FridayJones ago

I think there's something wrong with the way votes are being counted, the front page hasn't changed much in days unless you sort by New.

Alt_Account_No_738 ago

I, for one, welcome our jumping cow overlord.

praump ago

If you only knew how bad things are

observation1 ago

voat should just start over fresh database, and point all to the /v2/ subdirectory

but keep the old /v/ database that crashed for those who want to revisit older posts.

Mr_Wolf ago

the one thats stuck on top of the front page before you log in?

AntiMason ago


Mr_Wolf ago

also noticed that the comments are frozen at low numbers, but if you click into the threads they jump into the hundreds from being front and center. some of the posters have deleted the thread so they stop getting notifications from new comments, which has not affected the thread on the front page.