There are a lot of goats who do not live near large populations of spics, so they're tempted to think niggers are our problem and that because spics hate niggers they must be OK. This post is from a goat that has watched entire cities turn from upper middle class white to overrun by spics (less than 5% white) in 20 years. I want to warn goats about the pending spic invasion and the beaner plague that awaits their community.
Niggers do suck. They commit a lot more violent crime than spics, but several things make spics even worse than niggers:
Spics graffiti EVERYTHING. Even in the fucking mountains. There isn't a surface in an area with a lot of spics that isn't covered with graffiti. I've even seen them spray paint snow ... fucking snow. You can't even go into a public restroom anywhere where there's a lot of spics without the toilet seat, sink, and mirror being carved with spic gang graffiti. Store owners and cities try painting murals on walls that are graffitied a lot to try and discourage graffiti, but spics don't care. Surest sign you're in a spic slum (if you don't notice the trash and white wrought iron) is murals.
Spics litter everywhere. Not just a little bit, and not just stuff like candy wrappers or cigarette cellophane, but like they just dumped out their kitchen garbage bag on the street. Even when the city garbage collection offers free large item pickup they still drive to the mountains with pickup trucks full of mattresses, couches, TVs, and dump them off the side of the road. It's in amounts that look like pictures from third world countries. It doesn't matter where. Their neighborhood streets or campgrounds in the forest both will have piles of trash knee high.
Spics steal everything. Niggers do more violent crime like home invasions or armed robbery, but generally they're after big ticket items: guns, jewelry, cash, etc. Spics steal everything, no matter how small or inconsequential. If you live in a spic area and you're working on the sprinklers in your front yard and go take a shit, a spic will steal your tools while you're shitting. They cruise the streets at night looking in mailboxes and on porches for packages to steal. They walk the streets of nearby "rich" neighborhoods (white) testing car door handles to see if they can steal something from inside your car.
Vandalism. Holy shit spics break everything. They're worse than animals. It doesn't matter what it is, if they can reach it they'll fucking break it. Wood picnic benches in a picnic area? They'll saw or chop them. Concrete tables and benches? They'll use large rocks to break them, and if that doesn't work they'll kick them over. Steel tables and benches, they'll push them over the nearest hillside. You put a drinking fountain for people and dogs outside your business next to a walking path and they'll break it off the wall. Garbage cans for litter? They'll kick them over and smash them. Nothing of any use to anybody will be spared.
Filth. God damn these people are disgusting. I can't tell you how many dirty diapers, used tampons, and maxipads I've pulled out of our local rivers cleaning up after these vermin. When I show you this picture comparing two restrooms - one from a forest with no spics nearby and one from a forest near Los Angeles - you might be tempted to think it's a joke, or a fluke. It's not. This is how these people operate on a daily basis. I cannot overstate how disgustingly filthy they are.
Noise. Spics don't eek and ook like niggers, but their music is just as loud and just as annoying. But spics take it to another level. Niggers drive around with their shitty music blasting from their cars or at their shitty parties, but spics bring it to you. They bring fucking generators and DJ systems to fucking campgrounds and picnic areas in remote areas to blast their shit banda mariachi shit. The volume is always so loud that you can hear it from a half mile. Of course, if you report it to a ranger they will do nothing because you're obviously a racist white supremacist if you don't enjoy being serenaded with diversity while you relax in the forest.
In some ways niggers are worse than spics, but niggers almost never leave their neighborhoods. Spics do. Spics go everywhere and fuck everything up. If there's a road to it, a spic will drive for two hours to graffiti it, vandalize it, and leave their trash. They are a plague. They might be half as bad as niggers, but there's 4 times as many of them - making them twice as bad for the community.
QueensNewYorkGuy ago
Ehhhh. Niggers litter way more than spics in NYC, but they’re both dirty. Niggers in the NYC metro area have now gone “exploring” and “jogging” whereas 30-40 years ago they’d generally stay in their own enclaves. They’ve been emboldened to go everywhere and bring grief to clean, peaceable Whites in their own neighborhoods.
golgo91 ago
They have been tainted by their native ancestors.
