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Grizzible ago

If you are speaking to a Christian...

Go with the synagogue of Satan. If a connection is made between Synagogue=Jew, point out Revelation 2:9 and ask if they believe all of the Bible, or just cherry-pick... "What do you think Jesus was referring to, when he gave his revelation to John, that in the end, people should 'beware of the those that call themselves Jews, but are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan?'" If they even try to question it, say, "Guess you are not a true Christian. Jesus warned you about the Synagogue of Satan, and you believe them over Christ, himself. You choose to believe the tribe that crucified your God, over the word of your God. May God have mercy on your soul."

DrSelfAppointed ago

call themselves Jews, but are not,

Would you please elaborate, I'm confused.

Grizzible ago

Once they gave themselves to Satanic ways they lost their place as God's children, they lost their true title. In the Gospel of John Jesus says it to their faces. He says something like, "You don't hear my words because your father is not Abraham (their ancestor), your father is the devil."

collin6173 ago

What do you think of the Christian Identity beliefs, that the European White people are actually the Israelites mentioned in the Bible?

Khash36 ago

I believe that this is the truth, European Christian identity. God blessed us with the greatest genetics and gifts to make the world as advanced and historic as it is today. We are the most superior race, that alone shows God’s love for white people.

TripleZ ago

So why would God make the other races? You're all powerful - why bother making inferior negros? Why not just one race that God could be proud of?

Khash36 ago

First off, don’t question the supreme creator it’s all for a reason. You’re skeptacism pales in comparison to nature and God. The bible has an answer to that question, comparing it to a wheat field. Whites are the wheat and seed of good trees while the other races are the weeds and seed of bad trees. When the harvest comes (death/afterlife) the wheat will be harvested(be with God in heaven), while the weeds will be uprooted and the bad seeds will be burned/cleansed. God says let the weeds grow until harvesting time, other races can exist and were created for a purpose. But that purpose was for that of a weed rather than a bountiful harvest. I do think other races can go to heaven (except 99.9% of jews for they will never accept God and work on the devil’s behalf against the Lord) and God made them for a reason. He blessed the white race in his image of beauty, his greatest gift most likely being that he blessed us with empathy and compassion, but also the strength to lead in his name

TripleZ ago

He blessed the white race in his image of beauty, his greatest gift most likely being that he blessed us with empathy and compassion

Which is turning out to be the main reason for our demise.

Khash36 ago

The devil always attacks that which God holds most dear. The enemies of God are fanatical in their desire to destroy all that is good and beautiful, to invert and pervade God’s perfect creation

TripleZ ago

So are you in favor of killing your enemies?

Khash36 ago

Of course, not just in favor of but it is my greatest concern. All I dream of is a white ethnostate & the end of the jewish chokehold on my race. At this point all I can do is be strong, work hard, stay focused on the jew and white pride, and buy land for my family and future white children. I’m 24 now so this is my prime soldier age. I just have to hold out hope that others in the future will feel the same way. If not there is nothing I can do. I would never commit a crime, which is what a defense of my race would be considered at this point, it would be futile. How about you are you ready to die for what you believe in? Will you man up and be a soldier of war against the enemies in a hypothetical situation?

TripleZ ago

I don't think the situation is hypothetical anymore. I will defend myself - let's leave it at that.

Khash36 ago

Good job buddy stay strong. I agree. Just have to be careful what we say with all the dirty feds and jews shilling and working to entrap us