thebearfromstartrack ago

All I KNOW at this point, is it's a cadre of Kenites (children of Satan) that are "elites" (probably by cheating and fraud) AND there are subordinant components from ALL races, ethnicities, nationalities (western) and genders. There ARE Jews, but there are OTHERs as well.

I want to find the UNDENIABLE truth. HOW long has this been going on? Stuff like this. Then EXTERMINATE THEM in a MOST unpleasant way (for them) PUBLICALLY.

Ken_bingo2 ago

The jews have to be dealt with and not in the gently manor that the Germans did with their work retreats and exile orders.

DieWurstGerman ago

i feel like the divorce boom, lawsuit boom of the 80s led to this. the boomers seem to have always been narcissistic and we are paying for it.

DieWurstGerman ago

i saw it. ive watched it happen and get worse my whole life. watched white kids all begin to talk like black criminals in rap videos. watched any sense of moral purpose.. any sense of common decency just be torn away. watched everything sacred be treated with complete in your face disrespect. many many white women couldnt be adament about going along with it. always ready to attach any heterosexual white man and completely disregard them. in terrible ways.

its all so horrible. i dont see any end in sight. im scared. everyones scared. nobody knows what to do. we are all just praying and hoping for the 2nd coming to put a stop yo all this. meanwhile the gates of hell are closing in all around us.

i dont have any idea what to do. i just wish it was over. i wish i was inbheaven but have no confidence in getting there either because i feel full of fear and hatred.

Gallapagos ago

I think I’m going to focus more on my Christianity than anything else. I’ll work out, learn to use a gun, save money and read as much as I can.

I’ve beaten masturbation and cigarettes last year, now i have to take on obesity and constant distraction.

I have the same problem with rage and fear. I worry it will bar me from heaven sometimes. How did the apostles do it?

I don’t think they had the shit of the world shoveled down their throats 24/7. Either it’s the news and people on social media saying it or it’s our own people complaining about it. Either way we never stop hearing about how bad it is. unless we just decide to tune it out and focus on becoming the men we need to be. The type of men this country was made for.

The time for action will probably come, probably soon. Let’s hope not, let’s pray for our enemies instead of feeding the rage, pray they see the light and give up this satanic endeavor. I say this in hopes that I can do it too.

But when it comes time to fight, we will either win, or it will be the apocalypse. period. There’s no other outcome. Once it’s a war, we fight, we don’t do this arrogant street violence that they do, we wait until it’s war, and then we rain hell on these degenerates.

Intrixina ago

To fight obesity - eat less, drink only water, and work out more.

DieWurstGerman ago

i appreciate your thoughtful comment. Do you pray for the things that lurk and irk.. i mean in all actuality? or do you aspire to? i aspire to. i wish i could say i do. But i dont. Although, i feel that side of me always trying hard to creep in. i think i use my resentments as a tool for lazy thought. anyway, id love to be pen pals. vicvajra888 at

Gallapagos ago

I pray. daily. Prayer is way more powerful than people realize. WAYYYY MORE POWERFUL.

i gotta set up a proton account and then i’ll hit u up

Unchien ago

Wow man that's everything. You said it all. Didnt expect your insight into heaven. Yes I guess hatred will block your path to it. Find solice in knowing we are all here.

yewotm8 ago

All of these things you have stated are naturally like this. The only change is that the civilizing factors have been removed, allowing such people to revert to their natural states.

jewish_fables ago


ShadowHelp ago

Culture is built, and passed down to the following generations, hopefully better than it was in the previous.

If you allowed the television to do that for you b/c you were too busy to bother, or just didn't care, well... what did you think would happen.

Khash36 ago

The jews have ruined the world, particularly white nations. The future looks worse unless measures are taken to correct this imbalance.

Maat4u ago

And social normal business against white men it’s almost like they want a Hitler to rise

AgentSakura ago

It's a planned out meticulously implemented act of genocide by the communist illuminati and cabal.

The jews and their lackeys are systematically extermination the white race and are making a killing off of it all while raping our little kids in their diddle caves.

