HitlerDinduNufin ago

Thank you sir.

Sending this as a reply to all the fucks who are blaming climate change.

Straight_up_Prick ago

Great post, upvoated. Wish i could do more.

Call_Me_Sir ago

Let's see who will I believe, a fact checking organization, or some anonymous bot on a racist, homophobic, xenophobic website? You white scared pale face little dick mayonnaise boyz are weak af. #BLM BITCH

donald_d_donaldson ago


Tales from the #ClackamasWildfire patrols: hundreds of calls met by dozens of deputies; recent arrests detailed

From Sept. 8-10, deputies responded to nearly 330 calls in the county's Level 2 and Level 3 fire areas. This is a 405% increase over the number of calls fielded on Sept. 5-7.

31 incidents with case numbers, encompassing 47 different offenses;

12 named suspects in 10 of those 31 cases;

10 arrests on 16 offenses -- including DUII, Theft I, Violation of Restraining Order, domestic violence (harassment and felony strangulation), possession of heroin and meth, and criminal trespass

Sympozium ago

Snopes has 0 credibility. Lying about so much that is proven, I started ignoring that jew site years back.

donald_d_donaldson ago

I'm honestly shocked that The Oregonian is covering any of this at all, they're generally about as awful as far left fake news can get


ToxicWhiteMale ago

It's 2020, and the democrats still believe that Snopes is a legitimate "fact checker". They always forget that liberal facts are not the same as actual facts.

WhiteFathers ago

Did you put this all together?

Nosferatjew ago

No, but I am starting the planning process for a sick media center. Might even do some surround sound.

WhiteFathers ago

Just make sure you do it all over town, Brown.

donald_d_donaldson ago


retardos ago

Do a little research before making us look stupid.

www. nationalgeographic. com/news /2016/08/setting-controlled-burn-fires-drones-fireballs/

offender ago

Remember how the FBI said that antifa was not at the "peaceful protests" a few months ago, when they were on video on all of the livestreams? The FBI is now claiming that antifa has nothing to do with the fires, that's how you know antifa is starting the fires.

wokeasfook ago

Snopes investigate fire?

SexMachine ago

I don't understand the goal here though. Can someone explain?

Enok-Stroth ago

First article says “One thing I can say is that the rumor it was set by Antifa is 100% false information,” he police chief said by email. “We have some leads, and none of it points in that direction.”

Weird that they would be so certain it is 100 percent false.

Nosferatjew ago


HappyMealBullshit ago

Thou doth protest way too much.

Chempergrill ago

Someone just set clothing on fire in Clackamas county department store: https://twitter.com/ClackCoSheriff/status/1304897663221915648

Nosferatjew ago

That dude.... so much meth, not much food.

donald_d_donaldson ago

Arrest record and mugshot of Arson suspect in Oregon


Multnomah County (Portland, Oregon) Sheriff reporting evidence of arson w/ pics


edit: i'll add the http:// back to the URLs when i get enough chinese communist party points

the_magic_man ago

Your links are about people starting fires. None mention Antifa. Dumbass, and of course the retards suck it up.

Nosferatjew ago

And who exactly do you think is starting all these fires? The Proud Boys? lol

the_magic_man ago

Well, definitely not Antifa because none of your links mention it. Unless all your sources are in on the conspiracy to hide it

Nosferatjew ago

As of the police and media would suddenly start openly blaming antifa for the arson they commit.

Smallest_Skil ago

Snopes has three employees. A crazy cat lady, her ex husband and the hooker he left her for. The three of them run snopes. LoL

Who the fuck would trust that bunch of uneducated freaks?

olinneserpona ago

The first article mentions antifa once:

“One thing I can say is that the rumor it was set by Antifa is 100% false information,” the police chief said by email. “We have some leads, and none of it points in that direction.”

It literally says antifa is not to blame, yet you claim the article says the complete opposite.

Your second article doesn't mention antifa at all and I am going to assume the rest of them doesn't either.
You don't have 22 sources saying otherwise, you have 21 not mentioning shit and one saying it definitely isn't antifa, for fucks sake.

I hate snopes as much as everyone else, but misinforming like this or plain out lying is what fucking liars do. Of course it's antifa is behind these fires, but you do not have 22 sources saying so.

You can call me a racist, you can call me white supremacist, but you can't call me a liar.

Not being liars is one of the few things dissident people have going for them, it's what separates them from the Jews and the left, please don't ruin it by lying.

Nosferatjew ago

This post was made to provide evidence of arson, the perpetrators of which are obvious. All those articles and videos and such help to substantiate the claims that these fires are the result of arson. Unless you are an absolute slushbrain retard, it shouldn't be very hard to connect the dots between these arson caused forest fires and the nation's leaders in arson, who go, and have gone by many different synonymous names: antifa, BLM, communists, anarchists, bolsheviks, the resistance, etc. Just because an article doesn't connect those dots directly to antifa specifically, doesn't mean those dots aren't connected. So, frankly, I don't really give a shit if some of the articles or videos don't mention antifa directly, or even say that it wasn't antifa, because anyone with half a functioning brain and any awareness at all, should be able to put the pieces together.

olinneserpona ago

This post was made to provide evidence of arson,

No, it was made to pretend there is solid proof of who the arsonist is. The header is very clear on this.

