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Grizzible ago

If you are speaking to a Christian...

Go with the synagogue of Satan. If a connection is made between Synagogue=Jew, point out Revelation 2:9 and ask if they believe all of the Bible, or just cherry-pick... "What do you think Jesus was referring to, when he gave his revelation to John, that in the end, people should 'beware of the those that call themselves Jews, but are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan?'" If they even try to question it, say, "Guess you are not a true Christian. Jesus warned you about the Synagogue of Satan, and you believe them over Christ, himself. You choose to believe the tribe that crucified your God, over the word of your God. May God have mercy on your soul."

DrSelfAppointed ago

call themselves Jews, but are not,

Would you please elaborate, I'm confused.

Grizzible ago

Once they gave themselves to Satanic ways they lost their place as God's children, they lost their true title. In the Gospel of John Jesus says it to their faces. He says something like, "You don't hear my words because your father is not Abraham (their ancestor), your father is the devil."

collin6173 ago

What do you think of the Christian Identity beliefs, that the European White people are actually the Israelites mentioned in the Bible?

Grizzible ago

They could be. There were 13 tribes of Israel (12 sons and a grandson of the man Israel). Judah (the father of the Jews) was only one of those tribes. Israelites are God's people, in the old testament, not Jews. They are just one of 13 families. However, they screwed up somewhere and, lost standing, for lack of a better word. The Bible says they will go back to God, but they have not yet.

Khash36 ago

I believe that this is the truth, European Christian identity. God blessed us with the greatest genetics and gifts to make the world as advanced and historic as it is today. We are the most superior race, that alone shows God’s love for white people.

Phantom42 ago

When the Hebrews went up out of Egypt to a land of milk and honey... How much you wanna bet that Palestine, Canaan, Assyria, etc. were just stopping points and he really meant Europe and North America?

collin6173 ago

Yeah, it's a fairly new idea to me, but it makes the most sense.

TripleZ ago

So why would God make the other races? You're all powerful - why bother making inferior negros? Why not just one race that God could be proud of?

kishind ago

An example: When jews spread the black plague, it gave white people (as a whole) resistance against HIV and covid, which use the same cellular access ports.

Jews exist to antagonize and strengthen us, and when we achieve a culture impervious to parasitism, and wipe out the parasites, we'll finally be mature enough as a (human sub)species to venture into space.

Why negros? ...why apes? Why lions? The negro has animal lineage, neither divine nor demonic. The bigger picture is beyond their grasp, just as it is for your pets. It's our mistake to equate them to actual humans.

And the east asians are there to remind us that different can also be wonderful.

Khash36 ago

First off, don’t question the supreme creator it’s all for a reason. You’re skeptacism pales in comparison to nature and God. The bible has an answer to that question, comparing it to a wheat field. Whites are the wheat and seed of good trees while the other races are the weeds and seed of bad trees. When the harvest comes (death/afterlife) the wheat will be harvested(be with God in heaven), while the weeds will be uprooted and the bad seeds will be burned/cleansed. God says let the weeds grow until harvesting time, other races can exist and were created for a purpose. But that purpose was for that of a weed rather than a bountiful harvest. I do think other races can go to heaven (except 99.9% of jews for they will never accept God and work on the devil’s behalf against the Lord) and God made them for a reason. He blessed the white race in his image of beauty, his greatest gift most likely being that he blessed us with empathy and compassion, but also the strength to lead in his name

TripleZ ago

He blessed the white race in his image of beauty, his greatest gift most likely being that he blessed us with empathy and compassion

Which is turning out to be the main reason for our demise.

Khash36 ago

You forgot to include the rest of my quote, God gave us the strength to lead in his name. Empathy and compassion only leads to weakness and extinction if it isn’t equally balanced with strength to defeat threats & authority. Empathy and compassion are values that make a great man, but if those are your only values than you will be a slave and a pushover. The natzis were an example of compassion, work ethic, & empathy for your people backed up with raw power & bravery. Strength is holy, strength is everything, kindness, honor, traditional values all are rooted in strength. The power of God is more mighty than anything that could ever exist

cyclops1771 ago

The weak man who is empathatic means nothing - he has no power, so he had to make no choice between take and give. The strong man who has empathy means everything. he shows mercy, he shows pity, EVEN THOUGH HE DOES NOT HAVE TO. Instead of taking, which is in his power, he gives freely. The choice to do good is what separates the Christian man from the barbaric other.

It is like charity vs social services. One is doing good works by choice through love and empathy and pity. The other is doing good works for some through force and violence and evil to many. It is the epitome of anti-Christian behavior.

Khash36 ago

True charity is done in secret, it is better to teach a man to fish rather than just provide him with fish. Be humble but also carry a sharp sword. Social systems like endlessly feeding violent niggers who do harm and destroy is shunning the natural balance God created and is one reason why our world is out of wack. I don’t believe the world as it is now was ever intended to be this way, most likely something big is coming in the future to restore order or bring the end times

cyclops1771 ago

This year could end up being our 1929, where the economy dissolves, and social systems collapse under the weight of the debt being issued to alleviate it.

it is already a political game now - Side A is trying to paint side B as "stopping assistance" by intentionally pushing a political agenda above "assistance," and Side B is more than willing to destroy millions of lives to score political points against Side A. The end result is going to be usurpation of power to "Get it done", or chaos to try and bring the system down just to ensure Side A or B loses power.