Fucking kikes

DieWurstGerman ago

yes. i know that too. terrible. you know this thing about whats happening to children constantly occupies me. i want it to stop. but i also see that nobody has mentioned the animals. i dont mean here. i mean everywhere. all lives matter even seems to exclude them. ive never heard anyone say all life matters. this makes me think of the buddha and ghandi and the decay of a people begins with the torture of animals.. and that the greatness of a nation can be judged on how it treats its animals. we're all surrounded by hellraiser level horror in slaughterhouses but nobody seems to care.

i was asking my father about what he thought about our possibility for a revolution. a real one. he said it wont happen til people are starving. why wait, i say.. isnt there every reason to stand up and recreate this world for the forces of light.. right now? look at peta.. theyre looked at like psychos..

AgentSakura ago

Our gentile children take priority to animals but I share you sentiments.

Hitler enacted the first animal rights laws in history if I'm not mistaken.

Evil revels in torture and misery, if only we could alleviate the suffering of all creatures...

It starts by rescuing our gentile children and men and women from the elite pedo and sex slaver rings first, everything else to me is secondary.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

If you were an alien and you saw whites 50 years ago in a grocery store then you fast forward to today and saw whites at a Wal Mart would you believe they were the same race or same sub species? I am betting you would not.

Only about half of us now are able to see what blacks are doing to this society and maybe 1/10th of that can even begin to see the role the Jews play in the demise of not only whites but all who live here now and this very country.

It is easier to see the negative things others do or do to us than it is to see what we do to ourselves or let happen to ourselves. In our current state if it wasn't Jews taking advantage of us it would be another group. Our collective spiritual and moral weakness is what allows this. The solution is a simple one but not an easy one and it must be collective. But like all culutural & racial changes and ideas themselves, it only takes 7%. That is what Islam knows too well. 7% is the take off point.

RonBennington ago

How does a grown man get "ruined" by a film?

Unchien ago

He was younger. He believed the vision they put out. That white people are evil and indians were totally peaceful and amazing.

CheeBooga ago

I noticed this shit in the late 80's and started talking to people about it pointing out the patterns I was noticing and you wouldn't believe how shocking that was to people back then. I didn't give a fuck. I knew I was onto something big. I am the geratest jew hunter who ever lived.

0rion ago

Hunter of juden.

CheeBooga ago

I want a Voat badge that says that!!

KosherHiveKicker ago

8 )

rughead ago

People here are fucking pathetic. Blame the world’s problems on the Jews. Maybe you should look within and see why whites are so susceptible to Jewish brainwashing. You guys are your own worst enemy.

rughead ago

Too bad white people are naive and stupid. To get fooled by the Jew is a disgrace and an indicator of weakness. Even Arabs know better than to get brainwashed by Jews, that should tell you something about how fucking moronic the white race has become.

MJ1233 ago

Kek to imply that (((they))) don’t control Arabs too? White people should be the only people they can fool considering their innate empathy. What’s every other races excuse?

Turnagain ago

Unfortunately true.

englishwebster ago

now you know why old people are generally:

1) pissed off, and

2) dont give a shit anymore

PsyOp ago

And who was in charge while all this shit was sure as shit didn't happen over night; it took decades to accomplish all that was necessary to foment this level of civil unrest. So, WHO WAS IN CHARGE OF THE COUNTRY FROM 1913 TO TODAY? The christians were...that's who!

What have the christians done to defend the locations they've been in charge of? Nothing...absolutely nothing. And why not? Because it's their job to lay down and passively allow the evil to spread across the land. They did the exact same thing in Russia before the revolution...they did the same thing in Germany too, until Herr Hitler came to power; but when he started cleaning house and defending his country, the christians in the US and Europe attacked him on behalf of the jew!

Indeed, the christians have a very long history of passively allowing jewish evil to spread in the counties they are in charge of...the jews have been physically expelled 119 times from 109 locations; the majority of those places were predominately christian...and at least ten of them were stupid enough to let the jews back in after a decade or two! How many millions of lives must the jews destroy before the dim-witted christians get a fucking clue?! God's plan my ass!

steven_feelsperg ago

GTFO with your gaslighting. Jews and their descendants, the Edomites and Caananites, did the same thing in Egypt, Babylonia and Sumeria, long before Christ came onto the scene. This is a WHITE MAN ALTRUISTIC problem, arrogantly thinking NAxALT, and adopting degenerate subhuman behavior by proximity.