Just because an article doesn't connect those dots directly to antifa specifically,

Not one, ALL OF THEM.

So, frankly, I don't really give a shit if some of the articles or videos don't mention antifa directly, or even say that it wasn't antifa, because anyone with half a functioning brain and any awareness at all, should be able to put the pieces together.

Judging by all you've written it's not hard to see you give jack shit about the truth so posts like this should be right up your alley.

Nosferatjew ago

Cry more, faggot.

olinneserpona ago

OK liar.

Optional_Reading ago

I hope the militia can take out antifa before antifa burns any more shit down

Nesano ago

Snopes is a fucking meme.

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Smallest_Skil ago

holy fucking shit balls. The chinks and jew puppets are using drones with fuel to burn down the country. The solution is summary execution of anyone found doing this shit and live rounds on the antifa fags. No trial.

happyfacemcgee ago

agreed brother!! holy shit execution time.

mr_anthrope ago

Who is operating that drone? Sometimes firefighters do a back burn in order to stop a wildfire's progress. I'm not saying that's what's happening in that video, but it could be.

steven_feelsperg ago

Notice it's along a service road which is a basically a firegap, therefore likely backburn. Antifa is too fucking lazy and stupid to setup a fire spitting drone. They do arson raw and dirty with gas cans, matches, mason jars filled with tinder, and firefighting gear purchased from Home Depot to larp in a photo op.

Nosferatjew ago

What. In. The. Fuck.

facepaint ago

Don't trust that one. It claims the guy is Chinese and was nabbed by the FBI, but there are ZERO reports of this anywhere. Expect to find out that is old pre-existing footage being coopted to frame the Chinks to throw the suspicion off of Antifa, or at least sow confusion.

offender ago

I saw this video a few days ago and it didn't have the chinese text on it or the image on the right, so it's been edited for sure.

DerJudenfresser ago

I didn't know it was possible to mount flammenwerfer to a drone.

Plavonica ago

With a big enough drone, you can mount anything.

109Expulsions ago

This alone needs to be #1 post on front page of everything.

MadJack ago


Cleanhouseindc ago

I had an anti-Trumper this is Pro-Trumpers and proud boys doing this to make BLM, Antifa and the Dems look bad, TDS has no bounds.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I heard there was nothing happening where the buffalo squirm when your trying to change them into their bathing suits.

bonghits4jeebus ago

It wasn't Antifa. It was BLM. - Snopes, probably

aicilla ago

They are the same

Grunge ago

Snopes is a propaganda outlet for the demoncrats, antifa is a usefull idiot militia group for them. Of course snopes will cover for them.

CrudOMatic ago

Snopes... just the name alone tells you it is garbage. Plus the DNC bought Snopes in 2012 to whitewash that nigger Obama.

veteran88 ago

The opposite of everything snopes says is true.

They covered for terrorist immigrants in Boise that gang raped a5 year old girl. Twice! Their initial lie was debunked by Anons so they wrote a second lie saying it's false because of the usual string of jewish fallacies.

51235521 ago

Don’t waste your time bro. Anyone who looks at snopes is too far gone. They are being programmed every hour of their day. Their only hope is no communication whatsoever. ie grid down, EMP, etc.

Scyber ago

Snopes are dopes that should be hanged by ropes.

toobaditworks ago

I wonder what would happen if you sent this to snopes. Would they update the page to mostly false? lol

123456788 ago

Antifa can light cop cars on fire in the streets in broad daylight, but people don't believe they would start forest fires?

Someone needs to meme the above statement with some relevant photos.

toobaditworks ago

Here's what i came up with. I'm not very good at Gimp. I know Photoshop better and can do a lot more with it... but I don't have it right now.

123456788 ago

This is some good stuff, brother. Doesn't call them out directly by name and let's people connect the dots themselves. Good work.

toobaditworks ago


toobaditworks ago

I'll do it. brb

ketoll ago

Fucking snopes acting like they're an authority, the only reason is because Google is working with them to get their search results to the top of every inquiry. Same propaganda technique.

gazillions ago

Thank you much for the work.

mmabouncer ago

People like you, OP, who do this legwork are what make VOAT so great. Thank you sir.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

Should be top comment. I second.

Derpfroot ago

OC shit's definitely some of my favorite stuff.

Ghostofmajorkong ago

Thank you. Shared.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Im noticing a serious coordinated effort among left wing political and media outlets trying to convince people antifa is innocent of all crimes now and forever.

New-World-Ebola ago

jew media need to be visited for their compulsory lead injections

MrNevsky ago

I finally convinced my parents that Snopes was bullshit when they said that Hunter Biden sitting on the board of Burisma was NOT corruption because Romney's, Pelosi's, and someone else's kids ALSO sat on the boards of Ukrainian companies so it clearly wasn't corruption.

