24601_JeanValJean ago

looks like parts of any city when niggers move in

oceanside ago

Niggers destroy everything.

Cat-hax ago

That guy's taking a huge risk driving around south Africa like that.

boekanier ago

SA is not as bad as this.

TheAssMaster ago

Big cities have vandalism? I couldn't care less


All the kids in Antifa, where and who are their parents?

Plant_Boy ago

What do you mean this isn't Detroit?

GoyimNose ago

implying i give a fuck about the rest of the country

t. statest chad

Jagon ago

Haiti 2.0

1_Islander ago

This are the same people that will be leading the charge for a socialist U.S.A. and will be considered productive members of it too.

gosso920 ago

"Seattle: We're Not Detroit... shit."

KeepVoatAfloat ago

Naggers ARE the zombie apocalypse pop culture fantasizes about.

Whats_my_password ago

Niggers throwing bricks is "unchallenged communist revolution?!?!?"

Glory_Beckons ago

It's much bigger than that. They are just a blunt instrument, being wielded against us.

A month or two ago, most of America hated BLM and viewed them as the terrorists that they are, following their behavior in the 2016 riots. Today, they (apparently) have majority approval and (definitely) have corporations and banks giving them over $1.7 billion USD in cash tribute, plus bending over backwards on policies.

You think a bunch of niggers with bricks accomplished all that by themselves?

Not even their logo is theirs. The Raised Fist has been used by Communists since the Spanish Civil war in the 1930s. It is called the Republican Salute, and is the direct counterpart to the Roman Salute.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Buff_Awesome ago

I don't think I can emphasize enough just how isolated all this communist shit is. All this rioting is only happening in progressive cities. Out here in republican town, everything is still normal. Everything's still intact out here: our businesses, our statues, and our neighborhoods. You might say that they'll eventually move out to the suburbs and rural areas, but the thing is, they already tried that and were met with a wall of guns everywhere they went. We all saw the videos. These people are only cleansing their own cities of history and civilization. Now here's the thing: these people cannot be reasoned with and they're not going away, so we have two options. Either we keep them contained in their cities and let them eat each other, or we genocide them all. Personally, I find the former more appealing (though I know some of you would prefer the latter). It's less work for us and the suffering they inflict upon themselves is cathartic to behold.

Glory_Beckons ago

You might say that they'll eventually move out to the suburbs and rural areas, but the thing is, they already tried that and were met with a wall of guns everywhere they went. We all saw the videos.

Yes, but that's the thing, isn't it: They did try. They did show up. And the only reason they left - the only reason - is that they met resistance willing to match or exceed their violence and there were easier targets available.

The correct takeaway from that is this: Resistance with capacity and willingness to exceed their violence is the only valid response.

But assuming this means they won't be back would be a big mistake. They're just walking the path of least resistance. Eventually there will be nothing left to pillage and loot in their neighborhoods. They'll turn into the same shitholes that they crawled out of. And then they'll be back. With more hunger and greed than before. That's what brought them to the cities in the first place. It's an endless cycle.

Now here's the thing: these people cannot be reasoned with and they're not going away, so we have two options. Either we keep them contained in their cities and let them eat each other, or we genocide them all.

Agreed on they cannot be reasoned with. As for the options, there is one alternative to genocide (though it may take some of that to convince them):

Segregation. Both physical and political. IE, exile and repatriation, or relocation and secession.

I don't think "keep them contained in their cities" is a valid option at all. Because:

  1. Those were not their cities. They were ours. If we can't keep our cities, we won't be able to keep our towns, etc.
  2. They are not contained. At all. They have massive political influence, with ramifications for the entire country.

We cannot coexist within the same country. Our interests are fundamentally incompatible.

No single government or law framework can adequately serve us both.

There's no escaping from this. We either deal with it, or it will come and deal with us.

DrYiddingston ago

It hasn’t been my country for many years now.

SocksOnCats ago

Thank you for this.

veteran88 ago

Kikes and their pet monkeys gone wild

boekanier ago

These are middle-eastern situations.

federsAI ago

This Just in - We live in a One Party State, and Trump works for the same people that Anti-Fa answers to.