Khash36 ago

I think we are headed for far more turbulent times than just politics or the economy, but yes chaos will be involved. We have strayed so far from the natural order, we’ve been led so far from God that the current system is unsustainable, collapse and catastrophe are inevitable. The world and its inhabitants cannot be maintained in this jewish manmade way of life, there will be grave repercussions whether they realize this or not

Phantom42 ago

Anyone that dares defend a single thing that is immoral or against what made us strong is getting a bullet.

We've fallen so far we'll have to rip and tear at our surroundings to get out.

So be it.

Khash36 ago

At this point we need a totally focused all out war effort like Hitler once inspired for his people. We need to risk it all or lose it all. Traitors are the first that need to go amongst our ranks. We need to establish a white ethnostate and get payback on the jews, somehow stopping them from ever stepping foot or even having an inch of influence on our lands and people

Phantom42 ago


At this point, I care little if we have to glass 90% of the Earth.

like Hitler once inspired for his people.

I'm one of the most devoted NatSoc individuals here on voat, but I can't help but think if something a bit "new" is required. A concept of "New Empire" I guess. It's only been a recent thought and I haven't really worked through it, but we may need something that is NatSoc, but more far-reaching in scope. Take inspiration from the SS, the Spartans, the Legionary of Rome, the Teutonic and Templar Orders, the Winged Hussars, the White Army, a culmination of all of our people, our culture, and our history into one final order. The Eternal Reich.

Our reformed SS honor guards will retain the ceremonial uniforms, but I think this time we ought to have an emphasis on white uniforms emblazoned with gold secondary colors, reflecting the purity and grandeur of our new era. Free from the shackles of a jewish world, the oppressive greys and blacks inlaid with silver of the old guard are no longer needed, and are strictly reserved for somber ceremonies like the death of a leader, comrade, etc.

Technology will have the utmost priority, as the possibilities of new tech will always bring greater things. Thorium-based power, further research into Tesla's theories and concepts, an "electric universe". Antigravity research, courtesy of Tesla and maybe even the Lost Reich should they ever be found in the ice. Die Glöcke was a key part of this process I believe.

The idea is a renewed supernation unifying North America, Europe, and Russia under one banner. The remaining zones will be set up as CZ's. Containment Zones for undesirables. The Northern Hemisphere will be dominated by us, it is our birthright.

And then we'll set our sights on the stars.

But that is after the, and I'm absolutely stealing from Warhammer here, the Unification Wars. Really that is what we will be fighting. A war of unification.

Traitors will die. Whores, drug addicts, race mixers, so on... They have to go. They chose their side.

somehow stopping them from ever stepping foot or even having an inch of influence on our lands and people

No Man's Land. Scorch the earth if need be.

Khash36 ago

Men need to have a purpose to live again, God respects hard work and working for your race/family. Jews have taken our purposes away and have given us cheap, vile, poisonous entertainment and false endeavors instead. I seriously feel like the art of warfare has been lost. I would gladly die as a soldier in the 4th reich in order to attain the amazing future we were meant to have. Exploring space and improving at all costs. Efficiency, no jewish distractions

Phantom42 ago

Men need to have a purpose to live again, God respects hard work and working for your race/family.

If your family is worthy of it.

Jews have taken our purposes away and have given us cheap, vile, poisonous entertainment and false endeavors instead.

Moreso took what we made and poisoned it. They don't create. Television, professional sports, vidya? All made by us, all inherently good.

But then we allowed the fucking kikes in...

I would gladly die as a soldier in the 4th reich in order to attain the amazing future we were meant to have.

I would die just to die. There is no going home, not for me. What will I go home to? I won't even have one. Sure, they'll hail you as a hero one day but at the end of it all when you're no longer needed... That's it. There will be no special privileges. It would be too burdensome on the system.

No... I will die in a nameless place. I'm sure of it. I ask that it's quick, but I would never be so lucky.

Now for all of you successful fuckers with girlfriends, families, friends... You all have something worth living for. Not dying for, because no army wins when their own men die, but living for. I wouldn't belong among all that. A new ethnostate, rebuilding and rising to meet its future, happy couples walking down streets where years before nobody would dare because of crime. Families young and old gathered around the table smiling and laughing over some nice food, kids fighting for the controller on the console with their dad laughing telling them to go outside and wrestle in the mud a bit...

I'll never see those days. Really, I don't want to. I understand this. I was born into and know this. This is a place where only Hell and hate remain. When it dies, so do I. It must though, or else everything we are meant for is going to be nothing. Not a memory or a thought. Because everyone will be gone.

