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Glory_Beckons ago

Lessons from history, as you watch your country burn:

In 1918, in the wake of WW I, Communist Revolutionaries attempted to violently take over Germany by force, in order to put in place a Communist government. The revolution lasted about a year, and resulted in the abolition of the German Empire, and the institution of the Weimar Republic, which of course is famous for the rampant degeneracy it produced.

The leaders of the Communist revolutionaries were:

Percentage of ✡ among leadership of Communist insurrection: 66.6%+

Percentage of ✡ among general German population at the time: 0.75%

For the visual thinkers: This is what that looks like

After the turmoil settled, the revolutionaries formed a new political party: The Communist Part of Germany

This is what their headquarters looked like

Note the flag logo, just right of center.

Another photo, from one of their rallies

While the main political party put on airs of peacefully pursuing humanitarian goals, they created and funded a paramilitary branch to be able to continue exerting political pressure through violence and intimidation, particularly during the 1933 election cycle.

They called it Antifa.

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BalfourYourFace ago

Can you put together one of these, but for the Bolshevik revolution, their leaders and their backers in New York, and possibly Switzerland?

500five ago

Maybe a good time to micro red pill the masses with this:

"Hitler was considered evil stopping these people " or something more subtle.

Glory_Beckons ago

or something more subtle

That's the idea behind this post.

I avoided mentioning Hitler intentionally, because I find red-pills are most effective when people take the last few steps to arrive at the conclusion themselves. The conditioning that Hitler and the Nazis were evil runs too deep to convince most people directly. They reject any attempt without even listening to your argument.

But show them this, show them what was being done to Germany and her people, and who was doing it, and how similar the problems they faced back then are to the problems plaguing us today... And suddenly... Something clicks.

Suddenly they can relate, and it all starts to make sense in a way that it never did before. Because, for the first time in their lives, they are able to put themselves in their shoes, and see the world through their eyes. And realize the Nazis were not motivated by hatred. But instead by a love for their people, and a need to defend themselves in a fight they didn't want or start, instigated by the same aggressor that is trying to destroy our nations now.

thislionsheart ago

How about the possible misinformation about vikings and the fact that they basically established a civilized society and many people wanted to join them when they 'travelled' (as opposed to the belief they were 'invading') and they even inveted womens rights.Female vikings lived GOOD.

Glory_Beckons ago

A lot of it was false propaganda spread by the church, similar to what we've seen (((media))) do to the Nazis.

Writings from English monks at the time bemoaned how many English women were infatuated with Vikings, because of their poetry and clean looks and smell. Apparently, they took more pride in how they presented themselves, and made a sport of writing poems and songs. They were also primarily farmers rather than warriors, and settled in stable family units. Though they certainly did raid during summers in their youth, and often "found" their brides that way.

thislionsheart ago

Songs are holy.

Glory_Beckons ago

Lore is the soul of a people. And we have lost control of ours. To outsiders who despise all that we are.

We must reclaim it, if we are to survive.

VoaterFrog ago

Awesome post, thanks!!

Neongreen ago

We all know.

Mustard_Monkey ago

The jewery runs deep.

Killinitnow ago

Excellent lesson but you forgot the best part. Hitler showed up and the rest was history. That flag logo looks an awful lot like a hook Jew nose, could it be?

PinkiePunk ago

Oh for fucks sake.

Hands up anyone who can literally post a picture, right now, of their local bit of country being on fire.

No? Well now, maybe that's because it was mostly over after the first weekend, but the news cycle is excited to have something to focus on that isn't politics or the fucking disease.

Most of the country is still just the same as it was two weeks ago.

If you can actually show video or photographic evidence of such things happening where you live, please back your point up by sharing them.

They're distracting you, idiots. Stop watching live news channels that NEED news to function.

Aside from like, twenty, maybe thirty blocks total (and I'm overshooting there), America is not on fire. America is fine.

So take your Russian fear propaganda, shove it up your commie asshole, and go shit it on Putin's head.

15MAR ago

America is not on fire. America is fine.

Said as the people that built this nation are brainwashed into self hate, to the point that they would choose to die before standing up for their own interests.

America is fine.

Said as the traditions, values, and culture of this nation are trampled and discarded by an apathetic population that is ready to be displaced by foreign populations.

America is fine.

Said as the political parties are mere illusions of choice that lead towards the same goal, the destruction of the people that built this nation.

America is fine.

Said as moral decay has taken hold of this nation and replaced its spirit with that of narcissism, consumerism, and hedonism.

America is fine.

Said, ignoring the fact that this same disease which plagued Russia and Germany before, came from the (((same place))).

Just because civilizational collapse happens slowly, over decades, doesn't mean it isn't happening, and can't be noticed.

PinkiePunk ago

Right, so you have no local evidence of it being literally on fire.

Fuck off back to Moscow.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

How would America turn into an even more degenerate country than it already is!

HbMcNutt ago

All cities are cancer to humans. Live in a town or in the country

erivesmoi ago


thislionsheart ago

Cities are how they infiltrate your brain with the 5g most effectively and turn you into a fucking cuck. Cities were always a threat, in the way they are created. they are not sustainable. Most cities are a threat to the planet in the way they exist. Until our technology changes or we get rid of our current tech altogether we are screwed. EMF pollution is disastrous, just imagine the consequences? Like I said, 5g was the end, but they call that a white supremecist conspiracy. 5g was a psychokinetic framework designed to infiltrate you psychically. The coronavirus vaccine will contain nanotech to make it like pancakes to keep you connected to the 5g psychokinetic framework. The stuff of horror scifi, totally happening. All of this tech is also basically burning plants and animals as well as us. It will kill the planet. The cities can't sustain. Everything needs a reboot.

suterusu ago

Lol 5g, let me guess you're a flat earther too.

thislionsheart ago

lol I guess you're a glownigger from hell

suterusu ago

You type like a zionist trying to blend into voat.

Throw out a few keywords and wait for applause?

mattsixteen24 ago

nah, cities were not always like this. It's only in modern times that cities have become like this. Cities have a lot of jobs.

Atkho ago

White cities are Utopias.

GhostBalls ago

Not the kind of jobs that the people really need though. Media and entertainment talking heads, academe, insurance vultures, lawyers, "community organizers", social workers. We could easily do without it all.

mattsixteen24 ago

You just cherry picked the the useless jobs as if everyone in cities has those jobs. Even in small towns they have those same jobs. And entertainment jobs are all concentrated in LA and NYC.

Glory_Beckons ago

Not gonna argue with that, but these cities exist and have significant influence over our countries and so we cannot ignore what's going on in them. Eventually, the consequences will reach you no matter how far out in the country you are.

Just ask the farmers in South Africa.

toggafreggin ago

If the cities have influence and are full of shit people, isn't it better that they cease to exist. Less influence and meddling from civi shit people sounds awesome.

HbMcNutt ago

Its like LOTR. But anyways we shouldn't rebuild cities. Living in extremely large social groups negatively impacts ones well-being mental and spiritually. Its too easy to be lost in the crowd and not be held accountable to your actions

toggafreggin ago

Hell yes. Once hierarchical systems, which are necessary for cities to exist, go over Dunbar's Number, around 150 people, anonymity becomes possible and psychopaths gain an inherent advantage.

paybythepound ago

Look at the schnoz on the guy on to left of that first pic.

Quicktor ago

I wish this subject was a rolling headline on the main page until the day Hollywood and Brooklyn are burned to the fucking ground...

it's THAT important to current events...

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

This is NOT a communist revolution..

It is PAID RIOTS by SOROS/Rothchilds

godamn ago

You’re saying everywhere else is national socialism?