If He cared He would act, or more appropriately, If He was ALLOWED to act, HE would... Maybe/ Or perhaps he likes to see it burn

toggafreggin ago

That's just some shithole city. Let em all burn.

Leveraction ago

This is what niggers are used to living in. They are complete filthy pigs

GhostBalls ago

When bongs and euros start howling on about how America is Third World, I don't even bother trying to argue with them anymore.

BroccoliTit ago

Good. Fuck those cities. They're full of all the soft liberals that wanted this shit. I hope they lost everything. Fucking faggots.

jewsbadnews ago

This is your country under Trump. Biden would have squashed it on day 1.

dfreerksen ago

lol Ok. Keep thinking that.

jewsbadnews ago

Biden would. Trump is just scared the media will call him a dictator if he does anything, democrats don't have to worry cause the media is on their side. Trumps an optics cuck.

clubberlang ago

Auto "no go" zone

thepietaker ago

"Surely tax credits will make these businesses come back"

GhostBalls ago

If not then shame on white flight!

(that was /s for you autists out there tonight)

XXlntBowler ago

My country is more than a few fucking libtard run shithole cities. Good luck with that without a much better equipped and trained force. The only reason these places are burning is because some bent local and state officials let it happen because their handlers wanted it to happen. Those are the same handlers financing the entire shitshow war. No matter what happened there were going to be casualties. It is a sad fact of life in our times and apparently all times in recorded history. I suspect it is universal. The creator-force/entity has deemed it necessary or evil would not be allowed to exist.

Timur9000 ago

The creator-force/entity has deemed it necessary or evil would not be allowed to exist.

scootypufftipper ago

Minneapolis, you’re fucked. I operated a business there since 2014. No more. I signed a new lease in a new city and am getting the fuck out of that burning pile of garbage.

HeebyKneegrow ago

That city is gonna be an example in history. That mayor was so ineffective and his police force so terrible.

All the destruction and destroyed businesses create white flight and the entire city will become a food desert

Burn_minorities ago

Yep. Yep. Where is our patriotism? Gone with the wind.

Hmmmm_m ago

Noggerville= who cares.

GhostBalls ago

You should care because they're not confined to the ghetto anymore. They're taking it everywhere these days.

BentAxel ago

Backstory for sharing reasons.

Glory_Beckons ago

Not sure there is much backstory to be had. Found the video on Twitter without any real context.

Looks like this is on and around Lake Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Guessing from about three weeks ago, shortly after the media pushed the George Floyd narrative.

BentAxel ago


Mustard_Monkey ago

No OP. That's their country the liberals want. Their liberal cities burn. We don't have to do anything about it. We won't comply or play. Too busy watching the liberal loonies ape out.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Merlynn ago

Let's talk about the real damage here. Every burned building you see is a store. Each one of those stores is going to take a good,long,HARD look at what happened. And certain things are going to be obvious.

  1. The government,city,state,and/or federal government,doesn't give a shit about them. They simply don't care. At all. They told the cops to stand down and let this happen. They did nothing to stop the rioters. It doesn't matter what you believe they were. Peaceful protesters with a few "bad apples",bussed in gangs of thugs working for Soros,or white supremacists trying to make BLM look bad. The fact remains the government allowed these buildings to be burned down by people they refused to stop. Knowing this,I know the small businesses won't be back and the big businesses are going to need some sweet kick backs to reopen their stores.

  2. This town is under communist control. And now everyone knows it. They will let their savages run through the streets whenever they feel the need. They will arrest no one and bring no charges. Which means you get off your ass and do something or you get the fuck out. Most people will take the GTFO route.

  3. There's no counter group to these animals. Because there shouldn't have to be. The police should have stopped it. The very idea that people have to group up and defend themselves is proof the state has failed on every level. This isn't a decent society anymore,it's a dystopia.

And everyone who lives in cities where this happened are getting out. They're coming to your city. And they're bringing their soft headed politics with them. You watch out for these fuckers. And when they talk about "pro-diversity",you remind them why they moved there. And then you tell them to shut up and vote for Hitler.

Samsquamch ago

The problem is that the police still arrest whites for defending their lives and property. This would have been stamped out long ago if the police just refused to arrest anyone when they get the ridiculous stand down orders.

