think they're capable of tying their shoes let alone rounding people up and gassing them.

Antifa and vegans are usually just emotional women. The Nazis were well organized and had a lot of smart people in their ranks. If they cared about the environment and the good of the people, there's no way they'd use mass executions as a tactic, even against their enemies.

It was already discovered that the Russians blamed the Nazis for the Katyn massacre, clearly most if not all other accusations were soviet/jewish lies and projections of their own inhumanity.

Doglegwarrior ago

Everyone forgets that fucking jews attempted a goddammit communist revolution in 1919 and was put down by the veterans of ww1 which Hitler was part of.

BasedWolf ago

Yeah, and everyone considers the Bolshevik uprising in Russia to be a "revolution" and not a hostile communist takeover. History gets written to make subversive, destructive parasites look like revolutionary heroes, and the people defending themselves against this element (the Nazis) look like villains.

areyoumygaffer ago

history is written by the survivors. this is the essential truth.

Rawrination ago

Upvoating for truth. Most people have no idea that the commie kikes had just killed a couple million Germans. They tried to do the same thing to Germany they did to Russia, but failed in Germany.

Babadookk ago

But hitler also helped create Israel

Joesf23 ago

It was at least a way to kick them out of germany and put them all in spot VS having them latch on to every country across europe

Babadookk ago

The jews never willingly leave countries. History showed that

Glory_Beckons ago

The British Empire had already committed itself to backing any "Jewish Zionist aspirations" and using "their best endeavors to facilitate" the creation of Israel all the way back in 1917, a good 15 years before Hitler was elected.

Hitler merely tried to seize the opportunity to get Jews to leave Germany peacefully. And hoped that, having a homeland of their own, Jews might learn to be human. Both goals proved to be far too optimistic.

Most Jews actively refused to leave Germany, in spite of all the kvetching over how horribly they were being treated (NB: Why would you refuse to leave a country, in which you consider yourself foreign and different from the natives, who constantly abuse you and make you fear for your life?), and even the ones that did have shown no sign of acquiring anything resembling humanity.

Azamuku ago

Simon of Trent, 1775. They need blood of animals for the bread. Hitler was just being a kind host. The Party's over, get the fuck out!

tallarn ago

Israel was created in like 1917. Hitler may have just helped populate it.

Thereunto ago

Israel was formed in 1948, not 1917

tallarn ago

Israel was “approved” by the Brits in the late 1910s after a Jewish member of the state ministry office basically tricked them into accepting it. It may not have become officially a state until after WWII, but the groundwork was laid well before then.

Thereunto ago

Prior to 1948 that location was part of Palestine. The groundwork is there for modern Canada to become Chinada but that doesn't mean Chinada would have been created in the 1990s.

Prior to the founding of Israel in 1948, the area (anecdotally) was an entirely different socio-political environment where coexistence of different religions was normal (it is largely not tolerated now).

Jack-Wagon ago

Not even dead. It’s all lies.

cyclops1771 ago

No one ever said they did, faggot.

The claim is that the Germans would herd a shit ton of jooos into a gas chamber with a wooden door, gas them to death, and then use the ovens to cremate the bodies into the air (so they wouldn't have to bury them or create evidence)

BloodAndThunder9718 ago

Yo I saw a picture of a pile of shoes and if that doesn't change your mind THEN WHAT WILL

FreeinTX ago

What about the Lion and Eagle?

Khro_ ago - caged bear and eagle

lord_nougat ago

Idunno, but the dish ran away with the spoon.

tallarn ago

Again, my rule is that if the Japanese didn’t do it to the Chinese, there is no way the Germans were doing it to the Jews or anyone else.

hhhappy ago

Safe bet. Japanese were sadistic and cruel almost beyond comprehension

SurfinMindWaves ago

Why should we dismiss everything written about the atrocities of the Germans but believe everything they tell us about the atrocities of the Japanese? No offense, but I'm not buying it.

Merlynn ago

Well,the Japanese have a long history of war after bloody war with the Chinese. So them being enemies for so long,it's not hard to believe they'd go psycho on them. And on the whole,Japanaese are pretty merciless,even to themselves.

tallarn ago

We have a family friend who was a baby in the Philippines when the Japanese arrived. Safe to say it’s amazing he’s alive; every other male in his family was murdered.

