Baijiu_destroyer ago

Block that trash on my phone and laptop. Best thing I ever did.

BulletStopper ago

"In the Land of Lies, telling the truth is considered a subversive act, and therefore must never be allowed."

There. FTFY.

dummythicc ago

I fucking refuse to believe that is true. There is just no fucking way they are THAT obvious and getting away with it. I guess the upside is only the most utterly retarded plebbit user can't see through the bias now.

possym ago

I wasn't allowed to post a reply in a thread I started. That was an hour ago and I finally deleted my account. Does coat have any good subs for gardening or permaculture?

binrobinro ago

I know.

They banned me permanently a few days ago.

areyoumygaffer ago

uh huh

don't show niggers being niggers because it's hate speech.

just show white people defending themselves so they can be doxxed and called racists. mhm.

fuck off reddit and take your fuckin retards with you.

Mmhmm ago

Funny, i just went to justiceserved and theres a whole bunch of videos about "POC" on the front page...

squishysquid ago

wonder what'd happen if you made some (((white))) aggressor posts.

Literally-Oppressed ago

"well there goes 53% of your content." HAHAHA

Literally-Oppressed ago

What the fuck lmao How do you live without an ability for critical thought?

Catfishbelly ago

The cover story is that it is obviously satire

9000timesempty ago

........ Can it get anymore blatant?

Evileddie13 ago

No its not. It's a preview of all social medIa.

veteran88 ago

How to provoke a race war 101.

This is right out of the protocols of Zion.

CrudOMatic ago

Reddit just got $150 Million from Tencent. Afterward, it bans a shit ton of subs and literally bans any and all content that shows non-whites in any sort of negative light - while encouraging the posting of anti-white propaganda. The chinks are trying to start a race war between whites and everyone else.

Scyber ago

And it'll come back to bite them in ass because 95% of Reddit's staff is white.

invisiblephrend ago

more like 95% race traitors

Thoutzan ago

Nothing cant be healed by Soro money

Banned4Truth ago

What's a POC?

Dr-Mx ago

people of colour I assume?

Banned4Truth ago

Makes sense. There's a new acronym everyday.


Oh so they're shutting down the sub?

thebearfromstartrack ago

This HAS to be fake news. However cudos for spelling dukey correctly.

petevoat ago

Technically black or white are not colors but shades. Still...

metricisokay ago

This was real?

I... think I need a minute. I'm going to go outside.

M80TheMan ago

It just keeps getting gayer.

Jujubean ago

It's obvious that The Donald people where coming over here. Any critique of Trump gets buried here in downvotes even when it is merited.

kosmonaut5 ago

Reddit. It’s for black people.

Wedhro ago

That's quite a convoluted way to say "we only want to show white people as aggressors because reasons".

armday2day ago

What if it's a yid assaulting a kike?

RickJocko ago

I read POC as Pieces of Crap.

binrobinro ago

Funny how that works.

Smallest_Skil ago

that cant be real hahaha the 'important minority' is only important to crime stats. Fuck reddit.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

I've been going through Facebook marketplace and looking through sellers profiles and if they support BLM faggotry, I ask on their post if they offer a poc discount. Their responses are funny.

Literally-Oppressed ago

You're my kind of people

CrudOMatic ago


tankingwrong ago

Man, that might be worth pushing if you can also make it worth your while to hire a black guy to go pick the stuff up and drop it off at a storage facility.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

hire a black guy to go pick the stuff up

sounds like a great way to get all your shit stolen

tankingwrong ago

You would have to have an empty storage unit to start with, yeah, and regular pick ups in between his runs.

I wish drop off, pick up storage lockers were more of a thing, but apparently not in a post-9/11 world.