Instead, they suppress lawful citizens trying to protect what they've Obama built.

Merlynn ago

That's why you shoot the cops who don't stop riots too.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

The solution is simple. It isnt illegal to discriminate for political beliefs so we will just blockade all democrat voters

patriot2008 ago

How long can they keep it up? They just ensured the demise of the political party that hired them.

Feldorai ago

"This is my city two weeks never attempting Communism."

D-marchhare ago

No it's not. This was never our country none of us are that old.

GhostBalls ago

Not true, it was good until 1990.

D-marchhare ago

I strongly disagree, but obviously it was way better back then, than now. Nigs used to wear clocks as chains back then. It meant times running out for the white man.

Warnos44 ago

Only because you weren't looking hard enough at the long game. Everything we see today was well underway by then.

TL09718 ago

Looks unprofitable - I'd move to a better location.

petevoat ago

Mitch just won reelection again.

Let's see if he pushes back against the mob.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

This came out weeks ago, and the cops incited it so its hardly a communist revolution, more like a retaliation incident.

AhmaudArbery ago

Where is this

Killinitnow ago

Minneapolis aka New Mogadishu

AhmaudArbery ago


Killinitnow ago

That’s Soyattle. Minneapolis has the real thing. Notice the difference in damage caused. Can’t wait for the cops to beat up some soy lattes tonight when they clear the CHAZ! No pepper spray or tear gas, only guns and battons. Should be some good videos to watch tomorrow of the “police brutality”.

Derpfroot ago

Can’t wait for the cops to beat up some soy lattes tonight when they clear the CHAZ!

They're clearing it up tonight? I just saw there were 2 more shootings there (4 total) so they need to.

AhmaudArbery ago

Can't wait but I actually wish the police everywhere did nothing I want whites to wake up.

wonderfuldonut ago

The Troglodytes that have perpetrated the destruction shown in the video clip, have no understanding of what they unleashed, Weimar looks like a walk in the park in comparison. The useful idiots are too stupid to see the outcomes of their follies, Useful idiots are a positive until their marxist utopia is founded, once that has become a reality they are then a liability. One can never reason with fools

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Weinmar never had as much niggers as America did

wonderfuldonut ago

That is true re the Negroids, its more a comparison of the circumstances of the events the communists continually caused civil disturbance to destabilize rule of law, in the hope of causing a rebellion or uprising. It also draws parallels of the degeneration of societal norms, pervert notions of what was or is acceptable behavior etc.

thislionsheart ago

THEY want your cities to burn THEY want social chaos TRUMP was doing TOO GOOD giving jobs to BLACKS and LATINOS who STILL LOVE HIM. DO YOU LIKE CAPS LOCK?

You can cure covid. This is the matrix. This is for real. We do not even know what is really happening because once we started sniffing up their butts with the epstein stuff they initiated their endgame because they knew they'd all be thrown in jail. We'd also learn about their insanely serious secret societies where they practice black magic in ways we cannot fathom.


What kind of black magic?

thislionsheart ago

The real type.

Carpools ago

The price for any terrorist states to receive funds should be a century of no representation in federal government.

No more voting for dependents.

i_am_the_warrior ago

too bad these breed of communists are too stupid build any kind of empire. Just low IQ nogs and cucked whites on their smart phones who will eventually go back to their life of decadence when they can no longer afford their bs, similar to all the hippie from the 70's going back to society during the 80's.

SeanShadilay ago

Looks like places you’d see in Africa.

Osmanthus ago

This video is craftily edited to make it appear as if its one continuous drive down a street. But its actually a pasted together mishmash of shots. Thus, this is a fucking hoax.

Literally no information except a shocking video? Yeah, don't fall for this shit guys. Foreigners trying to foment dissent.

Wise2TheLies ago

eat a bag of dicks shill

mattsixteen24 ago

It's not "craftily edited". You can clearly see the scene changes. Either way, those are lost jobs and lost money.

tony2shirts ago

Dude the whole fucking city is smashed and on fire... wether you're joking or not you can't deny that.

v ago

I hate niggers and nigger apologists.

Alhambra ago

this is your country after you stop hanging traitors.

24422081? ago

Trump: 'We don't want people from shithole countries coming here'

Leftists: 'Give me a sec... Who's the shithole country now?'

