Zen117 ago

That's called economics. Too much supply, not enough demand, price tanks.

binrobinro ago

But a weedeater is something you'd want.

CritKhan ago

Why would I want a nigger

offender ago

They just don't make 'em like they used to.

DffrntDrmmr ago

The real reason slavery was abandoned. Steam-powered weed-eaters were worth more than niggers.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

You have to feed, water, and shelter the niggers though!

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

One simply works. The other one is lazy and will always be absent when you need it yo work. And you have to deal with the attitude.

GlobalSouth ago

Niggers are high maintenance, unsafe, and extremely unreliable. You would be a fool to shell out bucks for the nigger.

It_was_the_juice ago

New slavery has two chief characteristics—it’s cheap and it’s disposable. Slaves today are cheaper than ever. In 1850, an average slave in the American South cost the equivalent of $40,000 in today’s money. Today a slave costs about $90 on average worldwide.

Is this site trying to sell on slavery? Because that kinda sounds like a sales pitch.

cantaloupe6 ago

Did you buy one?

Foreskin_Lampshade ago

weedeater, yes. I have no use for an aids ridden rape monkey though .

Merlynn ago

Weedeater's have uses. Like helping you chase off niggers,for example.

thebearfromstartrack ago

WTF would you want a nigger slave to DO for you??? WHY?

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Comparing a nigger to a Stihl, that's just wrong.

Foreskin_Lampshade ago

yeah, because the stihl has value.

turtlesareNotevil ago

I wouldn't take a nigger if you paid me to. I can't think of anything worse than being saddled with a nigger.

The smell alone would drive you crazy.

The laziness and whining combined with the sheer ugliness.

Who in their right mind would keep niggers?

Foreskin_Lampshade ago

well, shooting paper targets gets boring.

slowcrash101 ago

Ok so tree fiddy for a weed whacker, but how much for a nigger whacker?

RM-Goetbbels ago

Wow, that organisation isn't very progressive are they?

Forced Marriage Slavery. About 37.5 percent are trapped in forced marriages.

Or is it only "their culture" when it's hurting white people that's okay?

Soyboy69 ago

I'm sure there are a couple white countries that still have functional marriage laws and that's who they'll use that stat to go after.

Jujubean ago

We could get at least 300 million if we sold ours? I am going to catch me a few now. $15.00 bucket of KFC and a big box I could nab at least 4 or 5 of them.

Old_Gravy_Leg ago

That's because the Stihl will actually work.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Stihl weedwhackers actually do the job correctly, without complaining. They will also never rape your daughter.

lord_nougat ago

Husqvarnas, on the other hand...

Foreskin_Lampshade ago


WD_Pelley ago

In 1850, an average slave in the American South cost the equivalent of $40,000 in today’s money. Today a slave costs about $90 on average worldwide.

Wow, $40,000. I guess everyone in the American South was rich enough to own several slaves. And here I thought it was a highly expensive practice that only a handful of slave owners could afford. Funny how accidental redpills work!

Soyboy69 ago

I mean 40K is still more than most people spend on a car.

WD_Pelley ago

Yeah but that's a car, something useful.

Smallest_Skil ago

The weed eater wont kill you and rape your wife and kids though. If you do buy one remember to get a shock collar and have it neutered, hell get its dick removed as well by the vet. At least it wont be able to rape.

Atkho ago

Do I have to smack it's head against the ground to get it to feed more string?

Foreskin_Lampshade ago

No but you'll have to do that if you want it to stop raping things.

Catfishbelly ago

I’d rather have the weedeater

non_compete ago

In Africa, you can still buy a slave for about $200. A Sthil weedeater costs about $350 in America. A slave in Africa is worth less than a weedeater in America.*

*cost comparison not adjusted for differences in economies.

Foreskin_Lampshade ago

read my price update. niggers are only worth $90 now. seems even africans have realized that they're worthless.

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

That fucking popup telling me I need to donate so every ungrateful nigger in Africa can have a mask, I'm not sure there's anything more I could want to do less than that. Literally my two most hated parts of society boiled into one demanding I subsidize it

metricisokay ago

Something that's confused me about supposed slavery in America is who would want one.

crazy_eyes ago


SurfinMindWaves ago


Merlynn ago


SendMeYourTitties ago

Cotton picking isn’t exactly a high IQ activity.

hagelangs ago

They were just pack mules. Handy to keep around the farm. This was before jews corrupted our morals, of course. In hindsight importing niggers was our biggest mistake.

offender ago


Thanks jews!

turtlesareNotevil ago

Makes me think slavery is about as real as the hall of cost.

