PhilKDick ago

Great to hear.

EyeOfHorus ago

Congratulations. Why were you drinking? Research "dry drunk" and recognize your demons.

dontmindthemess ago

Mostly my father. I work for his company, but he had a stroke a few years back. I’ve left the company a few times, and each time it seemed I didn’t have to “escape”. He doesn’t do much now, just watches Tv at home. It was a pretty bad stroke. I call it karma. He had to be in control of everything. Now, he has control over what’s on TV, that’s about it. I don’t visit him much.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I was a hardcore drinker and druggie for 30+ years, and quit right as my marriage was unraveling. Stayed sober thru the divorce, somehow. No AA, no therapy, nothing.

Sobriety is worth it, folks, you can do it. I thought I was hopeless...turns out I wasn't.

dontmindthemess ago

It just feels good not to feel like shit. My girl couldn’t understand how I could function every day. I just got used to it. Now, life is good! Thanks!

jj351 ago

How's your caffeine and sugar intake? I quit drinking for two months but realized I replaced alcohol with energy drinks and ice cream.

dontmindthemess ago

Drink a couple cups of coffee in the AM, 1 after lunch. I’m diabetic (thanks to alcohol) so sugar isn’t an issue. I don’t drink soda. Usually water or cherry Bubly. That shit is good. Just carbonated water with flavor.

Chempergrill ago

Good for you man.

I was drinking heavily and took a challenge to stop with v/theredpill in 2019. So glad I stopped. I would have otherwise been one of those people who turned to drinking during quarantine. Now my mind is clear, and I am relatively calm.

dontmindthemess ago

Congrats, brother. I would’ve been hell during the quarantine. I’m sure the people at the hospital don’t miss me.

Canvasback ago

That is awesome man. It is very inspiring. I have tried to quit tons of times over the years. I was a daily drinker during most of covid, I switched last month to every other day. I am now 3 days off the sauce and planning on at least 30 days, hopefully forever. It really is a bitch to knock it.

dontmindthemess ago

Good work! It’s funny how much respect you can get for NOT doing something. Keep it up, it’s worth it.

un1ty ago

Yes, I have been drinking FAAAAAR too much recently. Gained even more weight than I lost previously. My own damned fault though!

Working to get it gone and quit drinking.

Question - do you imbibe at all or quit 100%? I like wine and some beers, the occasional cocktail, but I think it'd be easier to just eliminate it altogether.

mendelbot ago

Cutting it out is best. At a certain point, you'll always be in danger of going back hard. If they start drinking even a little a very large majority of alcoholics eventually go back right where they started.

dontmindthemess ago

I’m completely dry. If I drink one beer, I’m going to buy booze. I had to quit all at once, felt like shit for a couple weeks. But, it is worth it. I don’t bounce out of bed in the morning, but within 10 minutes, I’m up and alert. I don’t fumble for words when people talk to me anymore. I can clearly express myself and am a lot longer to anger. I’m not 100% at peace with everything, but I can process a lot more without being frustrated, which leads to anger, which leads to the “fuck it” attitude. It really does get easier the longer you go without drinking to forget. Best wishes on your journey!

New-World-Ebola ago

it's not the end of the world if you cave in once every blue moon... just don't make it a habit.

regular drinking is bullshit.

dontmindthemess ago

I was dry for about 5 years. I quit after I found out my wife had cancer (she died about 4 months later). I stayed dry, found a nice girl, got a decent job. One Sunday afternoon, she made a drink. I asked her to make me one. That started it all for the last 8 years. I can't have just one drink. I wish I could, but I get one drink in me and I'm off the reservation. I don't even think about it anymore. It used to be the only thing I could think about. Luckily, I didn't lose the girl, the job, or the house. I hovered above rock bottom, but saw it coming. I'm glad I asked for help. Sure, going to a detox sucks, but it's temporary. I know that I'm fortunate. I met a lot of people along the way that had it way worse than me. I mean, being in treatment, but not having anything or anyone waiting for you once your done. I recognize that, and I truly appreciate it.

New-World-Ebola ago

your case is fuck all

dontmindthemess ago

Yes. It is. But I recognize my weakness. I always want MORE. If I don’t start, I don’t end up in the hospital. Managed never to get arrested, though. I got that going for me.

underground_lurker ago

Congratulations. Every day is another chance to get it right.