Iamthelightning ago

please share, sounds entertaining

truth2025 ago

No leash required here, rabbi!

battleaxe253 ago

Imagine being such a pathetic and insecure person that you decide to be a power mod on Reddit to try to silence people over shit like this. I'm sure that the reason why they do it is along the lines of "muh 400 years" and nothing else.

psilocyb ago

Lol what a bunch of cucks

suterusu ago

Oy vey am I detecting ray cyzims in your reporting of the truth goyim?!

POC are never the aggressors don't you know? Only white people are capable of such things and of course as you know (((we))) aren't white people even though the color matches because then we would lose our special protections from the persecutions we want you to go through.

AfricanZionSafari ago

They do not need any kind of "zombie virus" to give us a zombie apocalypse, they get a zombie apocalypse from the social media virus. Imagine that you really, actually thought all this censorship was a good thing? For all intents and purposes you could call them "The Walking Dead."

puppy528 ago

Wasn't that the exact social commentary that the original "Night of the Living Dead" was trying to make, back in the day?

kammmmak ago

"justiceserved". No. "censorshipserved"

kammmmak ago

What's POC?

yuzernaym ago

People On Crack

Imthecure ago

Pickers of cotton.

dukey ago

Person of color

Jaegerjaques ago

Good time to promote Voat to disillusioned Redditors who are ripe for the redpills.

Gabriela4ex ago

I mean... what else

HighEnergyLife ago

Like I've said, close registration to voat. If you are still on reddit, you're completely ideologically captured and retarded.

Jock_Sniffer ago

I can't believe I actually thought about regging on Reddit at one time. What deterred me was that ridiculous format change they made in which you could no longer set it to load only thumbnails initially. So you had to sit there and wait while it went ka-chunk ka-chunk ka-chunk, slowly loading each and every card image.

Reddit is unfriendly towards users who prefer text over video and pictures.

sjwtasi ago

old. version still works?

dukey ago

Yeah I agree. On desktop the new version is absolute dog shit. On mobile it's okay.

Jock_Sniffer ago

I don't mind them catering to mobile users, but don't leave desktop users behind. Give people the option to choose between mobile and desktop display at the outset. Inclusivity should mean "in addition to", not "instead of".

fritz_maurentod ago

They are self-selecting. It can turn out to be a good thing when the day comes. A centralized database of cucks and other undesirables.

facepaint ago

It should have died a long time ago. It has been a walking corpse for a while.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#120275) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@facepaint: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

New-World-Ebola ago

cuckold faggots

LargePeter ago

That eliminates about 95% of situations.

Floppyhorsecock ago

This place is also an echo chamber but at least it isn't censored

Literally-Oppressed ago

Shut up niggerfaggot

Floppyhorsecock ago

Do you wanna see it

Literally-Oppressed ago

Is it a horse cock?

Floppyhorsecock ago

Yes it is! It is a big ole flopper.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Hell yeah, bro. Good for you. Hope you find yourself a beautiful mare lmao

Floppyhorsecock ago


Computergeek01 ago

I've always found this observation of Voat to be short sighted. Is this an echo chamber due to the lack of censorship? Or is Voat proof that the left's narrative cannot survive without abuse of censorship constantly controlling the narrative? Is something approaching right of center the natural order of things once you remove the constant propaganda, Mind-Shock and bombardment of porn? NAB gives you true anonymity and I feel like their narrative trends closer to ours then Reddits. But is that just the edge lord fags lashing out because Mommy took away their XBox and all they have to play with is their phone? These are the questions that bother me. What does the actual Zeitgeist of our country look like right now?

Yamau ago

My experience as a libertarian on this site is that i mostly get an overwhelmingly negative response (together with a hefty chunk of downvotes) whenever i try to voice my more... lets just say unconventional (relative to the glorious voat hivemind) opinions. As a result, i keep them mostly to myself, even though arguably sometimes i am in a mood for some good argument.

Its the voting system that does this - idgf about negative comments but i dont want the consequences of negative karma. Pretty much everybody browses ordering by most upvoted, and since everybody seems to use the arrows as an agree/disagree button, a hivemind is born. I mean at least ive never had anything deleted so it still is orders of magnitude better than any other reasonably popular community that i know of, but its still shit.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Go into great awakening and say you dont believe in jesus. Report back.