Interruptedagain ago

Haha! Yep!

They are not good for anything so why bother!? Just a waste of resources!

Foreskin_Lampshade ago

haha i had the same damn question. most people would pay to get rid of them.

wakemeupvoatz ago

And the NFAC wants blacks to go back to Africa. It makes sense.

shitface9000 ago

The weedeater from china? That’ll probably break before the nog.

Foreskin_Lampshade ago

Yeah but it won't rape anything and also carries fewer diseases.

BentAxel ago

I had to "Wood" four cords of wood each year for house heating. Did that for some 11 years. Used a Stihl 24" chainsaw. I paid $200 in 1997. Sold it in 2008 for what I paid for it. It only cost me gas, oil and some chains.

Now tell me, where else can you do that?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Honda mowers can do that too. I bought an old old Honda Commercial mower for $120, the guy I bought it from got it at an estate sale where the mower was sitting under a giant pile of leaves for probably 10 years. Fires right up and runs like a top, even after it's been sitting in my garage for years now. Just make sure you use non-ethanol in it and it'll go forever. Honda especially has a mechanism in their mower engine where if the oil goes too low it can't start. Foolproof

FightingTheDarkArts ago

You're only laughing out of ignorance. If over 70k whites have been killed in S. Africa alone how cheap do you think they are? How much do you think it costs to get a few of these young rocket surgeons to grab a white woman or white baby or white boy or girl? They say 70k over a decade but how many do you think it really is? And if they're slaughtering them what else do you think they're doing to them? You only laugh at slaves because they're black...the same blacks they use to capture white slaves and kill white people but then it isn't so funny to whites but most of us aren't smart enough to figure out the connection I just made it's just 'HaHa Niggers! HaHa'

Crikes ago

It'll be interesting to see what happens when the slaves and their descendants start asking for reparations from those who endorsed/enabled Hillary & Obama.

New-World-Ebola ago

weed eaters cost more than weed smokers.

it makes sense

Red_Menace ago

A weedeater does not try to steal your bike.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

That's my thought. Weedeater costs more, but the nigger is more expensive.

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ReAwakened ago

or shoes

Lagmonster ago

Or try to rape your 6 year old


If you buy a slave in africa are you allowed to make it a eunich or is that a crime?

KLDB ago

Ask Michael Jackson. To this day I still belive MJ is Q...


MJ was redpilled on the jews. If he was Q he would have talked about the jq by now

KLDB ago

I get your point. But I disagree. Many people with dissenting views have gained power on mainstream platforms and then focus on JQ and get wiped. Molyneux is the latest example. There isn't much they can say against a movement against pedo elite criminals. To get the people divided over... but the second MJ Q said anything about the JQ it would be omg Q is antisemitic and divide people against eachother.

AmericanJew2 ago

If you’re Nancy Pelosi, I am sure you’re allowed to geld your slaves at your Cali compound with impunity.

Tallest_Skil ago

And you can’t even get them to eat weeds.

Soyboy69 ago

You aren't trying hard enough.

RockmanRaiden ago

4 quadrillion dollars well spent.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Where did you get this from? Would make for a nice normie redpill.

Xantha ago

I talked to a cop once who used to handle human trafficking cases in the U.S. (10+ years ago now); on the open market (at the time), trafficked black babies were worth 3000-8000$, hispanic babies were 5000-12000$, asian babies were 15000-22000$, and White babies were 30000$ and up+. He said black and hispanic children were trafficked the most by volume because their communities mostly just didn't give a shit (eg: hondurans hating guatemalans hating mexicans, etc) or would sell their own babies for crack (blacks). Even then, black kids weren't even really in demand (except among other blacks) because there were so many available on the market. Whereas White and Asian communities always caused a huge uproar and a resource surge, so traffickers were wary about handling them due to the extreme heat.

If they wanted to target women (at least Whites) for the sex trade, they preferred to take or ply (convince them to hangout because it was "cool", then slip/force them drugs) girls (15-20) because they were dumb-- but old enough where people might think they were just runaways/estranged. He said all of it was fucked up, but the one that got to him the most was when he got involved in a case where some busted black guy in his mid twenties had a 17 year old white girl drugged in the trunk of his car. Apparently the girl looked just like his daughter, so it hit a little too close to home--- and the only reason they even found the girl is because local PD got a tip that the black guy was dealing drugs out of his house. The guy later confessed to having trafficked at least 12 other girls the same way. Drug em', throw em in the car, drive to whereever his contact was, leave the girls there who were sent on somewhere else.