CrackerSlant ago

Some cute cashiers plumped up, sad

MelaniaBuiltMyHotRod ago

"I was in love with a girl who drank beer

Till bad breath and all she disappeared

She was blowin' up real bad

But when she left I was still sad

I was in love with a girl who drank beer"

co2_emitter ago

Congrats! I've got a couple of few weeks behind me now. I relapsed so damn much recently I have no idea when my lost drink was. Haha. But I'm active in AA and work with a sponsor. I've been in and out of AA since 2004. Ruined a career and alot more sin e then. But throwing in the towel is not an option. Keep on doing what you doing.

boystosoys ago

i was alcohol free my whole life until a moment of weakness where i was constantly consuming it for a year and a half eventually reaching about a bottle of spirits a day. after not having any for a month and no urges to, i had some yesterday for the debate just to get rid of what was left and woke up feeling terrible with no urge to continue it. i forgot for awhile how much better i feel just going for 2-3 mile walks and eating well not to mention the weight that it adds on. i realize that i'm luckier than most in that my consumption didn't last long, not as much a day as a lot people worse off, and i'm still young but having hobbies and a schedule really helped me nip a sprouting problem in the bud especially since it runs in my family (which is the reason why i stayed away from it my whole life until that moment of weakness)

Canvasback ago

I am in day 4 after daily drinking for the last few years, only taking a day or two off here and there. I already dropped 4 lbs.

fightknightHERO ago

It is, though to generate the same "awakenness" from mere fructose and black tea can be difficult

though i've recently switched to drinking Golden Chai (which is basically assam black tea mixed with various spices such as cinnamon, anise Cardamom etc...) which i mixed with honey and a few nuts (yes, hazelnuts they add a great flavor) and freshly ground herbs

add a little milk and this shit beats the hell out of coffee and far more energizing

though it is far more time consuming to produce, i can safely say it is not addictive or harmful as coffee/redbull is to your blood-pressure

smokratez ago

Sugar is more addictive than crack and makes you dumber.

smokratez ago

Alcohol turns you gay and makes you stupid. I'm glad you were able to stop.

gazillions ago

As a human being who has to share the world with enough assholes, thank you so very much for cleaning up. I appreciate one less drunkard more than you can know.

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cactusairforce ago

Excellent discipline! A hard road, but well worth it.

Pick up any hobbies to fill your time?

dontmindthemess ago

Got a 3D pen and that let me be creative without borders. Stopped playing the PS4 as much and online gaming. Ride my bike after work, play with the dog. I watch a lot less TV too. Still don't have a lot of friends, but I'm getting ready to move from FL to NC soon. I got myself out of credit card debt (about $30k) so the move would be a lot simpler. It's funny, a year goes by pretty quickly. Thanks!

Voopin__Voopin ago

Holy fuckballs, you got out of 30k of debt in one year?

dontmindthemess ago

When I drank, I did other things too. Since I’m not drinking, no 8 balls, etc. It adds up. Plus I pulled to $$ out of my 401k (no penalty during quarantine). My rent is only $900 a month, so that helps too. And, no kids.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Very nice, and good on ya for improving yourself.

I'm in rural SE USA , and I dont even bring home 30k per year. So I couldnt get out of 30k in a year if I wanted to, haha.

But I'm a redneck, and I live out in the sticks with my dog. Wouldn't trade that for money+city, even if given the opportunity.

dontmindthemess ago

Thanks! I live near the sticks now, but grew up in what’s considered rural for my area. It may be boring, but sometimes, boring is good. I’m about 30 minutes from a big city, so low crime. Hell, my neighbor left her car running with the window down, purse on the front seat one night. I leave for work around 6 and turned it off, locked it up, and put her keys in her laundry room next to her front door. As for paying off the CC’s, I did pull some money out of my 401k. I felt the trade off of the stress of the bills outweighed the penalty of pulling the money out. That’s when I found out due to the pandemic, there weren’t any penalties, just taxes. That made the decision easier.

Enjoy living closer to nature than some crime infested shithole where the rent is too damn high. The grass isn’t always greener.

cactusairforce ago

Excellent progress!

Give it another year and see where you are.

You'll be surprised. Keep a daily log for work but also for yourself.

fightknightHERO ago

Alcohol makes you weak and hazy

Porn destroys your vision and drains your body from jing

and smoking? smoking just gives you cancer

so does watching the Talmudvision and using Social [engineering] media

why would anyone intentionally harm their bodies?

quitting sugar and caffeine, now that shit is hard, but possible (after grueling 1.4 years)

Wowbagger ago

The obstacle is the way, friend. God bless you and congratulations.

dontmindthemess ago


MarauderShields ago

This is profound. Why have I never heard this before?

