Cat_anon ago

What did they post?

moscowjade ago

Fuck the kike mods and their jew subversion bullshit. I hope they liked sucking on that downvote dick.

mudbear ago

Whose QRV and why should i care?

You have been shit talking them on unrelated threads a lot lately and its been fucking annoying.

GoyToy96 ago

QRV is worse than niggers , I can’t stand a race traitor .

Chimaira92 ago

QRV supports a president that actively calls for the destruction of anyone that seeks to harm Jews

Trump will bring the hammer down on poor Kyle to please his kike masters

GoyToy96 ago

Nigger in chief isn’t fooling anyone

danjo_kandui ago

I honestly don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. I haven’t had the same experience in QRV. I talk shit on Jews and expose their history all the time. Seems to be accepted well there. I also see a lot of posts talking shit on BLM and antifa. If I had to guess, you’re part of a campaign to create a false narrative of what QRV is.

CheeBooga ago

You're a fuckin retard. QRV mods stickied a post siding with antifa/blm and demonizing the great Patriot Kyle.

danjo_kandui ago

If you’re retarded enough to not expect our enemies to infiltrate and subvert. Who gives a fuck? So a Jew made a post. Big deal. Nobody cares. We all know about the Jew. You’re the one pretending they don’t have shills. Kinda like a Jew shill.

CheeBooga ago

oy vey say a bunch of jew stuff, ya know, my fellow white. shalom

danjo_kandui ago

Cry some more about it you faggot. Lol.

the_art_collector ago

Do you think people will buy what you are selling if you repeat it over and over?

CheeBooga ago

We have it all, Patriot!


FightingTheDarkArts ago

Voat: There is a group of racist billionaire Jews running big pharma, the federal reserve, private banking, Hollywood, social media and the mainstream media. They have our cities in flames and we're in a race war. They run BLM and tell black women to get abortions and that killing their newborn babies is a reproductive right. They tell them they don't need fathers in the home. They are literally killing us, encouraging us to kill and hate on another, destroying the economy and destroying our genetic lines and our very souls. Here is a list of all the Jews I just mentioned. Here are quotes from Jewish leaders talking about destroying whites globally and how they think blacks are dumb animals.

Q: We must stick together. Pointing out blacks are randomly shooting 5 year old white kids is racist. Talking about Jews running the porn industry and child trafficking and promoting incest/pedophilia is dividing us. Only by ignoring all the horrible & racist things Jews do to your people and supporting Israel with trillions every year can you unite and save this country.

wokeasfook ago


CheeBooga ago

Its conspiracy theories -Qtards

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Qboomers....somewhere out there...there's 1 billboard left with a white couple on it. There's an insurance commercial with an elderly white couple...there's a big pharma commercial where a white man is playing ball with his white grandson. Your good works are never done!

magic3383 ago

I've attempted to keep up with Q stuff as I'm always interested in conspiracy stuff, but I'm not a believer in the Q theories. Most of the Q community are civnat, proisrael, sodomites. That said qrv as a community has always been much better than great awakening. Most of qrv actually seem pretty aware of the jq. I have no idea how mods get into place or how they stay there, but the qrv users aren't nearly the people that would make or support the kiked sticky that was made.

blumen4alles ago

I can't believe that was even stickied!

CheeBooga ago

Jews are so smug that they think they've won. They thought wrong.

voatusernamevoat ago

They thought wrong.

jews won long ago and rule the world. That can be changed without going rambo.

ketoll ago

They weren't supporting BLM/Antifa, they were demonizing an American patriot who was defending property from terrorist destruction, and who defended his own life when attacked by terrorists. They tried to shame him as irresponsible when he simply had the balls to do the job the government should have been doing to protect lives and property.

MrDarkWater ago

QRV doesn't support (((QRV mods)))

It's like you're intentionally ignoring the downvotes it received

CheeBooga ago

QRV is sick with leftist jews. No other mods have came out to disavow that post. They took it down because it got downvoted into oblivion. QRV SIDED WITH ANTIFA/BLM TERRORISTS.

MrDarkWater ago

This whole site is sick with leftist Jews, by your reasoning.

You are driving away your brethren who are so close to being fully on your side.

Get a clue, nigger

thislionsheart ago

Since the advent of the 'saveourchildren' protests many q people have been on the edge regarding the possibility of being set up

There was massive slandering of q people because of the save the children shit and discrepency between save OUR children and save THE children

The theory that it was being staged to set the Q people up and to COMMANDEER their movement and put it back into illuminati ownership

thislionsheart ago


Are you fucking kidding me

The post was a panic attempt by the Q people because of their desire to stay FREE of blame for this event

There has been much fear brewing lately of a SET UP on Q and a FALSE FLAG event

Many people have suggested that there may be more to the story and are very concerned

Fears that this was staged to make the Q people look bad

The guy who wrote the post was in panic mode

He is not a racist bloodthirsty demon that is like WOO saint kyle kill people

No, you stupid fucking niggers who love violence get the fuck out

In my opinion kyle was acting logically and reprehensibly

Aren't you people sane and can talk about anything without going off the deep end about absolutely fucking everything

Jesus fucking christ

CheeBooga ago

Kyle legally defended himself against jewish pedophile rapist terrorists.

thislionsheart ago

Nice spin

Do you work for CNN

Kyle just defended himself against people who were out of LINE YOU FUCKING NIGGER




SearchVoatBot ago

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CheeBooga ago

Are you the QRV mod?

every terrorist that tried to kill Kyle was jewish, a criminal and so far two of them were convicted pedophiles.

TurdLord5000 ago

Did you mention that they tried to kill him?

CheeBooga ago

Carl? Or Kyle?

TurdLord5000 ago

There's a difference?

CheeBooga ago

Mind blown.

TurdLord5000 ago

Carl is all that is good.

CheeBooga ago

Trufe 1990

VAT ago

687 DOWNVOTES by ENRAGED voaters!

something is rotten in denmark

Shotinthedark ago

Oy vey they let the mask slip

CheeBooga ago

They were so triggered that someone stood up to the terrorist pedo jews that QRV mods were seething with rage because so many sided with Kyle. kek I love when jews rage.

ClaytonBigsby313 ago

If you stop paying attention...

RockmanRaiden ago

Those faggots supported blm/antifa? Here? Wow. Fuck them completely.

pby1000 ago

The mods need to be replaced. That never should have happened.

CheeBooga ago

I wouldn't believe anything they have to say. If they claim they got rid of the mods then we need hard proof.

SimonWest ago

They're a cult anyway. Cant expect them to think for themselves.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Phantom42 ago

Cults are banned in the new Holy Order.