PsyOp ago

There is no evidence that the hebrews ever tried to subvert those countries you listed. They were money-lenders and crooked merchants, sure, but that was the extent of it...and they were punished and booted out of those areas as a result of that. That's why they invented enhance their power in this world (god's chosen people...who can part the Red Sea and bring the dead back to life!) and to give themselves a permanent host to exploit for thousands of years.

If the jews are such terrible people, which they totally are, then why do the christians keep letting them into their countries, knowing that they are going to cause a massive amount of suffering...over and over and over and over and over again? Why is that? White people don't have anymore altruism than Asians...why aren't the jews trying to fuck up Asian cultures to the extent they are the christian ones?

At any rate, any unnaturally elevated feelings of (foolish) altruism that may be attributed to white people is there only because of the brainwashing and conditioning of the (((christian church))).

bourbon90 ago

I graduated in 2008. My entire adult life has been nothing but utter insanity. I can kind of remember the happy times where my community was mostly white and safe. I thought things were shit in 2019 this fucking maskie vaccine nightmare needs to fucking end already. I’ve had it and I am about to explode with rage.

Unchien ago

I traveled this country extensively in 2008 through 2010 and while I did not like the liberals I would give anything to go back to that period of time

Honestly I'm a little bit hard on myself for taking it for granted

SyncStatus ago

I take it you were recession proof like me during that period.

Unchien ago

I did okay

jimibulgin ago

Jews didn't "do" most of this. They just used their vile jew sorcery to convince people to do it to themselves. (The laws are a different matter.)

voatusernamevoat ago

That is a problem, solution.

XSS1337 ago

Islamists are the soldiers of Israel.

Agents of chaos

drhitler ago

yes story of my life, everytime iam supposed to go into the world and get the benefits my elders had they seem to flip the script, it all started with 911 and its been fucking me of ever since, ive been born at the perfect time to get cut off at every stage of life.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ThereIsAGoldenRule ago

This has been the approach i've been taking in my personal discussions recently and it's quite effective.

Me: I wouldn't mind gay people so much if I didn't think they were constantly agitating to manipulate our society into worse directions...

Liberal: How dare you say that! Can you show me peer-reviewed studies that agree with you?

Me: Why should I need to? This is just the perspective I get when I look at the world around me.

Liberal: (hesitantly... realizing I have a right to my opinion even without his precious "peer-reviewed" studies) Oh... well, that's fine. But it's only your opinion, then.

Me: Yeah? Everything a person thinks is their opinion, is it not?

Fellow Goats, stop arguing with liberals they way they want you to. Jewish supremecy and manipulation is obvious because it is what we obviously see with our obvious eyes when we look out into the obvious world. No peer reviewed studies are needed or even wanted.

Plavonica ago

Liberal: How dare you say that! Can you show me peer-reviewed studies that agree with you?

My goto: "Fuck off, do your own homework. The information is out there, you're just too fucking lazy to find it."

Or something like that.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Fuck off, Homosexuals need the rope now and I do not give a fuck about convincing people of that. They either get it or also get the rope. And none of it matters until those kinds of extreme measures can be reality. Until they can be, push the overton window far and fucking wide

CeasarSalud ago

You don't argue with liberals or niggers, you ignore them.

I express the opinions thing as "we're not solving math problems, there can't be an objective truth to this."

Intrixina ago

Or you mock them.

extrakushy ago

I like to link to the fbi gov statistics until their heads explode. They think with their feelings.

AmericanBannedStand ago

Some day soon the FBI will stop collecting that data by race. You know they will. European countries have already stopped

Killnigs3 ago

And it keeps them up at night try to make them feel fear and sadness and pain, remind them they have no true values. That they scream and cry yet still use devices made with slave labor.

lanre ago

How about that peer reviewed study showing that over half of "science" is fake bullshit.

Ken_bingo2 ago

I am literally a scientist. it is a pretty narrow field of the life sciences where it is not faked or political. I mean even the minutiae of cell science is often faked . Nobody is going to say "this signal molecule works on this target because it is racist". that just doesn't happen. But the shit about who gets a faculty position does happen because racism.

gabara ago

But the shit about who gets a faculty position does happen because racism.