The graffiti over everything is a simple example of their tribalism.
Their littering is a symptom of still having the brain of a nomad. When you're constantly on the move, feeding off what is immediately available, ideas like maintaining a community are outside the sphere of consideration.
Their tribalism is inherent in everything they do. You could be their friends for 30 years and they'll still screw you over in favor of some random beaner they met yesterday. It's just their nature
SocksOnCats ago
Spics are also very VERY overtly racist. Far more than niggers. Second only to Asians.
Fetalpig ago
I was camping far in the mountains..went on a long hike,came to a park area,with a parking area and damn if the music from 2 carloads were thumping music,loudly in the forest, for fuck sakes,you can listen to birds and aspens, its magical,nope..loud rap music,then to my astonishment they were right near a trashcan,seriously 3 feet and they threw a freaking diaper on the ground. We hiked the fuck outta there,I saw a Ranger about a mile and a half in. I asked him,about what I had just seen,he said Hispanics bring in carloads of people,trash the place. He said 4 day weekends are the worst,the camp host complains about it. He asked where we were staying. We told him approximately where we planned on camping. Away from people. Especially those people. No respect for anything or anyone. 4 days later,we met about 15 people on the trails,no one camped near the easily accessible camps,everyone was out in wilderness,not near the loud,short wearing, knee socked goons,who ruin everything. Dear god their females were as feral as the men. They didnt even put their food in bear lockers.
boekanier ago
Somehow this all seems familiar to me, although no spics can be seen here where I am. Maybe I was thinking of muslims...
ArcturianDeathTrap ago
My conclusion as well early on. On the whole of it, the modern whites bell curve majority is civilized. Everyone else's upper bell curve minority is civilized. The Japs are a new addition to that sentiment.
AlabamaNigger ago
They do it to piss you off.
ArcturianDeathTrap ago
Spics is for Spaniards. Beaners is for wetbacks.
bezzy ago
I don’t totally agree with the first bit. I do respect some other peoples.
But I totally agree with boiling it down. Over complicating is useless.
Mr_Wolf ago
Ricans, Spics whatever you want to call them, even niggers weren't that bad with the water. The ones that could swim, didn't pollute and you could swim. Spics they'd go above and beyond with tampons, pads, diapers, anything and destroy the pools, the lakes, rivers anywhere you could swim. The water would become so polluted the state would have to shut down the parks for over a year. They made it so bad one year that on the third year of closure they started venturing to all the places only whites went hours away. I'll just leave all of the above as to what happened, every where turned into a graffiti land fill.
Music turned up so high to drown out the generators and run people off.....
doesn't that remind you of another group with their religious speakers?
undertheshills ago
Solid math there at the end.
TradRight14 ago
So accurate, I lived in a heavy black area, to a heavy hispanic area and they are 100% just as bad.
New spics who recently crossed the border don’t understand that they can flush toilet paper so all public restrooms it just piles up on the floor as they wipe their ass and toss it on the ground instead of flushing it.
Also, nigs also steal insignificant / cheap items too, graffiti over all their diversity murals too. It’s so funny when you leave CA and head north, as soon as you come to the first state border public restrooms suddenly get immediately more pleasant in more white dominated areas.
Both are shitty and I just want to get away.
Sheetz ago
Spics are actually smart enough to organize, plan / execute and be dangerous. Joggers are just chaotic. Spics are actually invading our country. And spics are bringing in the cartel, an actual military level threat.
Bonesaw823 ago
And they are one generation from being the majority in this country, due to immigration, legal and illegal. 3 times as many of them as blacks right now. In Texas, hispanics are 65% of the under-18 population.
ALIENS2222 ago
What about Whites that love niggers jews and spics?
midnightblue1335 ago
Don't you just love spic music?