AhmaudArbery ago

All for some murderous blacks, welcome to clown world.

big_fat_dangus ago

Don't worry guys, Trump is monitoring the situation, very strongly. They better start behaving soon, or he'll consider mulling possible action, very soon!

HeebyKneegrow ago

I like it that he's letting governors do their job and if they don't, then the federal government steps in

satisfyinghump ago

He'll consider actually enforcing, or at least saying on twitter he plans to enforce, laws that are already in place, which these criminals have violated.

Paulsmith1958 ago

Trump may be a buffoon at times but he’s no dummy. I think he like many others realise people in areas who constantly vote for the Dems have to deeply suffer the consequences before they will change their habits, unfortunately innocents suffer too.

clubberlang ago

Stick to the plan any day now!

SocksOnCats ago

He’ll write a strongly worded letter. And maybe another one after that.

xobodox ago

If there's even a hint of a white guy saying something negative about a nigger or Jew, the FBI, etc will come in with a huge team to investigate.

But, commies burning shit down over a nigger dying from an overdose.. <crickets>

The FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.. are all commie shit holes working against you. And, you are forced to pay for it. You will be force to confront it. Mind as well decide to do it on your terms.

BTW.. over 2 weeks after the autopsy; and no mention that the nigger died of an overdose. Not one media outlet has said anything.. even the so-called independent Bongino types.. Now you know who the "controlled opposition" is.

Grunge ago

this nation is truly lost and everyone's children will have to live in a real new dark age. They had zero resistance in destroying us.

itssomatic ago

Bongino has the hairline of a moulinyan.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

That's not how you spell mulignan

itssomatic ago

Ok, that's the spelling I came across when I first started using it.

yountly ago

He comes up every so often from sucking jew cock to fire off a tweet or two

mattsixteen24 ago

I know, why don't they just trust the plan already.

slwsnowman40 ago

I don't get the looting of auto-part stores.

GreenSlug ago

That grape colored coolant sure do be tasty

Killinitnow ago

U ever see a nigger’s car? Everything is broken except the rims and stereo

Wise2TheLies ago

shit they can sell for crack

slwsnowman40 ago

I didn't think of that.

tony2shirts ago

Nigs gonna nog...

CalibanFresco ago

'It's just property. We can rebuild, you bigot. Well, you can rebuild, for us. Wait, why are all the stores and companies leaving?'

WD_Pelley ago

"Food desert! Racism! Come back here and build up our community for us!"


"No, not like that! That's gentrification! Racism! Racism!"

DirkV ago

I like how the president of the non profit in the city over calls our town a redneck shit hole. Despite everything being so awesome here. I can forget to lock up a $4000 road bike for 3 hours and it doesn't get stolen. No homeless camps, no panhandling, low property crime, and our crackheads all have jobs.

WD_Pelley ago

"Redneck" isn't an insult because it i.pkies hard working Whites. That non profit prick sounds jealous.

XXlntBowler ago

Functioning addicts was the way of our nation before any controlled substance acts.

slowcrash101 ago

This is what niggers do when left unchecked.

smokratez ago

jews control the west

RustyEquipment ago

Yeah. But didn’t you see. Black unemployment is up cause of trump! Winning!

Vrblpollushin ago

Nothing screams justice more than looting retail stores.

Is wha whypiipo deserf fo slabery. I be appressed!

GhostBalls ago

After the statement Walgreens released kissing so much black commie ass last week, I couldn't be laughing any harder at this.

Killinitnow ago

Yup, auto part stores have been keeping niggers on the street for years.

Vrblpollushin ago

Das bullish. Rayciss!

So have grocery stores, shoe stores, monuments, statues etc....its almost like this follows a certain plan..

puggy ago


Kregan ago

What city is this, Seattle?

CalibanFresco ago

That, or Baghdad.

clubberlang ago

yea I was gonna say looks like some of the places they sent me to in the middle east.

Killinitnow ago

Mogadishu. When u import 10,000+ of Somalians and the shit hits the fan, this is the result. Mogadishu use to be a beautiful city until the white man left

Br0sephusMaximus ago

The GC's logo at the beginning of the clip refers to a Minnesota based company.