Jesus was I ever robbed of an education...

Wowbagger ago

It's never too late to learn something new. If shit like that quote is your jam, pick up a book on Stoicism. I'd recommend starting with Donald L Robertson's How To Think Like A Roman Emperor. I think every good Westerner should have a basic understanding of Stoicism because it helps you understand some of the most profound minds of classical antiquity and because it's a firm foundation for a rational mind.

MarauderShields ago

I know of stoicism, but have yet to pick up a good book on the topic. I'll look this one up. Thanks.

kishind ago

God bless you man. The less dependence we have on corporate industry the further we'll go.

dontmindthemess ago

Thanks! I have a lot more money to spend, that's for sure.

Cmartsk ago

Besides a sip of champagne for my childrens birth I havent had a drink since they were born. Best decision of my entire life. Congrats man. Keep up the good work. I was the same as you, I cant have one drink, drinking leads to me smoking cigarettes. Its best to just cut it all out.


I agree that many drank more during quarantine, I drank to become drunk daily for a significant period and stopping was a pain in the ass. Congratulations on the long sobriety stretch

AttackHelicopter ago

I have a different problem. I drink excessively in order to suppress my higher brain functions because a couple of days of sobriety has me thinking way too much. It's hard to drink this much, though. I'm frequently just wincing as I'm forcing it down.

Voopin__Voopin ago

IIRC, its called ruminating brain. Mine never shuts up either.

AttackHelicopter ago

A quick internet search tells me that you might be on to something.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Yeah, I think Dr.Glover (who wrote "no more Mr nice guy) has seminars or some shit to help those of us who have this shit.

I self medicate. Its not healthy but fuck it.

Usernamenameuser ago

I'm right there with you. I quit drinking 5 years ago. 4 years of sobriety and then I got hooked on pain pills. Just trying to shut it off.

Accept yourself. The jew wants you thinking its cool to be stupid. Accept the fact you're better than others. Go into a program if you need to. Only courageous people seek help.

dontmindthemess ago

Good work on quitting. I come from a long line of alcoholics, so it's almost ingrained in me to drink. My family owned restaurants, so it was accepted to be drinking. I'm definitely a lot happier! Thanks!

Maroonsaint ago

I’m going through withdrawals right now. Not from drinking though. That’s what I get for taking shit everyday for 5 years though. It doesn’t matter how much it sucks I know it’ll stop eventually. Not like I havnt done this before. It’s pretty miserable though. Iv never been so cold and still sweating.

underground_lurker ago

Quit now while you’re young and still have your heart.

dontmindthemess ago

If it's opiates, try Kratom. It's legal, (depending where you live) and it fills the same receptors. I had to get off pain meds a few years ago and that worked for me. I have a Kratom bar in town that sells the tea, but they sell concentrate "bullets" for about $15 each. Takes about 20-30 minutes to kick in, but it gets rid of the crawling skin, hot/cold flashes, actually give you energy, and most of all, lets you sleep. If this is your demon, Kratom helps. Yes, it can be addicting long term. But if you're trying to kick oxys or blues, its easier than subs. Good luck!

co2_emitter ago

Been there from alcohol a few weeks ago. I'm active in AA but hard drugs ruled me for years. Never quit quitting the poison. Good luck ! You got this.

downvoatmachine ago

Try Kratom, it will get you off the booze and the poppy seed puss, which is why some states have been trying to make it illegal.

Usernamenameuser ago

I am literally 3 days into kratom withdrawal right now after 3 years of use. I also quit hard opiates (fentanyl) 2 weeks ago. This is dangerous advice. Kratom is bad. Kratom never kept me from doing prescription opiates.

downvoatmachine ago

your liver is supposed to get pretty toasted if you are mixing the kratom and opiates, but apparently you are still alive so congratulations. Yes kratom can cause withdrawal symptoms for a short period. It is best to taper down casually. Yes it will also make you take really big shits just like opiates if you are taking a bunch of it like an idiot. This can be counteracted with the magnesium supplied in basic antacids.

Usernamenameuser ago

I tapred. I was at around 40g a day and the last day I took it was 6g. Kratom was my gateway to seeking out more powerful opiates.

downvoatmachine ago

What strain were you using, I know high quantities of the white strains really makes me want to have nothing to do with any of that stuff. A small amount of a red every now and then is nice. I measure by the tsp and I don't know the density so 40g means nothing to me.