I like that beat that all of their songs have. You know the one. It goes "boom-tat-tat, boom-tat-tat" while some guy is like "hablo pablo puta madre concierto taco taco muerte, rrrrrrrrrrrrapido ARRRRRIBA!!!" The "boom-tat-tat" brings it all together, you see.
AlabamaNigger ago
The same fucking beat over n over.
SpreeFeech ago
ALL non-Whites must be deported. It's not worth the hassle to try and figure out who "the good ones" are. Let them help their own people we really don't need them for anything.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
I worked for a landscaping company for about 3 months. I was the only white guy, only US citizen on the crew. They sabotaged me from DAY 1 and continued to try and get me fired or quit with every move they made. I finally ended up quitting after 3 months of non stop lying, cheating, and sabotaging.
500five ago
"Hard working immigrants" my ass. They lie, cheat, and steal.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
2/2 they used to always make me drive the broken zero turn mower. One wheel didn't have power so you had to steer with one wheel, it was extremely difficult to keep clean lines. Then they would show the boss how I "couldn't drive the mowers and my lines were wavy". They would never let me drive the two good zero turns with properly functioning wheels and sharp blades. I once tried to take a morning to fix the stuck wheel on my mower and I was accused of neglecting my mowing jobs and making "the team get behind schedule". It was a constant sabotage.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
That was my personal experience. The most glaring stuff was the sabotage, like making me use broken equipment or giving me an impossible task, then telling the boss on me when I didn't complete it.
glassuser ago
I grew up in part of Texas near a lot of them. It's now overrun and nothing like how it was when I was a child.
Misskylie42 ago
Oh god the Mexican music .. it’s SO loud
Backfromthedesert ago
Can confirm every word, I’ve lived it all.
DanaNordic ago
You are projecting. This is all nigger behavior.
Timur9000 ago
Said the taco nigger
Dailytacs ago
On the issue of trash. They do this so that their people always have a job opportunity.
Rawrination ago
TLDR: Spics are taco-niggers.
ArcturianDeathTrap ago
OMG. Spics are tapas-niggers. Beaners are the taco-niggers.
Doglegwarrior ago
wow seems like someone has started a direct reaponse to my call for republicans to court the mexican vote. this is exactly what the democrats what they want us to keep demonizing mexicans so that they will keep voting for laraza commie democrats. here is my take living in a 64% mexican city.
mexians are
THIS GUY MIGHT AS WELL BE WORKING FOR THE DEMOCRAT PARTY! politics make strange bed fellows as the fastest growing demographic we should be going after there vote not playing into the hands of the democrats
now for op mexicans under the influence of liberalism are just as bad or worse then white liberals but they both being lied to by jews to becom3 unproductive pieces of shit living off welfare and the democratic partys evil shit
RiseTheReich ago
My take from living in a half mexican city is the exact opposite of you. You're probably trying to twist reality because you want it to be that way. Cuckservatives always do that. They desperately want everyone to be a republican and try to cram everyone into that category.
Doglegwarrior ago
no you fucking idiot. i dont want democrats to win even though deep down i know republicans and democrats are just different sides of the same coin but the non stop republican attack kn mexicans is to me obviously a way to keep the parties about the same vote wise and always have an enemy so we dont see the JEW kikes pulling the strings of power...
republicans and mexicans have more in common the. mexicans and democrats
RiseTheReich ago
This is just delusional and makes me think you've never met more than ten Mexicans in your ife.
PanteraFan99 ago
No you're just a fucking niggerfaggit. Get outta mommy's basement and get life dumbass.
Niggertown ago
Non-Chinese asians are not that bad. I've been in Singapore and Japan and they make the US look like a third world shithole.
QueensNewYorkGuy ago
This is true. Also, Philippines, while very poor is a very Christian country (except for maybe the Southernmost area of Muslims) and they respect and understand Western values.
Simple_Monarch ago
That's because fancy asians (Korean, Japanese, etc) are white. They're caucasoidal. It's the jungle asians you've gotta watch out for.
New-World-Ebola ago
dumbest thing i've read today
Niggertown ago
Go to Singapore if you want to see the legacy of England.