Khash36 ago

You are the man, people like you give me hope. You have a great mind and i’m impressed by your forward thinking. If we seize power we need to have plans and laws, even down to the design of our flag and uniforms. I like the idea of incorporating all of the great white civilizations ideas into one. All I know is we need to keep it ethnically homogeneous, with few exceptions. We will all raise each other up and prosper, woman will be traditional woman and men will be traditional men. We will all live for the good of our race, and the level of achievement will be unprecedented. I think you have a good idea of how a proper healthy society is maintained. I could go further in depth but I am at my friend’s house right now (white friends)

Phantom42 ago

You are the man

A man. Younger than you even, just 21.

people like you give me hope

You need to find better people then.

You have a great mind and i’m impressed by your forward thinking.

Thank you, but I disagree in entirety.

If we seize power we need to have plans and laws, even down to the design of our flag and uniforms. I like the idea of incorporating all of the great white civilizations ideas into one.

Yeh. Remember the past, embrace the future. Together.

All I know is we need to keep it ethnically homogeneous, with few exceptions.

Oh so very few, if any.

cyclops1771 ago

They will ride the golem to their doom. It's in their nature.

Khash36 ago

You have a great understanding of what true Christianity is and what it means to be strong. This should be fundamental to all white people but unfortunately the minds of the sheep have been subverted. If they truly accepted Jesus as their shepherd than they would understand this. The devil is leading our people straight off of a cliff to hell

Grizzible ago

Once upon a time, it was commonly known. What I find fascinating, and believe cannot be a coincidence, is the fact that even scientists say the first blue eyed man appeared 6 to 10 thousand years ago. This is the same time Adam was created. It is also the time that mankind went from hunter-gatherer to civilized, Ubaiad period to Uruk period, or vice versa, can't remember right now.

I think there were two creations of man, Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. Others say the Bible is talking about the same event, however, the Bible says, in Genesis 2, when he created Adam, that God looked down upon the earth and realized he didn't have a man to till the ground, and then he made Adam. This is the same time that Scientist say the first blue eyed man came into existence.

Phantom42 ago



Khash36 ago

Wow, I already believed this but come on how can people say there is no evidence for God or biblical creation? You are very well informed thanks for sharing that with me. There is no way in hell I believe the European race is an offshoot of nigger dna evolution

Khash36 ago

The devil always attacks that which God holds most dear. The enemies of God are fanatical in their desire to destroy all that is good and beautiful, to invert and pervade God’s perfect creation

TripleZ ago

So are you in favor of killing your enemies?

Khash36 ago

Of course, not just in favor of but it is my greatest concern. All I dream of is a white ethnostate & the end of the jewish chokehold on my race. At this point all I can do is be strong, work hard, stay focused on the jew and white pride, and buy land for my family and future white children. I’m 24 now so this is my prime soldier age. I just have to hold out hope that others in the future will feel the same way. If not there is nothing I can do. I would never commit a crime, which is what a defense of my race would be considered at this point, it would be futile. How about you are you ready to die for what you believe in? Will you man up and be a soldier of war against the enemies in a hypothetical situation?

TripleZ ago

I don't think the situation is hypothetical anymore. I will defend myself - let's leave it at that.

Khash36 ago

Good job buddy stay strong. I agree. Just have to be careful what we say with all the dirty feds and jews shilling and working to entrap us

DrSelfAppointed ago

So, is there an actual jewish people then? Are they just stealing the title? Are they still genetically part of the same race that once was jews, but have just been corrupted and therefore don't count?

Grizzible ago

Well if you make the argument that the people that call themselves Jews, today, are that tribe of Khazarian people, who converted to Judaism around 700-900AD, then you can also say that they may be the people that Jesus was referring to, as they are not even bloodline Jews. For all we know, Palestinians who have lived in the region could be the true descendants. It is a great mystery.

TripleZ ago

Well if you make the argument that the people that call themselves Jews, today, are that tribe of Khazarian people, who converted to Judaism around 700-900AD, then you can also say that they may be the people that Jesus was referring to, as they are not even bloodline Jews.

How could Jesus be referring to the Khazarian jews when they didn't exist yet?

Grizzible ago

Because it was a revelation of the future. The Book of Revelation

TripleZ ago

I think he was talking to the Pharisees of his day. He threw them out of the temple for being jewed. No matter which strain of people latch on to the destructive jewish religion/tradition/ethnicity, the result is the same. Follow perverted books (Talmud) become a perverted people.

Grizzible ago

He did that during his life, before the crucifixion. He later revealed to John in revelation to be aware of those who call themselves Jews. John was to give that message to the church.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Interesting. I will mull that over. Thank you for taking the time too elaborate. I am very much lacking in that range of knowledge.

DrSelfAppointed ago

I'm taking this first video in bits, and it is still an information overload. It will take a re-watch, or two. This is good stuff. Thanks again.

Grizzible ago

Your welcome. It is a lot of info.

Grizzible ago

Your welcome. there is an interesting series called, "Not so Chosen People" by a guy whos channel is called "Jews for hitler". This guy makes great content.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Oooh, that's even more good stuff. Ty friend.