thislionsheart ago

lol I'm not a mod of anything

I've been asked to be a mod for the great awakening

I'm a man of logic and I follow no movement

If something seems logical, I side with it

Am I a jew too?

Fucking seriously niggerfagot

I am a based kike niggerfagot from hell on steroids that I bought from russia

I'm a bot from mars that was cloned and chipped

CheeBooga ago

That's exactly what a jew would say. Tell me why you side with Antifa/BLM terrorists instead of Kyle The Great?

thislionsheart ago

lol dude if you could read you would know where my side is but you have not even investigated me like the stupid humanoid that you are

You don't even have enough respect to actually detail or chronicle my posts on the matter like a professional but you wanna act like a bigshot

Have fun with that, let me know when you can actually pull up the post to post like a credible human being

I stand with kyle, plain and simple

I think he acted properly and with dignity

I go with my gut on all matters

Then you are gonna say that he murdered jews, in which case you are the spinbot master of deception that needs to be concerned about

No, he simply defended himself from radical terrorists who were not engaged in peaceful protest and too many american cities have been burnt so someone had to act out and set an example

CheeBooga ago

Are you the mod at QRV. Tell me because I'm soon to find out anyway.

thislionsheart ago

That's twice that you ignored me

CheeBooga ago

Answer my question. Are you a mod at QRV?

thislionsheart ago

That's three times

thislionsheart ago

So let me respond even though you refuse to listen or acknowledge details because you are a panic stricken loon like everyone else right now

I am not a mod, and I do not mod anything

I do not even like voat

I post on here because I think some of the people are pretty ingelligent

Q is interesting so I post around that too because I think there is something to it and / or is on to something

Other than that i'm a man of god and I mostly just post prayers or talk about lucifer and nobody believes me and calls me a christ cuck or a christ fag

You can investigate me up and down

Never modded anything, just post

I am a man of logic and sanity

Right now I think all of you are going insane

I think there is always something deeper

I also think he might be a cia plant that was done as a lone wolf terrorist that was set up to kill jews to do a false flag on jews and say qanon is a nazi hate group

CheeBooga ago


thislionsheart ago

I also like to talk about aliens a lot in qrv and how the deepstate and pedovoria in general is tied to actual extraterrestrials and lucifer is one and is behind all of this as the illuminati in the 33rd degree worship him

God bless

CheeBooga ago

oy vey its not the jews. Its aliens.

thislionsheart ago

Let's just be clear as to my disposition in relation to everyone else on here who many of which are racist or nazi sympathizers or q tards

I am simply a man who deals with what I believe is rational

Even though most people think i'm the crazy one

CheeBooga ago

ahh there it is, yes. That familiar smugness. Very jewish of you. Let me ask you this, QRV MOD: Are you a registered pedophile?

thislionsheart ago

Jones is a fraud

You don't know what has been done to me, dude

I have severe ptsd and was in a military combat zone and had 15 ar's aimed at me by the crooked fbi

Q people seem to have drit on them, so I like them

CheeBooga ago

I've known Jonestein is a fraud for years. I've posted here about him.

anyone who sides with jews is cancer.

thislionsheart ago

When I was on jones

I got targeted

I am fairly certain they went after my then wife

And destroyed my life

I have been living like a fucking hippie for a long time and travelling

I was being followed

Then I got majorly into god around the time Q came around

I have been protected ever since

Nobody believes you when you fully talk about god

CheeBooga ago

God wont save us. Only telling truth about jews can. NAME THEM.

thislionsheart ago

My name is Greg von Haesler

No, I am not a registered pedophile

My first and last name is on my fucking profile, dude

I have been on alex jones and I know he is a fraud, you can backlog that data too if you know how to actually research

CheeBooga ago

Yet you ignore the jewish question and black crime levels. kek

thislionsheart ago

Ask me anything nigger i'm an open fucking book

thislionsheart ago

You have no idea the premise of real evil on this earth and how it is using judaism as a front for babylonian black magic