New-World-Ebola ago
it's a multicultural deracinated shithole that will be destroyed by a foreign power at some point in future.
892012518HEROS ago
Honorable Aryans
WNwoman ago
This is true. I was very disappointed this summer when we vacationed to our favorite lake and realized the Spics had discovered the place. They can’t just be quiet and unobtrusive; no, they have to swarm in large groups with tons of taco babies and chatter loudly in Spanish.
juschippinyababe ago
The Jew is the original nigger. They made blacks into the hood rat niggers we deal with today.
stoicmanchild ago
Niggers are far worse. period.
spics have family values.
spics integrate well with capitalism and are less prone to marxism. (i.e. they want jobs more than niggers
spics are chill, and dont chimp out.
my only problem with spics is.... they turn fat and disgusting after having kids, but at least they dont smell nasty like pajeets & sandniggers & chinks.
781842_Anon ago
A lot of spics have traditional family values. Certainly not all.
What do you have against tacos and Mexican food in general?
redwing14 ago
you can get barely white (25% black 50% light skin mexican and 25% white) and then the white race is polluted with these non white people... Basically we need the top 20% of people of all races to be the top. White vs non white is stupid cause it lets in a lot of mixed race white people, and trashy white people that are basically niggers pretending to be something important.
eatorganic_gasemetic ago
If I offered you a tall glass of milk that had only a drop of shit in it, would you still drink it?
redwing14 ago
exactly right, but lots of 'white' people are not white. Like if you did a 23andme test and are less than 90% white then you are a useless mutt.
eatorganic_gasemetic ago
Haha yup. Just a waste of skin and bones at that point
Napierdalator ago
What? XD
redwing14 ago
yup. most white people aren't full breed. They have part muslim, part black, part mexican, part asian blood.
redwing14 ago
it's not the genetics it's the culture. They just want to fuck and party. for example cubans are educated, and decent. Maybe make all niggers and spics into commies like the cubans.
alacrity167 ago
or peaceful and normal like the costa ricans.
0rion ago
Problem is there are PLENTY of shitty whites out there. Their behavior is so similar to non-whites, that they might as well be considered as such.
juschippinyababe ago
The wigger should be put to death. Biggest genetic mishap on the planet.
0rion ago
This is an excellent PSA, thank you for sharing! I live in the North, so I don't have a lot of exposure to beaners. This gives me some badly needed REAL perspective. So thank you.
RiseTheReich ago
Agree. I could write a lot but I want to make this short. They leave shopping carts everywhere, water bottles and beer cans all over the sidewalks, bushes, and sides of the streets. They're very hostile and glare at white people. They have annoying drawling voices, they're all fat or skinny fat. They are very lazy, especially the younger generation. The hardworking stereotype comes from a select group of 40 year old guys who do things like blow leaves. The rest are really lazy. I've had like five bikes stolen from me by Hispanics. A group of Hispanics popped my bike tire for fun when I was a kid. Hispanics are very stuck up and they think they own the place. Blacks act like that but it's more of an individual thing (like some arrogant guy) or a political thing (like BLM). But Hispanics do it naturally. They think the USA is theirs. Mexicans always had their annoying music blasting from inside the houses. They could have just closed the window to muffle the sound but they don't.
Firevine ago
1) I'd rather live around spics than niggers. Not even a question.
2) Their kids are misbehaved as all fuck in public though. Not malicious, just rowdy and undisciplined.
3) They're not clean people. They don't care about maintaining their homes and yards.
4) They act like they don't understand English but fuck you yes they do.
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
brutal spic pill.
con77 ago
they litter like motherfuckers and absolutely destroy restrooms
dadudemon1 ago
Here's my experience with Latinos:
Latinos have never assaulted me or my family. Black people and white crackheads (and homeless) have. As a person who has lived near both, I'd take Latinos over black people and white crackheads ANY day of the week. Obviously, if I had a choice, I'd choose kind, middle class or better, neighbors.