Babadookk ago

Such a jew thing to play both sides

PedoAnnihilator3 ago

Did someone say pisschrist? Look at the art I made for the kikes to thank them on behalf of the christcucks!

The Code of the League of Defense against Annihilation by Jews

The purpose of this Code is the total annihilation of judaism. The legitimacy of this Code is as counter to Isaiah 60:12 which says that all Gentiles shall serve jews as slaves or perish, utterly wasted.

Any Gentile shall become a Member of this League by swearing an Oath to annihilate judaism.

Upon swearing such an Oath unbroken, all votes due a sworn Member shall immediately be recognized, but all votes of such Member shall be destroyed upon death or disloyalty, yet no vote once destroyed shall ever be recognized again.

A Member shall as Defiler have 1 vote per each Gentile ultimately convinced to join this League by such Member, 10 votes per each jewish baby kidnapped by such Member, and 100 votes per each jewish baby killed or for each jew raped for impregnation or irreversibly sterilized by such Member.

A Member shall as Annihilator have 1 vote for each jew or their servant slain by such Member, 10 votes for each rabbi slain by such Member, 100 votes for each wealthy jew slain by such Member, 1,000 votes for each Chief Rabbi slain by such Member, and 10,000 votes for each jew tortured to death by such Member.

A Member shall as Plunderer have votes equal to the real market value of funds contributed to this League, votes equal to the real market value of jews enslaved by such Member, votes equal to the real market value of plunder stripped from jews, and votes multiplied 100 times by the real market value of jewish artifacts destroyed and religious buildings razed & salted.

The Defilers by majority vote shall appropriate funds in exchange for acts that annihilate judaism.

The Executors by majority vote shall elect the Strategos who shall deliver League funds according to Defiler Appropriation & Plunderer Direction.

The Plunderers by majority vote shall direct Commanders from which Citizens shall choose their direction.

Two of three Member classes shall veto by respective majority vote any Defiler Appropriation, Strategos Delivery, or Plunderer Direction.

This Code shall be suspended upon the perceived total annihilation of judaism but shall restart upon detection of jewry.

Killnigs3 ago

found the selfhating heeb again

Nukeisrael ago

It’s the insane guy who thinks he’s god and makes “constitutions” for races.

Killnigs3 ago

no hess definitely a jew he started this comment saying pisschrist no nonjew says that shit. even antichristian white nationalists call it kike on a stick the whole piss christ thing was jewish demoralization. his whole speal is were evil muh defilers for wanting to save our peoe by exterminating his he thinks he can make us monsters. but he doesnt understand jews are vampires they are bloodsucking demons in the shadows forever. but the white man is only the monster once in a blue moon when demon vampires are prowling our good white people. the whole vlad the impaler thing being dracula is all bullshit jew tripe to distract from this

we are avenging wolves lycanthropes turned to monsters in the last light before the darkness emerging to exterminate the jews

Killnigs3 ago




PedoAnnihilator4 ago


Killnigs3 ago

stinky stinky heeby heeb were gonna get you just you seee

SearchVoatBot ago

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Nukeisrael ago

Does 2+2=4?

Snopes: mostly false, only is some numerical bases

kishind ago

Not any more. That smarmy dude dumped his fat wife and remarried to a literal hooker.

Straight_up_Prick ago

Probably a tranny too.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Pic please, need to update the meme.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

Anyone can listen to the Clackamas County police scanner. Just last night a report of an unmarked truck with gas cans saying they were from a “utility company” but were not “yellow vests” according to dispatch. Many reports of fires and suspicious activity.

One heartening moment was, “one of the militia guys just flagged me down.” Reports of armed militias roaming evacuated areas to protect it. Well done.

The corrupt leftist system in Oregon made a mistake by trying to say there was no connection. Between that, brown denying air support or national guard... The truth will come out.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I lived in West Linn, near Oregon City in the 90's.. How bad is it? It breaks my heart thinking about that pristine area being destroyed.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

Of course this depends on whether cowards light more fires.

Oh_Well_ian ago

thank you... I noticed the fire is burning very close to Silver Falls State Park..

Hopefully it will be protected. I love that place. God's Country.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

God's Country.

That’s why it was targeted. I don’t think they will enjoy His response.

TheFlameOfTruth ago


Looks to be in the green atm, and the fire is very far away. Plus, both the highway and Willamette River are buffers, unless it gets dry/windy again and continues to spread.

UlyssesMcGill ago

Snopee: PANTS ON FIRE! True in less than 1% of number systems

magaloid ago

We rate this false.

Numbers are a social construct. The symbol 4 only has the meaning that we ascribe to it. The idea that 2+2=4 is an example of the rigid dogma inherent in the patriarchal white supremacist system that exists only to keep POC and women oppressed.

Enok-Stroth ago

Language in itself is false. everything is fake and make believe. Welcome to "reality" I make you believe you make me believe. We live a lie.