Glory_Beckons ago

I think this is Minneapolis, based on the O'Reilly Auto Parts store that can be seen burning to the ground.

But I'm not certain. It's a common franchise, and there's no shortage of this going on across the country.

hhhappy ago

Lake Street Minneapolis

Samsquamch ago

Seattle is going shitty fast, but I don't think it's like this yet. This is Detroit or Baltimore status.

DirkV ago

All their tech jobs are going to Canada. Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton. No one wants to move to Seattle either and the traffic sucks.

Glory_Beckons ago

Lessons from history, as you watch your country burn:

In 1918, in the wake of WW I, Communist Revolutionaries attempted to violently take over Germany by force, in order to put in place a Communist government. The revolution lasted about a year, and resulted in the abolition of the German Empire, and the institution of the Weimar Republic, which of course is famous for the rampant degeneracy it produced.

The leaders of the Communist revolutionaries were:

Percentage of ✡ among leadership of Communist insurrection: 66.6%+

Percentage of ✡ among general German population at the time: 0.75%

For the visual thinkers: This is what that looks like

After the turmoil settled, the revolutionaries formed a new political party: The Communist Part of Germany

This is what their headquarters looked like

Note the flag logo, just right of center.

Another photo, from one of their rallies

While the main political party put on airs of peacefully pursuing humanitarian goals, they created and funded a paramilitary branch to be able to continue exerting political pressure through violence and intimidation, particularly during the 1933 election cycle.

They called it Antifa.

SearchVoatBot ago

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BalfourYourFace ago

Can you put together one of these, but for the Bolshevik revolution, their leaders and their backers in New York, and possibly Switzerland?

500five ago

Maybe a good time to micro red pill the masses with this:

"Hitler was considered evil stopping these people https://files.catbox.moe/6ny4kg.jpg " or something more subtle.

Glory_Beckons ago

or something more subtle

That's the idea behind this post.

I avoided mentioning Hitler intentionally, because I find red-pills are most effective when people take the last few steps to arrive at the conclusion themselves. The conditioning that Hitler and the Nazis were evil runs too deep to convince most people directly. They reject any attempt without even listening to your argument.

But show them this, show them what was being done to Germany and her people, and who was doing it, and how similar the problems they faced back then are to the problems plaguing us today... And suddenly... Something clicks.

Suddenly they can relate, and it all starts to make sense in a way that it never did before. Because, for the first time in their lives, they are able to put themselves in their shoes, and see the world through their eyes. And realize the Nazis were not motivated by hatred. But instead by a love for their people, and a need to defend themselves in a fight they didn't want or start, instigated by the same aggressor that is trying to destroy our nations now.

thislionsheart ago

How about the possible misinformation about vikings and the fact that they basically established a civilized society and many people wanted to join them when they 'travelled' (as opposed to the belief they were 'invading') and they even inveted womens rights.Female vikings lived GOOD.

Glory_Beckons ago

A lot of it was false propaganda spread by the church, similar to what we've seen (((media))) do to the Nazis.

Writings from English monks at the time bemoaned how many English women were infatuated with Vikings, because of their poetry and clean looks and smell. Apparently, they took more pride in how they presented themselves, and made a sport of writing poems and songs. They were also primarily farmers rather than warriors, and settled in stable family units. Though they certainly did raid during summers in their youth, and often "found" their brides that way.

thislionsheart ago

Songs are holy.

Glory_Beckons ago

Lore is the soul of a people. And we have lost control of ours. To outsiders who despise all that we are.

We must reclaim it, if we are to survive.

VoaterFrog ago

Awesome post, thanks!!

Neongreen ago

We all know.

Mustard_Monkey ago

The jewery runs deep.

Killinitnow ago

Excellent lesson but you forgot the best part. Hitler showed up and the rest was history. That flag logo looks an awful lot like a hook Jew nose, could it be?

PinkiePunk ago

Oh for fucks sake.

Hands up anyone who can literally post a picture, right now, of their local bit of country being on fire.

No? Well now, maybe that's because it was mostly over after the first weekend, but the news cycle is excited to have something to focus on that isn't politics or the fucking disease.

Most of the country is still just the same as it was two weeks ago.