OP is right about the trash and graffiti. He's definitely right about the loud music and staying up to all hours of the night. But my Latino neighbors would mow my lawn on occasion and bring me food when they had their 2 AM parties. Also...they were very defensive about the black people cruising through our neighborhood. That was the best - they protected their "turf" from the black people. hehe!
There are differences between Latinos. Even from Mexico, there are differences - they bring different subcultures with them. Every single Guatemalan man I've ever met would literally work himself to death to make a better life for himself and his family. I definitely cannot say that about every Mexican. Every Puerto Rican woman I've ever met was smart as hell but was extremely feisty (I don't know why). Peruvians are the kindest people I've met outside of Amish, Mormons, and Thai (I don't know why but Thai immigrants are absurdly kind).
I could summarize why it seems like I differ from OP: I don't. OP is talking about poor, lazy, Latinos. I'm talking about the hard working lower-middle class to middle class Latinos. OP is giving us a picture of the bottom quartile of Latinos. Honestly, I really do think we should deport as many of those as possible even if it destroys families. The US has a responsibility to her citizens - not the illegal immigrants.
Timur9000 ago
You’re a faggot
RiseTheReich ago
dadudemon1 ago
I agree. Extreme sweeping racism against anyone who doesn't look super white is cringe AF.
RiseTheReich ago
Yeah all your ancestors were cringe af. You're the normal one. You know better than all of them.
dadudemon1 ago
Too wrong. My ancestors escaped Europe to get away from racism against them and religious oppression: coming to America to start a new life where they would not have to deal with racism and religious-based bigotry.
Does this make you angry?
RiseTheReich ago
Projection. You're so mad right now and then you ask others if they're angry. What race are you?
dadudemon1 ago
Huh, what?
Whiter than you are, that's what race I am. Get jealous.
RiseTheReich ago
You're probably not white.
dadudemon1 ago
Correct. I'm DEFINITELY white. There's not "probably" about it.
I know you're jealous. Because you view this as some sort of achievement. You're correct: here comes whitey to steal your taxes. WEEEE!
Attac ago
WTF, I had no idea. As somebody living in a white only neighborhood (which I selected carefully), I can't believe how good I have it
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Kill anyone slightly tan. We just wanted to be left alone.
thewordis ago
lol. Sicilians tan pretty easily...
H3r0n ago
Number six was happening next to me this morning. Once I started mowing my lawn they moved to a new area. I don’t hear them anymore
philmchawk ago
Spics are pedophiles, there isn't a single goblina who wasn't raped by her uncle around 14. They have the highest rates of pedophilia according to the FBI stats as well. This should be number one.
romanstock ago
to be fair, they seem to hit puberty slightly earlier
New-World-Ebola ago
animals are born into puberty
SonOfRobin ago
Hispancs have a good percentage of their DNA being sephardic jew.
500five ago
I keep hearing "but there are good spics that came here illegally". Fuck that, deport them all and their offspring. I have no remorse for removing all DACA types too. If not them, their children will exhibit this behavior as you mention.
Many here would say "naw keep dem spics and remove the niggers". No, remove them both and right now we have good reason to remove the spics due to their illegal transfer.
WD_Pelley ago
This. Even nonviolent illegals are still criminals just by the mere fact that they are here. If their families were legalized during Reagan's amnesty then send them and their spawn over the border.
500five ago
WD_Pelley ago
They are a racial existential crisis.
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slowcrash101 ago
Am spic, can verify, spics do that shit. Some don't, but those MS13 niggers are all spics.
Fuckoffniggerfaggot ago
I'm originally from around Corpus. There is a reason I didn't go back to South Texas after the military, and it was entirely because of spics(well, a little bit was the humidity).
Living some place without beer cans, whataburger wrappers, and cigarette packs filling the edges of the roads was surreal. Not hearing the thumping of tejano in the middle of the night, no fist fights in the middle of the roads, not seeing pawnshop/check cashing/liquor store/prepay phone strip malls on every corner with a Stripes(or whatever circle k's are called now) next to it, no pit bulls running loose in packs...
