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51235521 ago

I thinks it’s because (((gay))) is a protected class. The answer is to remove all protected classes. Say you run a business and don’t want to serve women, fine, call the police and have them trespassed. Blacks only convince store, fine with me. My business my rules. The market would sort itself out. I don’t want to hire you because your religion is crazy...oh well. Time to quit with the (((feeling) crap.

ScionOfZion ago

Religion is protected and that mask is the mark of the Beast

51235521 ago

Could be. But I think it [mark of the beast] will be vaccine related.

minx88 ago


The vaccine has the chip in it it has aborted baby cells and other Poison such as aluminum mercury and barium people need to do basic fucking research information is on bitch shoot and other platforms it doesn’t take that much effort to type in a few fucking letters to do basic research spread word you do not want this shit in your body people have already been crippled and died from it within hours now wake up people wake your ass up

51235521 ago

Too late. People will swallow, drink, eat, whatever the brainwashing machine tells them to do.

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BasedWolf ago

The market would sort itself out.

Jews would buy up most businesses and impose their own will "privately". They're already doing that with major social media platforms. This lolbert idea of the guiding hand of the free market is a pipe dream.

People need to stop acting like all preferences and ideas are equal. Being forced to bake cakes for gays or serve niggers isn't bad because you're being told to do something, it's bad because it's destructive for white society.

Have actual values other than "do whatever you want!"

minx88 ago

Stop giving money to Jewish companies stop Facebook stop Twitter stop Instagram stop what’s up stop giving money to Amazon people really wake the fuck up stop putting money towards his demonic backstabbing rats who are openly calling for genocide of whites stop watching sports making knickers wealthy which goes into the Jews pockets

We have hundreds of other fucking over to alternative sites social medias places we can buy things stop using Amazon there’s like 10 other sites that we can use stop using your social media’s there’s like eight including YouTube there’s other platforms many many other and then we’re going to make more as well

Stop allowing Jews to buy businesses but the Jewish judges and lawyers and DAs in jail take away their license

Make your own business is an only hire white people only serve white people

Stop giving money to any company that hires a Nager because it’s usually owned by a Jew get the Nager’s fired make the Jewish businesses go bankrupt

Boycott all Jewish businesses

captainstrange ago

A while back you were railing against "capitalism" as lolbert stupidity, and when I started correcting the record about the difference between "capitalism" (jewish socialist oligarchy) and the freemarket -- suddenly you've switched to railing against free markets.

Sounds like a fucking jew poisoning the well.

BasedWolf ago

"Free market" is just pie in the sky shit, there's nothing stopping the "jewish socialist oligarchy" in a free market. Jews are only stopped with direct action.

captainstrange ago

"Free market" is just pie in the sky shit


The difference between freemarket and "capitalism" is pretty simple.

Capitalism is the other side of the jewish communist coin.

Freemarket means the only interference in the market is to prevent monopolism and regulatory capture--literally the opposite of what happens in capitalism.

Nukeisrael ago

“Not real capitalism.” Shove it up your ass. Just like the communist it’s never real unless it ends up how you want. No, idiot. This is what real capitalism is.

captainstrange ago

“Not real capitalism.” Shove it up your ass. Just like the communist it’s never real unless it ends up how you want. No, idiot. This is what real capitalism is.

This is literally capitalism.

Which is jewish financie oligarchism.

Thats not a freemarket.

"Shove it up your ass."

Like a typical jew, obsessed with putting things up your ass.

BasedWolf ago

And who's going to do that?

RandomFurryDude ago

Yeah retard American capitalists think the market will sort itself out, when the MONEY is made by jews.

minx88 ago

Burn the Jew start with gates and sorrows

RandomFurryDude ago

This demonstrates you don't know much about the jews.

Protip, look up the rothschilds.

And then imagine that even they might not be the top dogs.

Plavonica ago

Jews would buy up most businesses and impose their own will "privately". They're already doing that with major social media platforms. This lolbert idea of the guiding hand of the free market is a pipe dream.

