If USA went to War with Mexico, Bombed shit out of the Cartel, sent Navy to help civilians, AH64 Apache A10 Warthogs to Destroy their milita gangs...would it be one of the few honest wars USA fought? (archive.4plebs.org)
submitted 4.7 years ago by 3902445?
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24530759? 4.7 years ago
Yes. They are complete savages.
24702767? 4.6 years ago
it gets worse, or is there truth to be found? @ngryelectrician @HeyG3orge ? @78616BC93459 ? @maaaxheadroom @Niggertown https://voat.co/v/whatever/3919930/24692709
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24530759? ago
Yes. They are complete savages.
24702767? ago
it gets worse, or is there truth to be found? @ngryelectrician @HeyG3orge ? @78616BC93459 ? @maaaxheadroom @Niggertown https://voat.co/v/whatever/3919930/24692709