The only things I miss about South Texas are my family and fishing in the Laguna.
armday2day ago
Am brown, can confirm OP
Just another reason I decided to leave (redacted), for greener pastures. Or whiter areas, which I'm sure will make you rage. Whatever
To be fair, and honest, nigs seems to grow out of their generally destructive behavior at age 30, but I've had interactions with older members of my people, and they just don't understand the issue. But some do!
(In b4 "the ones that get it are probably whiter")
I mean that might be true but fuck off haha
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
armday2day ago
Oh trust me I plan on l leaving into the wilderness at some point, hopefully soon
Technology has ruined us. Maybe nature can save us.
That or I'll just fuckin die
DesolationRoad ago
we don't all hate black and brown. White people just allowed ourselves to become soft while black and brown where taught to collectivise and be strong, we where brainwashed by the media that we are evil and racist and should surrender any strength we have. Once white people grow our balls back we will demand respect from black and brown, and we will get our respect back because we are strong and come in numbers.
Weak men lash out like angry dogs, then they go to jail and never produce white babies. Strong men need to use our brains, make babies, make allies, never surrender and stand up for ourselves.... only then can there be peace between white and brown for example.
PanteraFan99 ago
I don't know what part of the country you're living in but i respect and love all my white friends. Every good job and break i've ever had was because of a white person. Have i ran across white people that are racist assholes....psssh look no further than the previous postings here but i get it, alot of people have had bad encounters with bad elements that leave a bad taste in your mouth. You people can go on and keep hating us it's not gonna change me and how i feel about my gringo friends.
Rellik88 ago
Live in SW. Taco Nigger ghetto is way better than nigger ghetto. However that doesnt mean I like the taco niggers.
areyoumygaffer ago
spics are highly violent as well. "mess with one bean...". also spics in gangs like to roam around to start violent confrontations. also the gangs target families.
you're too right on the noise and garbage. spics are even more careless (or intentionally disgusting) than niggers. good post.
veteran88 ago
yeah yeah yeah
this seems like a distraction from the primary enemy.
any energy wasted in fighting their pets is what they want.
once the primary enemy is dealt with their pets will lose all power and immediately regret crossing us.
Phantom42 ago
Military Intelligence is an oxymoron...
Right fuckers, particularly you, vet, here's what's going to happen...
We're going to be pragmatic about this. Send Hellfire to the jews, and any non-Whites cross us give them a taste of what we are prepared to unleash on their whole people. If they keep pushing, blast a crater so deep in their racial memory they won't come within 10 kilometers of White lands ever again. They push some more, raze them.
Focus on jews, by all means, but ignoring the orcs is to end up surrounded.
veteran88 ago
I enjoyed that generals speech in avatar too.
He was right.
Phantom42 ago
Fuck, that does read like his. Col. Quaritch was the dude's name.
That was a damn good movie, really. One of my favorites. Was a great year for me because I got Tron and Avatar for Christmas. Couldn't tell you how many times I watched those movies.
Anyway... Yeah. Ze Kernel was awesome. The RDA was right. Gas Hometree space war now.
The speech resemblance was unintentional however.
DesolationRoad ago
BillyLuath ago
Can confirm all of the above. I lived in a city that was around 60% recent arrivals (counting the children born in the US), which worked out to around 80% Mexican (counting the Mexicans that had family there going back about 100years).
All of the cites above were evident... A couple of anecdotes:
1) Walking into a supermarket I notice a very well dressed, somewhat attractive (from the rear anyway) Mexican women walking ahead of me.. She's eating some kind of Mexican fast food that's packed in a huge amount of paper and foil wrappers. She finishes it about ten feet from the door to the store, reaches out her hand and drops the mess right into the parking lot. Just ten feet ahead, next to the door is a big, fat garbage can she has to walk right by.
2) I could go on and on, by why bother.
StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago
To think that 200 years ago the US was 99.9% White...what a fucking disgrace. How did this happen?