But without the ability to read minds you can't actually prove that and it's just feelings that you have. There is a very good chance you got passed over because you sell drugs in the breakroom.

heygeorge ago


gabara ago

I know, right? I was expecting a category 5 chimp-out with that brutal truth.

lanre ago

Or you know, some of the diversity hires you how insulted they were to be offered a job/promotion because they have a vagina or they're black. Kinda easy to figure it out then.

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ifuckdolphinseverday ago

while driving niggers to psychopathy?

You are a stupid nigger. They are doing nothing but letting niggers be niggers.

yt4cz9 ago

If you can't see they are pushing blacks to kill whites then you're a fucking kike.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

If you can't see they are pushing blacks to kill whites

You sound like a Qtard, you'd have to be a nigger to think niggers wouldn't do that without the jew. The jew is simply letting nature take course you imbecile.

yt4cz9 ago

You fucking kike..we both know that's not true. Niggers riot in their own neighborhoods without kikes like you telling them to hate whitey 24/7. Get the fuck off this site kike.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Nigger lovers get the rope first faggot! Genetically different species of hominids, FACT.









San Antonio

St. Louis


Kansas City

LA Area

Little Rock


Miami Area


New York

Palo Alto

Tampa St. Petersburg








part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

yt4cz9 ago

Kikes like you get the rope first. Without you kikes, niggers would just disappear like this:

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Nice try rabbi, let me know how well that projection works for you guys.

yt4cz9 ago

At least you're blaming your own kind now.

StankMouth ago

They are teaching niggers to HATE whites and teaching whitey to feel guilt and to submit. This is all so infuriating.

rughead ago

Then by that logic they are doing nothing but letting stupid white people be stupid white people.

SaxonWolfcock ago

What in the ever loving fuck is with voat being so goddamn nice to mexicans??? They ARE niggers. Their history is just as violent and full of beastiality sacrifice and cannibalism and everything else. Mexicans are trash and have no business in our countries.

mrnicegoy ago


MelaniaBuiltMyHotRod ago

Had a classmate who grew up watching "Dallas" and listening to Cheap Trick. Before even reaching Junior High he was listening to rap and bragging about getting jumped in

SexMachine ago

My theory on this is that eugenics works both ways. The Siberian fox experiment proved this.

I think black people could be a respectable human race. Instead they are rewarded for shitting out more and more welfare nigger violent degenerates. It's the opposite of meritocracy and Darwinism. Instead of the best rising to the top, nigger filth rises and spreads their genes.

This was by design. This was no accident.

Getting married, keeping a good job, and then bringing kids into this world is stressful just thinking about it for middle class Americans. For welfare niggers, popping out another kid that they don't even take care of is another payday.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Right. LBJ's welfare did that and it was intentional. Then it got extended to whites. If we put this country 1st and worried about the type of people we are creating instead of destroying the ones here and shipping everyone else and their mom in, we'd see massive changes in culuture and average IQs in a single generation. You cannot pay people and pay for everything in their life when they reproduce irresponsibly and expect that to have positive results. You can take a pack of wolves and breed them into German Shephards or pugs in a few generations. People are no different.

We should all worry about the type of people and not simply the color. A strung out white meth head or oxy addict is hardly a suitable wife or mom and not even someone you'd want to have carrying a child to term. White pride in this country has been corrupted. It is all about hate and anger. People believed the stereotype they were given for decades. It is about love of yourself and your people, not blind hatred of others.

SexMachine ago

Of course, it's just niggers are the most impacted by the welfare state.

A prime example would be native Americans on the reservation, getting handouts all their life. I'd wager more than half of them ever amount to anything in life. I've been friends with a few, and on the res, it's just drugs and alcohol, even when there's a casino paying everyone in the tribe thousands a month.

rughead ago

Or instead of all that bullshit you can ask yourself why white people are so easily fooled by the Jew. A superior race does not let a Jew rat control them.

MrPim ago

Con men con smart people. Con man is short for Confidence Man. They gain your confidence, your trust. Then stab you in the back. Being conned isnt a measure of IQ.