Bobtheviolent ago

By the fact it isn't censored makes the echo chamber less powerful. Ther are quite a few on here who don't have the same opinions as the majority.

TheSeer ago

If you are ever interested in farming some downvotes, discuss the Haavara Agreement or the Apollo hoax.

Floppyhorsecock ago

True, but if you dont toe the ultra crazy line you get a lot of down voats.

Lucky for me I am ultra crazy.

Dalai_Llama ago

The down voting is the only censorship left. Lucky for me I wasn't retarded enough to keep using reddit 5 years ago and I got enough upvotes to say what I want without caring about downvotes.

Unfortunately I'm still too retarded to rely on voat as my open forum instead of finding a way to blaze my own path.

voatre ago

You can just make a new account, post an orange man bad comment and have enough upvotes for years of trolling

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Since when is anyone doing this for points?

Floppyhorsecock ago

Speaking of points, you missed this one.

Neskuaxa ago

if you're here for fake internet points you should go back to reddit.

kammmmak ago

Good one kike

Blood-is-Nature ago

towards an "important" minority group

More important than the minority group (((it))) claims to protect?

stoicmanchild ago

notice they are saying "POC" instead of "minority"... because whites will soon be minority.

Cultural Marxism at work....

Cunty84 ago

Whites are already a minority.

10-38-57-69 ago

Without letting chimp out videos on their subreddit, there'd be no content

majb ago

Without displaying the chimps and their data the black crime rate will be zero according to reddit.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/RaceWars comment.

Posted automatically (#120259) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Blood-is-Nature: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

Literally-Oppressed ago

Tried to leave a baste comment and I get: "you cannot reply to a user you have blocked". I've never blocked anything on Reddit and I was simply trying to comment on the post. Fuck Reddit in its cum-infested mouth.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Actively painting a false world where only white people are bad. They’ve been quietly doing it for awhile, now they are explicitly admitting it and acting as though it’s perfectly fine.

It's getting so obvious now, even redditors realize what's happening.

Chad88 ago

/r/JusticeServed mods are trolls, this isn't the first time. As you can see by the sub's current content, the post wasn't serious.

Ifckstacy ago

This was an 'Agree & Amplify' troll, the JusticeServed mods been doing it since the creator of the sub, who was a white nationalist, got banned about a year ago. Looks like this latest troll attracted a bit to much attention (rt even covered it) and got the top 3 mods suspended.

areyoumygaffer ago

ruqqus is dead before it's gotten alive.

LOL at all the "censored in 1 seconds" and shit.

Go read up the hairy shit mangina page from the tranny. it's a great read, it'll make you sick.

Splooge ago

I only skimmed the site, but based on everything everyone here’s saying, sounds like it’s not worth sinking any more time into.

areyoumygaffer ago

for what it's worth, it's the opinions of niggerfaggots and likely, reddit fags. I think /u/nosferatjew was banned in just a day or two and had posted here about it. I looked over the site for about a half hour, I think it will end up being a slightly less faggot friendly reddit. I think most of the transplant reddit fags will not really 'get' the idea here.

where's the voat-reddit-boat image that comes up so often? that one is appropriate.

Tallest_Skil ago

Ruqqus is leftist garbage. Bans thrown out left and right. When a user blocks you, YOU CAN’T EVEN REPLY TO HIS POSTS.

Ifckstacy ago

This was an 'Agree & Amplify' troll, the JusticeServed mods been doing it since the creator of the sub, who was a white nationalist, got banned about a year ago. Looks like this latest troll attracted a bit too much attention and the top 3 mods got suspended.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Banned for thinking in public

Jaegerjaques ago

What's with the 10 different variants of reddit gold? Reddit is like a parody of its former self. Anyway the comments are pretty good.