observation1 ago

grizzible, LarryWhiteContrary, and blumth4les are calling him "saint"

this is a (((strategy))) to associate him with tarant, who effectively murdered innocent people.

Billy the kid is not a murderer

Grizzible ago

Fuck off, I'm calling him a saint because he is a damn hero.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Nukeisrael ago

Look at the name. No shit.

DontBeRacist ago

I can see why he relates with niggers so much.

GumbyTM ago

Odds of that being random = .02 * .02 * .02

Which is


and as a percentage



8/10,000 of a percent

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Wow... and again and again it turns out all of the B.urn L.oot M.urder and AntiWAHHHH members are perverts, pedos and felons. Destroy the far left liberal socialist femocracy!

ToxicWhiteMale ago

And a jew

Optional_Reading ago

Saint Kyle 2024

Samsquamch ago

The second guy who is going to lose his arm, Hand Solo, is a convicted felon and shouldn't have had a fire arm. This kid did us all a favor.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Let's all remember that from thus day forward, communist, far left scummery will be known as Hand Solos or Red Deads.

Good luck and fortunes with a quick, decisive victory in the war to come. The spirit, nobility and heroism of Saint Kyle Rittenhouse will only inspire the frontline as noble defenders finally rise against the sickening rioters who are destroying our home and attempting to murder our future.

Grizzible ago

That is one way to dis-arm a Commie

Samsquamch ago

He has single-handedly provided us with endless entertainment

Grizzible ago

"Hand up, don't shoot"

Samsquamch ago

He's going to need some help from now on. I bet he's hoping he gets the extra hand he needs

user0451 ago

5,999,999 to go kid. Send him some ammo.

Locked_Account ago

Because pedos can read Q too....they are fighting for their fucking lives.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

A pedo and a race traitor commie. 2 birds, one bullet.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Amazing how quickly the pigs turn up when Whitey shoots. That poor young man is going to be made an example of.

Grizzible ago

I don't think so but maybe it is wishful thinking. I feel like what he did was a needed stepping stone and the people will back him. He will probably have a long arduous legal process to deal with though.

whambamthankyouham ago

The King of Kenosha did not inherit his title. It was earned on the battlefield.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

HAIL FIELD MARSHAL RITTENHOUSE, King of Kenosha! Wounded in battle and retreated by a guard due to his innocence and being outnumbered attacked and ambushed whilst alone on the battlefield!

toobaditworks ago

That Chicago Sun Times article is infuriating. Full of lies.

Guy_Justsome ago

Saint Kyle is turning out to be a sympathetic character, and the antifa such monsters, the media is memory-holing the whole story:


Grizzible ago

We have to keep this from getting memory-holed.


5 foot 3 inches


LarryWhiteContrary ago

Wait wait, stop this fuckin bus! You’re saying St. Kyle got an Antifa-communist-pedo-jew?

hang_em_high ago


You could just say jew

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

ya but antifa-communist-pedo-jew really rolls off the tongue

Splooge ago

I'm fond of classics like "oven dodger." Thanks, Uncle Mel.

IAmTheOptimizer ago

So a typical jew.

RapidLynx ago

To be fair, if you just sprayed-and-prayed into a crowd of commies and hit 15 people, odds are you hit at least 14 pedos.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Notice how many Jews. That's at least 2 out of 3 he shot were Jews, both leaders of this movement and 'event organizers.' Now we have 1 confirmed pedo.

Fox news is mum on this. Hasn't posted the whole video and calling them 'victims' and Kyle a 'shooter'

I guess now we know why

SearchVoatBot ago

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ClaytonBigsby313 ago

His place in Valhalla assured.

Monstrum ago


rumorhazard ago

In 2002? So he was 18? Probably fucking a 17 year old, big deal. Let’s keep things factual hey, this isn’t reddit or elsewhere.

Broc_Lia ago

It's a reasonable question to ask and I was thinking the same thing, Given that actual pedophiles get community service and "sex offenders" that barely did anything wrong get years behind bars this could mean almost anything.

He does have jew privilege though, so the fact he was locked up for so long kinda has me leaning towards thinking he actually did something.

hang_em_high ago

Oh that pedophile PROBABLY did nothing wrong. Do you even fucking listen to yourself? And then you mention facts after you pull that bullshit out. Why so eager to defend a pedo without the facts kike?

Gumbatron ago

Well, according to the prison records, his sentence was for 10 Years. So, it's unlikely to be some sort of statutory rape of girlfriend. That's some serious time. Followed by a further sentence of 2 Years and 6 Months (likely for a related crime), then another 2 Years and 6 Months for interfering with a monitoring device (likely trying to cut off his ankle monitor).


Soyboy69 ago

So, it's unlikely to be some sort of statutory rape of girlfriend. That's some serious time

The ten years is serious time, or statutory rape of girlfriend would be serious time reflective to that?

