SarMegahhikkitha ago

I've been here since it was Whoaverse. Real users recognize I post things to /v/news before they become important, when nobody else is talking about it. Everyone commenting on your post here is a shill listed in the 4-year old list of /r/SoapBoxBanHammer shills, which you can find a copy of in the stylesheet link of the /v/realProtectVoat sidebar.

blumen4alles ago

That may be so, but "Ashkenazi is a Germanic race, Jewish is a religion." is simply not true.

jewish is a race, and most jews identify as atheist

Ashkenazi may be Germanic, but in name only, they just settled in Germany because Germans were kind (and gullible).

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Secular and Reform Ashkenazim think "Jewish" is a race. Orthodox Jews think "Jewish" is a religion, since there is no race called "Jew" that encompasses German, Spanish, Russian, Mizrachi Yemeni Ethiopian and Maghrebi Jews. If you want to rename the race "Ashkenazi Jew", fine. It was produced by centuries of conversion of Germans and the high degree of intermarriage of Reform to Germans.

Secular Ashkenazim think Jewish is a race and identify as atheist. "Secular are atheist" is a tautology. Only 10% of American Jews are Orthodox. Are lapsed Catholics a race of atheists too? It sounds about as ridiculous to claim that Catholics are actually a separate race from Europeans because they marry other Catholics and "came from Israel".

"Ashkenazi may be Germanic." Yes, that's what I said.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

No, they are Turkish converts that popped up along the Silk Road when they found out what benefits that religion gave them, and worshiped the “old ways” from back in Babylon.

Jesus called them out, just like we see their evil now. The line of David, I would assume Jesus as well, would look European compared to most modern jews.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Ah, SarMegakike. He pops up for every election year.

u/ExpertShitposter, the jihadi is back.

ExpertShitposter ago

aka SmegmaKike.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

A kike wouldn't have smegma, proving once again the Left can't meme.

ExpertShitposter ago

a jew is not necessarily circumcised if he is satanic. or a weird mix of muslim jew.