RaySwore ago
Offline viewable version because I'm bored
New-World-Ebola ago
mexico should be eradicated
eatorganic_gasemetic ago
While nothing would get me harder our cucked government would just take in all the survivors and give them holocaust status
Armpit_and_Ass ago
There it is.
StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago
Everything south of the US border should be eradicated with neutron bombs
New-World-Ebola ago
spare argentina, but fuck everything else bigly.
Phantom42 ago
That is not according to the plan.
The Panama Canal will be reclaimed, and part of Colombia will be set up as a No Man's Land.
All spics north of the Panama Canal will be sent to Containment Zone SA (South America). Cooperation will earn them support in the form of aerial strikes against cartel compounds. Cartel activity in lands north of the Panama Canal will be punished with extreme prejudice. Bullets.
0rion ago
I wish so badly this would happen. I could see us taking all of North America someday, we'd be the most well defended nation (geographically) on Earth. We can focus on our own people and let the rest of the world burn.
Phantom42 ago
Europe and Russia must be taken as well. They are our homelands.
Ours will be a Hemispherical Reich. The North will be dominated.
0rion ago
As it should be! Whites thrive in northern climates, whereas the subhuman races can only survive by way of virtuous whites. It is what separates those who live in the moment from those who plan for their future.
Animals9 ago
Yep OP, you are right on. Having been raised near the southern border I can vouch for what you say.
Have an upgoat.
Catfishbelly ago
I did service at the farmers market on a routine basis the mexicans always had the filthiest bathrooms.
obvious-throwaway- ago
6, if people only knew how true this was.
maaaxheadroom ago
Every spic I know is conservative, helpful, and will give you the shirt off their back.
And OPs post is 100% accurate, spics are loud, filthy, destructive and annoying.
hang_em_high ago
The ones I've worked with have been great to be honest. They don't speak English worth shit though. Maybe because it's the ones with families and jobs.
tallarn ago
Grew up in Arizona. Yup, this is accurate.
You forgot one thing, though OP. SPANISH. That smeared, bastardized Spanish they speak. They use it everywhere. The old ladies can speak English just fine but refuse to. Fucking. Everywhere. And after a while, you just can’t stand the sound of it anymore.
maaaxheadroom ago
My wife is Argentine, not even the same language, they call it castillano down there and it sounds beautiful.
PanteraFan99 ago
Sorry to tell you this bro but in this country if you're any darker than the next white man you're considered a spic, i possess none of the characteristics OP listed however i've made my peace with knowing there are lot's of ignorant white people that have only been exposed to the scum of the worst or the bullshit they are programmed to believe from MSM so they assume we're all alike and that's just the way it is.
acr1120 ago
I live in Southern California and this is pretty accurate. The Hispanics I know and work with are conservative and pretty based to be honest. But they think it's acceptable to just blast fucking salsa music on gigantic speakers in their backyard every Saturday all day long.
But they're not a monolith, there are very different subgroups of Latin Americans. I know a Peruvian guy, great guy, and he hates Mexicans so much, it's hilarious. He points out that it was all the Mexicans who moved in and trash their neighborhoods, don't care for their lawns, ruin shit as they go, etc. I have friends from Chile and Argentina who are basically whites. It's Mexicans and Central Americans who are the worst of the lot. It's a pretty solid formula for grading the worth of Hispanics: The further south you go and the closer to the ocean the person is from, the more civilized they are. Those ones still have European blood and manners.
But even inside the countries there are divides - there are well-to-do white Mexicans who are successful, then the inbred half-indigenous kind of obese ugly Mexicans. Problem is that the former aren't the ones who are emigrating, it's the latter who are swarming us.
maaaxheadroom ago
My wife is Argentine, she’s whiter and more European than me.
tallarn ago
Central Americans are definitely the worst. Plenty of nice whites from South America. And those two groups absolutely do hate each other.
Firevine ago
How do they manage to be so friendly and so annoying at the same time?
Rexyl ago
The way I see it is that we are different species with different natures. And the battle between good and evil is a battle between builders and destroyers. If I don't know you I'm going to assume you're a slave to your nature. If you prove you're a builder than welcome aboard.