Usernamenameuser ago

Mostly maeng da or a white maeng da. After prolonged use you have to constantly rotate strains, so it just depended on what week it was. Maeng Das are the most potent.

A tsp is probably about 4g. I would take about a Tbl spoon 4-5 times daily.

When I decided and realized I had developed a problem to prescription meds, I decided to dry out. This was last Tuesday. The first day I jist slept for about 18 hours, but then the next day was when the evil shit came. Restless legs and restless arms being the worst. Kratom did not help. In fact, I took way too much and gave myself the "wobbles" as it is called in the community. Not fun. I went by my own choice, and enrolled in a program on Friday.

Addiction fucking sneaks up on you man. I was just taking some kratom for a little relaxation here and there, and then I eventually couldn't sleep without it. And then I was getting a percocet or vicodin here and there, and then all of a sudden I realized I'd been snorting fentanyl for a little over 2 weeks straight. I never wanted that, it just happened. Thankfully I realized what was going on before I got in real deep. I quit as soon as I figured it out. I have no desire to use, but I put myself in a program because I'm not fucking around with it. I'm not going to be a fucking junkie.

Just be careful man. 3 years ago I was "taking a tsp here and there."

majb ago

Can concur. Definitely helped me and I was highly skeptical about it. Still am, but I think it helped. Not addictive at all. Doesn't give you a buzz like tobacco with an urge for more nicotine, and it certainly doesn't make you high.

Maroonsaint ago

Iv been an alcoholic before. Drank daily for five or so years. When I was in college I kept a bottle of everclear in my book bag to sip on all day. Alcoholism runs deep in my family. It fit me like a glove. But my uncle had it the worst. The same time I was drinking he was on his way out from drinking. Watching him die really turned me off to it. It really bothered me seeing him go like that. It killed my aunt and another uncle as well. Iv got another aunt probably on her way out with the same issue. So it was easy to quit that. Easier than it would have been otherwise

siebenundzwanzig ago

How old was your Uncle when he died?

RabbiPuttitout ago

No, don't do this. Kratom is highly addictive and a shit drug/herb.

siebenundzwanzig ago

I disagree on both points. Kratom is in the same family as coffee and has helped many people. It is not highly addictive and all you will get with withdrawal after consuming daily for years is a bit of insomnia for about three days. The only reason it is banned in some areas is Big Pharma hates it because it competes with their pills.

downvoatmachine ago

oi vey goyim, stay on the smack!

Canvasback ago

I agree, I am on Kratom to get off alcohol. Fuck the haters. I don't give a shit what they think. If it helps us not drink, then use it.

majb ago

It certainly helped me, even if it acted as a placebo.

Usernamenameuser ago

Its definitely not a placebo, its an opiate.

Canvasback ago

I definitely feel the effects. It feels "floaty".

Usernamenameuser ago

Don't worry, that will go away soon and then you're just eating weird powder all day with an addiction to opiates. 3 days into kratom withdrawal here after 3 years of use.

Glipglup ago

You're both correct. Kratom is an effective treatment for withdrawal symptoms from opiates. Do not take Kratom along with any other medication unless prescribed by a doctor. It can fuck you up and become an addiction in it's own right. Tylenol can kill you. Almost like drug use is less about the drug itself and more about using it responsibly.

Nigloo_Dismantler ago

Congrats and Godspeed brother o7

dontmindthemess ago

Thank you!

jpu ago


dontmindthemess ago

Thanks! My problem was that I had to finish the bottle. Every. Time. I went to work every day, but when I got home, I was only useful for about 2 hours. After that, I was usually passed out. The weekends flew by. There have been some “fuck it” thoughts, but I made it through. It feels good not to wake up still drunk from last night.

watitdew ago

Yeah that's the thing...I always had to finish the whole case of beer too. And it's been a while now since I quit but sometimes the voice in my head says 'hey just a couple drinks'. But it's never just a couple drinks, because after a couple drinks you're like 'fuck it just a couple more drinks and I'll feel good' then you wake up the next day and you're detoxing and feeling like shit and 'hey just a couple more'.

spikes4kikes ago

sounds like my ex wife.

couldnt EVER leave something just unfinished, or save the rest of the wine for the next evening or something, no bottle that was opened was allowed to remain unfinished.

Tandemlee ago