Allowing it to go on after you realize its been or is being done is stupid. But convincing someone they are currently being conned is difficult. Because the mark feels stupid for falling for it. Which is where we are. How to convince most of the western world that they are bei g duped.

possiblezombie22 ago

Some black people. Very few in my experience actually act decent and not wig out at the first procieved slight.

Welfare Niggers of all races must be removed from the planet. Welfare and its gibs just encoutage the stupid to breed.

Same with ssd. Too many people taking advantage.

it was created as a leg up not a hand out.

Turnagain ago

No, LBJ created the nigger welfare system. It was a payoff. As he said, "I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years".

Unchien ago

So I'm not a stupid nigger?

itiswithout ago

You cannot deny the things you have seen and heard.

kishind ago

You'll always be a stupid nigger to me, faggot.

rughead ago

Most faggots are white.

H3r0n ago

all the faggots I know are spics and kikes. I don’t know very many faggots though

Unchien ago

Aw see that's nice

BoomerHater1488er ago





We need to standardize our terms. Most of you stupid cucks correctly use Jew as an Ehnicity and as a Religion interchangeably, but think that "Christian" and "White" is synonymous. Likewise, you call all Arabs Muslims. And what about black Christians? Where do they fit in when you say "Christie" but you mean white?

Christian is not synonymous with white. Get that though your thick Christcuck skulls. As soon as you turn Pro Christian, then how can you say no to black, hispanic, and arab Christians in America?

Christianity is a foreign, invasive religion not native to Europe. It is a branch of Judaism, same as Islam, and you're a fucking disgusting cuck if you humble yourself before a Jewish god.

kishind ago

Jews and the Talmud shit on Christ to no end. If our enemies believe in his power, shouldn't I?

Jesus’ dad is not YHVH. Do you think God changes his personality so deeply? Jesus's dad was an attempt to murder Yahweh, and with it the barbaric practices of the juden.

Allah is YHVH. They're both irrational and violent, they both have two sets of laws (one for followers and one for non-followers), they both fuck children, they both murder for their religious beliefs, they both have blood rituals, they both have racial supremacy themes.

You will know the god by the worship it demands. Vishnu and God the Father are the same. The religious rituals are absurdly similar.

My God is the God of Truth. The Christians in the wrong are those who let the Bible and pastors obscure their vision of the Truth.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Here is a copy pasta I made about it.

I'd love to see your mental gymnastics surmount this obstacle.

Also, you're wrong. The God of the Old Testament is YHWH. Yeshua ben Yosef is his son. That's inarguable. You're essentially just making up your own religion that's inspired by Christianity and saying it's true because you believe that it is.

Unchien ago

Trying to figure out who you're talking to here.

BoomerHater1488er ago

99% of Voat.

we_kill_creativity ago

Books. We need to make reading cool, then make reading white nationalist material even cooler. They can't delete that from the internet and it gets people in contact with each other.

Start by creating Old Book Reading Clubs.

albatrosv15 ago

We need to make reading cool


SexMachine ago

Speaking of mein kampf, which is the best translation of the book?

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

'Translation', must read it in Deutsch the way He meant it to be read.

boystosoys ago

a true ubermensch reads it in the original

custardcompass ago

our women?


they have always been nigger fucking, paki fucking, baby fucking, baby killing white whores here at my end.

never known them to be anything different.

sterilise the lot of them..

and the world would be a better place.

white women belong to the niggers now

white girls to the muslims

anybody who says anything different is lying

as for blaming the jews, that just a diversion tactic

the biggest jews are all white women

the pedo network is all white women

the country destroying cunts...

white women

get real and accept it

they are evil and the devil incarnate

Unchien ago

What kind of white man says "white man here"?

Get fucking gassed

kishind ago

This shit is why I love voat. Glowies are obvious as fuck against the backdrop of "whites must survive at any cost."

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

Stopped reading after 'white man here...' haha get gassed

Ralemlol ago


we_kill_creativity ago inspiring. I bet you feel super duper tougher than everyone else for being so black pilled...

Either that of your a jew...

Not really great options either way. You can respond to this but I won't respond to you. You're not worth it.

Sillybuns ago

They are symptoms.

The disease is kyklos.