CheeBooga ago

oy vey its not the jews. fuck off with that stupid shit. I have all of the evidence.

thislionsheart ago

Do you want me to call you

CheeBooga ago


thislionsheart ago

Do you have any more questions you fucking nigger

CheeBooga ago

No, you dirty fucking jew.

oy vey its the aliens

thislionsheart ago

I have also met dr. steven greer the world's most famous ufologist

Have attended MUFON conference in colorado springs colorado

thislionsheart ago

(530) 503-5466

[email protected]

If you really know how to investigate you will find more of me talking on project camelot with kerry cassidy

Or universal truth evolution radio or with super soldier (deceased) dave corso

Also on a show called truth riders with rupert

And a show called 'moheak' belonging to a radio station sharred with dave navarro

I used to know the icke family and was in talks to work with him before he had his television show which was cancelled, i've spoke with jamie icke, garethe icke, and linda, his ex wife

CheeBooga ago

Stop doxxing yourself, dipshit. Its against site rules @PuttItOut

thislionsheart ago

Are you deleting threads now which I am giving you more documentation of myself?

So you ask people to explain themselves then you tell them to not explain themselves, proving themselves by showing their history but you have to start deleting shit because you are weak minded?

thislionsheart ago

Then ban me you stupid fucking nigger

I don't like any of you faggots anyway

CheeBooga ago

@PuttItOut I get a bad vibe from this glow nigger. is he the FF?

thislionsheart ago

Yeah i'm just an evil niggerfagot from hell who knows nothing i'm just some lunatic

No, but I might be wrong about some things

thislionsheart ago

Set me up tell me to explain myself then tell me not to explain myself and i'm getting doxxed

thislionsheart ago

If you guys really find fault in me ban me from this site anyway there's no fucking hope if someone like me is written off

thislionsheart ago

Dude you think i'm crazy because I talk about aliens and god I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU CHEE stop wasting time for other people's dimes because you can't win arguments

thislionsheart ago

I am beginning to think that voat is just a honeypot to gather people and then spin them all into the narrative that q is a nazi group and that is why the q people were funneled here

thislionsheart ago

So can putt see all the posts that I explained myself or did you delete those too so that my credibility was diminished?

thislionsheart ago

I agree that I am sending bad vibes to you right now

thislionsheart ago

It actually is

I have experienced the greys, who are actually demons

And praying to god does remove them from this reality

They are extradimensional and have 'gotten' me

That was when I had to summon yahweh into my life

So I take god very seriously and note that not all jews are truly satanic because for me god is of the utmost importance

It would only make sense that the devil would penetrate 'gods chosen people' and pervert them

Jesus knew this and notes it many times in the bible

CheeBooga ago

It actually isI have experienced the greys, who are actually demonsAnd praying to god does remove them from this realityThey are extradimensional and have 'gotten' meThat was when I had to summon yahweh into my lifeSo I take god very seriously and note that not all jews are truly satanic because for me god is of the utmost importanceIt would only make sense that the devil would penetrate 'gods chosen people' and pervert themJesus knew this and notes it many times in the bible

You seem mentally ill and should go immediately and get help at the hospital. Just my opinion. Do not respond to me again or you get blocked. get help.

thislionsheart ago

So did you save the archive which makes you look good and delete the post when the whole thing started making you think I was crazy?

Thanks for being part of the global problem

thislionsheart ago


thislionsheart ago

I , a man of logic am still engaged in study on the subject

For me, the talmud is a clear display of evil , pedophilia, and hate for god and christ

I am still in talks on the subject, specifically the kabbalah being about black magic

Beyond that I am largely unaware other than knowin that there are real black mage rabbi's out there

thislionsheart ago

I have hungout with more niggers and have been backed up by so many niggers that i've been called a white crip

I am GERMAN , my family goes back to the bavarian illuminati

I know more about the jew question than you can dream

My family was nazi and left them and joined the cia

Me? I am the black sheep hippie of my family