AlexanderMorose13 ago
I like to build things. I'm in. Plus, I like other people who build things! Finally, everything makes sense!
SaltyMango ago
i like that. Well put
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
it's like, thanks for being conservative and working hard. But head on back to mexico and make that country great again.
somebody112 ago
It literally can't be great because its full of fucking beaners.
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
still, they should head on back there, that's my main point.
somebody112 ago
0rion ago
It was never great.
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
true, I meant that in a tongue in cheek way
blumen4alles ago
Well now, that was a depressing read.
Fuhrer1488 ago
Thats how i am. I believe if they aint white, they aint right.
Angryelectrician ago
They also rape and molest girls at a substantially higher rate.
BalfourYourFace ago
Yeah but spics rape their own, niggers rape white girls.
redwing14 ago
Niggers want the white race to be half black.
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
imagine believing this
NakatomiBaby ago
You forgot the 19 kids they have.
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StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago
And half the kids are incest-droppings
burnthegoyimhaters ago
Work with a spic that's pretty based. He himself says only 40% of them want to work and are decent people. The other 60% are ruining it for the good ones.
eatorganic_gasemetic ago
Touching anecdote, but they all gotta back. They're all ruining our homeland for US good ones
burnthegoyimhaters ago
Just repeating what came directly from a mexican's mouth. That speaks broken english mind you.
He should go back, I agree, he even has a farm back there he's been building up with his american dollars he makes.
alacrity167 ago
so spics are 60 percent useless. Niggers are 86 percent useless. Whites are probably 15 percent useless. Does this work with IQ and job ability?
burnthegoyimhaters ago
Sounds about right.
Ihateyuppies ago
most are conservative. and they hate niggers as much as anyone else.
PanteraFan99 ago
You got that right, lot's of keyboard muscles being flexed here and im sure they probably smile in your face like the niggerfaggots they are, there's good and bad in every race but some of the bullshit i've read on this post really makes understand why the primates go out and just like to fuckup random white people. Keep stirring the hate pot pussies you're just making things worse. Oh and FYI before anybody starts their "white hate" bulshit the majority of my closest friends are white and hispanic, you faggits are just fucked in the head.
Timur9000 ago
Go back to Reddit trans Mexican pedo taco farter
PanteraFan99 ago
^^^This is what happens when Downs Syndrome inbreeds get internet access^^^
Ihateyuppies ago
Most are just edgelords. Many Hispanics are from white European descent. My family is from Sicily and people here think I'm a blue eyed light brown hair nigger.....I guess.
PanteraFan99 ago
Right on i hear ya. I don't mind the racial jabs its what makes us all different and it toughens you up. This younger generation is a bunch of pussies that start crying if you sneeze in their direction, they would not have made it growing up in our days.
500five ago
The younger gen is dealing with more spics and niggers than you have ever dealt with. You were a majority growing up, the young white gen is now the minority in their own schools and they are hunted daily.
ScottMAGA ago
They might talk that way, but just look at latin america.
glassuser ago
True story. They may talk it, free business and all that, but they consistently vote for leftist control freaks who hate guns, want to tax everything to death, and keep people reliant on government handouts.
Ihateyuppies ago
Ok scottmaga. Lol
ScottMAGA ago
He's not doing well :(
burnthegoyimhaters ago
Precisely, seen some in a biker gang with nazi patches even. Some are definitely on our side.
Fuhrer1488 ago
They might help us with niggers but they arent on our side. Spics may have a soul but they arent civilized. We could never live side by side with them.
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
They're better than niggers, because a spic is someone whose ancestors were people that were the aztecs and mayans and shit that bred with conquistadors, spaniards that were white. They have white DNA, more so than blacks, who have some, I know some white slave owners bred with slaves but not at such a huge rate.
burnthegoyimhaters ago
Agreed, separate the races respectfully. Champion our differences. Go back to what is right in the world. We're going to need leaders of every race to do this.