The Japanese did some truly fucked up shit in that war (and in the decades leading up to it).

Babadookk ago

so true. Asians are.. certainly not as empathetic as whites

Olivefigs ago

Not as empathetic? They are not at all empathetic

Jack-Wagon ago

That is fact. My grandfather was a guest of the japs for 3 years during the war. Beaten, starved, tortured. Lived to be 86.

KingMortales ago

Happy ending

New-World-Ebola ago

it's purely a jewish projection

whatisbestinlife ago

its cover for their practice of burning sacrifices alive to baal. projection.

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Nobody will ever convince me that the Germans acted ethically in that regard. They were so fucking close, and they dropped the ball.

wrathfulmomes ago

You believe the history books?

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Depends on the author. I read a ton and use my instincts to navigate. Learning about anything is a fucking chore, and I don't think that's by accident.

51235521 ago

Who says that they were burning them alive?

midnightblue1335 ago

I wonder this sometimes, too- the claim I hear most often, and was indoctrinated for, was that the corpses of jews who were killed were then cremated in these ovens.

I don't think I've ever heard of jews being stuffed alive into ovens. Not saying that this isn't a claim, just I've never heard it personally.

greydragon ago

The Roller Coaster claim is jews thrown into ovens alive, but with theme park family-oriented fun!


51235521 ago

That’s hilarious. Sounds like something from scooby doo.

totes_magotes ago

That's what the cyanide showers were for, dumbass. They put them in the hospitals to make sure they wouldn't die of something unknown, made them swim laps in the pool to clean off (because the showers were deadly) and then doused them.

Anyone who had some other lethal disease were send to the craft section where they made soap, lampshades, and a wall of eyeballs.

kammmmak ago


I_wuz_shit_holed ago

But you do believe they made a steam powered jerk off machine to jerk off jews until their nuts exploded and they died from broken nuts right?

theshopper ago

Was that the whole masturbation machines thing on South Park?

I_wuz_shit_holed ago

no the jews were in a race to come up with weird shit that they were making up that the germans did to jews. There was the soap from rendered jews, lamp shades from jews skin, a roller coaster that sent the jews on a thrilling amusement rind to dump them in an oved at the end, a peddle power series of hammers that would smash jew heads, a bear and an eagle that were hungry and fed a jew, a big floor that would lower into water and send electricity thhrough and kill them, a gas chamber with wooden doors and no means of venting the poison gas, furnaces that were magic and made jews disappear in 10 seconds of burn. There are many many other insane stories that the jew made up.

But the weirdest one was the jerk off maching where they would strap in a poor jew and put his pecker in a steam powered hand that would jerk them off for hours until their nuts would swell up, then let them go back to their bunk, to repeat every day untin their nuts exploded and killed the poor jew. And yea the jews actually wrote about this in one of their bullshit books. They expected us to believe this LoL the jew is a retarded asshole.

basedmuslim ago

I'd buy the soap.

Adminstrater ago

I don't believe South Park has ever mentioned a "masturbation machine".

theshopper ago

It was the episode were Cartman goes to mars and all the men are being forcibly jacked off by machines.

Adminstrater ago

I hadn't seen this. Thanks for the update!

MaxShekel ago

But you do believe they made a steam powered jerk off machine to jerk off jews until their nuts exploded and they died from broken nuts right?

Its true, goyim!! It happened to me! I still have scars on my taint. Shaloms™✡️💎

I_wuz_shit_holed ago

oy veh my grand father was killed by that machine in a german concentration camp, he told me about it before he died a few years ago....damn you germans.

Jack-Wagon ago

I know they did. I have one. I come again and again.

ChickenDeath ago

Welp. Username checks out.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Don't forget the holocoaster

Joesf23 ago

Lolololol...I also like the story of making them climb up a tree, then cutting it down while they were in it. Very efficient

Nosferatjew ago

#neverforget the 6,000,000 trees.

I_wuz_shit_holed ago

hahahahaha cool