Gumbatron ago

This info may be relevant:

Sexual conduct with a minor. Sexual conduct with a minor is a crime that involves sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact between a child who is younger than 18 years old, and a defendant of any age. It also includes intercourse or oral sexual contact between a minor who is 15, 16, or 17, and a defendant who is 19 or older (unless the defendant is still in high school), and at least two years older than the minor. (Az. Rev. Stat. §§ 13-1405, 13-1407 (2018).)

Molestation of a child. Arizona law defines molestation of a child as sexual contact without penetration (not including touching a female’s breast) between a minor who is 14 or younger and a defendant of any age. (Az. Rev. Stat. § 13-1410 (2018).)

Sexual abuse. Under Arizona law, sexual abuse occurs when there is consensual sexual contact between a minor who is 14 or younger and a defendant of any age and the contact involves only the touching of a female’s breast. (Az. Rev. Stat. § 13-1404 (2018).)

Sexual conduct with a minor, molestation of a child, and sexual abuse are felonies in Arizona. Penalties vary according to the state’s sentencing grid and may include fines, prison time, or both. Punishments are typically harsher the younger the victim. Increased penalties also apply to offenders with prior convictions and those who were in a position of trust (such as a teacher, clergyman, or coach) at the time of the sexual contact. For instance, a conviction for sexual conduct with a minor can result in a prison sentence ranging from 13 years to life, depending on the facts of the case. (Az. Rev. Stat. §§ 13-705, 13-1405 (2018).)


ciaozuzu ago

Thank you this was the info I was searching for because I was thinking the same thing.

Gumbatron ago

I had a bit of a look for the court documents so we could get some more info, unfortunately the Pima Superior Court in Arizona doesn't have cases prior to about 2015 online, so you'd need to physically go to the court.

I was able to find records there for the tampering with a tracking device record.

Grizzible ago

I agree with you. now I'm on a mission to find the age of the minor. I didn't even look at the year of the offense.

CmdrRockwell ago

yeah maybe, or a monster who was diddling a 7 year old when he was 18. how the fuck do you know? he sure served a lot of years for a 17 year old.

CheeBooga ago

I love watching that kike die. I've watched it 16 times so far and plan on watching it more. It really makes me feel happy. The world is now a better place. The birds are singing and its sunny.

Atkho ago


ISaidit1 ago

Do not do that for your own soul sake. You're only feeding the demons.

PhilKDick ago


Niggertown ago

Time, it's every single.

Monstrum ago

Height- 63 inches (5'3)

A jewish manlet commie pedophile.

Fuck around and find out indeed

Clubbooradley ago

Tough enough serving time as a pedo, but being a 5’3” pedo?!

Being a short guy in prison means your mouth is about waist high for some of your fellatio—er....fellow prisoners.

Guess we now know why he was out representing for #blm 🤤🍆🤤🍆🤤🍆

Monstrum ago

Haha his slogan was bbc matter

BillNye_TheSoyGoy ago

Hes a juden so he gets separated from general population. No doubt he was recruiting for some buck to plow his juden wife. He is absolutely a bull prepper.

VoatBug ago

Kyle didn't even know he was anti-semitic until he had to fight for his life.

They sought him out for his innocence. It drives them crazy.

Glory_Beckons ago

All three of them were Jews.


<2% of the population. 100% subversive.


Yuke ago

I know this guy and the now arm-fucked guy, who was the one that got it in the chest?

gazillions ago

Yes because antifa is a jewish organization.

Broc_Lia ago

The 30s organisation is only tangentially connected to modern antifa. They took the name because it makes them look cool.

CowWithBeef ago

Or the same jewish family financed and designed both.

Broc_Lia ago

The Soroses were involved with original antifa too?

CowWithBeef ago

Soros works for Rothschild.

veteran88 ago

holy fuck

I knew one was but all 3.

no wonder zog is charging him with murder when it was obviously self defense.

Scyber ago

That's why Don Lemon of CNN backtracked the whole blm/antifa thing last night - because the jews know they're gonna lose.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Haha Don Lemon? Gotta give him credit for living up to his last name though.

He is quite the bitter, little, fruit.

Sloppy_Joe ago

5'3? What is this a Pedophile for Ants?

Shotinthedark ago

He's kid sized

forgotpwagain ago


steven_feelsperg ago

Now he's ashtray sized.

Shotinthedark ago

Well he is Jewish

Basically_Hitler ago


Dogsled ago

Kyle should be getting a medal.

Grizzible ago

Should be placed in the Garden of Heroes

Guy_Justsome ago

Should get a commission on all the taxpayer money he saved us by snuffing criminals.

Voats_conspiracy ago

Another pedophile?

That's why these pieces of shit are wearing masks

invalid_user ago

Because they are Jewish, duh.

CowWithBeef ago

Damn he could really go down for 1st degree murder then. Those antifa thugs with arrest records are our greatest ally.

MarauderShields ago

No. They always escalate the initial charge to go for confession on a plea for a lesser version of the dame crime. i.e maybe manslaughter. It's the jewey way of negotiating your freedom.