If you can actually show video or photographic evidence of such things happening where you live, please back your point up by sharing them.

They're distracting you, idiots. Stop watching live news channels that NEED news to function.

Aside from like, twenty, maybe thirty blocks total (and I'm overshooting there), America is not on fire. America is fine.

So take your Russian fear propaganda, shove it up your commie asshole, and go shit it on Putin's head.

15MAR ago

America is not on fire. America is fine.

Said as the people that built this nation are brainwashed into self hate, to the point that they would choose to die before standing up for their own interests.

America is fine.

Said as the traditions, values, and culture of this nation are trampled and discarded by an apathetic population that is ready to be displaced by foreign populations.

America is fine.

Said as the political parties are mere illusions of choice that lead towards the same goal, the destruction of the people that built this nation.

America is fine.

Said as moral decay has taken hold of this nation and replaced its spirit with that of narcissism, consumerism, and hedonism.

America is fine.

Said, ignoring the fact that this same disease which plagued Russia and Germany before, came from the (((same place))).

Just because civilizational collapse happens slowly, over decades, doesn't mean it isn't happening, and can't be noticed.

PinkiePunk ago

Right, so you have no local evidence of it being literally on fire.

Fuck off back to Moscow.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

How would America turn into an even more degenerate country than it already is!

HbMcNutt ago

All cities are cancer to humans. Live in a town or in the country

erivesmoi ago


thislionsheart ago

Cities are how they infiltrate your brain with the 5g most effectively and turn you into a fucking cuck. Cities were always a threat, in the way they are created. they are not sustainable. Most cities are a threat to the planet in the way they exist. Until our technology changes or we get rid of our current tech altogether we are screwed. EMF pollution is disastrous, just imagine the consequences? Like I said, 5g was the end, but they call that a white supremecist conspiracy. 5g was a psychokinetic framework designed to infiltrate you psychically. The coronavirus vaccine will contain nanotech to make it like pancakes to keep you connected to the 5g psychokinetic framework. The stuff of horror scifi, totally happening. All of this tech is also basically burning plants and animals as well as us. It will kill the planet. The cities can't sustain. Everything needs a reboot.

suterusu ago

Lol 5g, let me guess you're a flat earther too.

thislionsheart ago

lol I guess you're a glownigger from hell

suterusu ago

You type like a zionist trying to blend into voat.

Throw out a few keywords and wait for applause?

mattsixteen24 ago

nah, cities were not always like this. It's only in modern times that cities have become like this. Cities have a lot of jobs.

Atkho ago

White cities are Utopias.

GhostBalls ago

Not the kind of jobs that the people really need though. Media and entertainment talking heads, academe, insurance vultures, lawyers, "community organizers", social workers. We could easily do without it all.

mattsixteen24 ago

You just cherry picked the the useless jobs as if everyone in cities has those jobs. Even in small towns they have those same jobs. And entertainment jobs are all concentrated in LA and NYC.

Glory_Beckons ago

Not gonna argue with that, but these cities exist and have significant influence over our countries and so we cannot ignore what's going on in them. Eventually, the consequences will reach you no matter how far out in the country you are.

Just ask the farmers in South Africa.

toggafreggin ago

If the cities have influence and are full of shit people, isn't it better that they cease to exist. Less influence and meddling from civi shit people sounds awesome.

HbMcNutt ago

Its like LOTR. But anyways we shouldn't rebuild cities. Living in extremely large social groups negatively impacts ones well-being mental and spiritually. Its too easy to be lost in the crowd and not be held accountable to your actions

toggafreggin ago

Hell yes. Once hierarchical systems, which are necessary for cities to exist, go over Dunbar's Number, around 150 people, anonymity becomes possible and psychopaths gain an inherent advantage.

paybythepound ago

Look at the schnoz on the guy on to left of that first pic.

Quicktor ago

I wish this subject was a rolling headline on the main page until the day Hollywood and Brooklyn are burned to the fucking ground...

it's THAT important to current events...

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

This is NOT a communist revolution..

It is PAID RIOTS by SOROS/Rothchilds

godamn ago

You’re saying everywhere else is national socialism?

Glory_Beckons ago

Reposting here since the original post got fucked by downtime right after it was posted, but was still getting some attention.