Foreskin_Lampshade ago


Looks like the prices have came down. Now you can buy your very own nigger for $90 dollars. Niggers are worth even less than a n9-name Walmart weedeater.

waucka ago

In the 19th century it was difficult to capture slaves

They're implying that white people were going over to Africa and abducting people. That's a lie that really needs to die.

Foreskin_Lampshade ago

yeah that site is fucking cucked, I just use it as a price list.

CheeBooga ago

The weedeater will work. If it breaks you can fix it. You can't get a nigger to work and you can't fix a nigger. They are genetically broken.

wakemeupvoatz ago

You're saying what we're all thinking. Why do you think we abolished slavery? It wasn't out of the goodness of our hearts, well, maybe a little, but it was because joggers make terrible workers.

CheeBooga ago

They were more trouble than they were worth!

tallarn ago

Weedeaters probably cost more to produce.

Three billion people by the end of the century. The world is fucked.

NarrativeControl ago

We are already around 8 billion. Or do you mean 3 billion niggers?

Foreskin_Lampshade ago

no, he said people.

ClaytonBigsby313 ago

Not if its an fs38. They're like the niggers of the landscaping world.

theweatherintelaviv ago

If you're using something every day, consumer grade just doesn't cut it usually. If you get lucky and it lasts a long time, good luck getting parts for it if they're not standardized modular parts.

ClaytonBigsby313 ago

Honda would disagree. Most landscapers use the $400 honda mower. they last 7-9 years depending on how many times they get dropped.

theweatherintelaviv ago

I would say most people use the Toro if they're serious about it, but that's what I've seen.

Foreskin_Lampshade ago

We use the 110 and 131. Been great for our course.

Zen117 ago

Nice, Foreskin Lampshade is a good one.

voatuser1128 ago

I read that all the body parts, organs, tissue, bone marrow etc. of a human body would be worth at least a million dollars. So buy a nigger for $90 and sell him for parts on the black market and get a huge return on your investment.

Gumbatron ago

Can't put nigger parts into a human. They're a different species.

ClaytonBigsby313 ago

Not quite. There is actually a word amongst the pedophile elite for the heart extracted from a young black man. Can't remember it, but when you're dick cheney, you can afford the best rejection meds.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Stihl Kombi 130R has been an absolute work horse for years now. That thing is an absolute money maker- blackberries, brushcutting, hedgetrimming, strimming.. the day it dies is the day I replace it with the 131R, which apparently has like 30% better fuel economy

ClaytonBigsby313 ago

I've got the battery powered KMA-130. Its incredible. Lighters, quieter, and has the power to spin the lawn brush. Get about 90 minutes wide open with the AP300S.

gimpyoldman ago

Yeah, but there is a lot less maintenance with a weedeater.

Foreskin_Lampshade ago

weedeaters don't require trillions of dollars in social programs and housing benefits.

bingo-bango-bongo ago

fucking lmao at the image of welfare and shit for weedeaters

serfer0 ago

Ha imagine the cars universe

WD_Pelley ago

Now I'm imagining Lightning McQueen hurriedly driving past a crappy neighborhood where weed eaters are squatting on the corner speaking Jive and playing craps.

serfer0 ago

Fucking kek

WD_Pelley ago

Entertainment would be so much more fun with Voat and /pol/ in charge.

AcceptableWays ago

A cow would be a better investment then! It can literally eat the weeds/grass and then you can eat it. Much less chance that the cow is going to murder you too!

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I've a soft spot for animals and not sure I'd be able to eat a cow after raising it

Foreskin_Lampshade ago

Plus cows smell much more pleasant than a nigger.

BjornIronside ago


They are much more aesthetically pleasing, as well.

WD_Pelley ago

That cow a qt.

BjornIronside ago

I have two of them.

They are fucking awesome.

DffrntDrmmr ago

Cows or niggers?

BjornIronside ago

Yeah. Who would get excited about owning niggers?

WD_Pelley ago

What kind of cow is it though?

BjornIronside ago


WD_Pelley ago

Thank you!

Soft cow, warm cow, little leather shoe

Happy cow, sleepy cow

Moo, moo, moo

Foreskin_Lampshade ago