In a free market almost all business is small and not jewed. When a country allows for monopolies that aren't allowed to fail, they become jewed. Then they use the government to crush the small businesses and take over.

RandomFurryDude ago

Who owns the money printers?

BasedWolf ago

What you're describing is just power. You don't need an official entity called "government" to "crush small businesses and take over". Mega corporations can do that themselves, and do already. The lines between state and megacorp are blurred, because it's all just about accumulation of power. In a "free market", corps would just buy out their competitors, brainwash the masses with propaganda, hire private military or whatever they need to impose their will, etc. They'd be archons, pseudo-states, and eventually just states themselves.

The problem isn't the existence of government, the problem is we're run by globalists, both in government and in "private" business. It's absentee landlordism taken to the highest degree. The "free market" doesn't have a solution for this because the free market isn't a real thing. There is no society of enlightened consumers who buy from different small companies evenly to make sure no one gets too big, or adheres to purely individualistic, capitalistic principles 99% of the time but intuitively know how to draw lines to prevent someone from acquiring too much power and bringing us back to where we are now.

minx88 ago

globAlist= jews

Plavonica ago

Earlier in time most businesses were small businesses. As time has gone on restrictions, laws, regulations, and the like from the government have slowly strangled them. We are now seeing the mass takeover of the ones that have survived until now. This is a totalitarian socialist move to gather all power into the governing body, whatever be it's name.

There is no society of enlightened consumers who buy from different small companies evenly to make sure no one gets too big, or adheres to purely individualistic, capitalistic principles 99% of the time but intuitively know how to draw lines to prevent someone from acquiring too much power and bringing us back to where we are now.

You don't understand what a free economic market is then.

BasedWolf ago

Earlier in time most businesses were small businesses.

That's due to logistics and technology. Of course some small tribe of 200 people with no electricity aren't going to have globalist megacorps.

As time has gone on restrictions, laws, regulations, and the like from the government have slowly strangled them.

Sure, and who funds the government? Who lobbies for these laws and regulations?

You don't understand what a free economic market is then.

What can a "free market" do to stop jews from accumulating and consolidating resources and power? Especially in our world of technology and connectivity.

Plavonica ago

What can a "free market" do to stop jews from accumulating and consolidating resources and power? Especially in our world of technology and connectivity.

Allow for roping them? The jew problem is primarily a government and culture problem. Once those are mostly jewed then comes the jewing of the economic sector, as seen in every country they've taken over.

BasedWolf ago

If Hitler couldn't rope jews what makes you think a free market could? Why would anyone in a free market even want to? What if jews offer them great products at reasonable prices, and just buy their loyalty? What if they sell them on the idea of debt (you can get rich, it's leverage goy!) and re-enslave them with usury?

Jews wouldn't have risen to power as they have if the free market was a tenable solution. Again, it's all about the accumulation of power and resources, which the jews are good at. Do you really think the jews are afraid of the idea of libertarianism? They're afraid of a society of individualistic consumers and no taxes or regulations?

No, jews are afraid of a strong collectivist, nationalist society like the Germans were, that's why they waged a world war against Germany but don't give two shits if you're a libertarian.

Plavonica ago

I'm saying that the solution to jews isn't going to be your economic model. You go be a White national socialist state over there, and I'll be a White national capitalist state over here. Both sides have the same problem with jews. And when your socialist state falls into starvation and failure, we will be more than willing to help our brothers so long as the jewish problem has been solved.

BasedWolf ago

Germany was actually more "capitalistic" (in terms of private property) than other Western countries at the time, transferring many industries to private ownership while other countries were nationalizing things. What Germany did, what fascists do, is guide the direction of these private entities in a way that ensures they don't zog out and destroy their own people for their own personal gain.

That's your "capitalist" system; a system which rewards rootless, globalist, and cutthroat behaviour for the goal of personal enrichment. There's no "free market" mandate for caring about your race. There's no "free market" mandate for a white nationalist society. Why would there be? It's probably more profitable to be globalist, which is exactly why we are globalist now.

In your idea of a "white national capitalist state", you wouldn't have a centralized authority to ensure that corporations don't sell out their own people for profits. They would ruthlessly compete for the most power in whatever means necessary, consolidate power, and we're back to where we are right now.

Do you think "government" just magically acquires all of its money and power? Our government is funded by globalist, zogged megacorps. Enlightened consumerism probably isn't even a real thing, let alone an answer to that.

Plavonica ago

You socialist fanatics are the worst.

Nukeisrael ago

Your usury worshiping capitalist system that is currently mass importing niggers into the west is literally killing us right now.

BasedWolf ago

Another boomer giving up because they have no idea what they're talking about and no argument.

It's so obviously and readily observable that jews aren't afraid of lolbertarianism or "free markets". Look at the mainstream lolbert political candidates, like that retard Jo Jorgensen that 1.6% of voters voted for: she's pro open borders and pro degenerate shit like drug use. Jews love lolberts and their willingness to abandon nationalist principles for the sake of personal gain or the ability to freely engage in degenerate garbage.

You want to rope jews but you also want no actual system capable of roping jews to exist. You put all your faith in the idea of a "free market" yet have no idea how it would even work (because it wouldn't).

And everyone who disagrees with you is just a socialist that believes in central planning and would starve their people, right? Cause Germans in the 30s were starving.

nougat_lord ago

The point is "do whatever you want" wouuld leave do much more conservative values being placed. If people werent forced to hire and serve niggers, no one would

BasedWolf ago

Then just take it one step further and say, "do whatever you want, as long as it's not destructive to the nation and to the white race", and then have a strong centralized, nationalist government to protect and enforce that idea.

If you think you're forced to serve and hire niggers now by the jew owned government, what makes you think you wouldn't be forced to serve and hire niggers by jew owned megacorps? At the end of the day they're mostly one in the same.

The "do whatever you want" mentality is easily subverted, it's apathetic as long as it doesn't inconvenience the person saying it. Jews will always find ways to subvert and cuck people subscribing to a flimsy ideology like that. We need proper values or at least an overarching goal, like protecting white people and white interests.

Leveraction ago

Well said!!! Businessowner, NOT gubbermint should have the RIGHT to decide who they serve, period! Fucking gubbermint screws up EVERYTHING it touches!!


So is mental illness, and only retarded shit brains go out in public without a mask on.

Cover your fucking mouths you disgusting virus infected pigs.

51235521 ago

Bro...are you lost?

Yuke ago

If we haven't been wearing masks all this time then why aren't we dead yet? Have you...have you been lied to? Oh my God!

<<<Left-wing head explodes>>>


You specifically never leave the house or interact with people, so we're all safe from you.

Yuke ago

Haha. Rich. You're scared of people's breath you gigantic mong.

51235521 ago

<<<...Unicornteeth, fairy dust, and rainbow beams are flying everywhere.>>>

Ol_Hickery ago

Not going to lie. I hope you get raped to death, you vile cunt.

blackguard19 ago

Lol. I haven’t worn a mask all year and know no one who is sick or dead from fake Covitz. I’m as healthy as ever.

But I should have totally worn a mask for no reason.

Keep thinking we’re the retarded shit brains, we’ll keep laughing at your stupid ass.

retardo ago

Go here to block this scared cunt:

ruck_feddit ago

Sounds gay

Duchozz ago

Imagine shilling this hard for masks that don't do anything lmfao

Stubbabubba ago

This is a joke right? So hard to tell these days, even in here.

FreeinTX ago

The CDC conducted 14 randomized studies that show masks don't do a fucking thing but make you look like a subservient female muzzie faggot. But you do you.

Fat_is_healthy ago

No thanks

passthevoat ago

Bake the cake. Use the pronouns. Wear the mask.

You people are a never ending ramble.

RickJocko ago

Lol. Funniest shitpost I’ve seen here all week!